Serious Ketamine overdose in cat


Aug 30, 2018
My cat has a serious infection on his head, he will die if untreated. He wouldnt let me clean the wound, so I dosed him with ketamine and then treated the wound. He received about 150mg orally. It sedated him very strongly, but he isnt coming back, hes in a stupor with his eyes open. Hes breathing very fast constantly. Its been 3 hours. What can I do to bring him down from it? It seems pretty serious, he appears in a coma. I deeply regret dosing him now, Ive never drugged a cat before, I should have been MUCH more careful. How can I help him through this?
jesus christ man take him to a vet is the only option here, he probably needs oxygen


cleaning an already infected wound is not going to save him, he needs antibiotics man

your cat is going to die without proper medical intervention here
Don't fucking dose your cat! Jesus christ you should only give your cat meds if the vet ok's it. And 150mg's where the fuck did you get the idea to use that much? 50mg's IV will k hole a person never mind a cat. Id have a half mind to report you to the fucking spca.

Please take your cat to the vet asap.
jesus christ man take him to a vet is the only option here, he probably needs oxygen


cleaning an already infected wound is not going to save him, he needs antibiotics man

your cat is going to die without proper medical intervention here
I put amoxicillin powder directly into the infected wound. Ive cured infections like this before, it works when nothing else does. The vets here wont open on Sunday, I been ringing them but they wont answer. Hes improving a little bit. Hes moving around and responding to visual stimuli. Hes still breathing fast.
I put amoxicillin powder directly into the infected wound. Ive cured infections like this before, it works when nothing else does. The vets here wont open on Sunday, I been ringing them but they wont answer. Hes improving a little bit. Hes moving around and responding to visual stimuli. Hes still breathing fast.

Don't they have a emergency vet there? You need to get your poor cat to a vet man. I hate seeing animals suffer
Dosing needs to be done in a mg/kg fashion, that's like giving a person 2600mg

Look up local emergency vets in the area, you should be able to find them on google maps
Don't they have a emergency vet there? You need to get your poor cat to a vet man. I hate seeing animals suffer
Usually I can get them to attend the situation in emergencies, but theyre not taking this seriously. The good thing is hes coming back, hes walking, very drunkenly but hes doing it. His breathing has calmed and hes looking about 50% back to normal.
Why did you give so much? If his eyes are open you are supposed to lubricate them to prevent them from drying out.
The normal dose for an animal is 1mg per Kg of weight.

Honestly I'd love to tell you what type of person you are but I will get infracted for it.
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he is gonna probably want more, give him catnip instead. I Suppose if someone, for whatever reason?, likes cats, then hopefully this is a lesson learned( you need more than 150mg of ketamine to kill a cat) I bet he has a headache, maybe some asprin?
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do not go to vet and tell them you drugged your cat, unless you like jail. I say a cats life is not worth destroying yours, besides he is high, don't be a buzz kill. Do you want all kinds of criminal charges against you?.
Besides, he is either gonna live or die. If he lives, drug him on catnip.
Wait and see. If he dies, he dies. It is a cat, do you really want to do time and lose whatever you have and have the cat die anyways. You will have the cat taken from you anyways. There are a lot of stupid reasons people go to prison and ruin their lives. This might be a candidate for one of them if you listen to these cat lovers who know damn well you will be reported, your place searched and arrested. For what, you will also probably get a vet bill. If he dies, get a new one. If you take him to the vet, you will lose your cat, and have hugh legal problems. Wait and see. If he dies, cry( or fake it and throw him into a lake.)

Wtf? If i was stupid enough to drug a cat and it fucked them up i would bring them to the vet and i wouldnt give a fuck what happened. If he dies get a new one? What fucking kind of person are you man fuck sakes
Dosing needs to be done in a mg/kg fashion, that's like giving a person 2600mg

Look up local emergency vets in the area, you should be able to find them on google maps
It says on the bottle that the dosage for a cat is 5-10mg/kg for mild sedation and an anaesthetic dose is 22 to 33mg/kg. This is intravenously or intramuscular. Oral is always less potent. So orally would be up to twice that. I measured a higher dose because I knew he wouldnt eat all of it. It kicked in before he finished the plate.
It says on the bottle that the dosage for a cat is 5-10mg/kg for mild sedation and an anaesthetic dose is 22 to 33mg/kg. This is intravenously or intramuscular. Oral is always less potent. So orally would be up to twice that. I measured a higher dose because I knew he wouldnt eat all of it. It kicked in before he finished the plate.

I don't know what dose they use for cats but it would be less tghen a human. I have IVed ket before and less then 50mg's sent me down the k hole and im 190lbs i could only imagine what it would do to a fucking cat. Please do not give your cat anymore drugs unless a vet prescribes them ffs
You sound like the type of person who would bring a cat into the vet, have it die and go to jail. Hey some of us have a lot more to lose.
Besides, your life maybe worth throwing away over a cat, commie have as little or less regard for human life than Hitler.( Mao killed more of his own people than died in WW2).
The cat is fine, and the dude didn't ruin his life. Not everyone on here is broke and stupid enough to throw their life away for, a moving target. I resent being called a sociopath, I am more of a psychopath. Sociopaths can be charming.
The famine he created killed tens of millions, but all commies are liars. Coward no, idiot no, sociopath sorry not charming enough, but hey your hero Kim Jung Un is probably just like you, or maybe your like Stalin.
The famine he created killed tens of millions, but all commies are liars. Coward no, idiot no, sociopath sorry not charming enough, but hey your hero Kim Jung Un is probably just like you, or maybe your like Stalin.

Stop using capitalist sources. How many people have capitalism killed? Ask the Communists in Indonesia that where a victim of that very real genocide for starters. Also ask the people starving on our so called first world streets how nice capitalism is.

I am ot a fan of Juche so no i don't support north korea. I am however a Marxist-Leninist so i do agree with Stalin. If it wasent for Stalin and the soviet union you would be speaking german right now
Hey genius look it up Sociopaths are the ones who seem nice and are devious liars, like commies. You you really need to have an understanding of what a sociopath is before you make that accusation. Psychopaths are not charming, quite the opposite. You obviously are dumb, what do you think the socio part of the word means. Do big words scare tiny little brains?