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Post a pic of your awesome tattoo RIGHT HERE!!!

No i don't unfortunantly. I know some words but not near enough to carry a sentence or speak it. Dads side of the family is German, mums is Australian. They're going over to europe this year (or next) however i have no idea if its to see Dads family or not.
Thankies. I keep going to "like" peoples posts (astrosmurf). Ahh too much facebook i think.

I have another 2 backyard jobs i got when i was very drunk where i let some people tattoo their initials on me on my waistline but i tend to not let people see them unless it's unnevitable. I can't bring myself to get rid of them because It's a funny story to tell people at times.
Excuse all the grease. I have to keep on with the ointments as it still tends to peel and it quite itchy from my sensitive skin. But here it is, and it's still not finished :(

After going over and over the whole tat about 4 times, the purple ink still hasn't gone it completely. Looks like i am back for some more in a week or two. And it certainly hurts more the more you go over the same spot whilst reacting to it. It's been a nightmare to say the least :(

And no i don't have a hunched back ;) That's just me trying to cram it into the whole photo. Its not easy taking a photo of your back!

I wish my tattoo was this vibrant now! It has lost a fair bot of it's color because y skin pretty much rejected it. :(

Must start saving so i can get more work done on it. I amazingly still get compliments on it, but it's nothing like what it was :(
yeah it looks fantastic, awesome choice on the colors! looks like you had some freshly applied bepanthen in that pic. BEST feeling getting it put on haha, i used to use the excuse to my girlfriend at the time that i couldn't reach some parts so i needed her to put it on, and i'd usually bargain my way to a back message lol.
Haha yeah my tat was pretty red raw for a while, my skin didn't like the magenta color at all!

It's orgasmic when it feels so fucking itchy and someone rubs bapanthen on it. Serious orgasm. Well on a back tattoo anyways. Especially one that's having an allergic reaction LOL. =D

Beejuzuz, I just saw how big my post was, pain, pain meds, motorbike qualifying on tv, 'bad headspace' led to a MAMMOTH post. There is info, just read the first 2-3 paragraphs to get the gist of my post/help. I'll re-read this tomorrow when in a better headspace and probably edit 50%+ out to make it actually readable.. oops, sorry bu for now, I'm off to sleep. This WAS meant to be some 'small' help in tattoo care... Ha.. I suck for keeping on topic at times these days eh..

Heres what my post SHOULD be.. From experience, instead of bepanthen, I now use "easytattoo" repair cream, ink now heals in roughly a week or so, used to be 2-3 times that in my early days (early 90s) of tattoos from memory. Also new types of ink play a part. Keep out of sun + water (soakage) for a bit, don't let it dry up/scab. Keep clean, don't rub/itch/scratch/play with it, well, rub it with healing cream such as "easytattoo", hopefully your tattoo heals quickly and nicely.. There.. that's what I should have done.. Instead I wrote the following: (Feel free to skip or read as much as you want. heh....)

Mmmm, might be a good time to give some of the almost 20 years experience of either getting inked and/or working in a tattoo shop for tattoo care. Not going to anyone specifically, just have been thinking of new tattoo care since I've been spending a few weeks of late doing "new tattoo care" due to moving back 'home' and hence, LOTS more time getting ink!

Basically, the main care and best practice in a utopian (tattoo) world, never let the tattoo see much sun (at the same time due to the sun being a tattoo's worst enemy pretty much), more so without good UV protection. Apart from that life time stuff, new tattoo care.

Once inked, hopefully the tattooist has put some good post tattoo cream on and depending on where/what was inked, either a bandage like material or 'glad wrap' is put on over the said tattoo cream. After 1-2 hours or so, remove the bandage, wash the inked skin with mild warm soapy water with clean hands, remember, the tattoo is skin injury at this present time, handle with care (also remember sun rule). Then final rinse with clean cold water to make sure the skin + tattoo is free of things that you don't want there (material, dirt, bacteria blah blah).

Times of day/night means either a couple different things, basically every few hours, making sure the tattooed area doesn't dry/cake up and/or see dirt/sun/*various* waters, sea, pool etc. Also if you shower, do your best not to 'soak' the tattoo and/or let the water stream 'hit' the tattoo. Plus *phew, lots to remember, not really in reality tho*, don't let it soak in any water. This pretty much applies for the 1-4 weeks it takes to (fully) heal. Also healing cream can be important, I've noticed since I was told about "easytattoo" repair cream versus the old school days in the 90s of bepanthen, I'm healing in what seems to be 2-3 times 'quicker' than I recall, also inks may play a part as I 'left' the tattoo world for like the better part of a decade due to moving away from 'home' for work.

