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Life, what is life? Why are we all here?


May 6, 2019
We are life and life is all around us. Intertwined and interconnected. Through our conditioning as humans we believe we are separate.

Life is an endless mystery, where the deeper you dig to find answers the more mind blown and lost you become.

Life is a rollercoaster you never know what your going to get and what comes next.

The mysteries of consciousness and creation are a deep rabbit hole.

What do you believe life is all about?

In my own experinces and view I believe life is like a movie written directed and played by God. All things are god playing a game of hide and seek. This does not alleviate suffering though. Reality is infinite.

Overall I believe life is the ultimate masterpiece of ART. Beautiful dramatic high stakes. Its one unique ride and journey through life.
We are life and life is all around us. Intertwined and interconnected. Through our conditioning as humans we believe we are separate.
We are all in this together, alone.

We all effect the whole, sure, but we all have an individual consciousness.

The trick is to get the world's majority to have the same overall goals and leadership, be it God or Government.

I would love a direct impact on many, but alas lack the platform.

We can telepathically intrude on another, but that is another topic.

We are life and life is all around us. Intertwined and interconnected. Through our conditioning as humans we believe we are separate.

Life is an endless mystery, where the deeper you dig to find answers the more mind blown and lost you become.

Life is a rollercoaster you never know what your going to get and what comes next.

The mysteries of consciousness and creation are a deep rabbit hole.

What do you believe life is all about?

In my own experinces and view I believe life is like a movie written directed and played by God. All things are god playing a game of hide and seek. This does not alleviate suffering though. Reality is infinite.

Overall I believe life is the ultimate masterpiece of ART. Beautiful dramatic high stakes. Its one unique ride and journey through life.
I believe life is to suffer and then to gain enlightenment through that suffering. Everything is to serve the expansion of god and god expands every time we have experiences or gain knowledge through those experiences. We have higher beings guiding us and assisting us and making sure everything goes according to plan. The only reason there is disease and mental disorders is because people go against the plan which Christians interpret as the Holy Spirit. This plan is set out by god and carried out by the aliens so that we choose love and free will instead of conflict and separation and Armageddon/judgement day.

But there is also the satanic aliens which can invade your consciousness through the holes in your auric field. God intentionally put us as the middle child between these two forces of the universe so that we can gain knowledge about who we are as individuals and as a whole. The alien plan is always motivated towards oneness and connection and unity. Anything that goes against that is satanic and resistant towards life and evolution and forward movement. Not to say that it is “bad” or “evil” or anything like that. It is simply saying that I reject life and I want things to be separate instead of together. I want to be in my own bubble of personality and ego instead of letting people into my world and instigating true genuine connection and closeness with people.

One of the biggest lessons of life is that of free will. Because man does not know how to use his free will, he suffers and attracts diseases. And it causes fear and insecurity and unstableness within the being. This is why there is addiction and stuff like that. Or any behavior that you feel like you can’t control and you feel like it just happens automatically. One of the reasons for life is to go through this process of becoming aware of those things that we just do automatically and to become aware of the different things about the mind that we have turned ourselves off to. Once we overcome these behaviors and take control of them with our free will, we gain more knowledge and understanding about ourselves and about the universe. And those are the moments that get downloaded to god and added to the knowledge of the universe.

I don’t think that people are aware of how much the aliens keep everything together. Yea there is a lot of suffering in the world and a lot of good people die but there is a reason that we still have not reached Armageddon even though evil is widespread and all around us and can happen to us at any moment. If they were not here to help us, there would be true chaos. Many sick bodies and people wanting to kill eachother because of anger and trauma. Doctors and law enforcement would be too overwhelmed and become crazy themselves. But there is a plan so that there is a new world which will be created by the ones who go in the direction of love and free will. The ones who reject the alien plan or the Holy Spirit will be left behind to suffer in the worst way possible. Because they chose the ultimate path of resisting life and nature and god and evolution.
I believe life is to suffer and then to gain enlightenment through that suffering.
Given that times are good and suffering at a minimum, it seems few will get enlightened.

