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The Big & Dandy 4-MeO-PCP Thread

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Thanks for the update. Always appreciated.

BTW welcome to the internet--bullshit city. People are just trying to cover their own asses...don't take it personally.
OK so after reading this whole thread and other reports on the net I finally decided to try 4-Meo-PCP at the weekend. I didn't get this from the danish site, but another reputable vendor. This was due to the lack of K from SWIM's regular guys, but also pure interest in dissociatives.

I opted for oral ROA due to extreme burning sensation felt from inhaling a grain of this stuff as a test!! The substance was taken around midday, after a full night + morning of clubbing with MDMA, coke, cannabis, booze and salvia taken in varying amounts. Nothing was taken in the last 2-3 hours before the 4-Meo-PCP...

T+0 - 50-60 mg was ingested, barely any effects after 90 minutes
T+90 - another 50-60mg, some level of dissociation is felt but nothing too trippy or incapacitating
T+150 - 80-100mg was bombed now and the effects have soon started to come on stronger

This drug is a slow developer and it took a while for the combined dose to fully hit me. A definite state of dissociation was felt, train of thought was altered but without any strong similarity to the creativity of ideas you get with K and a complete lack of the fun aspect of K. I feel that dissociative drugs are heavy and can get uncomfortable and for me the fun factor works in spite of the general disfigured feeling that surrounds them. I feel that 4-Meo-PCP is very inferior in this department to K. E.g. minimal techno music was of no particular interest to me during the trip, and it usually works hand in hand with K.

The effects lasted for absolute ages on the other hand, I was locked to bed for at least 4-5 hours although sense of time was not as badly impaired/slowed down as one might expect. There was no hole to speak of and hallucinations although present were not impressive. Mostly double/quadruple vision and morphing/shifting of objects without straight edges etc. While locked to the bed it felt like every movement felt like I was moving a whole building. Moving the head by even 1-2 inches would induce a sense of nausea, although there was no acute sickness. I finally managed to get my ass out of bed around 8PM and the drug hadn't let go even half way by then. There was a feeling I would get say half an hour coming out of the K hole - the disgusting physical recovery bit with mental effects on the verge of post-traumatizing rather than pleasing quality. This sadly lasted for hours and hours. It only let me feel like I was fully in control of his own body around midnight and after effects (slight dissociation, lightness in head and body) persisted well into tomorrow and past the 24 hour mark. Interestingly enough I never felt the mental retardation during or after the trip and could form sensible sentences if I really wanted to. I also never lost sense of self or felt like I was combining with the surroundings.

All in all, this substance is by far inferior to K and I won't be taking it again and might even recommend not bothering with experimentation to SWIY, but that's up to SWIY's curiosity as ever :)

I'm fairly experienced with K, though haven't done it since last summer and i have no dissociative tolerance. I like K mucho for above stated reasons and I'm a generally up for it clubber into the trippy side of house and techno. To anyone with similar interests I would STRONGLY recommend NOT taking this substance to a club or a festival. The duration is much longer than K and it has a slow onset that sneaks up on you, if you get it wrong you won't bounce back after 20 minutes like with K.

Actually from a clubber's perspective this isn't an interesting drug in the same way K is, this is much more the industrial/chemical feeling comparable to DXM.

From this thread it seems like most of the experiences were positive, so my $0.02 are - Nah :)
was 4-meo-pcp assisting you in a intellectual way on any of your works?
i also think the pro of 4-meo-pcp is its non hedonistic characteristics and very long lasting plateau. also it could decrease ones ketamine fascination very much ... especially for the nasal ketamine consumers. maybe you got something of your sample left and are healthy and willing enough to try it once in a more sober condition?
I tried 230mg plugged and had one of the most amazing hedonistic experiences of my life rolling around in comforters, pillows, and girl flesh on an air mattress watching anime, Tempopo, and Discworld movies.
was 4-meo-pcp assisting you in a intellectual way on any of your works?
i also think the pro of 4-meo-pcp is its non hedonistic characteristics and very long lasting plateau. also it could decrease ones ketamine fascination very much ... especially for the nasal ketamine consumers. maybe you got something of your sample left and are healthy and willing enough to try it once in a more sober condition?

You know with this thing I felt like it didn't offer any weird sensual or intellectual associations I'm into with these types of drugs. Dissociatives are not psychedelics by definition, but they (K) have a certain psychedelic-like quality about them which I think is the main thing. 4-Meo-PCP does mess up your thought patterns but just not in a very memorable way.

