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Gabapentinoids Gabapentin Megathread

yes I did try the lyrica but is only a little better and is bigtime expensive,lyrica seems to last a bit longer but not worth the price,I overheard a lady bitchin at the pharmacy about how insurance companies won't cover lyrica,don't know how true it is as I have no insurance so everythings sky high for me:\

hahaha just got a lyrica script.. finally after 5 psych appointments, i go to a GP and was just like i want some lmfao....GPs are the shitt!!

anyways that sucks, lyrica has a higher bioavailability and is more potent than gabapentin. i've tried gabapentin, and the only time i got really good effects was by taking 100mgs every hour untill i reach 700mgs, in addition to 1mg of klonopin and 1 beer and a couple bowls of high quality MJ, and it was amazing...complete apathy, improved talk-a-tiveness, increases sociability, and i had this trippy CEVS of vegetation, like i was bird flying over fields of bushes and shrubs and forests and treees lmfao
^ The only thing I ever see is gigantic megalithic structures trying to collapse on me as I fly 9,000,000 MPH through space.
astounding! teenage boys will try to abuse anything in the medicine cabinet! neurontin of all things-hillarious///
^ Dude, your post is QUITE misinformed. Take 10 grams of gabapentin and see what you thinnk after that.
astounding! teenage boys will try to abuse anything in the medicine cabinet! neurontin of all things-hillarious///

don't hate it until you try it...it's great at potentiating alcohol and benzos, but lyrica is better for potentiating opiates imo
I actually just googled baclofen + gabapentin hallucinations and found myself here. I'm presribed 100mg 3 times a day but I do sometimes take more at night along with my zolpidem. If I close my eyes and then open them again, I absolutely hallucinate and walking in dark rooms enhances those hallucinations. As I sit here reading this, the words are going in and out. I don't plan on continuing this practice as I can see it becoming a bit too necessary to help with the sleeping pill kick in. It's fun though and I will probably do it a few more times. I am hopefully getting surgery in late May-Early June. No more gabapentin for me unless the surgery doesn't fix it.

HA. Just as I finished tying that last sentence, I saw a cute little duck on my screen for about 10 seconds.
Alright, enough rambling from me for now.
Gabapentin can give a very noticeable buzz. I'm prescribed about 9 x 300mg per day, it basically does nothing. I don't take it every day, only on occasion. Today I took 12,000mg (like 40 x 300mg). I'm not exaggerating. I don't see anyone on this board taking this big of a dose. However, I'm 230lbs, and my system can handle a large amount. Be very careful if you are taking that much. Little by little. I started with 7200, then worked my way up to 12000 over a period of 2-3 hours. I'm actually coming down from it right now and it's not too bad. I wouldn't recommend doing this all the time, of course. If you choose to take a high dose like I did, do it little by little and you will find your limit. Careful is the key word. It's very nice, makes you relax, makes you happy, a mild bit of euphoria.

I also saw some thread about someone asking about snorting gabapentin. I would say don't do it. I haven't tried it, but the pills are weak, individually. You would have to snort a mountain of it and that's too much substance. It can't possibly be better, even if it is water soluble, still not a good idea. Also it's not a benzo...
^ When I used to get high on gabapentin, I would dose anywhere from 12,000mg - 19,200mg. Not dicksizing, just saying it depends on the person. I've been on it for about 7 years now, and I take it responsibly now, but there was a time that I LOVED getting high on the shit. I take 3,600mg per day now, and it works wonders the way it's supposed to. Also, I wouldn't snort it simply because gabapentin is one of the most vile, disgusting chemicals on the face of this earth. I tried to snort it and threw up in my mouth instantly.
Gabapentin with coke (or any soda I think) is very effective and it comes on faster. As you probably now, normally it takes a long time (even 1-2 hours) to feel it but with coke you can speed it up.

I do end up taking high doses of gabapentin (up to 10g) whenever I reduce my opiate usage (fentanyl patch going from 50->12.5 though I'm going to be prescribed it for several years due to my condition).