I have enjoyed the majority of my life, which was good, even with the suffering.

I would think most honest people would say about the same thing.

I could never get the suffering whiner people.

Given that times are good and suffering at a minimum, it seems few will get enlightened.

I have enjoyed the majority of my life, which was good, even with the suffering.

I would think most honest people would say about the same thing.

I could never get the suffering whiner people.

What makes you say that suffering is at a minimum when there is hospitals of people dying and children getting kidnapped for sex slavery?? There are many people in the world who have to deal with perpetual non stop misery because of either physical medical distress or because there are people in their lives who do terrible things to them on a daily basis. I don’t think it’s wise to assume that things are generally okay. There is political and social turmoil that causes many disturbances and conflicts which can lead to disastrous results and there is school shooters and terrorists and satanists who are not just sitting around in their house playing video games but planning to cause misery and chaos because they do not like the world that they live in.

I don’t know what country you live in but to say that times are good and suffering is at a minimal tells me that you yourself are disconnected and unaware of our state as a species and you are stuck in your own bubble of personality and ego and only choose to project your own reality unto the rest of the world. And you say that if you were an honest person then most people would say that there lives have gone good. Are you sure about that? Many people in our society do not want to acknowledge hurt feelings and traumatic experiences. So when you ask someone if their life has gone alright, how can you be so sure that that person is vulnerable or willing enough to admit certain things that happened in their life that might not be so socially acceptable? Doesn’t seem very honest to me. People deny themselves all the time and try to maintain this image of tough guy or someone who has it all together and doesn’t let anything phase him or her. So when they encounter something in their life that makes them feel emasculated or inadequate, they will just outright pretend that that incident did not occur, and they will act like they still have everything all together when really they are being tormented by the suppressed feelings and emotions that they felt when that embarrassing thing happened.

Sure there is people who have had good lives and if you would ask people then I would agree there’s probably a significant amount of people in the world who have got to experience certain things like love and family and being healthy and being able to go out to fancy restaurants and vacations and stuff like that but to say that you are generally a dishonest person because you are “whining” about your life tells me that you have no connection to the world outside and don’t care to have compassion for the people who’s lives aren’t going as well as yours. If you are really in search for truth, then I suggest you take in other peoples perspectives and try to see life through their eyes instead of judging them as whiners. That is an example of staying in your personality bubble and rejecting life.
What makes you say that suffering is at a minimum when there is hospitals of people dying and children getting kidnapped for sex slavery?? There are many people in the world who have to deal with perpetual non stop misery because of either physical medical distress or because there are people in their lives who do terrible things to them on a daily basis. I don’t think it’s wise to assume that things are generally okay. There is political and social turmoil that causes many disturbances and conflicts which can lead to disastrous results and there is school shooters and terrorists and satanists who are not just sitting around in their house playing video games but planning to cause misery and chaos because they do not like the world that they live in.

I don’t know what country you live in but to say that times are good and suffering is at a minimal tells me that you yourself are disconnected and unaware of our state as a species and you are stuck in your own bubble of personality and ego and only choose to project your own reality unto the rest of the world. And you say that if you were an honest person then most people would say that there lives have gone good. Are you sure about that? Many people in our society do not want to acknowledge hurt feelings and traumatic experiences. So when you ask someone if their life has gone alright, how can you be so sure that that person is vulnerable or willing enough to admit certain things that happened in their life that might not be so socially acceptable? Doesn’t seem very honest to me. People deny themselves all the time and try to maintain this image of tough guy or someone who has it all together and doesn’t let anything phase him or her. So when they encounter something in their life that makes them feel emasculated or inadequate, they will just outright pretend that that incident did not occur, and they will act like they still have everything all together when really they are being tormented by the suppressed feelings and emotions that they felt when that embarrassing thing happened.

