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Shadow People: Stories + Theories

Have seen shadow peeps on high doses of Ketamine...they don't seem to be as aggressive, more like just walking around.
I had a major speed binge before my gcse exam and was in the school hall seeing them coming out of the corners of the ceilings. Was fucked up. Still managed to pass though somehow.
If you have done psychs before and hallucinating weeeiird shit doesnt seem to bother you, then shadow people might not frighten you to death. But I can still definitely say no matter how comfortable I am hallucinating sleep depreivation adds a something a little extra and it still bugs me out. Half the time im like "Im only seeing shit cos im sleep deprived". Then I see a shadow move and that thought goes to the back of my head and then its "Oh shit who the fuck is watching me".8o

Am I the only one that kinda likes getting sleep deprived on a big weekend of amps? Like if the option of sleep is there I just power through to get to that 3rd day where shit gets weird. I dunno, it fascinates me and keeps me on my toes:\
If you have done psychs before and hallucinating weeeiird shit doesnt seem to bother you, then shadow people might not frighten you to death. But I can still definitely say no matter how comfortable I am hallucinating sleep depreivation adds a something a little extra and it still bugs me out. Half the time im like "Im only seeing shit cos im sleep deprived". Then I see a shadow move and that thought goes to the back of my head and then its "Oh shit who the fuck is watching me".

Exactly, if it were just hallucinations of people accompanied by euphoric bliss and a sense of well being the shit would be enjoyable. But that's not what happens, (to me). Hearing voices and being paranoid in my own home isn't exactly a my idea of a good time. Definately not fun types of hallucinations. Fear=not fun...

Wikipedia's definition:

Paranoia is a thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion.
My most vivid person was when I was in the car (not driving) coming down of a drug I dont remember and high as shit on weed. Out of the corner of my eye I see a guy in a tuxedo and a small top hat walking in the middle of the freeway.... going 60. He was only there for like a second and when I go to look at him he was gone....
fucking Illuminati man
Wow, this thread is making me remember all those crazy times I saw those fuckers. They are always in the shadows too. What gives? Can't they just be in the light sdo I know they are real? Can't they just be cool and not scare the shit out of me?
I've seen them after a few days on mephedrone. First time I was just lying there watching TV then saw an outline of a man popping out from behind the TV. To me they look like heatwaves in the form of a figure. I live in an old house so just though it was a spirit. Shit me up at first then got used to it afetr a while by telling myself they're harmless. After a while I had loads of them walking around my house, I could even feel them, was like your hairs standing on end when they walk up to you. Crazy stuff, you only get freaked out when you start to comedown. I was looking down my garden and could see them running round my garden, thought they were stealing stuff from my shed lol. The really strange thing was that my dog could see them as well and would make strange noises and look where I was looking and get freaked out. Really fucked up.
I got another symptom where I was walking up the stairs at night and each step would light up as I walked on it. There were these spinning lights right in front of me trying to communicate it seemed. Was cool at the time when I was buzzing but the comedown was hell.
Also had another wierd thing happen where I was lying in bed and held my arm out and it seemed to be getting pulled and moved around by something. Was like the Ouija board thing you get. Very stange indeed.
I also got the bug thing where you see things crawling on your skin. I sort of rationalised it at the time by saying the resident spirit was playing tricks on me. Couldn't see of feel them in the light but when they were covered by clothes or a duvet then they'd appear.
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The sky was full of millions of bats. Possibly miles away. They assumed random shapes. Synchronized.

The road had strange animals crawling into it, in front of my moving vehicle. On either side, people were walking, but they were not there.

When I got home, people appeared in front of me. People with faces. They stepped out from the darkness and would immediately dispense and fall back into the abyss. A man learned into my doorway and kept getting closer and closer to my face until he finally vanished. The whole night, a shape was standing there in the entryway- staring at me.

