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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

6-APB 6-(2-Aminopropyl)-2,3-dihydrobenzofuran (90mg) - New Experience

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Simply not 6-APB

Absolutely DEFINITELY not 6-apb, but it certainly could have been 6-apdb...? Who knows - it did bugger all anyway...

I hear from may different sources that 6-apb will only be available in pellet (pill) form. Each one is said to be 100mg.

Having said this, it's obvious that people have received samples of the tan powder...
Simply not 6-APB

I have NO doubt. There is but one source for the stuff, and one lab producing it for export.

As you say no doubt that whats being described isnt 6-apb, sounds more like the 'jolly green granuals' I've read about. But considering the huge RC industry in china and only one lab producing it; I doubt it - with the upmost resoect :) :)!!
Well certainly it won't be for long but at the moment it may be. Others will follow within weeks.
I had my 6-APB lab sample arrive today. Do not be fooled, any brown powders are all going to be the 6-APDB variety, the 6-APB i have infront of me came in a sealed foil back and is made up of hundreds of thousands of tiny pellets which easily crush between your fingers. Certainly NOT the 100mg size pellets Vendors are going on about.
Very strange... Seems like nearly all of the online vendor's are promoting the 100mg pellets!

I'll be interested to see what sample we receive...
I had my 6-APB lab sample arrive today. Do not be fooled, any brown powders are all going to be the 6-APDB variety, the 6-APB i have infront of me came in a sealed foil back and is made up of hundreds of thousands of tiny pellets which easily crush between your fingers. Certainly NOT the 100mg size pellets Vendors are going on about.

How can be sure your sample is correct and all the others are not?
Is anyone seriously going to pay the price the vendors are asking for a 100mg pellet. One report I read says its good but still NOTHING like the real thing (mdma) and with REAL mdma pills now going for the same price I know which ones I will be buying.

These vendors already quoted their prices which were very similar to 4mmc etc and then when all the people on BL raved about it up shot the price to ten times what was originally quoted but I bet the source of this drug is still going to sell it at the original price they quoted. Its only the greedy vendors that are hiking the price. I bought a whole lot of rc`s in my time and spent thousands on them but not this one!
unfortunately my 125mg sample has stuck to the bag and I've only been able to get 90mg to play with here.

AKA "" (We need to work on this team)

18:07 - Into a gelcap and down the hatch. A joint is rolled.

18:41 - Gentle stimulation felt, the feeling of well being returns. Not jitters, but a light uplifting feeling. However not the the same belly tremors MDMA would give you when you're "coming up". This smacks of a lower affinity for dopa systems, although this being a very low dose (going by the literature and the good report above) may be a factor here. Most pleasant thus far. Negligible pupil dilation.

18:47 - More of a dopa edge felt. No euphoria so far, so I would imagine that the next 15-30 minutes will be eventful. Skin tingling, it's hard to quantify (but I know my body) but this feels like a vasoconstrictor. This also suggests more stimulation than purely serotonergic compounds like MDAI.

18:51 - Thick and fast now. Experiencing sedate sort of come up, excited feeling in my belly. We shall know soon.

19:07 - Pronounced stimulation, not unlike mephedrone. Thinking clearly and talking to officials on the phone without impediment. I like this drug, a sort of euphoria so far, but not so well defined, it's more complex than raw MDMA type rushes. I was just chatting to a friend, feel lucid and confident like on MDMA, some stimulation, but not enough to make you look like a fiend. 90mg is a good dose. This is a very interesting new substance.

19:09 - I will stop updating so frequenty, but I'm getting rushes now and definite visual distortions. This is an absolutely BEAUTIFUL drug. Seriously, this is one for further study. It's like MDMA but less sweating fiendishness. Cocktail party MDMA. Very similar to MDA actually, but gently and colourfully visual. This is insane, I never expected this to be this nice.

19:14 - I will update this when I plateau, the euphoria is getting stronger, the visuals are so gentle but wonderful, even now it's getting more intense. 90mg is plenty, but this drug feels so warm and forgiving, I can't see it being particularly damaging. I hate to say it, but the "bogus" trip report from earlier in this thread seems credible to me now, the orgasmic feeling I feel. I need more of this chemical.