I did try the drug stone cold sober one evening. I took ~100mg in two bombs an hour apart and the effect was still very non-organic dissociation though with a very noticeable mood lift I have to add. Even with the slight euphoria after the two hour mark I was basically just waiting for it to go away. Wasn't feeling bad or anything, just not interested.

Actually so uninterested that i flushed the rest of the gram down the toilet.
I don't even feel anything at most of the doses being discussed here. I think psychedelic oral doses are probably 250-600mg.

It makes me incredibly sad to hear of 4-MeO-PCP being disposed of. :(
Dissociatives are not psychedelics by definition
ehhh, that really depends on your definition of a psychedelic drug. The pharmacological definition is severely limited--this sort of conversation does not benefit from delineating the scope of psychedelics to those substances that act on the 5HT2A receptors.

Per the rest of your post: I'm sorry you seem to have had disappointing experiences with poem. Got a few questions for you. :)
The substance was taken around midday, after a full night + morning of clubbing with MDMA, coke, cannabis, booze and salvia taken in varying amounts.
In your honest opinion, can you really expect to be fully present with a new substance after wearing yourself down? Perhaps your physical and emotional state was just not in a place to fully appreciate the effects. Even worse, you may not have even been open to appreciating the effects in the future simply because you can't let go of a past experience. This line sounds like classic internal comedown/fatigue chatter:
mental effects on the verge of post-traumatizing rather than pleasing quality.
You know when food you love makes you throw up and you can never eat it again? Does that mean the food was never good? Perhaps you just never got a chance to appreciate the stuff.

Then you go on about music:
E.g. minimal techno music was of no particular interest to me during the trip, and it usually works hand in hand with K.
Think about how your mood effects the music you listen to sober. Now imagine it when your fucked off your face. :p In my experience, I can listen to the same song while under the influence of the same drug on two separate occasions but only fully experience/appreciate it during one of the two trials.
the effect was still very non-organic dissociation though
You seem to have a persuasion for K. What makes poem's dissociation less/non-organic when compared to K? Is it simply the industrial/chemical feeling you discussed later in the post?

I can understand your sentiments about the duration--that's something you either love or hate. The 'sight dissociation' the following day is a bit off pudding. My first high dose (300mg) with poem killed my Saturday plans because I couldn't drive. Lesson learned. You really gotta make sure you take it early in the day or plan to be out of commission for a little while. Think DOxs. Not for everyone.

As for dancing at events: maintaining low-dose K dissociation at festivals can be cumbersome and obnoxious. And while I love K, I must say that the short duration is not always good. If you can find a comfortable poem dose (60-90mg IME) you would more likely than not avoid the 'chemical' feeling you describe and stay in a really nice place for extended periods. Fuck redosing, I want to Disance %)

I don't want this post to come across like I'm trying to get you to enjoy something you clearly don't. Not in the slightest. In all honesty, your experience is yours--I can't change that no matter how hard I try. I wouldn't want to even if I could. That's just silly.

I only want to make sure that you gave the stuff a fair chance. Better yet, what if you turned someone off to poem who might find pleasure and/or theraputic value in the substance? We can't avoid subjectivity, but we can avoid irrational bias and misinformation. What if everyone who talked shit about MDMA had only eaten the stuff in uncomfortable social situations? Their reports would be littered with negative responses that don't reflect all the qualities. You're doing the same thing in your own right when you say things like this:
4-Meo-PCP does mess up your thought patterns but just not in a very memorable way.
I felt like it didn't offer any weird sensual or intellectual associations
My experiences couldn't have been any different in this department. Sorry you missed out on that aspect of poem. Was the duration of your second experiment the same as the first?
I'm just wondering, apologies for not going all the way through the thread as I have to leave in a moment, but does anyone have a good "dosage comparison" between this and Ketamine - e.g. if 300mg sends me deep into the K hole with Ketamine, how much 4-MeO-PCP would I require for a similar, utterly dissociated, no ego, mind blown effect?

