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Rave house party!

Just make sure the fog machine won't set off the smoke detector. Nothing kills a party faster than blaring loud beeping...

Which reminds me, the #1 thing to ensure a good house party- Make sure your pills are good. Use a test kit! The first ever house party we had we picked up Mario Stars... notorious pipes but we didn't know. We had the music, multiple rooms, awesome lights, fog, soft things, all the good makings for a wicked house party... but everyone had the worst night of their lives because of those shitty pills.

Oh! And the guest list. It's always tempting to tell your friends "invite whoever you want!" but it's a pretty good idea to know who's coming. Again, having some shady ass friends-of-friends walk in can be a downer, especially for the host. Or having that one drama queen that always gets WAY too fucked up and kills the vibes.

Also, if you're not cool with other drugs besides E, be sure to let people know that. Some people seem to think that just because illegal activities are going on in that house that they can break out whatever drugs they want. If you're not comfortable with that, let them know before hand. Same with alcohol. Super drunk people + rolling people isn't always a good mix (yes, i can be, but not always.)
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You can also try geting wippits at porn shops. They even sell them at some courner stores. Condoms works great for nitrouse. Don't get helium; I don't think that stuff even gets you high and it is alot more dangerouse than N2O. Me and my friends have made our own mini home rave set ups with strobe lights, fog, glow, sticks, ect; it's a blast.
Yea we have some pretty sick rave house parties! im talkin we deck the whole house and garage with light up stuff! they have speakers in the ceiling and we have the music blarin non stop! were constantly drinkin oj and smokin! two of our buddies are really good with the gloves and orbit so thank god! and its only 6 of us that are rollin and were all great friends! everytime we try to invite more ppl theyre a little iffy about doin ecstasy and we really dont want ppl there that arent on our level! im really hoping these pills are good! i cant seem to find them anywhere on the internet and weve already spent alot of money on everything else so dont really wanna buy a testing kit. the guy i get them from always gets me good ones tho so im hoping for the best!
You can also try geting wippits at porn shops. They even sell them at some courner stores. Condoms works great for nitrouse. Don't get helium; I don't think that stuff even gets you high and it is alot more dangerouse than N2O. Me and my friends have made our own mini home rave set ups with strobe lights, fog, glow, sticks, ect; it's a blast.

is it really more dangerous?? we just thought itd be funny to talk in a high pitch voice lol
get a damn scuba tank change the nozzle to n2o, fuck wippits ull jsut waste your money. nos tanks nos tanks ssssssssssSsSsSSSSSsss POP lol ssssSSsssSSSssSSSSSsssSSSs huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu waaaaaaaaaaaahoooooooooo bwa wawn bwa wawn bwa wawn bwa wawn bwa wawn bwa wawn
get a damn scuba tank change the nozzle to n2o, fuck wippits ull jsut waste your money. nos tanks nos tanks ssssssssssSsSsSSSSSsss POP lol ssssSSsssSSSssSSSSSsssSSSs huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu waaaaaaaaaaaahoooooooooo bwa wawn bwa wawn bwa wawn bwa wawn bwa wawn bwa wawn

hahahah wow.....itd probably be cheaper for me to buy whippits than a scuba tank
I wanna go to a big rave house party like this.....sounds like hella fun :S
nitrous is a lot of fun... get some. its the same principle as inhaling helium
No it isn't. Helium is not pharmacologically active at all. Nitrous is a dissociative, with effects at the NMDA receptor (which is also responsible for the effects of DXM, PCP, ketamine etc).
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Youre all invited!! Haha! i wish we could have more ppl there but all of our other friends are kinda iffy with X. they just dont know what theyre missing!!!!!
yea but isnt it dangerous? i dont wanna end up passin out or something lol

no its not dangerous, just dont inhale it standing up or near anything you can hurt yourself on. do some research on it i cant be assed to explain it tbh
and if i cant find them in a store do i just go up to someone and ask "hey wheres ur whipits?" and what are "crackers"?

No. most of the time, this will get you thrown out of a store. Its just like saying bong in a headshop.

what you want to ask for are the Whipped Cream gas canisters or chargers, and (depending on whether you are in a headshop or a kitchen store) the "inflaters" or the "whipped cream dispensers"

this is a dispenser