19:18 - I lick the bag. This has a definite 2C-* synthetic taste, anybody who has tasted these will confirm. It's not like the bitterness one expects from the MDA/MDMA side of the amphetamine chain. This has has beautiful visuals, this FEELS like a 2C type PEA but without the cold, it has the warmth and depth of a true entactogen. Seriously guys, this is better than anything I have tried recently. Illegal or otherwise. Oh and before it's said, I'm not a shill, I know the guy a little and he's had nothing but good reports of the samples flying in all morning.

19:30 - I have a friend coming round and I've reached a point where I think I could just yammer on about how nice this is without really getting any pertinent information across. Will update as and when. To sum up: It's euphoric, stimulating but not fiendishly so, feels honestly orgasmic...

20:20 - Still peaking. See above, glorious substance.

21:20 - Still peaking, easy playful visuals that are as powerful as you want them to be, MDMA empathy, pure euphoria. This really is a fantastic chemical, all the visual charm and psychedelia of the 2C's with the warth and joy of MDMA. This is my new personal favourite. Music sounds beautiful, far too chatty and acting all loved up toward people. I never expected such a treat.

21:35 - I think things have plateau'd but this stuff is so like MDMA it seems to come in waves. I still feel warm, cozy, very very happy, like I want to talk to everybody, and oh so visual yet and it all feels very light, my pulse is normal. Even as I type this, I'm coming back up...

21:44 - I'm listening to sitar music (guilty pleasure of mine...) and smoking a joint. This has all the depth and visuals of a true psychedelic yet it's a shining example of an entactogen (oh what forum shall we post in), it's touchingly beautiful and empathetic, all the "loved up" and codshit talk of MDMA as well as it's euphoria. Still, it feels like a remarkably light touch on the body and not certainly not overstimulating, it's like MDMA for rainy afternoons. This really is a new favourite of mine. I would love to see more trip reports and I know my friend the chap who railed 150mg is both reading this and signing up for an account now (right? go on...) so he can post his experience. Man's a veteran, he'll be able to give this some context. I can't describe it better than a wonderful hybrid, a bridge from MDMA to the 2Cs. The visuals are vivid but non threatening. Colourful like a 2C-B trip and flowing like 2C-E. It really is remarkable.

22:06 - I'm slowly beginning to come down, there's no "pull" to redose, it would be nice but there's no chemical drag like with cocaine or mephedrone. This feels much deeper than the aforementioned, a true psychedelic experience but a wonderfully euphoric one. It's very hard not to sound like a shill in the above report, but I don't normally react like this, what I say above is the truth. I love this stuff, I want to hear more about it.

22:12 - Oh but its such a gentle decline if at all, I don't forsee much of a comedown, I think I'll augment this with a dose of GBL.

It's now almost exactly 24 hours since I dosed. From earlier today:

Now it's definitely clear of my system, and I feel absolutely normal, in high spirits, I still feel a great deal of empathy and tactile enjoyment. My girl's coming round and I'm really looking forward seeing her.

After a hard night of kicking the shit out of your 5-HTs on MDMA, you'll often feel a warm afterglow and then the blues a day or two after. We shall wait and see but I'm optimistic, this doesn't feel like any comedown I've had before.

fucking excelent report... if its not bogus im definatley looking forward to having a dig myself... getting very sick of bassing nrg-1 now (although god forbid i would ever say this i kinda prefer it ovr peevee to be honest) if anyone is interested i will write a report in the right forum v-soon... althogh dont get too excited im very new.
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Me myself + GF .
Previous Mdma, MDA, MEPH, SMOKE
Me 16 st
GF 10 st
Got sample 200mg
GF 75mg (75MG)
Me (125mg)
Sub brown powder
Vendor (think is one of the authorised)

Slow come up
+ 30 she is fellin somthing
+ 40 she going pooa
me + 45 poo
me +50 nausea + poo (maybe is norm and placebo as mdma did that)
+1 hr comin up but never gets there, waitin for rushes
+2.30 no need for more but wish there was something more
+6 hr going for bed
+7 manage orgasm but not GF
+8 GF asleep but still awake but ok just monged
Have all day off so no problem

Sleep for 8 hrs wake up ok but very lazy

Kind of disappointed because I have said this will be the best (she never had mdma_) but I think here first meph nites were better for her.
I am really hopeing that out sample was not 100% and from the reviews I have read I was quiet disappointed with sample.

