Worst thing you have ever done?

Nothing too bad but...

When I was like 10 I was the biggest kid at my elementary school and would needlessly bully a bunch of smaller weaker kids to point that they would hide when I was around.

In junior high a mentally challenged dude (didnt know this until after the fact) grabbed my junk in gym class and I beat the shit out of him.

Lied constantly to my parents to conceal my drug use.

Overall though I would say any of these things are rather benign in comparison to some of you sick ass rapists/molesters/animal torturers
when we went riverfishing going back a few years i caught a fish then kept it on the hook...... ''when i reeled it in''....not far to the right of me on the river bank say around ten metres was a huge pelican .....me not thinking anything of it i threw my fish at the pellican still attached to the hook and line.

str8 away the pellican gulped my fish and started to fly of when it was pretty far away i started pulling it in .....but it started trippin out..then as i got it closer to the bank after around ten minutes of trying to reel it in i felt sorry for it and cut the string.
hoping that no one seen...to my left there was a family that rocked up and they must of seen me pulling the bird in with my line....and the look on the familys face was like id killed someone im pretty sure they were covering theyre daughters eyes....so we packed up and left real quick !! and havnt been fishin for a long time......lol
i felt heaps bad after that
wont do that again
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I was high on dilauid and crack, a cop trie to pull me over. I wouldn't stop because I had a qaurter of crack an about 50 pills. They had just passed a new law in my province that if you got caught with illegal narcotics like dilaudid or oxy, it was a 1 year sentence for every pill. So it ended up being a 40 minute high speed pursuit, I smashed up two police cruisers, hit 5 other vehicles, and had alot of charges. When I finally got caught, the female cop aske me when she was about to search me "o you have anything that is going to stick me or prick me" an I replied, "yeah, my cock".

It was very embarrassing when they read that out in court 2 years later.....I ended up getting 3 months in rehab, 3 months in jail, 3 months house arrest, and alot of money in restitution and lawyers.:|

And a big fat criminal record..........:!

looll lol
When I was strung out on heroin I did many bad things to many many people. My parents seemed to get the brunt of my shady behavior.

They had already cut me off, changed the locks, and went on vacation in Hawaii for 3 months. Whilst they were gone, I broke into their house and set up yard sale signs all over the neighborhood. I sold THOUSANDS of dollars of their things for around 1000 bucks.

There are lots of stories like this one, but for some reason it really sticks out as a real dick head thing to do.
Nothing too bad this far. Find a lot of the shit you've all done fucking crazy. Going to read it slowly over the next week or so for good measure.

The worst thing I've done is having sex with one of my best friends girlfriends. She was all over me one night at my house, we were both drunk and she was really gagging for it. She dragged me to the bathroom where we fucked & she moaned. I later realised my friend was passed out in the bathroom next door & heard us. We're now best friends and I reckon it could be partially because of this, the girl was a slag & he's better off with his current girlfriend, so it all worked out. Next to that, using my mums card to buy mephedrone for a good few months (she never checks her statement). Will probably regret it sometime, but those months were some of the best of my life. RIP meph, despite what you all say xD
When I was strung out on heroin I did many bad things to many many people. My parents seemed to get the brunt of my shady behavior.

They had already cut me off, changed the locks, and went on vacation in Hawaii for 3 months. Whilst they were gone, I broke into their house and set up yard sale signs all over the neighborhood. I sold THOUSANDS of dollars of their things for around 1000 bucks.

There are lots of stories like this one, but for some reason it really sticks out as a real dick head thing to do.

lol...well leeast you can look back and say ...yep that was pretty fucked up............;)
about 17 years ago During my misspent youth I tortured a dealer with a hot Iron to rob the man of 5000 pills 5 k of weed 10 oz of blow,20 grand in cash 200 boxed nokias and 15 armani suits. Lol

Ive done worse but wont implicate myself coz I never got caught for the other shit.
about 17 years ago During my misspent youth I tortured a dealer with a hot Iron to rob the man of 5000 pills 5 k of weed 10 oz of blow,20 grand in cash 200 boxed nokias and 15 armani suits. Lol

Ive done worse but wont implicate myself coz I never got caught for the other shit.

