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How To Make A Coke Bottle Water Pipe, Beer, and a Toke Stone


Oct 21, 2023
Materials Needed: 1 Coke Bottle (2 litre variety)
2 Bottle Caps
2 Bic Pens
1 Glass Tube (This Can Be picked up at either
Capital Iron or any scientific
1 Screen (please refer to the text file
"SCREENS.TXT" for more info on how
to make your own homemade screens)
A Glue-Gun, or Electrical Tape.


1. Take the Coke Bottle. Punch a hole about an inch down from
the bottom of the neck of the bottle. Do the same to the
exact opposite side of the bottle.

2. Take a bottle cap and knock a hole in the centre of it. The
glass tube should have a snug fit.

3. Take the other bottle cap and put a slightly larger hole in
it. The hole should be big enough to fit a screen in it.

4. Take both bottle caps and interlock the little metal flaps
(otherwise known as the safety tester). Tape the connection
to seal it up.

5. Now take the screen and cup it around the end of one of the
pens. Insert it into the cap described in step 3.

6. Take a pen, and insert it in the other tube.

7. Tape, or seal both tubes together.

8. In one of the holes, insert the other bic pen and seal the
connection on the bottle.

9. Fill the bottle 3/4 of the way up with water or whatever
fluid works best.

A. Stick your cap contraption in the neck of the bottle and
seal this connection.

Fig 1.1

\_/ _____ : : <- bowl chamber ----- : : <- smoke chamber ----- mouth-piece -> \ : : : <- glass, or metal tube \ \ : : : : \ \ / : : \ \ \ : : <- Carb / \ : : \ / - \ : : : <- bic pen (or you could use 1 : : : : longer tube) water-level -> :^^^^^^:^:^^^^^^: : :_: : :_______________:


This project should work just like a water pipe should work. When
adding fluid, try using either a single malt scotch, or for those
who can't afford such things (I know the feeling), a red wine
does the trick. If you need any more questions, please E-Mail me
on the above mentioned system. Maybe if I ever did get the energy
I would put up a drug-related system, but THC does fine!

When using the pipe..

What-ever you do.. Don't blow into the mouth-piece! This
will obviously flood the bowl, and waste any smoke you had in
there.. Cover the carb with a finger, and smoke your bowl,
flooding the chamber, then un-cover the carb, and toke the smoke
trapped in the bottle. Emptying the bowl when your done? Well, I
guess ya gotta figure out that one for yourself.
Once again, from sheer fluke, I have another project for you to try
out and enjoy. One thing I should mention is that I was only told
how to make one of these. I haven't made one. If you decide to
create one, please leave me some EMail on the above BBS.

Materials: 1 rounded stone (thick enough for a big enough hole)
A shitload of patience

Basically, your stone should be thick enough for a large hole on
one side, and a small hole on the other. The hole should be small
enough to accomidate an average size joint.

Drill a small hole in one end of the stone, and for the other end
make the hole less then twice the size of the first hole. The big
hole is used for inhilation purposes (I've mentioned what the small
hole is for already).

------------------ / \ ---------| / ^ joint | \ \ / -------------------

This little helper was originally developed in Mexico, and up until
a few weeks ago, I had only heard of one, but never used it. What I
can say about it is you get a great draw from the joint. Friends of
mine have used oak, teak, and I even saw one made out of clay. The
possibilities are endless!!!!!

- The Griffin
This recipe is designed to make 35-40 pints of Herb Beer.

4 lbs glucose
2 teaspoons yeast
3 ½ lbs malt extract
4 oz hops / 2oz flowertops or 2oz hops / 8 oz bottom leaves


Take two large saucepans (8 pints). Put 5 pints of water in each and place them on the stove to boil. While the water is heating up there are two things to do. Wrap the hops loosely in a piece of muslin, and start the yeast fermenting. This is done by mixing the yeast and a small amount of ginger (2-3 teaspoons) in 4 pints of luke warm water (70–90 degrees Fahrenheit). Set this yeast aside until later. In one pan put the glucose to dissolve. After it has dissolved put in the bag containing the hops and herbs. Tip the malt extract into the other pan of boiling water, and simmer both pans for 40 minutes. Take the bag containing the hops and herbs out of the pan and put it into a basin of cold water.

Pour the contents of both pans into a large bucket (5-6 gallons, white or black plastic—not yellow or red). Squeeze the muslin bag into the bucket. Add enough cold water to make the temperature in the bucket fall to about 80 degrees Fahrenheit, (this usually brings the total volume in the bucket up to 40 pints). Finally add the yeast. Set the bucket aside somewhere warm to ferment it. At 70 degrees Fahrenheit it will take about 610 days. You can lag the bucket with blankets or a quilt to keep it warm; The yeast generates its own heat.

The beer is ready for bottling when the surface clears of bubbles only little patches of bubbles remaining about 2 cm in diameter). Clean and sterilize the bottles. Put 2 teaspoons of sugar in each bottle and fill with beer to the base of the neck. This sugar is fermented by residual yeast to produce carbon dioxide (under pressure) which makes the beer fizzy and stops it going bad.Leave it to settle for two weeks, then drink up!