But somehow I wasn't the least bit frightened!
I call them the shadow-men. My first experience was about 36 hours after a really stupid binge on some dudes barn cooked annie. It was white and was amphetamine not meth. I noticed out of the corner of my eye a shadow sitting at my kitchen table looking at me. He disappeared every time I tried to look at him directly. At the time I saw it as a demonic/negative sign. I wasn't scared of him, he was simply there observing. It felt like he was like "you're my possession now".

I was feeling really horrible at the time, i always start to feel toxic about 8 hours after a speed binge. My speed binges usually were doing a teenth in about a 4 hours. At first all I have to do is eat a little to get high again, and I just continually feel worse and worse. Its impossible for me to sleep for about 3 days after my 4 hour binge and thats with no redosing. Its a terrible strung out feeling, its why I hate speed aside from using mini amounts to simply fight fatigue. Binging on it is no fun for me. I saw them maybe 3 or 4 times on speed.

I used to be a severe alcoholic, perhaps it was a slow form of suicide. I would drink a halfgallon of rum a day with a few beers. Each day I would do this my hangover/toxicity/body death would compound. Id have to quit after about 5 days because it felt so indescribably horrible. When I would close my eyes and rest my head there would be pressure on my eyes from my arm and I could see into a shadow world. My point of view was through the tv mounted on the wall of a shadow bar. There were about 5 people in the bar, and 3 of them standing close to the tv shouting at it but I couldnt hear any sound. It was like they were trapped in there and were pissed at me for trapping them. I saw this maybe 3 times.

I hope this helps. Terrible memories...
this shit is the worse. It gets alll ate up.

I remember one night I even had to ask people around me several times if they were fucking with me. Out of nowhere came a feeling that I was being on camera by someone, watched. I ran to my car as I was not home. I fucking drove. I got home. I heard people yelling my name. I heard people at my window. I sat in a corner for hours knowing not until I locked myself in my Room for those hours it was my being awake so long. It is very realistic. There are other times but thats off my head. It can get reallllllyyyyyy terrifying almost as one would call a Really bad trip, but its was more mind fuck than a bad trip imho. Ever happens, stop what your doc is pronto. It only gets Worse and one thing that would just suck is being spun and sent to a ward. You will feel crazy if it does happen just remember its NOT real. Put headphones on close your eyes, and just TRY to remember its nootttt real. Sounds stupid, but its sooo true.
Don't forget of the shadow side of the psyche

In Jungian psychology, the shadow or "shadow aspect" is a part of the unconscious mind consisting of repressed weaknesses, shortcomings, and instincts. It is one of the three most recognizable archetypes, the others being the anima and animus and the persona. "Everyone carries a shadow," Jung wrote, "and the less it is embodied in the individual's conscious life, the blacker and denser it is."[1] It may be (in part) one's link to more primitive animal instincts,[2] which are superseded during early childhood by the conscious mind.
I always see them when on alot of ketamine.... Go outside, to find zulu warrior-lookin' fuckers with spears looking at ya. I look at my friend (heavily tattooed arms) and he sprouts wings, satan style... Joker makeup, the lot. Fucking weird, but on ketamine I know it's not real...
Hell, I can see one out of the corner of my eye right this second. Just hit hour 56 without sleep due to amphetamine base paste. Staying awake until a sensible hour that will be conducive to sleep, and right now, this ain't it.
Hell, I can see one out of the corner of my eye right this second. Just hit hour 56 without sleep due to amphetamine base paste. Staying awake until a sensible hour that will be conducive to sleep, and right now, this ain't it.

Amphetamine base paste...? Do inform me.
Quite a bit stronger and more pure than Amphetamine Sulphate, which is just your regular street speed, normally powder that's cut to bits. Base tends to be quite a considerable amount stronger (and as such can leave painful burns on the tongue if youi're not parachuting or dissolving it. It has a consistensy akin to window glazers putty. It's gooood. =D
Hahah, I remember telling my friends "Look..The shadow people are back. And they're dancing all over the walls"

I didn't know this was a common term!
Yup, and not just common within the confines of your country. Although, I think the symptoms of my sleep deprivation are increasing. Shadows are now purple, and my couches are breathing, lol.