Thats real yo.^^
me and my ex were together on and off for about 6 years. one time we were broken up, my best gay friend, who happens to have also been friends with my ex, proceeded to tell me how my ex would cheat on me all the time. one girl was pregnant with some other dudes kid. another was his best friends girlfriend. now, my bestie was a total shit talker, but the story he told me sounded plausable, and i had suspicions already about a few of the girls he named. knowing full well the ex would never confess if i just asked him flat out, i did what any normal girl would do..

called him up hysterically, screaming and crying about how i had gone to the health dept a few days previously and just got a phone call from them that said i had tested positive for a std. he was the only person i had been with for 3 years, and he knew i wasnt screwing around on him, so he had to confess his sins. in front of his boss, and coworkers. i told him he had better call the girls and schedual an appt for himself to get checked out. you cannot even imagine the satisfaction i got in knowing that he had to get a qtip shoved into the head of his dick, and how freaked out those girls were when he called them to tell them an utterly bullshit story. however, those girls knew we were together, so in my mind they all deserved it.

how he even spoke to me after i told him it was an april fools joke is beyond me.

thats probably the worst thing ive ever done, but i dont feel bad about it in the least. in fact, remembering it makes me giggle.
Worst thing I have ever done, bar non, is took my youger brothers, first girlfriends virginity.

My brother was 16 at the time and I was 19.

One night at our house, my brother and I were throwing a party. (we're of a similar age so are friends with the same people) He had too much booze and passed out, when everyone left, there was just me and his (VERY HOT) girlfriend. To cut a long story short, she explained to me that she fancied me, but went out with my brother because he's like me but her age, and I already had a girlfriend. I suggested, "why not give me a kiss to see for sure?" anyway, one thing lead to another and I took her virginity that night. Then slept with her again another night, 2 days later. 1 week later, by brother said "Ben I finally slept with her" my heart froze... I congradulated him on his efforts then tried to forget.

a couple of months ago he broke up with this girl. A few days later, I told him while I was on Meph (truth telling drug) and he was worryingly calm about it, we laughed about it the next day but I still feel bad about it to this day.
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Well, I suppose this one CANNOT possibly be as bad as the girl-rape stories, but to me, who'd always been clean and straight before college, seemed horrible to me.

Long story short: I ended up having sex with some random girl using a stolen condom in some dude's room. She wasn't like passing out, she was fully awake and everything, having a great time. It was a college party plus the residents of the place had us show a college ID to even get in, so unless she was some 16 year old genius in college I can be fairly certain she was of age. I don't really feel terrible about it because even though I was taking advantage of a situation, she was at least somewhat aware of what was going on. Then again, I'm pretty sure she was just a skank anyway.

Another one I actually still feel kind of bad about was this one time after a salvia trip, still feeling high, I was in a room with a group of some friends drinking. Well, for some reason, I told some anectotal story about homeless people that I concluded by implying that all homeless people or panhandlers were probably going to end up using their money to get crack or whatever. Turns out, this one girl that was in the room had been living on the streets with her mother at one point, something I wasn't even aware of! Still, I lost a good group of friends that night, while they don't like hate me or anything I've never been invited to come drink up in their room ever again. After someone told me why that anecdote was horrible, it took me some time to apologize, because I wanted to talk to just her, but she was always with other people, but eventually I did and she said it was sweet of me and not to worry about it.

Still, I feel bad about because I'll always criticize and get mad at Rush Limbaugh whenever he makes the most sickening, disparaging remarks about poor people (like recently, he criticized the free/reduced lunch program, and said "well kids who might starve over the summer, go check your freezer! or go dumpster diving!) when really, I'm not all that guilt-free. I would definitely have NEVER mentioned homeless people if I had known that she'd once been homeless. She's such a nice girl, too. I hate inadvertently doing bad things to nice people.