I recently had the 'Li' tattoo done and it was roughly around a week from being tattooed to what I'd call "fully" healed. Ink -> Sunburn like feeling -> Peeling/skin 'shed' -> skin appears to feel 'normal' again and no more (ink) coloured skin peeling off and as said, just feels normal, no more bumps/whatever. I ended up buying 10 bottles of the "easytattoo" cream due to the 'love' I have for it. Also I remember if I used bepanthen for more than say 3 times a day, I used to 'pimple up' which of course isn't wanted at the time of that bit of skin being freshly inked. Also with sleep, when I have any of my leg(s) tattooed, I basically just wear some trackies that are 't-shirt like' material, 'smooth' on the inside so lint balls/material are not likely to mix with the tattooed skin.

So, I'm a HUGE advocate of "easytattoo" cream, plus new inks these days vs my early days of getting tattooed early 90s. Plus also, even though I wear shorts a fair bit when it's warm (short history, I have a FCKD shoulder/upper arm from a mbike injury and I hate 'showing my injury' so I wear long sleeve shirts/jumper before needing to 'cool' down in warmer weather with shorts being the main way I keep cool, then it's long sleeve top off when I need to but by fook, I HATE my 'bad arm', my wife thinks I'm cool but it's just my self confidence with my injured bits, oh well, shizen happens), most (all?) of my tattoos look almost if not exactly the same with the ink colours. I've got bright red flames that have kept their brightness for over a decade. I've never been able to 'really' tan, I tried for years literally in my teens to get a tan but never did, not a great mix for living less than 5 minutes walk from a beautiful beach for those years. So I have great white skin for tattoos, I recall a great call made to me in '88, we were at a school trip to "World Expo 88" in Brisbane, I'd never worn shorts at school but I just had to in 'Sunny QLD', someone said they noticed I was here for cricket, seeing as I brought my whites (super white skin ha). Oh well, I used to be a "long haired metal head" back then, jeans and daytime almost went hand in hand in the 80s, although I did try to tan our backyard for literally weeks at end after school and down the local beach when no holiday makers were down as I lived in a "Summer resort" type of area.

Anyway, hopefully some of my information is helpful, not 100% sure how I expressed it, I'm not in the best headspace (friends death as some of you know very recently is very very sad news), plus I'm also watching the MotoGP post qualifying interviews so I'm 20% concentrating on here, 50% on the mbikes and the rest wishing our mutual friend well in wherever he is now. So I may be (as usual, usually due to pain/pain meds but it's mostly the sad news taking my mind away from 'life') less than stellar with my expressing of said info and stuff but hey, it is what is is.

If anyone wants clarification (or to correct me due to a mistake and/or lack of concentration on my information due to all the various factors competing for me attention at present), feel free to. I'm doing a huge spring clean tomorrow with rest periods probably checking out here and mostly motorbike forums as my stamina is fooked due to the injury I oh so mention (too often, but it's a BIG PART of my life, just can't help expressing it, it's coming out naturally). I really don't want to kick back and "dwell" on the current news so I'll be doing my best to keep busy, either physically and/or mentally, so I'll be unfortunately posting on BL most likely *cough*

Now it's time for sleep which atm isn't great as I have over 50% circumference of my lower leg tattooed so I have to try to sleep in exactly the same position if I don't want to 'push' against any newly tattooed skin, it's been over a day so it's not as bad as the first night but I always try to do best practice with tattoo care, it used to be literally my life for one stage of my life, working in a tattoo shop plus getting inked by I think 7 or so artists over the time period, couple times I had 2-3 ppl tattooing me at once, I was tattoo mad in early 90s ha. Either in shop artists or 'guest artists' people from either other shops and/or overseas ppl would come over to tattoo. And back then, pre general internet, everyone used to talk over phone so having time zone adjustments would have been fun for the people involved, luckily I "only" worked there in a 'fun' role, I was recently fresh from dropping out of uni (computer science in 90 and so on was SOOOO lame, I'd been writing computer programs for fun since age 6 in '79 so hence I left uni, it used to be a course for people who'd NEVER touched a computer before, at uni.. Imagine that now, you'd be laughed out of the course/lecture theatre). Anyway, I was going to computerise the shop in a graphics context but the (home) computers back then were SOOOO SLLLOOWW at refreshing graphics when resizing/changing images, it was faster doing it the 'old school' method by +-% until size of picture was 'right' for the tattoo/stencil etc. So I ended up doing 'odd jobs' there, getting free tattoos and learning about the tattoo world for a good bit of time til I moved on 'back' to computers for work.

