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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Tell us about the last film you watched, mate!

it's not too bad

I liked it

I watched buried last night


shit was garbage
That's exactly what I thought, it was a waste of my 90 minutes. But the reviews were positive :/
Yeh I'm not a big fan of RT like I used to be.

I try to look for independent reviews, read a couple and look for similarities and go from there.
I find The Onion's AV Club reviews often have similar opinions to mine, plus they're usually amusing to read. In the case of Buried though, they're way off.
The Beach. Still as good as the last time I saw it. :)

that is a good movie :).


holy shit, fucking funny ass movie. Bill Murray plays such a awesome role as Hunter.S Thompson.

If you havn't seen it, as your attorney i advise you to watch it.
I'm almost embarrassed to say...........but it was 'He's just not that into you'
I couldn't decide if it was insulting, amusing or speaking to me hahaha
Over all it was MEH.
I wouldn't tell anyone "You gotta see this"
But if your sick, its on and you feel like you might fall asleep but maybe not- it wouldn't be SO awful. :)
^...they should have renamed 'American Psycho'- 'He's just not that into you' IMO! ;)


Awesome film.
I saw Buried and it reminded me of this old frencio/nederlander movie that freaked me out way more:

(The Vanishing)

while you watch this it may not seem scary, but after you spend a few weeks thinking about the concept, it will start to frighten you more and more. One of those movie that can create mania and paranoia. I dont think i could ever re watch it, but i do think it should be seen once.
Valerie and Her Week of Wonders

Awesome title. Adorable lead actress. Great themes. Not a great movie.

I had such high expectations. Had been looking forward to it for quite some time. not very well made. and relies heavily on the exploitation of child
[/CODE] actress's sexuality--Pretty Baby-esque in that regard. The video quality is extremely poor--feels like a lot of this had to do with the film-to-dvd transfer. Subtitles are so far ahead or behind of the soundtrack that you are confused as to the speaker of the words and their tone (also, translation had mistakes like mixing-up "sing" and "sign," does not inspire confidence). poor continuity to the point where you are often confused as to how these shots are supposed to come together as a story. i guess it is abstract enough that i should give it another viewing before passing final judgement. (Edit: actually, after reading about it a little online, i definitely need to re-watch. It's friday and I had been drinking. I think the movie might make more sense than I gave it effort. Still has major flaws. and i just bought the book--which sounds far more appealing--off amazon, so i'm gonna return the dvd for now and re-watch once i've read.)

I thought it was going to be very Labyrinth-ish, and it was. Fantasy story serving as a coming to age metaphor for a little girl. I would even say it was surely an influence for Labyrinth--SPOILER highlight (haha, like this is on anyone's list. but incase you havent seen Labyrinth): both even end up possibly being a dream. but neither are the original (alice), and Labyrinth is a thousand times better.

on the positive,

the lead actress looks and even acts like a child Anna Karina--seems to have a little Karina-esque relationship going on with the camera at times. though I am certainly not saying we have anything close to an equal. at all. anyway, according to what i have been able to find, this is the only movie we americans get with her. too bad. i'll be watching janus films for anything starring Jaroslava Schallerová, but certainly will not be holding my breath.

edit: oh yeah. and having recently become obsessed with Loves of a Blonde ('67), i was reading about it and heard it was the first Czech film with a sex scene (hardly really a sex scene by today's standards). If that is true, jesus, Czech films got damn controversial in only 3 years.
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Confirmed how much I like Adrien Body as an actor again. Also confirmed how much I can't stand Forrest Whittaker at all in any film ever. The guy gets on my nerves.

Movie was boring for a while, but got me off my seat and my heart racing for a minute there.
A weak 3 out 5.


I haven't seen a performance by Ben Foster that I didn't like and I've always been a fan of mostly anything Woody Harrelson has been in.
That's why I was surprised by this whole movie, it was slow but went as fast as it needed to at parts. The more I think about the more I liked it.
At the time, I was expecting something else rather than taking it for what it was.

4 out of 5.