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Opioids **The Oxycontin Mega Thread.** - Can't find your thread? Its in here.

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i had a bunch of the 15mg kind with the mall. logo M on the fron under the dose, they were ok. I would have rather had the green 15's but they were free so i cant complain.
sixpartseven said:
At the top of the forum is the Mega Merged and FAQ sticky thread. Inside the thread is the Oxycontin Mega Thread. In the second post, I tell you which brands gel and which don't. When you saw that Mallinkrodt wasn't included, you should have posted this question in that thread.

I'll move it for you this time, but next time, do it on your own please.

Why thank you. In return I will give you an update.

- Mallinkrodt Oxycodone ER DOES GEL when it comes in contact with water.

- Mallinkrodt Oxycodone IR DOES NOT GEL with water so your best option with these is plugging.

Please update your 2nd post.
I never hear about Oxy 80mg G 164... made by Dava pharmacuticals? I heard these gel up, but they do break up into a fine powder for snorting. Although the nose does get stuffed up after using these "most of the time but not all times," the medication is very effective, either oral or insulflation. Are these anybody's favorites, how would you rank the types of oxy medication from 1-5. :\
Mallinckrodt oxycodone vs Teva oxycodone

Has anyone tried these new Mallinckrodt oxys in the 40mg or higher? How do they compare to Teva when snorting them? Do they gel up as bad? Worse?
I heard they were given permission by Purdue to distribute them, but Purdue still has all royalties and copyright/patent or whatever it's called, so they have to follow their "recipe" pretty damn close. I know they look about the same. I wish they still had the Watson ABG since, as we all know, those were the real Purdue Oxy just sold under a different manufacturer. I mean EXACTLY the same thing.
Anyone try the Malls yet?
I just merged a thread almost exactly the same as this into the Oxycontin Mega Thread. I'll merge this one in as well.
At the top of the forum is the Mega Merged and FAQ sticky thread. Inside the thread is the Oxycontin Mega Thread. In the second post, I tell you which brands gel and which don't. When you saw that Mallinkrodt wasn't included, you should have posted this question in that thread.

I'll move it for you this time, but next time, do it on your own please.

Can you please update the first/second post with Info on the new Mallinkrodt items.

Why thank you. In return I will give you an update.

- Mallinkrodt Oxycodone ER DOES GEL when it comes in contact with water.

- Mallinkrodt Oxycodone IR DOES NOT GEL with water so your best option with these is plugging.

Please update your 2nd post.

From my experince, this sounds about right. 80mg Maillinkrodts do wax up, so they are seemingly the same/no better than the other wax making generics.
Second post is now updated. I'm not including the information on IR because technically, that would not be Oxycontin(uous), which this thread is based on.

I think the information is wrong though. There was just a thread either here or in BDD about someone who had the pink 20mg ones and tried snorting them. He said they clogged his nose severely by gelling up.

I'm going to leave it as is (does not gel), but I expect both of you, bigjames and lost and confused, to do some research and find out whether or not they gel. It would also be cool if you could find me some pictures of each dosage. I will also be doing some research, so don't think I'm tossing it all to you guys.
Waitt a minute, i do have the pink 20mg, there continued release. and they gell like a mother fucker!
^ That's what I thought and why I mentioned it in the post above yours. I'm going to change the status to "Unknown" for now until we clarify the situation.
heres my experience

So what i have sitting infront of me right now, is as i can tell, a new form of "abuse proof" oxycontin. They are Mallinkrodt but have the purdue symbol on the bottle.

Its a pink 20. Very similiar to the OC/20 but a little bigger, and its scored with a boxed M and 594 on the other side.

Now last night i licked the coating off like always, and noticed it got kinda gelly, i was like whatev, and crushed it up. Now at this point i only LICKED the coating off, and already there were a few distinct gel pieces i couldnt break up and stuck to my razor =/

Thinking this is weird, i continued to snort half. Tastes like theres something other then oxy in this pill. And then as soon as i try to rinse my nostrils out, BAM clogged. now this a a clogged where you cant even use your nostrils. I snorted the other half anyway, and got a decent high, but nothing that to a brand name OC! (not worth it at all, especially if you have a high tolerance)

My nostrils were clogged for a good 12 hours after. I hate to think how much powder there is in an 80 of these things, there about 1/4 to 1/2 times bigger then normal OCs.

Anyway, this greatly dissapoints me. Going in to find a nice OC, and getting somethign new and nasty =[

I would hate to think about injecting these, but i heard its easier then snorting with this kind. Not proven though, so dont try.
I can post a picture of one! and the bottle for that matter.

I did forget to mention, that these taste and smell different when you snort them.

And of course IR dont gel, they never have!
Do it. That would definitely help. I can add the picture of the pill to the second post on Page 1. Try to get as detailed of a shot, preferably a picture with 2 pills, one displaying each side of the pill.
Will do. They really just springed these on people then?

You know how hard it will be getting one of thse and not taking it?! haha


only had 1, but this should do! and trust me they are pink, i just have dim lights
Excellent, thanks guys. I've added the pictures to the second post and have changed the gelling status to "DOES GEL (SEVERELY)"

I still need pictures of the 10mg pill, and a better picture of the 80mg pill if there is one out there. Are there any doses besides 10, 20, 40 and 80?

EDIT - after some cropping, that 80mg picture is fine, so if anyone can find any remaining dosages, that would be awesome.
I think I have the 10mg's your looking for. They are white have a M in a box (Mallinckrodt) and say 593 on the other side. let me know if these are the ones you need for a pic and ill get you one. So these should not be insulfatted due to them gelling up?
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