Hopefully I get to use up the bottles of "easytattoo" sooner than later as that means I'm getting my leg sleeves finally 100% done (maybe touched up/extra stuff in the little bits of bare skin where any can be found once the main stuff is done) and then I'll see how much of my upper body I'll do, got one tattoo on chest and a music influenced collage on back that still can get a fair bit of stuff inked in, barring the area(s) I won't do due to my muscle atrophy and/or damaged areas, unless of course in time my nerve damage heals (it may or may not ever heal, some or any/all of it is what the neurosurgeons and the like, I've had 6+ specialists look at me from memory. I'd love to see how much TAC has paid for all of this, I'm probably the (almost?) 1/2 million dollar man, let alone trying to add the potential cost of the tattoos if I had to pay for the ones I did in the early days, plus a reduced rate now, friend owns the local 'best tattoo shop', still, even if I got charged double or more per hour to finish off my work, it'd still be cheaper than average rate due to all the free stuff covering most of the legs already plus res of bod. But bleh, I'd best get some sleep, using a pillow just under knee to keep my leg in the 'good' position whilst I sleep so I don't aggravate the tattooed skin post tattoo, freshly tattooed skin likes to be left alone besides cleaning and healing cream(s) :) Plus the pedantic type care bonus of the skin healing (much?) quicker means I'm free to 'move on' earlier as I use the swimming pool for hydrotherapy fairly often for medical reasons that I won't keep blabbing on about. SLEEP TIME.

Once again, sorry for my LOOOOONG posts, nature of my pain/pain meds + supplements (like piracetam) that helps me able to rant on and on and on whilst kinda being in a world of pain, well some times anyway depending on actual amount of said pain I'm in at the time.
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Ok, here's some stuff of what I've had lately, I think I posted spiderman (and pinhead?) but pinhead is included here anyway. I've gotten HR Giger influenced collage for the biomechanical left lower leg plan I've had for umm, 15-16 years, maybe even 17? Oh well, finally coming to fruitation.

One overall shot of the side of my leg, hope it's not too big, can see y/day's tatto "babies", still fairly red of course, it'll lighten out in the next 1-2 weeks to see what looks like properly, still need colour addings/touchings up of the woman "Li".


Back of my leg, babies + pinhead mainly http://img812.imageshack.us/img812/2672/backdf.jpg

First side on, Li + babies http://img844.imageshack.us/img844/301/sideri.jpg

Second side on, same as the one I put up to see above http://img845.imageshack.us/img845/8413/side2j.jpg

Front of my leg, side of 'Li' and babies http://img600.imageshack.us/img600/6813/frontzwj.jpg

And a couple close ups of the babies:

To note, some of the side + front of 'Li' (the woman) is a coverup so it's a lil darker than we wanted but well, needed to cover the OLD piece I had that was a Giger piece of work as the band 'Carcass' front cover of heartwork, it's called 'Life Support' which I have a pic of in my photobucket tattoo page, I'll be adding the pics I took later on, for now, need to look after my daughter needing attention :)

Oh yeah, all the 'dots' you can see in the tattoo of 'Li' is probably the hairs growing after shaving, they look like freckles in the (semi touched up) pic but I definitely don't have freckles there!


Also, the babies work is from http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-9Wbq-nx8ehc/TWaMbCt25KI/AAAAAAAAAcM/U5f3ZQRUDJs/s1600/hr-giger-1.jpg

The woman 'Li' is inspired from http://www.meridian.net.au/Art/Artists/HRGiger/Gallery/Images/giger-li-i-medium.jpg

Wow that is fucken awesome. Where do you get yours done? I've got a mate whose just made me a design and I'm thinking of going to Chapel Tattoo in Melbourne. Anyone know anything about them? My weed dealer said they're good...
These are my two.
36 degrees on my left wrist, after my favourite Placebo song!
Shitty photo but you get the gist..

And "Let Love In" on my right forearm, after my favourite Nick Cave album.
Random question,

Would anyone know of any good tattoo studios in Hong Kong?

Oh, and awesome tattoo's VomitKitten :)
But eggman, aus social should be inclusive of people with ugly tattoos who wish to share photographic evidence of such ink.