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f&t game - Question Thread!

It is a little lame and cliche.. but Titanic.
Which movie should all copies be burnt of immediately and the writers thrown into the blazing inferno?
The final scene of The Cure when he leaves his shoe in the boy's coffin. Damn. I can't even look at the screen when that part comes on anymore.

*edit- Damn you, Claire! You're trespassing on my turf. I should be evil and edit your comment. But I'll play nice. To answer your question, The Green River Killer. Check it out on IMDB. It's the biggest piece of shit movie I have ever seen and looks like it was filmed with a camcorder in someone's back yard.

Titanic. Pffft. Pussy.

What's the most boring movie you've ever watched?
i could say titanic again but i will go with Inland Empire. Mulholland drive was great, IE on the other hand, total shite.

What movie was the biggest let down for you?
Australia! Goddamn Nicole Kidman and her three facial expressions. They were making it out to be awesome, Oprah was raving about it. B-oring. I had about 5 cigarette breaks.

Frank, I just got in before you. Have a cry=D

Which movie would you make SURE your children watched?
The Devil in Miss Jones.


Seriously, though.... I can't think of any film that would really be relevant for teaching children any important lessons, as such. In terms of must-see entertainment, I'll say Yellow Submarine just because I loved it as a kid and it's got lots of great music.

What film's ending would you change, if you could?
Carly Simon - "Nobody Does It Better" from The Spy Who Loved Me.

Who is the most loathsome film villain?
that long haired hippy from 'passion of the christ.'

for realz though, possibly the dude from that UK movie "creep" set in the subway systems. he was fucking repulsive. amazing... but wtf???

who's your favorite anti-hero from any film?
Man with No Name/Blondie - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

Which film was a real catalyst in sparking your more intellectual interest in cinema?
Donnie Darko. That movie made me think so far out of the box, I found myself inside someone else's box.

What's your favorite movie starring Morgan Freeman?
possibly either "virgin suicides" or "girl, interrupted" which coincidentally would probably both be in my top ten if i made one today.

have you ever finished a movie and wished it would be 6 hours longer? if yes what movie was it?
^ The scene where the crazy chicken-eating girl hangs herself is among the saddest scenes EVER. God that song is so so soooooo sad but beautiful. Skeeter Davis - The End of the World.

I could watch 6 more hours of Judy Garland in Meet Me in St. Louis. Such a beautiful film.

Favorite foreign film?
Probably "La Haine".

Favourite DeNiro performance? (different to favourite movie starring DeNiro)
personally, i liked him in 'heat'. his quiet but powerful character was awesome to me.

what movie motivates you? (in any aspect of life, sometimes i see a movie and it makes me want to create something, do something, go somewhere, punch someone in the face, etc...)
American Beauty for sure. Makes me wanna get out there and live. Then I get sleepy and lose motivation. :(

What movie do you recommend to everyone you know as a must-see movie? Everyone has that one movie.
I don't feel comfortable recommending things to people because I have horrible taste in everything. But if I had to pick one, Double Indemnity.

Q: If a movie were made of your life, who would you most like to see play you?
Nora-Jane Noone.


Do you remember what the first DVD you ever bought was?