Sure there is people who have had good lives and if you would ask people then I would agree there’s probably a significant amount of people in the world who have got to experience certain things like love and family and being healthy and being able to go out to fancy restaurants and vacations and stuff like that but to say that you are generally a dishonest person because you are “whining” about your life tells me that you have no connection to the world outside and don’t care to have compassion for the people who’s lives aren’t going as well as yours. If you are really in search for truth, then I suggest you take in other peoples perspectives and try to see life through their eyes instead of judging them as whiners. That is an example of staying in your personality bubble and rejecting life.
I am happy to compare stats with you that show just how well we are collectively doing, in spite of all the ongoing woes you speak of, and which I recognize. Good points all.

Check the stats that are real and not the news that is there to titillate you, as it has.

I will start you up but -----

I want to be in my own bubble of personality and ego instead of letting people into my world and instigating true genuine connection and closeness with people.
Your message is interesting, and I kinda agree, I'm pretty sure that what you call "satanic aliens" do exist and in fact they act into you through holes in auric field, (i've experienced it)

but what I quoted,... I'm not 100% sure of it because there's not only the unity that eliminates the ego, but the unity of real love, which unites the persons in some higher plane, without eliminating our differences, dignity and uniqueness.
The ones who reject the alien plan or the Holy Spirit will be left behind to suffer in the worst way possible. Because they chose the ultimate path of resisting life and nature and god and evolution.
The alien plan? be careful,
would you trust anything that comes from the sky with a plan for an entire specie?? uhmm I would not, and I surely won't equiparate that with the "Holy Spirit"
I am happy to compare stats with you that show just how well we are collectively doing, in spite of all the ongoing woes you speak of, and which I recognize. Good points all.

Check the stats that are real and not the news that is there to titillate you, as it has.

I will start you up but -----


That is only referring to the financial aspect of it and just pointing out how we are more diverse now and connected our cultures together. Wealth and economic privilege doesn’t equal to a happy life. When I talk of suffering I am referring to the emotional and psychological struggles that people have because of past traumas in their lives and I’m also referring to the many different ways that satanism has expressed itself in our society and causes many people everyday to be forced into horrible circumstances. Who cares about statistics that are given by privileged scientists who probably have no idea what it’s like to actually be poor and on the lower scale of society. Your video gives off a very elitist mentality. Only focusing on the wealth aspect and the positions of class that we are in. Maybe the other statistics you have might be more convincing but if it’s along those lines then I do not see myself agreeing with you. We don’t need statistics to realize that these things are happening. Even if ther is just one child everyday being kidnapped that should make anyone say that our society is shit and we haven’t gotten anywhere and haven’t made any true progress or growth. And if you disagree with me then you simply do not care about those kids who are being kidnapped and only see them as statistics on a piece of paper and only choose to focus on your own life and your own priveleges.

And you have misunderstood me too. If I am skeptical about statistics that are conducted by respected professionals then why would you expect me to be the type of person who watches the news let alone actually listen to what they have to say? They have the same arrogant attitude as the scientists and the person in your video. It’s funny how you criticize the news media stations but then you present a form of evidence which is just as credible and sensationalized as theirs.
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We are life and life is all around us. Intertwined and interconnected. Through our conditioning as humans we believe we are separate.

Life is an endless mystery, where the deeper you dig to find answers the more mind blown and lost you become.

Life is a rollercoaster you never know what your going to get and what comes next.

The mysteries of consciousness and creation are a deep rabbit hole.

What do you believe life is all about?

In my own experinces and view I believe life is like a movie written directed and played by God. All things are god playing a game of hide and seek. This does not alleviate suffering though. Reality is infinite.

Overall I believe life is the ultimate masterpiece of ART. Beautiful dramatic high stakes. Its one unique ride and journey through life.

