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LSD Info Request: What's going around – Seven Deadly Sins

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it is not my forst time at all 88brenno,

Just checking to see 2 decent microdots doest equate to like 10 average strenght tabs. Its all LSD in the end but my mind always tries to prepare itself as I find getting a shock can throw out my trip sometimes, sometimes in a good sometimes bad.
SpiritFolk, na man havnt had any ducks or clouds, they did sound pretty good though. I would also like to get my chops around some of these cherubs....

One of the dots / stars is enough to give visuals, enhanced colours, creeping paisley pattern etc, but im with 88breno if you know your own thoughts & have tripping experience I would jump in at 2, full blown paisley everywhere :)

On a side note, I have had dud dots before. A couple years ago we got these black dots that incidently were the exact same shape & size of these dots doing the rounds in Sydney. Same size or even smaller than a match head, & sort of barrell shaped, not perfectly round. Anyway, these ones we got a few years ago were useless. When I first picked up these coloured dots in Sydney town I thought they were again going to be weak as piss but needless to say I got a pleaseent surprise. Never judge a book by its cover

On a second side note, doesnt matter what colour you sonsume they are all the same strength. After you have had them under your tongue for a bit the colour washes off & you will see they are all the same transluscent type colour in the centre. I think they have used food coloring as the orange dots taste orange & the red taste berryish...I think anyway ahah
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it is not my forst time at all 88brenno,

Just checking to see 2 decent microdots doest equate to like 10 average strenght tabs. Its all LSD in the end but my mind always tries to prepare itself as I find getting a shock can throw out my trip sometimes, sometimes in a good sometimes bad.

My bad I thought you were trying to gauge the strength of the blotters.

Regardless happy trippin!
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Thanks for the replies, I think if I get a 48 hour commitment free period then I definitely will do 2, I like" paisley" as you so call it laugh.
Thanks for the replies, I think if I get a 48 hour commitment free period then I definitely will do 2, I like" paisley" as you so call it laugh.

Me and my guy call it tomatoes or basil LOL, Lets go skateBOARDING lol
^^ haha glad Im not into the rave scene then :\

Ive only ever had a couple tabs that were average strength... all the others were intensee (bout a dozen or so)
^ from the man that would know.

Welcome back nano, been a while between your posts...

those stars nano mentioned :p

gonna indulge in em sometime in the future. when my headspace is better :)
went to score some bud today, after being assured my mate would have the weight i desired i arrrived at his place and alas he was few grams short. As compensation he gave me a tab and half of butterfly tabs.

This guy is pretty much a collector of LSD as a hobby and i know he stores them well

but what i am curious about is what are these tabs like?
So, I should be trying some of the 'Fear and Loathing's' going around Perth on Saturday night.. I'll comment back on how everything went. :)
Hopefully it's a potent one :p
Does anyone know about the scooby-doo print "LSD" floating around the Gold Coast? I heard it was pretty good but then again who can you trust....

Anyone tried it?
Don't have time to skim through the pages on this thread...

Does anyone have first hand experience with the skulls or "3rd eye skulls" circulating Perth... Got for Very Very cheap considering very small quantity bought. Kinda skeptical... Had a small lick, and it wasn't bitter.

Are they good? Better than the ducks/foghorns/rainbow clouds etc etc
It would probably take less time to just go back a couple pages, but yes third eye skulls are good and stack up against clouds/ ducks
Wondering if anyone has seen these in sydney/wollongong?
appear to be new, from a reliable source :) tabs look a little big in pic but they are normal sized.

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