So was good but not MDMA like Not Meph like just nice . Not a party experience for us. Not sexual really but was nice.

Hope this is a help to some. Glad we didnt plug it as we may have attributed our experience with plugging. The dosage we had was from all reports the norm for all samples so far.

Hope Im wrong but yeh would do it but would not get very excited about it.

Yeh I know new here but been lurking for awhile .....

EDIT Did not feel any Euphoria really which I most missed ...

I can only guess it's 6-adpb but how can anyone tell without proper testing apparatus ?
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Gotta say tony, you summed up my experience with 6-apb better than I could.

Lacked euphoria for me too, something missing but I would do it again.

Yep honest trip reports coming in at last. There are other cheaper things available which could easily be described just like your trip report and at ONE TENTH of the price. I have been into drugs for 35 years and loved 4mmc and M1 but because of the price of 6apb I am not even going to buy any as its just a total rip off at the currently advertised price. When it goes down to 4mmc prices then I will try it.

What`s the bets that when the pellets arrive they arent even as good as the powder samples.

In the illegal drugs market when have you ever bought anything that was actually the same (as good) as the sample? NEVER

So what makes people think this is going to be any different.

The people giving out the samples knew fine well that those given samples would be their advertising mouthpieces on this and other boards so they would have been given the best that the vendors could give.

It`s another over hyped scam if you ask me.

I would love to be wrong but I`ve been in the drugs game for too long to know that miricles just dont happen.
Yep honest trip reports coming in at last.

I kind of take offence at that as one of the early samplees, it implies that I somehow exaggerated the experiences or made it up.

There's plenty of reports now on the various threads from members old and new, including mods, that confirm the experience I (and gzero) posted about on the 6th May, - ie. lots of intense euphoria, mdma-esq with mildly trippy visuals and very long duration off a single ~100mg dose.

Of course everyone is different, and sometimes you get a lot more out of a drug the 2nd or 3rd time you take it. But to imply that anyone who has posted about a very postive experience with 6-APB is dishonest, is insulting.

The people giving out the samples knew fine well that those given samples would be their advertising mouthpieces on this and other boards so they would have been given the best that the vendors could give.

This is self-contradictory, as the above report was also from someone who was given a sample.
Sorry you feel that way, perhaps I should have used the word `realistic` rather than honest. The reason I feel this way is that even when you yourself were trying the sample and reporting live I got the distinct feeling from what you were saying that you were not as impressed as you thought you were going to be. I (and many others) were hoping you were going to be posting up phrases like `oh man this is amazing, incredible, I feel fantastic etc etc` but all you really said was words to the effect that is was `good`. I got the feeling you got a wee bit of euphoric feeling which changed quickly to a moggy feeling. In other words you were certainly `drugged` but were you really saying what was first reported, which was `this is like E from circa 1990` ......to me, reading your reports, you certainly were NOT saying that so when tonyscott said `its still nowhere like e` I began to think it was a more realistic viewpoint. You were well aware that everyone on here that night you done the live report were willing you to say it was fantrastic and you just didnt say that. You said it was good and everyone read `good` as meaning `out of this world`

So you were being realistic but when people read too much into it you didnt correct them.

When you reported on Ncat I had bought 10g of it and hadnt opened it and you said you went through a gram and felt nothing so because I hadnt opened it I sent it back to the company and they were not happy at all and wrote me a big letter saying I was accusing them of fraud etc and basically they were totally and utterly disagreeing with what you had said. They were clearly offended that I had returned this without even trying it. So I fell out with my main supplier over this because I believed every word you said so no I am not calling you dishonest.....I believed YOU not them.

Let me ask you a question....do you think this stuff is worth 6 times the price of 4mmc?

I have no doubt you have seen the price of 1gram (10 pellets) its HUGELY expensive....even crystal mdma never cost that price or anywhere near it so it would need to be even better than the best ecstasy...is it?