We're here because thousands of humans before us procreated. That's it.
The alien plan? be careful,
would you trust anything that comes from the sky with a plan for an entire specie?? uhmm I would not, and I surely won't equiparate that with the "Holy Spirit"
That is only because you are not able to differentiate between true love and illusion. Once you become stable and confident enough to know what real love is then it will be easier to determine which entities have the highest intentions. It is pretty apparent once you actually go through the process of eliminating your fear and your insecurity about your existence and about extraterrestrials in general. Human beings are constantly in a state of fear which is why cults are able to thrive and commercialism and sensationalism dominate the social playground. If we become conscious and embody our free will, we will be completely immune to victimization and advanced aliens gaslighting and manipulating us to our own destruction. You can become aware of the satanic plan enough to the point where you are able to recognize the signs and symbols that arise when it enters into your life and tries to tantalize you.

If you are going in the direction of real genuine love then it will not feel like a temptation that you can easily fall into. It is going to feel like work and discipline and you will be pushed to have certain interactions with people so that you can instigate unity and peace. Evil aliens aren’t going to make you do things like that it just does not make any sense to do that if you have intentions to destroy a species. They usually encourage conflict and separation and isolation. I would be concerned if they were simply just abducting people and acting like not killing them is a moral sign that they are safe. But they make active attempts to actually do things that bring people together and alleviate a lot of tension and conflicts in our society. They encourage us to open our minds and to become more aware. Why would they encourage you to do that if they wanted to control you and mindlessly guide you towards your own death?? It doesn’t make any sense.

That’s why I say your only problem is that you are just not familiar enough with the fundamental god energy which expresses itself through nature and expresses itself as love and connectedness and oneness. And you are not familiar with the various things in our society that prevent us from experiencing that universal energy and allowing it to flow through our bodies and minds in the way that it is suppose to.
It's a question I've desperately searched for a meaning to. Sometimes it feels like the universe is calling to me or throwing down a rope but I can't reach it. A lot of DMT use sort of led to this obsession. Really we're just here because of time. Life is time. Creation is time. "God" is time. I'm not religious, though I am fascinated by many religions.

I sort of it see it as, the universe was just a black space for an incomprehensible amount of time. But there was an energy out there, and over more amounts of incomprehensible time, little rocks would form, so on and so forth. It's unimaginable how much time it would've taken for the big bang to occur. I believe in it, it's largely been proven to be true, but I do think the universe was just totally blank at one point, but some unforeseen energy existed. I believe I could see this energy on DMT, channeling into everything I would look at. But it is kind of scary to think about how endless the universe is. There cannot be no other life forms out there, it's just impossible, and the fact that any human could believe we're the only life forms out there is hugely egotistical to me.

So why are we here? Well, some would say "God" but as I said, I believe this "God" is simply time itself. God is just a throwaway term that can apply to any religion, but it's literally just time. With time, things are created, destroyed, and created again. The change of seasons, life and death. I see picking a flower as the cutting of an umbilical cord. The moment that is cut, death is slowly happening. The flower will die sooner, but it still lives for awhile. Comparatively since there are so many flowers, I guess I see it as the volume of flowers makes it akin to the cutting of the cord since there are so many more flowers than humans. But I'm just rambling at this point, not sure if any of this would be understood. Like I'm trying to find a better way to explain it but at the moment I'm a little too tired.
All the world really is a stage I know that.

For myself it's kept quite simple really.

It's like, you're in the kitchen and the stove is on, finger burns I pull away because it hurts, I realise what I want, need it's all very instinctual.

Toilet next. Warmer jumper on.

Barely warming up but there is a goal.

We typically take everything for granted growing up. Lose sight.

I seek peace, comfort, purpose, justification, harmony, or happiness, for any and all because if there is none then to me there is no point.

I want out of that shit, but 2/3's of people the Nazis allegedly determined with truth serums are intrinsically "bad/evil", 1/3 not so at heart and I can go with that it resonates if they said it was 50/50 I'd reject the notion, so we have a lot of uncaring souls.

Your neighbour, teachers, sister, anybody. It's statistics I don't know what governs it.

