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Need Help Peripheral Neuropathy/Diabetic Neuropathy


Jun 28, 2023
Wondering does anyone here have experience with this?

For 2 years now i've had pains/swelling in my chest. My ability to lift weights has seen me go from being able to bench squat and dead 100kg to me now training with 5kg dumbells.

I have discolouration on toenails both feet. I have done the senses test and toe 1 is less numb than toe 3 & 4.

I have had multiple doctors appointments. Just recently had a diabetes test. Waiting for the results.

I do find the pain is often affected by what I eat and have made dietary changes to help improve this.

I found pregablin gave alot of relief symptoms wise. I stopped taking it after i fucked up and went back to using benzos, alongside the pregablin and relapsed into cocaine addiction. Now I'm also wondering should i be going back on pregablin?

Any suggestions on what would make for a solid diagnosis? It's been causing me alot of anxiety lately and I'm struggling not to feel depressed.

Thanks in advance for anyone who replies. 🙏
If you don't want to risk pregabalin, you could give duloxetine a try. It works for me to a certain degree.

From a nutritional/supplemental point of view, you could try taking NAC (at 1g) twice or thrice a day, as well as bioavailable magnesium in fairly high doses. Whether you get a diagnosis or not, they're good ones to take either way.

WRT accurate diagnoses, really the only reliable one is going to come from someone who can see you IRL, look at your medical history and run tests. Chest pains and 'swelling' in the chest would typically indicate something to do with the lungs or ribs, not neuropathy, but I assume your doc has already had a look.
If you don't want to risk pregabalin, you could give duloxetine a try. It works for me to a certain degree.

From a nutritional/supplemental point of view, you could try taking NAC (at 1g) twice or thrice a day, as well as bioavailable magnesium in fairly high doses. Whether you get a diagnosis or not, they're good ones to take either way.

WRT accurate diagnoses, really the only reliable one is going to come from someone who can see you IRL, look at your medical history and run tests. Chest pains and 'swelling' in the chest would typically indicate something to do with the lungs or ribs, not neuropathy, but I assume your doc has already had a look.

Yes my doctor has seen the chest swelling. They said it could be the walls of my chest lining. I have had cardiac MRI and an ultrasound done privately.

Still i have chest pains and the tissue is all swollen around that area. It feels as if I'm carrying a bag of sugar or something on one side. And I get frequent pains in that area, as well as my hands, arms, glutes and feet.

I'm constantly feeling knackered and don't feel like doing anything. Even the thought of taking the dog for a walk lately makes me feel anxious. Pregablin wasn't just helping with the pain, it was helping me mentally.

I also get sore heads frequently. Pains in my hands/knuckles/feet every day. Stillness all over and feel quite tense sometimes when i wake up.

Also a constant feeling of exaustion. Which is turn is stopping me doing things and making me feel anxious and depressed.

I seem to have become more sensitive to light and noise when sleeping aswell.
Have you had a blood test done recently? I had one that revealed some odd stuff like high tryglicerides and slight liver impairment. I would personally ask your doc for a thorough blood screen.
Have you had a blood test done recently? I had one that revealed some odd stuff like high tryglicerides and slight liver impairment. I would personally ask your doc for a thorough blood screen.

I'm waiting for these to come back. Get them in a fortnight or so.
Mate we can't diagnose you - tbh it sound like a typical residual effect after a bout of overdointititus.

You've had some tests done. How about consciously trying to 'shelve' your anxiety until you get those results back nd go from there?

Meanwhile, do y=the stuff you already know which helps you, excercise, eat well, sleep as well a s poss, speak to people regualarly, avoid anxious triggers, cut down druge use to the bare minimum, and most of all try to stop following your thoughts...they arejust thoughts not realities. Is it a fact? NO! So intercept the thought, id it as just a thought, let that fucker piss off elsewhere and direct your attention to enjoying your meal / walk / film / chat, whatever it is

Anxiety is conman which robs us of our life which is only ever happening now, that's a simple truth. I know you know this, just reminding you

I'm not being totally altruistic with my time either, having recently experienced a bout of anxiety the likes of which I've never known, so am reminding myself too

All the best, anxiety is a real bitch. But workable with
Mate we can't diagnose you - tbh it sound like a typical residual effect after a bout of overdointititus.