Now maybe you see my point? It might be the best of the current RC`s but everyone is going to be disappointed I think cause it sure aint going to be the best drug they ever had but its going to be the most expensive they have ever had thats for sure!!!

In case you are interested here is what they wrote to me and I have xxxx`d the vendors name.

Normally, as I am sure you are aware - we do not accept returns once an order leaves our control when dispatched for delivery, as clearly outlined in our terms and conditions, but make exception for you in this instance providing your confirmation that your return remains in the same completely unopened condition you advised by email, and you fully understand that it is at your cost and responsibility in delivering stated returned goods to the above address with appropriate insurance covering any loss or damage in transit that may require you to make claim against carrier liable. In such event, xx xxxxxx cannot be expected in any capacity to make any refund as liability passes to carrier whom you must then apply with to recover the loss entirely.

Upon satisfactory receipt of your return, we will make a refund to your card for the total amount minus cost of original delivery charge, which totals £99.50 inc.

It is deeply regrettable that you have not given xxxxx as a company any opportunity to advise or defend such a serious accusation you make, that suggests xxx are supplying a "inactive" product for sale, despite the fact we promote N-Cat to the contrary.

In basic terms, you accuse xx xxxxx of fraud, based on unspecified web reports I assume convinced you to such degree you question why we are operating to ruin our once good reputation, as though this is seemingly beyond any poor judgement or ignorance by yourself.

I can advise you with sincerity that we do not practice or accept your remarks of operating in any manner of deception whatsoever.

You may be surprised to find that we (xxx) are highly aware of praise and criticisms made either directly or in general towards the UK research chemical market, which has dramatically changed since recent legislation outlawed cathinone derivatives. We always appreciate constructive criticism and feedback so we can continually strive to maintain a leading standard as a trusted vendor, but did not expect to be treat in such a derisory manner by you, condemning a product you had no experience of, yet instruct a return of goods as you suspect and infer we sold product by deception, with mention of your rights to do so quoting "distance selling regs within 7 days", - I can safely assume you felt the need to make this point, fully convinced xxx were fully fledged fraudsters of ill repute?

(end of email from them)

After reading that it obviously made me think that perhaps I was making a big mistake but I still decided to believe YOU

So no I certainly wasnt calling you dishonest.

If people on the net start reporting that ncat IS good and DOES work then I will call you dishonest and assume you are a rival vendor but until then NO I do not think you are dishonest.

Hope this clears things up.

Ps.....what i actually asked them was why they were selling an inactive drug and ruining their good reputation.
^ok fair enough on the honesty aspect, thanks for clarifying.. but i must say i was never under impressed in any way, on the contrary I didn't really have any expectations of how powerful it would turn out to be - in fact the first time i received a sample, i was told that it had been tried by a few people already and a good oral dose was 125mg - I was disappointed - because only 90mg came out of the bag and I thought I would be underdosing - within 90 mins I was feeling that I'd been very careless just taking the vendors word for it, and VERY glad there had only been 90mg in that bag as I was almost too wasted (eye wiggles, euphoria, gurning) to type. I actually posted in the EADD thread that I thought I could have used a little lower dose.

In fact in each of my three experiences with this compound I've had to take out most of the peak from "live" reporting because I just laid on my sofa drifitng in and out of very euphoric dreamy state, stretching felt really good I remember, did that a lot.

Before it was announced about it being in pellets I thought it would probably sell for £40-50/gram based on how it performs versus other RCs and illegals, so yes it does seem a bit expensive now at effectively £90/g, but then I think well £10 barely buys you three pints in the pub these days. This compound at 100mg lasts all night and does deliver a fantastic experience.
I dunno why everyone is still doubting skyline, if anything everything in here should be pure praise to the guy, he is one of the original 6-APB samplers and is brave to be, after all this chemical came out of nowhere. skyline is the KING of 6-APB haha :)
Sorry but what skyline put in his report I agree pretty much on everything
Imo n cat is garbage had it myself