I'm wondering mostly because it seems the dosages are quite similar to Ketamine, which is disappointing to me since I have access to this but it is significantly more expensive than Ketamine was for me when I lived in the UK.
Don't think I'll forget this one

First report: Reply on Higher dosages

Male: 210lbs
Tolerance: None

My report on 4-meo-pcp 600mg dosage experiment. It started last night at 11:00pm. I had about 3mg alprozolam after a few amph hits earlier the day. Lights were turned off , gf’s in bed with me, relaxed with some movie playing . I mixed +-600mg with 100ml water, very bitter but hey whatever. Smoked some more mj and lay back. Relaxed. I read 150mg was a good starting dose but misread my 0.01 scales 0.6 as 60mg as opening dose. I’m thankful all worked out well, very careless I know. Be Careful.

T +11:00pm – 11:30 – Can feel effects coming on strong, only did ket 2 times so can’t really compare but something’s taking off. Last meal 2 hours ago.
T + 11:30 – 1:00am Definite effects now. Movie seems like some announcement happening, CEV present but still building. Here we go, out of this world. Don’t even bother standing up, just keep laying down and breathe. This is something different and unique. Never tripped like this before, Different all together. Good mood though, relaxed but intense, Xannies maybe helped. This is where all thoughts are manifested in CEV, quite cool. Didn’t know you can trip like this. I used to do to Lysergic , Shrooms, 2Cs, Datura etc. years ago.
T +1:00 – 3:00.am Reality is now gone, only scenes of random thoughts and situations. There are random scenes playing out and smooths into some new space . I could be laying in the middle of the highway and not really care. Thoughts and scenes move on. The evolution of this universe is happening now. Who cares about anything if there’s no reality? All thoughts and energy are connected and everything’s unfolding, you think about it and then it goes in. Very clear and precise, almost like there’s nothing to worry about, this is just the natural flow The Evolution must go on as if it’s all being controlled by some creative power or process. I feel lucky to be here now as the universe evolves. I feel like a creation of evolution and who controls it should know what happens next. I feel looked after but in control although not in control at all. Then something’s building like I’m starting to think about hanging in open space and feel entities creating a sphere behind me.
The word Dimensional Emporium comes to mind.

T + 03:00 – 4:00am I wouldn’t mind living like this, there’s enough space, creating things from thought, effortless imaginative creation. My girl is also there as we unwrap ourselves from this blanket of rubber. It’s all the same matter and can be manipulated into anything you think. Create whatever, very alien. I think about hell and heaven, hell is not really here in this illusion so let go to heaven. It was like mountain sunset clouds high somewhere in the distant sky line. I would hear something my girl would say that we both know the answer to and realize that everything that I have is my heaven right now. You go to this dimension with yourself being the creator. Imagination makes this dimension habitable. Realization might be fun to explore and stay to create. So much is happening, at some point the big bang reverses, imploding. I have the hole planet earth asking me questions on the planets behalf. I can just feel planet earth pumping with questions for me. I just answer what I feel like through this massive microphone from space. Not really bothered but can feel earth active presence.
T+04:00 – 07:00. I’m now thinking more about reality or what has happened while I was gone from my body. Very difficult to explain the scenes of mechanical like human movement, almost like how to use a human body. Where am I? How about a car accident site, I’m dead in a car crash, I’m in the scene next to the pavement feeling the warm blood on my body next to the accident scene but it didn’t matter and this is not where I’m going. I feel my body and it’s shaping to the way I remember it. I am aware of my gf lying next to me and feel she knows about all that has happened but was asleep mostly. I feel great, I’m back now and amazed of what just happened.

07:00 – 08:00 – GF sort of wakes up, I’m lying comfortably enjoying some OEVs in the dark , color coded squares and circles, good to be back. Don’t want to move much, could make me nauseous. Get up for a draining, difficult operating my body but feels warm and nice. 350 mg Soma 1 hour before this experience.
Blew me away but in a good way,
It’s difficult to walk properly at first but interesting, lack of coordination is apparent; no way I’m driving today.
Overall impression is very good.
Will probably try the last 350mg soon ish
Safe exploring Space Monkeys!
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I'm just wondering, apologies for not going all the way through the thread as I have to leave in a moment, but does anyone have a good "dosage comparison" between this and Ketamine - e.g. if 300mg sends me deep into the K hole with Ketamine, how much 4-MeO-PCP would I require for a similar, utterly dissociated, no ego, mind blown effect?

I'm wondering mostly because it seems the dosages are quite similar to Ketamine, which is disappointing to me since I have access to this but it is significantly more expensive than Ketamine was for me when I lived in the UK.

