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Mangos intensify high with myrcene?


Apr 6, 2009
I didnt know exactly where to post this so I put it here. Does anyone have any first hand experience with mangos enhancing the effects? I thought it was very strange but quite interesting.


Did you know that mangoes can enhance your Marijuana high? It may sound strange, but it all comes down to chemical interactions within your body.

Marijuana and mangoes both contain a terpene chemical called Myrcene. This chemical helps the psychoactives in Cannabis cross the blood-brain barrier more efficiently.

Lower quality strains of Marijuana generally do not have as much Myrcene as higher quality strains. So in order to enhance the quality of your weed, increase the amount of Myrcene in your body.

This is easily done by eating mangoes. Next time you’re at the grocery store, buy some and give it a shot. Mangoes also have various health benefits including: antioxidant & anticancer properties, good vitamin content, high iron content, and tryptophan – a precursor of serotonin.

To enhance your high:
Try eating a mango 60 minutes prior to smoking/vaping. When you are taking hits, the high should come on a lot quicker. The overall high should also be stronger and possibly longer lasting.

To enhance length of your high:
Get high, then eat a mango. Eating mangoes for munchies can definitely lengthen the amount of time being stoned. This is really nice for many of us with high tolerances to Marijuana.

Everyone is different. If 1 mango doesn’t do the trick, try 2 next time. Be creative – making a mango smoothie would be delicious and should speed up the delivery time to your bloodstream.
This does not surprise me, and probably won't surprise a lot of people on here, because other foods such has grapefruit have been known to affect the highs of different drugs.
I eat a mango once every other day. I LOVE ripe mangos . They are my favourite fruit ! ...

I haven't noticed a difference .

But I guess I haven't really been on the look out for an increase in my weed high .

I shall be on the lookout now but I think if I do feel any effects they could all be placebos (after reading this)
I used to drink a lot of mango juice and my highs back then seemed a lot better, never put the two together, but I suppose that could've been why. I'll have to give it a try someday.
^ Or maybe didn't hae a tolerance then, y'know?

People will believe anything..
^ yeah or a placebo .

Or who knows . It could be true .
Or it could be a myth

Noone will know unless maybe serve ur mates (mates who don't know about this theroy) some mango juice/mangos when they are smoking with you an hour before smoking .

Let them smoke.

Ask them how they are feeling.....
^ Or maybe didn't hae a tolerance then, y'know?

I would think that, but back then I was smoking at least once a day. Then I was smoking several times a day for upwards of a year. However, I've only smoked ~3 times since January (I don't really need to anymore, as I can tap into that mindset freely now and much prefer the occasional psychedelic experience, instead of being constantly baked), but even now, after being mostly sober for the past 3+ months, my highs aren't nearly as strong as when I used to drink mango juice regularly. I'll have to give it a try next time I decide to smoke.
^ supposedly ?-- reply to weekendaddiction

I think dark chocolate(75%+ cocoa) might . It has numerous helthbenefits which i'm not going to go into .

But your regular Cadburys dairy milk or hersheys bar won't affect your high
^ supposedly ?-- reply to weekendaddiction

I think dark chocolate(75%+ cocoa) might . It has numerous helthbenefits which i'm not going to go into .

But your regular Cadburys dairy milk or hersheys bar won't affect your high

Yah I read it but don't remember if it came from reliable source or not. My theory is that it is mostly placebo + chocolate buzz more than a potentiation.
^ yeah man I believe you .

I'm saying that it has to be dark choc cause of the high coca content .

In theroy it could work . Coca is a light stimulant that raises serotonin as well .
what about..... eating a mango an hour before you toke, and then 30 minutes after you toke?


your mango has to be over-ripe, so buying a mango and eating it right away will not help.
then this only helps out with sativa dominant or pure strains. and even then, only if the strain doesnt have enough zing to it (which in itself is hard to establish).
in summation, eating a mango and then smoking just any herb will not yield any minor or significant result.