Sorry you feel that way, perhaps I should have used the word `realistic` rather than honest. The reason I feel this way is that even when you yourself were trying the sample and reporting live I got the distinct feeling from what you were saying that you were not as impressed as you thought you were going to be. I (and many others) were hoping you were going to be posting up phrases like `oh man this is amazing, incredible, I feel fantastic etc etc` but all you really said was words to the effect that is was `good`. I got the feeling you got a wee bit of euphoric feeling which changed quickly to a moggy feeling. In other words you were certainly `drugged` but were you really saying what was first reported, which was `this is like E from circa 1990` ......to me, reading your reports, you certainly were NOT saying that so when tonyscott said `its still nowhere like e` I began to think it was a more realistic viewpoint. You were well aware that everyone on here that night you done the live report were willing you to say it was fantrastic and you just didnt say that. You said it was good and everyone read `good` as meaning `out of this world`

So you were being realistic but when people read too much into it you didnt correct them.

When you reported on Ncat I had bought 10g of it and hadnt opened it and you said you went through a gram and felt nothing so because I hadnt opened it I sent it back to the company and they were not happy at all and wrote me a big letter saying I was accusing them of fraud etc and basically they were totally and utterly disagreeing with what you had said. They were clearly offended that I had returned this without even trying it. So I fell out with my main supplier over this because I believed every word you said so no I am not calling you dishonest.....I believed YOU not them.

Let me ask you a question....do you think this stuff is worth 6 times the price of 4mmc?

I have no doubt you have seen the price of 1gram (10 pellets) its HUGELY expensive....even crystal mdma never cost that price or anywhere near it so it would need to be even better than the best ecstasy...is it?

Now maybe you see my point? It might be the best of the current RC`s but everyone is going to be disappointed I think cause it sure aint going to be the best drug they ever had but its going to be the most expensive they have ever had thats for sure!!!

In case you are interested here is what they wrote to me and I have xxxx`d the vendors name.

Normally, as I am sure you are aware - we do not accept returns once an order leaves our control when dispatched for delivery, as clearly outlined in our terms and conditions, but make exception for you in this instance providing your confirmation that your return remains in the same completely unopened condition you advised by email, and you fully understand that it is at your cost and responsibility in delivering stated returned goods to the above address with appropriate insurance covering any loss or damage in transit that may require you to make claim against carrier liable. In such event, xx xxxxxx cannot be expected in any capacity to make any refund as liability passes to carrier whom you must then apply with to recover the loss entirely.

Upon satisfactory receipt of your return, we will make a refund to your card for the total amount minus cost of original delivery charge, which totals £99.50 inc.

It is deeply regrettable that you have not given xxxxx as a company any opportunity to advise or defend such a serious accusation you make, that suggests xxx are supplying a "inactive" product for sale, despite the fact we promote N-Cat to the contrary.

In basic terms, you accuse xx xxxxx of fraud, based on unspecified web reports I assume convinced you to such degree you question why we are operating to ruin our once good reputation, as though this is seemingly beyond any poor judgement or ignorance by yourself.

I can advise you with sincerity that we do not practice or accept your remarks of operating in any manner of deception whatsoever.

You may be surprised to find that we (xxx) are highly aware of praise and criticisms made either directly or in general towards the UK research chemical market, which has dramatically changed since recent legislation outlawed cathinone derivatives. We always appreciate constructive criticism and feedback so we can continually strive to maintain a leading standard as a trusted vendor, but did not expect to be treat in such a derisory manner by you, condemning a product you had no experience of, yet instruct a return of goods as you suspect and infer we sold product by deception, with mention of your rights to do so quoting "distance selling regs within 7 days", - I can safely assume you felt the need to make this point, fully convinced xxx were fully fledged fraudsters of ill repute?

(end of email from them)

After reading that it obviously made me think that perhaps I was making a big mistake but I still decided to believe YOU

So no I certainly wasnt calling you dishonest.

If people on the net start reporting that ncat IS good and DOES work then I will call you dishonest and assume you are a rival vendor but until then NO I do not think you are dishonest.

Hope this clears things up.

Ps.....what i actually asked them was why they were selling an inactive drug and ruining their good reputation.
I thought it was no vendor `naming` ? If I got it wrong the mods will edit/remove. I`m new here.
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