NASADD social v. My moneh big so it's HoL and Skillz and The Rock Monster's birthday

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@HoL hey man know the near fatal car accident i had in jan 06 was me driving 70mph into the back of a stopped 18 wheeler-totally sober,just texting on interstate in a work zone...if that 18 wheeler ddnt kill me,you better believe i am gonna keep on truckin!!!
how are you doing on the relationship front? haven't talked to you since then...oh a,d per your request for input even though i don't like dick...just to clarify,I LOVE COCK-just when it's strapped onto a hot wet pussy w/ great tits above and a sexy fucking feminine face to boot. =D
seriously-big misconception about gay women. we are some fisting fuckers! and we watch gay porn(men on men) bc lesbian porn is bullshit-unless you get some good foreign fetish porn w/ some electro music instead of a "script". lol

remember-sex goes both ways...until she knows herself-and i was promiscuous to say the least in my 20s(no STDs tho-i played hard but safe)masturbate like i breathe and i still didn't really know my body until i hit my peak in my 30s-plus my g/f of 3 yrs has the mojo so that i got to know what's going down.
role play-pick each other up in bars like strangers,sex in a unisex bathroom,all kinds of shit helps the healthiest of sex lives...but,you know me-i have to say it,this is the same chick that has been mind fucking you for over 10 months isn't you bro-it's her. and i can say that bc i am a bitch and i know a bitch when i hear stories of one. if she is just gonna say,you're,me,me...the ask her"what are you gonna bring to the table,bitch?" i feel for you guys bc when a girl knows she has you she will fuck your mind,break your heart and do it all over again.
i just think you would be happier-HEALTHIER w/o the stress of a relationship. trust me-i know bitches. don't take that wrong-just sayin'-my straight g/f's pull shit like you've been tellin us for a long time. see how bad she wants you when you say-i'm gettn clean for me and i deserve better than you.
this is gospel,as soon as you show you are not under her control-she will change her tune-but don't let her.
YOU need to be loved and nothing you've shared w/ us here tells me that she is giving back. she is just taking. i know where you are,man. i've had women i adored be the same way-and it hurts,but you find that walking away spares you,strengthens you,and you will find a REAL compatible partner...and youalready know it won't happen over night.
HoL deserves a woman,not a game player of a girl. i just think you deserve better-you should too. just my opinion,baby...remember,i know the female mind-i have one and i have dated many. and u might not like what i have to say but i will never sugar coat it.

if this is too far back and shit has changed,i'll edit this fucker out so ur not reminded-im tryin to catch up and be in the present so i may have missed something.
i know i love your guts,and you have a friend in me-always!!!
MUCH peace and love...........................skillz <3
what's going on w/ you guys. i haven't had time to back track and read what i've missed so i am cheating-
some1 get me up to speed
much peace and love............................skillz <3

i don't recall you replying to my "hey skillz" 5 pages back, but thats about it.

Skipped classes today for the first time this semester. I think thats a record for longest period of time consecutively going to class.

Anyone watch Sons of Anarchy?
awww...chainer,i feel like shit now :( i've been gone for a week-sick...i never forget you,trust me i have lots o replies to reply to =D keep going back to NMI and working on the new adoption program. HoL caught me at a lull-i actually refreshed this social-not NMI's social or i wldnt have seen his reply to my 1st post here in a week.
does that make sense??? my weed guy up and fucked me and is gone and i've been dry as a dessert for a long time now--no excuse,just not myself when Maryjane is away either. you know i love your guts!!! still love me???
im here.

doing just fine.
i've only asked about you constantly!!! don't go MIA. i've been sick this past week and not online at all-but at least my crew an senior staff knew in case someone asked.I love your guts too much for something to happen to you.
wutcha been up to,mayne?
=D <3 =D
skillz i was just playin! nbd of course. If you need bud, you only need call me. Theres some constantly on fire here.

Glad to hear about your activity and it sounds like you're doing well, which is the shit :)
Blast from the past. Came to check out someones shrine thread and thought id say hello.
If you knew how to read, you could read what you quoted and get the answer to your question.

Well, I don't know how to read.
and I can't believe you would post here rather than reply to my text message.


you know thats asking too much.

feed us baby birds, momma bird

no, she does not have nor want any children.

thta is all.
KC! where the fuck have you been? I deleted my FB and I haven't seen you on AIM anymore, so I have no way of contacting you. How are you woman? Hit me up on here sometime or come back around on AIM once in a while. You get a new screenname or something? Miss hearing from you a little. Good to see you around. Don't be a stranger.
KC-awesome to see you around!!!...not the same without you-and you know that is true. =D I hope this finds you well and you drop by more often. you have ppl who love you who just barely got to know you(*clears throat* *replies ME* ;) ) when you dropped off the radar. but you do what you gotta do,girl. just remember you are loved and missed by many. still here for you if you ever need to talk.

much peace and love....................................skillz <3
"Mr. telephone man"....anyone remember that early 80s gem of a song???? ;)

skillz i was just playin! nbd of course. If you need bud, you only need call me. Theres some constantly on fire here.

Glad to hear about your activity and it sounds like you're doing well, which is the shit :)

double post...u guys can handle it.

Chainer,i know your crazy ass is playing and when we finally get to meet irl you can shower me in nugs...if only weed phones were real.
thanks for the encouragement,too. it means more than you know. i'll get back to being in touch soon-i'm just getting my mod ebb and flow established,now i am ready to get back in touch w/ my peeps that i've been neglecting.(the rest of you know who you are!)
i'll be back around social later. love your guts-and that goes for the lot of you!
peace and love............skillz <3
Skillz, long time.

I'm living back at my parents after a bout in detox and another few general psych wards.

Good to be home.
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