You've had some tests done. How about consciously trying to 'shelve' your anxiety until you get those results back nd go from there?

Meanwhile, do y=the stuff you already know which helps you, excercise, eat well, sleep as well a s poss, speak to people regualarly, avoid anxious triggers, cut down druge use to the bare minimum, and most of all try to stop following your thoughts...they arejust thoughts not realities. Is it a fact? NO! So intercept the thought, id it as just a thought, let that fucker piss off elsewhere and direct your attention to enjoying your meal / walk / film / chat, whatever it is

Anxiety is conman which robs us of our life which is only ever happening now, that's a simple truth. I know you know this, just reminding you

I'm not being totally altruistic with my time either, having recently experienced a bout of anxiety the likes of which I've never known, so am reminding myself too

All the best, anxiety is a real bitch. But workable with

Nobody asked you to diagnose me? They've already said i am likely suffering from diabetes and i have neuropathy ie numb feet and nerve pain.

I was more asking what can be done test wise for me to get a solid diagnosis and also what can i do to rectify the pain i am experiencing. Surely there must be other bluelighters with peripheral neuropathy/nerve pain.

I have been keeping well exercising as best i can and eating the cleanest diet possible.

I am aware exactly what anxiety is. This is not anxiety. Anxiety wouldn't explain going from being able to bench 100kg to me only being able to use light dumbells now. Or the discolouration of both toenails, with the numbness in feet and shooting pains all over. It is quite unpleasant at times to say the least.
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Nobody asked you to diagnose me? They've already said i am likely suffering from diabetes and i have neuropathy ie numb feet and nerve pain.

I was more asking what can be done test wise for me to get a solid diagnosis and also what can i do to rectify the pain i am experiencing. Surely there must be other bluelighters with peripheral neuropathy/nerve pain.

I have been keeping well exercising as best i can and eating the cleanest diet possible.

I am aware exactly what anxiety is. This is not anxiety.
well you kinda did write "Any suggestions on what would make for a solid diagnosis?"

But yeah my comprehension skills aren;t up to the usual razor sharp levels today

I know you're experienced with anxiety, me too, but it sounds like anxiety may be in the mix from what you have posted.

The invitation is to just try and keep the mind as calm as possible until you get your results, as anything else just sounds counterproductive until then, especially pontificating on what those results may say (not saying you are doing that, but if the cap fits, as always)

I get some nerve pain too btw, and happy to chat more specific when my brain returns to normal level (amphet yesterday, just realising my thinking is laboured compared to ususal oops). In meantime though I'm gonna keep outta serious threads

Dont become Elgroucho instead of Elgoucho now ;):LOL: , but also from what you've written I'm hearing your lizard brain attempting to justify going back on the Pregs, even when it's just led you down a difficult road

Accept the wait until results. Reassess then.

EDIT also set yourself some super-manageable very small tasks to do - keeps reward system at least minimally satified and helps every single anx/mood malaise I have no doubt whatsoever

EDIT 2 Just saw @CFC 's Duloxetine wonderings. It's probably th most 'marmite' drug I've ever come accross. Have heard many proclaim it a miracle drug, and equally as many say it's the worst med they've ever had and has fucked up theor life bigtime. So, there's that. Nothing can ever be fukkin simple eh....sigh
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Yeah any suggestions on what would make for a solid diagnosis is not me asking for a diagnosis. It's asking what tests could i have done that would help this progress along so i can get the help i need.

I'm definitely showing signs of peripheral neuropathy. My doctor conceded that. But they seem very unhelpful at recommending which tests are best. Which i would really like to just get to the part where i get some help. Given that every doctors appointment is another 3 week wait and i'm in pain.

Yes there is perhaps an aspect of anxiety. Given one side of my chest is swollen and some severe shooting pains in the centre of my chest it's kind of hard not to get anxious about that. Hence my rush for them to draw a conclusion and get some treatment.

I said already i would be waiting for a healthcare expert to recommend me medication. Pregablin did seem to help but then it's listed as a medication for both diabetics and peripheral neuropathy. I'm essentially just waiting to see what the doctor recommends. Once we get to there like you say we will reassess then.

