• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

I can’t stop smoking crack man. And I fuckin hate it.

Rampage St

Jan 24, 2021
Like doing shit I NEVER do. Nothing against certain drug habits but I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve “cold copped drugs” I don’t do it.

But today went right to a homeless shelter found the dude and started smoking crack with the homeless people. This one black kid legit saved my fuckin ass mid hit he slapped the pipe out of my hand and it shattered and I was about to scream at him and I look up and there was two cops about 20 feet away crossing the street.

Idk what is it about it. I can turn down meth I can turn down pills heroin. I’m dreaming about crack 24/7 and I just started man.

It’s all I can fucking think about. I haven’t even been drinking cause of crack
And that’s crazy I ALWAYS drink.

So I smoke a 40 rock then I legit have a panic attack the entire drive home that I’m ruining my life I’m going to jail I am
Fucked.. I’m not paranoid in a safe place but driving on crack is a fucking disaster for me I am SO nervous. It would be an instant DUI.

Do I need to go to rehab? I can’t stop but I really don’t wanna do it Man. Crack doesn’t make me up it’s more like weed to me it helps me relax. I mean if I can get a 40
Rock after work everyday I guess I could manage it but. I just spent 2 hours doing the carpet nug hunt,

Crack is a horrible drug. I would blow an entire paycheck in a night and into the next morning. When I got into it I would do it every 3 weeks or so but I was always balls to the wall like this. Never stopped till I was skint. Then it became every 2 weeks , which then led me to getting into IV cocaine(whole other story) but it's a drug that made me despise myself immediately and I wasn't getting enough reward vs. cost to continue so was able to stop on my own.

I've done it a couple of times since then but I'm quickly reminded why I quit.
Crack is a horrible drug. I would blow an entire paycheck in a night and into the next morning. When I got into it I would do it every 3 weeks or so but I was always balls to the wall like this. Never stopped till I was skint. Then it became every 2 weeks , which then led me to getting into IV cocaine(whole other story) but it's a drug that made me despise myself immediately and I wasn't getting enough reward vs. cost to continue so was able to stop on my own.

I've done it a couple of times since then but I'm quickly reminded why I quit.

I gotta take 10 mg of bromazolam or Klonopin to be even able to comedown and sleep and that is not gonna end well if I have a supply shortage.

I really need to just call it honestly.
Very happy I never did it. They say that with crack you never go back, not true but the message seems pretty clear. Sounds torturous. Might be good to go to a rehab. They can give you ways to fight cravings if you find yourself unable to control them. Sorry you're going through this. It's such a potent drug but it leaves you really deflated is my impression. People coppin opioids just to deal with the comedown sometimes, then a lot of them get a poly drug addiction. Bad news, I'm sure you know. Wish I had more to say about it. Be strong, and keep us updated!
I ended up in a asylum right before Halloween from crack psychosis and lost my job and all my savings and I've been itching to relapse the last few days even after all that. I know what you mean about driving op I would end up stopping in like 5 different parking lots on the way home to take hits cuz I couldn't wait and the shaking and almost in tears while trying to drive
If ya wanna talk about why you need to quit crack and how; we can leave this here in H&R. Otherwise it will get moved to Basic Drug Discussion or another sub forum.
Any reasons you can think of to quit?
Only the first hit feels real good, u then spend the whole night trying to recreate that feeling. U end up all paranoid as fk, Super sensitive and depressed. Crack Is pure misery.
I only do a blast after a line but have line regular that first hit though easier come down then coke for me inever do it without heroin or pregabs
Been a month since last vist to thread hope OP made it through and is doing well.
I only do a blast after a line but have line regular that first hit though easier come down then coke for me inever do it without heroin or pregabs
Bruv, idk how so many ppl can come down "cold turkey" from cocaine. I don't do cocaine anymore and have promised myself to never do it again. But you can never say never*, so far its going prettyy well tho 👍 .well back on topic, I derailed a bit 😆 when I used to snort or sublimate cocaine xd IT WAS A MUST for me to have either a shot of morphine, morphine pills or benzos to calm down the revolutions. Fuvk it is too much for me to come down from it with nothing, pure fucking misery. I miss a good blast of crack tho, I fantasize with it here and there sumtimes but then I remember it's not worth it. Haaaa, at least the last week I said goodbye to coke I had a fking blast. I did cocaine 3 times in a week:
Monday> snorted and smoked crack with a friend like 3g. I was snorting with 1 Hand and had the pipe on my other hand xd