Ketamine is more potent than 4-MeO-PCP if the batch being discussed is totally pure. How much more potent is up for discussion.
First report: Reply on Higher dosages

Could you tell me more about the timeline of aftereffects? How long did it take before you felt safe to drive? My 200-300mg plugged doses kept me in a state where I'm uncomfortable operating heavy machinery for over 24 hours.
i've got 1gram of the "impure" batch. my plan is to dissolve it in a couple shots of rum and split it evenly with a friend. we both have a large DXM tolerance and have experience both with planned and accidental 3rd and 4th plateau trips, so if 500mg orally is a clear overdose we should be able to handle it. judging by aldj's trip report though, i think we'll be fine.

oh, we're dissolving it in alcohol to hopefully aid absorption in the same way that alcohol helps DXM powder. not sure if the science is the same, but i have a feeling it might be.

oh yeah, and i have reservations about what the impurities are. however, this friend and i quite often adopt a "fuck it" attitude when we're together. we're both pretty cautious solo. *shrugs* =D i figure since there ARE impurities, orally is probably the best route. that way first pass metabolism will hopefully take care of a lot of the nasties before they have a chance to harm our bodies. we're going to eat a bunch of vitamin C and drink green tea too, for antioxidant support. as well, we're going to eat very well earlier the day of the trip to make sure we take as little harm as possible.

i'll definitely report back and let everyone know how it goes.
^Dissolve it in lukewarm water and plug it. Doses between 100-200mg have given me some good experiences.
After effects and drving

The after effects is just a real mellow feeling. Not a comedown at all.

As far as driving go , I went to gym 06:00am the next day and driving was fine. This was T+ 30 Hours. Gym was this easy going, slow 1 hour session with not too much effort. Just getting back in motion.

Only mistake I made was when GF woke up I had 3 tokes of the amph pipe that kinda spoiled the whole afterglow wow feeling.

I now dislike Amph/Ice hits and it feels dirty. Trying to get GF off it for a while but works when she wants to loose 10lbs in a week.

I was really out of it, Ketamine being superior to 4-meo? I dunno, everyone thinks what they like and do is best. 4-meo was incredicble at 600mg orally. Maybe 400 would have been enough. There's nothing I would expect from ket that would match the 4-meo. Very smooth with no paranoia, there was this sence of don't worry through the whole exeperience. I haven't done anything wrong, we're just evolving.

Still have the other +- 350mg left, maybe tonight. I read this article on dissocaitives which make me want to use this stuff responsibly and not screw up my brain. I had this frontal headache, nothing unbearable, might have been Amph/spliff combo and/or staying up for 48 hours. Pain killer sorted it out though.

Don't know if this is allowed.

I'm getting my 1g 3meo-pcp in about a week. Sounds like more than enough at +- 7mg a go.

I'll be keeping my eye on that scale.
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That's an interesting source and it surely contains a lot of information that's good to know if you are dealing with all sorts of dissociatives. However, I want to point out that William White got a reply on this text that critisized part of his findings, and White in turn replied in 2004 where he stated that he felt ashamed for not being fully accurate and balanced. See this link:


2nd attempt

My report on 4-meo:
Doasge 320mg

Omega369 x 2
some oj
1mg xanax

Had some stims friday and saturday followed by 2mg xanax, 2mg kpins. some high grade mj.

setting: in bed 11pm gf next to me with series playing. vampire diaries
t + 0 consumed 320mg in water and relax, the first dose still in the back of my mind, 320 can't be that heavy.

T + 50 - Effects are now present , not as exploding as last time, more gradual. Syncing with tv series playing, connection with characters but with more importance. There's an underlying feeling present.
This trip was to be internal with very interesting twists. Felt in control all the way through with situations presenting themselves. Personal exploring and healing. I know. Working through old memories with ease, justifying everything and understanding world problems and complexaties
A lot of info on egos and people of past lives. Souls not moving on, hanging onto their egos in afterlife demensions.
Maybe this is different for others, I read about bardo states a while back.
Indian warrior war dimensions of ego filled beings, people that died in car crashes being confused and not knowing how to move on. Replaying old familiar earth situations over and over before being alone and wondering, kind of sad.