To be honest, my plan is to completely go off the fentanyl and when I get a refill each month I'm just going to extract the fentanyl out and use it intranasally and then stop for 20-25 days and then doing it again. I'm almost done with using the patch but the idea of getting a refill every month has an addictive appeal to me. Who knows, I may just tell the doc I don't need any more scripts and I think I can walk away from it but it's hard to say. I don't do anything else (not even drink) so I think the once a month opiate abuse at low doses might be okay. Something to think about.

In my struggles to find good medicines to combat opiate wd's I've found gabapentin to be a godsend for relief from both acute wd and paws,

Anyone thats used gabapentin knows how extremely fast tolerance to it builds up and is a strange drug in that the more you take the less there will actually be in your system for your body to use,

to combat this one needs to stagger dose about 45 minuets apart from each other and always eat a little bit before each dose.

I've always wondered just how bad (or not) daily gabapentin use is on the internals,

When I have a bottle I will take a minimum of 10,000 mg per day,sometimes 15,000 mg

while gabapentin and it's sister drug pregabalin may not get you completely out of withdrawal forest it certainly tames the bitch down to where you can function and sleep and oddly enough keep ones spirits up if paws is getting to you.

the downsides are the high price of these meds,I'm lucky that I only have to pay around NO PRICES for 90 600mg pills of gaba,but if you don't have insurance or similar this stuff is outragously expensive even for the generic(rite aid charges NO PRICES for the same bottle I pay NO PRICES for).

I've always wondered how bad these extremley high doses of gabapentin are?
it will definatley cause weight gain big time(and you thought pot was bad for the munchies)gaba's got to be 10 times worse than weed ever was.

anyone using gaba at these doses?,dos it help you?do you think it's bad on the body?:\
came across this thread while researching neurontin withdrawal.

it is NOT FUN AT ALL. worse than klonopin withdrawal in my experience in that my mood is completely kooky...it's not just a physical withdrawal. high irritability and a feeling of wanting to stab anyone who makes even the littlest noise.

think of a hangover but without the i-had-fun-the-night-before-so-its-worth-it feeling.

i was on it since 2009 at 900 mg/day and am completely off of it now for 3 weeks and still feeling withdrawal.

i can't understand taking it for a high either. the high i felt from it occurred and stopped 3 days after i started taking it regularly.

for gods sakes, smoke pot or something. this drug sucks.

plus it makes you gain weight, i went from 125 to 150 on it and then when i quit taking it lost those 25 lbs and 5 more. so i guess is some really stupid way you could lose weight from withdrawing from it.

the only upside to it imo is that its cheap as chips
Gabapentin just made my life so much easier coming off of fentanyl after about a year on the patches at 50mcg/hr. I tapered down to about 12.5mcg/hr and then jumped off. I did this Friday midnight and it's now nearing 72 hours and I don't feel much though yesterday was the hardest and I got my gabapentin refill this morning and took 8g (that's 8000mg) and went to sleep for about 6 hours (also with tizanidine---this stuff knocks me out all the time) and feel absolutely great to be frank, surprisingly great. I attribute this to gabapentin! Until I had gabapentin, I was feeling mild WD but it was intense enough to be bothersome but once the gabapentin high was restored, the WD went away.

The high is extremely prone to tolerance, so just on Fri and Sat gapabentin had lost all its effectiveness for me but I was without it for about 40 hours and then took a megadose and it worked.

I will write more about my experience in the withdrawal thread in a few minutes (search for bluedom).

came across this thread while researching neurontin withdrawal.

it is NOT FUN AT ALL. worse than klonopin withdrawal in my experience in that my mood is completely kooky...it's not just a physical withdrawal. high irritability and a feeling of wanting to stab anyone who makes even the littlest noise.

think of a hangover but without the i-had-fun-the-night-before-so-its-worth-it feeling.

i was on it since 2009 at 900 mg/day and am completely off of it now for 3 weeks and still feeling withdrawal.

i can't understand taking it for a high either. the high i felt from it occurred and stopped 3 days after i started taking it regularly.

for gods sakes, smoke pot or something. this drug sucks.

plus it makes you gain weight, i went from 125 to 150 on it and then when i quit taking it lost those 25 lbs and 5 more. so i guess is some really stupid way you could lose weight from withdrawing from it.

the only upside to it imo is that its cheap as chips
Just updating. I'm now off fentanyl for two weeks. But I've really not felt much WD (except day 2) since I moderated it using loperamide and gabapentin. Gabapentin was great for week 1, but then I had to take 10-15g just to feel something. Then I switched to loperamide (doses of 60mg, 120mg, 170mg which was too much, and then 30-40mg every few hours kept post acute WD at bay).