So I naturally seek and gravitate towards this end. Personally.
what real love is then it will be easier to determine which entities have the highest intentions.
did you personally saw any of those "entities", in terms of seeing them while not under the influence of any substance?
because I haven't
it's not that I think that any entities coming from the sky would be bad per se, just because of not knowing them,
it's just that you seem to trust some kind of plan that you already know (don't know how exactly) and a priori, I think it sounds sketchy, but you know, you may know that they are good and it's going to happen
I trust my intuition, so it's not that I don't recognize between "illusion" and "real love", the thing is that I don't understand how you can see that event so likely, so certain

Evil aliens aren’t going to make you do things like that it just does not make any sense to do that if you have intentions to destroy a species. They usually encourage conflict and separation and isolation.
Yes, and no,
I mean:
of course separation and isolation is what the satanic forces want, no doubt. They were created and they separated from God because they wanted to, as a form of resentment, of rebellion in the bad sense of the word, like they didn't like unity and harmony, they are disharmonic.
BUT... satanic organizations like the UN, the unorganized but connected New Age ideology and others are trying to engage people into some kind of illusion that takes "unity" and "Oneness" as a motto, as a fake idea-force to make people believe that abandoning territorial soberany/nation and accepting some kind of Earth Constitution is positive
IMO, it's the opposite, it's satanic bullshit to enslave everyone. Peace is not the most important value in the world, it's love, and sometimes love needs to go to war against the enslavers that claim to want "peace for the world", which is their type of peace: repressing/killing/sterilizing all they don't want

But they make active attempts to actually do things that bring people together and alleviate a lot of tension and conflicts in our society. They encourage us to open our minds and to become more aware.
can you go further on this?' how they do that? who are they exactly?

That’s why I say your only problem is that you are just not familiar enough with the fundamental god energy which expresses itself through nature and expresses itself as love and connectedness and oneness. And you are not familiar with the various things in our society that prevent us from experiencing that universal energy and allowing it to flow through our bodies and minds in the way that it is suppose to
I don't know what you say that, it's a preassumption. I do feel that God energy through Nature, I'm in fact very close to plants and animals, much more than to persons, as I see most persons as really impure, specially regarding their morals. The only thing that I don't know for sure, and I want to know why you are so sure, it's the alien thing.
did you personally saw any of those "entities", in terms of seeing them while not under the influence of any substance?
because I haven't
it's not that I think that any entities coming from the sky would be bad per se, just because of not knowing them,
it's just that you seem to trust some kind of plan that you already know (don't know how exactly) and a priori, I think it sounds sketchy, but you know, you may know that they are good and it's going to happen
I trust my intuition, so it's not that I don't recognize between "illusion" and "real love", the thing is that I don't understand how you can see that event so likely, so certain
The fact that you do not know how I can be so certain about it shows that you are insecure about your own ability to determine reality. Not to be harsh or cold or anything. I have not personally seen or encounter these entities in the same way that a human encounters another human for example but I have good reason to believe that they exist and they are constantly helping us and guiding us towards salvation like it says in the Bible. Many religions have perceived them and have tried to persevere their teachings but they always get hijacked by the archons and use it to control people instead and make them fearful and un enlightened