I can see the bigger picture and know how they can move on but it's diffucult to let go. The bigger the ego on earth, the more diffucult letting go and move on. You must move on. I am in this egoless state where I know where eveything is. All around earth, other dimensions, invisable to earth,including heaven.There is the rumor of heaven but diffucult to get to. And so it goes on with discussions, real life stories from people in these dimensions. Sometimes manipulative but you can feel the ego in them and know. Move on. Don't listen to that. Karma was also present. To move on they need balance. Sounds crazy but I'm relaxed and it's playing out.

T + 2:00 - Peak is now over but still alot going on, tv shuts off and everythings dark in the room, quite. This is where the healing aspect began. Can't go into much detail but there were devices floating around the room, healing parts of your mind,soul and body. Artificial Technology at work. Mind eye images of spots dissolving into a light purple color.

T + 4:00 Tired now but can't sleep, 10 mg melotonin later and I was sleeping with my eyes wide open. It was like sleeping while wide awake. I had whey protein in the morning and 2 hours before dosing. It contains tryptophan, tyrosine and a lot of aminos. This helped a lot with dopamine and serotonin depletion from Stim use earlier.

T+8:00 I get up, couldn't sleep and start the day, made some tea, had some kiwi fruit, 2 scrambled eggs, 2 shots lupini and glas of sparkling wine. Gf wakes up and I feed her some kiwis, took 1mg klonopin and moved into the shower. Had some mj and spend the rest of the day driving scenic roads with gf keeping an extra eye. Driving is not recommended but I was very cautious.No excuse but had to get out the house. Went through McDs drive trough, very lovely.Drove for about 4 hours, had a good time.

As the day went on I kept feeling better and better. More energy, more optimistic. With no sleep until 9pm that night, sleep wasn't needed.Energy was ok.

At this dose and preloading wth various nutrients, no ill effects are reported after T + 48.No brain pains. More positive effects, great overall mood with no comedown feeling from moderate stim use earlier the weekend. Like the comedown didn't come.

This is it for the 4-meo. Very imprested again, lots of potensial and possibilities.

I'm waiting on the 3-meo next, who knows where it takes me.
There's a lot to see.
Safe exploring!
so I tried this compound two nights ago and had a bizarre, almost pleasantly uncomfortable experience. I dosed ~120mg orally over 4 or 5 hours, roughly 25mg every hour. The experience was preceded by a dosing of 1mg clonazepam, and several bowls of medical-grade indica cannabis were smoked throughout.

The effects of the compound really began in the second hour, aprox. 30 mins after dosing the second 2nd capsule. I felt kind of euphoria and an urge to write a lot, first lucidly about things in my life, but then in an associative and dreamy way.

A little later I wrote this:
feeling the outside of myself pulling into the blue surface where I dash the letters here and the air, feeling of tunnel pulling in blind moment, without the dark stretching limbs like a torture-table, though mine stretch so well...

I kept on getting mildly paranoid someone would call – like an employer – even though it was very late at night. I think this might be because I had taken a few doses of MDPV in the afternoon and there were still residual comedown effects that weren’t blocked entirely by the clonazepam.

After another ~25mg dose an hour later, I wrote:
to be enabled we must be switched on like microwave enter me into garden of phantasm of going going gone

During and after the last few doses, I became very disoriented, similar to DXM in many ways. In fact, I had a semi-delusion that either I forgot I had taken DXM, or had been sold DXM powder (even though the dosages wouldn’t have made sense).

I had a few moments of flying over a jungle leaping off tall poles with eyes closed, but other than that, it was an almost incapacitating disorientation marked by zero depth perception and hallucinations such as my hand going through a wall 15 feet away.
if you're used to it you're able to walk and talk on it almost like sober. with the difference of about two additional felt seconds per second. :]
and in comparison to ketamine it's not so queen fag'gy emotional stuff.
I ate 100mg (on an empty stomach) with a few friends last saturday.
Felt some nausea on the come up, after that; clearheaded drunken wobbliness when walking and weird depth perception.
I felt pretty much glued to the couch... Also, i felt short of breath when i tried to talk.

Cannabis helped get some "fun" into the trip and nitrous where great but not mindblowing.

Next time i think i'll try 100mg plugged.
Hmmm liking the 4-MeO-PCP poetry :)

I have some of this and am quite curious about trying plugging 100-200 mg one day. What would you think is a dose to get a clear experience of the effects for someone who has extensive experience with K (racemic and both isomers), without going overboard and schizo on your own ass?
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