Wednesday> me and another friend(who had recently came back to peru after 4 years from Spain visited me) so we coped one of the purest shit I've ever had in my life. 1.5g for the equivalent of 10 pounds of Sterling currency ifykyk 😉. Anyway some beers and we snorted all that shit it was sublime, my friend was blown away(and so was i hahsha)👌
June 12th of 2023 I coped 2.5g for a ridiculously cheap price compared to ur first world prices xdddd this coke was in rock form but if the last coke was a 9.5, this was an 8-8.5 super good quality nonetheless.
I strained 2 grams in a paper and I snorted all of it with my hands in less than 2 hrs. I gotta admit at one point I was trembling and felt like my heart was gonna explode. I started fuvking praying 🙏 and told God if u get me out of this I'm never doing this shit again. After like 20 Mins I came round and said fuck it and blew the rest .5 to my 🪟.
Since then I'm clean and hopefully I'm staying like that for a long time. At least I had a fuckimh blast on my last bender 👌😉🇵🇪🥰😎💛.
Cheers xx
somebody in charleston sc says crack tasted like pickles...?
tasted good to me but that was decades ago.
want some now,

should i?
Nah man,
Not worth the comedown. Burns a hole in ur pocket aswell.
Too much hassle for 1-2 hrs of a shitty artificial paranoia.
Yeah I burned fiddy up real quick right after posting.
Was kinda worth it but coulda used that fifty for something else like idk giving to an animal shelter or something....
Done and done.
Back to same ol' same ol'. ;)


Bruv, idk how so many ppl can come down "cold turkey" from cocaine. I don't do cocaine anymore and have promised myself to never do it again. But you can never say never*, so far its going prettyy well tho 👍 .well back on topic, I derailed a bit 😆 when I used to snort or sublimate cocaine xd IT WAS A MUST for me to have either a shot of morphine, morphine pills or benzos to calm down the revolutions. Fuvk it is too much for me to come down from it with nothing, pure fucking misery. I miss a good blast of crack tho, I fantasize with it here and there sumtimes but then I remember it's not worth it. Haaaa, at least the last week I said goodbye to coke I had a fking blast. I did cocaine 3 times in a week:
Monday> snorted and smoked crack with a friend like 3g. I was snorting with 1 Hand and had the pipe on my other hand xd

Wednesday> me and another friend(who had recently came back to peru after 4 years from Spain visited me) so we coped one of the purest shit I've ever had in my life. 1.5g for the equivalent of 10 pounds of Sterling currency ifykyk 😉. Anyway some beers and we snorted all that shit it was sublime, my friend was blown away(and so was i hahsha)👌
June 12th of 2023 I coped 2.5g for a ridiculously cheap price compared to ur first world prices xdddd this coke was in rock form but if the last coke was a 9.5, this was an 8-8.5 super good quality nonetheless.
I strained 2 grams in a paper and I snorted all of it with my hands in less than 2 hrs. I gotta admit at one point I was trembling and felt like my heart was gonna explode. I started fuvking praying 🙏 and told God if u get me out of this I'm never doing this shit again. After like 20 Mins I came round and said fuck it and blew the rest .5 to my 🪟.
Since then I'm clean and hopefully I'm staying like that for a long time. At least I had a fuckimh blast on my last bender 👌😉🇵🇪🥰😎💛.
Cheers xx
My brother a cold turkey from coke never i not had some yesterday or today the heroin not making me miss it otherwise i be having anxiety and a bad mood '

Doing it now and again is ok but as you know can it gets out of hand a one last bender not bad you have done real well my brother
Like doing shit I NEVER do. Nothing against certain drug habits but I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve “cold copped drugs” I don’t do it.

But today went right to a homeless shelter found the dude and started smoking crack with the homeless people. This one black kid legit saved my fuckin ass mid hit he slapped the pipe out of my hand and it shattered and I was about to scream at him and I look up and there was two cops about 20 feet away crossing the street.

Idk what is it about it. I can turn down meth I can turn down pills heroin. I’m dreaming about crack 24/7 and I just started man.

It’s all I can fucking think about. I haven’t even been drinking cause of crack
And that’s crazy I ALWAYS drink.

So I smoke a 40 rock then I legit have a panic attack the entire drive home that I’m ruining my life I’m going to jail I am
Fucked.. I’m not paranoid in a safe place but driving on crack is a fucking disaster for me I am SO nervous. It would be an instant DUI.

Do I need to go to rehab? I can’t stop but I really don’t wanna do it Man. Crack doesn’t make me up it’s more like weed to me it helps me relax. I mean if I can get a 40
Rock after work everyday I guess I could manage it but. I just spent 2 hours doing the carpet nug hunt,

I think your mind/subconscious and maybe a higher power (who knows!) is trying to get you off it. I've been clean for 6+ months...It got to the point where I was also doing it in stupidly dodgy situations, couldn't tell who my real friends were, my fake friends would torment me, strangers would stare etc.

I think it's time to quit. You probably won't manage the first time but you might. DM me if you like. It took me a few gos. I also found that it kind of relaxed me but it was a relaxed feeling I would pay for dearly (especially in terms of brain chemistry).

I managed without rehab. I would suggest speaking to your doc or a doc who isn't super judgemental, seeing a counsellor/psychologist, maybe see if your doc can prescribe some benzos just while you're coming off the shit.

The cravings after 3-4 days will be insane. And they won't get better for 2-3 weeks or a month. But I will say one thing, in the 6 months clean (vs the time I wasn't), things have been amazing. You just have to say no, keep saying no, maintain a reasonably healthy diet and exercise routine (I'm kidding about the diet, since you'll eat whatever satisfies the cravings at the early stage). But it's a game of willpower. It's not impossible but it is very freaking hard. But the thing that you should ask yourself is "is this who I am? Is this bringing me closer or further away", if that makes any sense at all. And remember you might not be able to manage the first or even the second time...but hopefully you can get off it.