I'm honestly not El Groucho btw 😂. If i seem a bit serious in this thread it's just cos i'm sore and fed up of everything being so long with the doctors. Also probably the lack of drugs lately stirred up a burning hate and disgust for your 80mg line of amphetamine yesterday. For this crime you would almost certainly be due 40 lashes and a water boarding if i had anything to do with it 😉
I'm honestly not El Groucho btw 😂. If i seem a bit serious in this thread it's just cos i'm sore and fed up of everything being so long with the doctors. Also probably the lack of drugs lately stirred up a burning hate and disgust for your 80mg line of amphetamine yesterday. For this crime you would almost certainly be due 40 lashes and a water boarding if i had anything to do with it 😉
I know I just noticed I could slightly alter your username. If you ever get even a little tetchy on BL I will think "Well, Elgroucho has come to the fore, leaving the more relaxed Elgoucho side of his psyche lounging in the chair by the fire :)

I do need to be severley reprimanded for the amphet yesterday it's true. My fucking kid sussed it imediately they came back last night and I lied, claiming Modafinil. I feel fucking terrible about it now though as we have a massive respect between us so am gonnsa fess up later today
Hopefully your kid dobs you into his mom. And the social. Don't forget the social 😎😂
Sounds like a vascular syndrome. Please seek help fast as many of these syndromes can prove fatal.
Sounds like a vascular syndrome. Please seek help fast as many of these syndromes can prove fatal.

Can you expand on this please. I'm googling but have very little biological knowledge and doctors are useless. What makes you think this and what tests would be best to diagnose it?
Can you expand on this please. I'm googling but have very little biological knowledge and doctors are useless. What makes you think this and what tests would be best to diagnose it?
Sounds like a vascular syndrome. Please seek help fast as many of these syndromes can prove fatal.
I don't want to make you panic or anything but could you try to fast-track an appointment with your doctor? I may be lucky but blood tests take a day or two at most here

Edit: Just realized you can't see your doc for a while. Can you try seeing if they have any cancellations? Or if there's another doctor who can help? Hope it's nothing too serious.
I don't want to make you panic or anything but could you try to fast-track an appointment with your doctor? I may be lucky but blood tests take a day or two at most here

Edit: Just realized you can't see your doc for a while. Can you try seeing if they have any cancellations? Or if there's another doctor who can help? Hope it's nothing too serious.

Whatever it is has been going on for 2 years now. I've had an ultrasound and cardiac MRI. They said my hearts fine but did conceeded there was some swelling on the bottom wall of my heart? Like i'm not even sure how that makes sense to be honest.

Doctors don't seem to be taking it seriously at all. Despite several physical symptoms like a swollen chest/lymph nodes on the left side. Discoloured toe nails on both feet. Numbness in the feet. Tingling/discomfort in my hands/arms when i wake up in the morning.

I do suffer anxiety from the matter, because i feel like i'm basically screwed with no help.

I have an endoscopy booked (camera down the throat), and i'm going to get the doctor to refer me for a CT scan.

Having read about Thoracic aortic aneurysms, which is a vascular disease i wouldn't be surprised if it was this or something similar as alot of the symptoms match.

I just don't understand how chest can be swollen. Bottom wall of heart can be inflamed yet they say it's anxiety and nothing is wrong. Local GP's are absolutely terrible these days.
Would it cost you anything to go to an urgent care clinic or ED? They could probably do all the scans and tests within a couple of days and then monitor and treat you. I think you may be on the money about the thoracic aortic aneurysm. And peripheral vascular disease can be caused by diabetes.
I have an endoscopy booked (camera down the throat), and i'm going to get the doctor to refer me for a CT scan.
Make sure you have the sedation they offer for that mate - so you'll need a lift or public transport for the proceedure

It's a doddle with sedation, quite the opposite without trust me (although some tolerate it more than others)
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Would it cost you anything to go to an urgent care clinic or ED? They could probably do all the scans and tests within a couple of days and then monitor and treat you. I think you may be on the money about the thoracic aortic aneurysm. And peripheral vascular disease can be caused by diabetes.

I don't even know do we have such a thing. I'm trying not to stress and just continue about my day and wait for the blood test results from my GP.