After being off gabapentin for a week, I took 3g of gabaneptin and I feel fantastic. This is really happiness in a pil I think. And watching the entire Matrix series on it (currently on the Animatrix) is fantastic.

I will stay on gabapentin for a week and then go back to the fentanyl for a few days and then switch back to gabapentin. This is my plan for the summer. (That and saving the world. :)
And then combining gabapentin with medical THC seems to work really well. A really nice subtle trip and then in terms of pain (damage to spine and vertebrae which is self healing for which I am prescribed 50mcg/hr of fentanyl which I am off of), it is better than opiates I feel. With opiates, even though the pain is gone, I still feel stiff and I am reluctant to bend my back. But with this combo, or perhaps just mainly the medical THC, not only is my pain gone but also I seem to have much smoother movements with my back and I move normally. Has any experienced this? Opiates vs. THC for pain? I need to search that...
I'm sure this has been posted in here, and I'm looking through the thread to find the answer, but if someone could answer me before I find that it would be helpful.

I'm prescribed benzos, however, they usually disappear quite fast, and until my next script I have a very limited supply of which I can only take a few near the end of my month. I never get withdrawals, so that's not a problem. However, I was able to early this morning take several benzos to help with the comedown (or force a comedown) or adderall + some other problems, and be able to sleep.

I'm happy to say that right now I've got a nice benzo buzz going on, and although I get a lot of benzos, by the time my next script rolls around I'm back to being able to feel them good. I only took a few, of a strong benzo, however, I'm feeling that nice feeling :)

Will taking gabapentin ruin that feeling?

I know they are both gaba agonists, however, they work differently in that gabapentin isn't a benzodiazepine, and the benzos obviously are. I'm not sure which sub sets of gaba they work on off the top of my head, and need to look that back up, but will they have a nice synergy? Or will taking to much somehow bump the benzo's out? Or just override them?

Or is it like trying to take vicodin on top of suboxone which just won't work since suboxone has a much higher binding affinity?

Thanks for the help :)
I don't recall the specific receptor that gabapentin binds to, but I am fairly sure I recall that it is not the same as benzodiazapines. So taking the two together should not produce any competition for binding.

The two are somewhat related (mainly that benzo's and gabapentin seem to substitute partially for each other in withdrawal) though, and share a lot of the same effects... so its possible that using one may reduce the effect of the other due to tolerance, but that is just something I am deducing and may be incorrect on.
Gabapentin is great for synergizing with benzos. If you normally do not feel euphoria from alprozolam and clonazepam, gabapentin will change that.

By itself, the effects are weak. At 1100 mg I experienced noticeable, uplifted mood. Increased talkativeness and a pleasant body vibe.

You could say it had social anxiety cutting effects. Better than my klonopin as it did not make me sleepy.

It's definitely a great "Base" drug if you're experienced with RX drug combinations.
This is like the best stuff for buprenorphine withdrawls ! It's to the point where you can feel the withdrawls start to fade away after you take some... It takes about 3 hours to really kick in... your thought processes get a little more abstract.

The only complaint is my ability to read is highly affected.

What is your experience with addiction to gabapentin? I want to make sure I don't get addicted to it. I know its about dose and length of use...

My rule of thumb is no more than 300 mgs every 4 hours at the most... which works out to 600 every 8 . That small dose is amazing for treating post-opiate withdrawal (PAWS) . I went from not being able to funtion to being able to go back to work in 2 days from neurontin.

Thank you, Calcium Channel Ion Inhibitors :)
prescribed 3000 mg a day . cant catch a buzz annymore. how can I been on it few mnths i take 600 am 600 noon 900 dinner and 900 at bed how can i change up doses to get bettter efect