I also remember back in middle school, making fun of this one kid all the time, and just being a general prick to a lot of people for no really good reason at all. The addage of "A bully is the most miserable kind of person" definitely applied to me back then, and I sometimes feel bad about that.

Oh and I've stolen a beer and a Smirnoff Ice Malt from work.
When I was in high school I lit the trash bag from the trash can in the girls bathroom on fire. I wasn't trying to burn the school down; I knew it would get put out. 10 minutes after I did it, I'm sitting in class and the fire alarm goes off. Everyone goes outside and is wondering what happened, I pretend to have no clue also. I did this twice, the firemen came both times because they automatically got notified when the school fire alarm went off.

My friends and I would write threats on the walls of the bathrooms or leave threatening notes like "EVERYONE WILL DIE AT 1030 AM" or "SOMEONE WILL GET A BOMB IN THEIR LOCKER IN THE A WING" so that we would all get evacuated for an hour or longer. It was all really funny to us, and other people would do it too.

I don't know why I did any of that, and I'm damn lucky that I never got caught. Both the fire stuff and the threats made the newspaper :O

That's just weird, bro, because that exact kind of shit happened at my high school about two (almost three) years ago. We had bomb threats that were usually misspelled (a bom will kill u alll lol), trash can fires...that kinda shit.

What ended up happening was this Saudi kid was blamed for the bomb threats, he might have admitted to it when the police came in and arrested him. Either way, that shit stopped once he was gone.

It was really annoying too, it would be like the middle of February and the fire alarm would go off because of a bomb threat, and I'd just think "here we go again...Man, this is bullshit."
not sure worst personally done.. but in a worst desperate attempted i blew out my coke filled nose and ate it to try to numb my mouth and throat

and i guess telling my mom im gunna killmyself one day and its her fault and hanging up is pretty crappy too
Around a decade ago, I repeatedly stabbed an extremely abusive immediate family member..

I was very young, very angry and very over being beaten black & blue day after day. No excuse I know.. I regret it every single day, a little more now considering that person died about three days ago.. That's the worst thing I've ever done..
Some people are most offended by the child rape, others by the animal cruelty, but I would remind everybody that these people are baring their souls here, and while we certainly don't have to condone what they have done, a supportive attitude might help them heal.

Something like "that's really low, but I am glad that it is the worst thing you have done - I bet that you have suffered a lot because you did that - what can you do to try to heal? Educate young people about date rape? Save animals destined for death in shelters? "

I would remind everyone here that a large portion of (admittedly brainwashed) people in the world would condemn all of us for using chemicals that they don't approve of. For some of them, their post would be "I smoked marijuana once and felt guilty for years afterward" or something equally ridiculous to us. They may be brainwashed, but they are people, too, and their views count (as unfortunate as that may seem).

Since I am a vegetarian who eats no animal products, I could look at the people pointing fingers at the person who slit a kitten's throat (yes, I was momentarily repulsed) and ask how many cows, pigs, chickens, and fish they have caused to be killed in the past month, and how many they caused to be tortured in factory farms for their milk and eggs. But I don't think that we are here to point the finger. Just as I can understand that people who eat animals aren't bad people (though I don't condone what they do), let's all try to understand that the child rapists and animal torturers are unquestionably suffering because of what they have done, and that having done something once (or even many times, in the past) that is very low down on our personal lists doesn't mean that they are bad people - they were just ignorant, and they are learning (like we all are). They are, after all, "confessing" in public, which is one way of attempting to heal. Let's be good listeners and as supportive as possible, rather than cursing them with death threats.

Big diff in killing for food and killing just to kill.
about second or third grade..there was a litter of kittens outside my house in the garage...just about the age where they've gotten over being clumsy and play but are still itty bitty. i picked one up and slung it by the tail against the side of my house, which was probably 10 feet away from me...did it to 3 or 4 of them. 11 years later and that still makes me sick to have been that cruel to something so helpless. i absolutely love animals, have a puppy who's my whole world, his paw prints are tattooed on me and i wouldn't ever harm another animal if there was a gun to my head now.