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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Joaquin Phoenix retires from Acting

^Yup! that's him! :D the one who got caught with a stash of porn in his
room and keanu reeves had to straighten him out. Love that movie
He may want to rethink this whole music thing:

Phoenix Makes Hip-hop Debut

Retired actor Joaquin Phoenix stunned partygoers at a Las Vegas club when he stepped to the stage to show off his newest endeavour - rapping.

The star, who announced his retirement from acting in October, performed three hip-hop tracks from his forthcoming album for a full house at nightclub Lavo in Sin City on Friday.

Phoenix, sporting a scraggly beard and long hair, bobbed along the catwalk, rapping while trying in vain to urge the crowd to dance.

After his set, he was left red-faced after he tripped and fell into the crowd as he attempted to step off the stage.

Full story

Too funny. Rapping is the last thing I would have thought of when he said he's retiring to persue his music career.


The rap

The fall

I'm not sure which one was more embarrassing to watch.
i love martha plimpton. she has the best quote ever in a film "i think about you when i go to the bathroom" said to river. <3
yeesh, puffy wanky is involved. :(

Casey Affleck is set to direct a documentary feature on Joaquin Phoenix's new career says The Hollywood Reporter.

Affleck is a close friend of the "Gladiator" and "Signs" actor who last spring decided to swap the acting business for a musical one.

Phoenix is embarking on a new path as a rapper, with an album to be produced by Sean Combs.

He is scheduled to make his first public performance Friday at a Las Vegas club, which will officially kick off Affleck's shoot.


I used to be involved in the local music scene back in the day. I knew shitloads of musicians would rather play music they like in front of 20 people than play music they hate in jam-packed staduims.
I knew one guy who turned down the chance to play bass for a band that was about to go on nationwide tour opening for the Flaming Lips. He was also approached about touring as Kenny Wayne Shepard's bass player. Turned that down too. And it wasn't like he had a bunch of other commitments. He just wanted to work on his own stuff.
(Neither of these were AMAZING offers. But if you're a totally unknown musician, both were great networking opportunities. The guy who DID take up the first offer ended up touring with Liz Phair right afterwards).

So I, for one, can believe a guy walking away from a big movie career to do rap.
Ummmmm, did you see him rap? Someone has bound to have said, "Joaquin, you are out of your fucking mind my friend." to him at some point before that.
^ Well you know how it is in Hollywood....is anybody actually brave enough or a real enough friend to tell him the TRUTH? ;)
did you see him rap?

Yeah it's incredibly bad. It's like some homeless person wandered onto the stage, drunk and started mumbling incoherently while bouncing on a trampoline.

I had some respect for the guy as an actor but this is ridiculous. He's gone from a decent Hollywood figure to an absolute joke in an extremely short amount of time. I would bet good money that he's on quite a lot of drugs at the moment and that he will return, within the year, to acting.
Ummmmm, did you see him rap? Someone has bound to have said, "Joaquin, you are out of your fucking mind my friend." to him at some point before that.

Going by this pic of him, I tend to think he may have some other "issues". The videos are nothing more than apalling to watch :\

The beard is probably being used to hide his hairlip :D, So good luck with his new hobo-hip-hop career, but the Charles Manson look aint doing it for me though.

ok i have to play devils advocate here.

perhaps for once, someone isn't doing something for the masses, but themselves. as much as it may displease others, it doesn't do that to him. i for one actually have more respect for the dude now.

look, we all have our secret fantasies, and while we may not act them out well, we would love to do it anyway. he is doing it, good for him
Ya know, I kinda agree with you on that one. Kudos to him for doing something he really wants to do, and not caring (maybe) that he looks like a fool for doing so ;)
But then again if I did care, I would just rap in the privacy of my bedroom.
which is what he should have done. there's a fine line between living out your fantasy and subjecting the rest of the world to it
which is what he should have done. there's a fine line between living out your fantasy and subjecting the rest of the world to it
you don't have to listen. in fact, it takes a lot of pointing and clicking to find it, why are you doing that if you don't like it?
Perhaps because it's headline news internationally and he is using his celebrity status to elevate his hip-hop career?

If Meryl Streep became a rapper, wouldn't that seem ridiculous to you?
hey, even i have those dreams. go streep.

i don't have a fucking clue if she would be good either, but leave the bitch to her dreams.

either way, they are succeeding more than your little ass ever could hope to. that gives them a little leeway in their fantasies.
You tell your kids to follow their dreams & be what you can be, not some egotistical, ungrateful hollywood tosspot like this guy. He strikes me as someone who might actually need some help from therapy, more than encouragement to do something he is blatantly terrrible at.

When Diddy is involved, I seem to get the feeling this is a bet gone too far. :\
i don't have a fucking clue if she would be good either, but leave the bitch to her dreams.

You do have a clue. She would be terrible. It would remain a stain that she could never remove from her otherwise very impressive career.

either way, they are succeeding more than your little ass ever could hope to.

I guess it depends on how you measure success. But yeah you're probably right. Does that mean though, because they are successful, I can't have an opinion about their work? Cause he can't rap for shit. I'm not sure why that offends you.

I am not (nor is anyone else on this thread) interfering with the mans dreams.