And just to be clear I have not been able to percieve them fully whether I was on a substance or not. I mostly receive validation or assurance whenever I desire something and ask it to be so, or for them to help me in some way in a particular area of my life. You will also experience signs and synchronicities that remind you that the only thing that exists is love and unity and that satan is an illusion. Nevertheless, I believe psychedelics are interdimensional devices that can help us tune into these frequencies and communicate with these various entities but the results are dependent on your current state of mind and how much free will you have. If you have lack of free will and love then you will have a bad trip and be tormented by these entities in a variety of different ways. If you are confident about your existence and go in the direction of nature and authenticity, you will most likely have a very pleasurable trip and you will encounter the higher entities which have good intentions and not dehumanizing ones.
Yes, and no,
I mean:
of course separation and isolation is what the satanic forces want, no doubt. They were created and they separated from God because they wanted to, as a form of resentment, of rebellion in the bad sense of the word, like they didn't like unity and harmony, they are disharmonic.
BUT... satanic organizations like the UN, the unorganized but connected New Age ideology and others are trying to engage people into some kind of illusion that takes "unity" and "Oneness" as a motto, as a fake idea-force to make people believe that abandoning territorial soberany/nation and accepting some kind of Earth Constitution is positive
IMO, it's the opposite, it's satanic bullshit to enslave everyone. Peace is not the most important value in the world, it's love, and sometimes love needs to go to war against the enslavers that claim to want "peace for the world", which is their type of peace: repressing/killing/sterilizing all they don't want
Satanism is not limited to individual organizations or ideologies or movements. It is consciousness that is activated whenever someone decides to go against the true authentic nature of reality and choose to go against love and unity and connection. That can happen in any organization or movement even doctors and scientists. In a way you can say that almost every single thing about physical existence and the way our physical society operates today is mostly satanic. Nationalism is a fear structure and would not exist if we knew how to genuinely connect with eachother and to understand each other’s differences. The borders on states and countries do not exist. They are only thought forms in our mind that we pretend like they exist and create wars based on those pretend borders. That is why it is a mass illusion on the people to self destruct for no reason.

Religions and new age movements have the same characteristic to them in a way. So I agree with you on that point. However it seems that you single out certain organizations or movements as being satanic and are not entirely aware of the fact that any community or organization can be infiltrated or corrupted in some way. Even the ones that we think are wholesome. A lot of times these religions and modern movements will promote something that might actually be true in a spiritual way but because they are people who lack true love and free will, they will use these ideas and universal truths to confuse people about reality and make themselves appear like a god to people. There’s many ways of doing it and it can get pretty sophisticated and detrimental if you find yourself tangle up in a situation like that. That is what happens in most cults.

But anyways what I’m trying to convey is that you shouldn’t judge reality based on the various movements which are 3 dimensional and non objective and vulnerable to people hijacking and taking advantage of it to further their own desires and needs. There is higher truths that can obtained in these theologies and movements but we just need to be aware of the fact that making it into a individual movement or religion is in and of itself satanic and will inevitably cause problems and disagreements and conflicts. And we also need to be aware of the fact that both the ancient religions and the new age modern religions possess a very limited and rudimentary explanation about our universe and reality. Keep in mind that every movement that has become commercialized is a kindergarten version of reality. And the misunderstandings that arise from this undeveloped understanding about the universe is what causes all of the wars and the genocide and the many conflicts and discrepancies in todays world.
can you go further on this?' how they do that? who are they exactly?
Yes. They can change the vibe or the energy in the room to make you feel more comfortable and to avoid agitation and potential conflict, they prevent murders from happening and car crashes and stuff like that. If you do something that goes against love and unity they will let you know in some way and they will give you signs. If you are in an urgent situation where your health or life is at risk and you cannot see it, they will give you many signs and it will be obvious. As opposed to the fleeting moments you get when things are leveled out and nothings really going on.

On a grand scale they prevent nuclear war and they are the reason why we haven’t reached the tipping point of civilization yet. They know how to level out things so that things happen the way they should.
I don't know what you say that, it's a preassumption. I do feel that God energy through Nature, I'm in fact very close to plants and animals, much more than to persons, as I see most persons as really impure, specially regarding their morals. The only thing that I don't know for sure, and I want to know why you are so sure, it's the alien thing.
That is beneficial, plants and animals are more in the will of god than humans are and there is much to be learned by them. However I don’t agree that simply just being around plants and animals is sufficient enough to experience the true potential of this particular energy or force. The only way we can truly experience it is if we embody true love and true free will and use it in our everyday lives. And that is a process that requires inner work and a lot of deprogramming and self awareness. I understand your feeling of humans being impure but you are a human yourself and cannot isolate yourself from yourself. The only solution is to go in the direction of true love and unity, then you will truly be like a plant or an animal or even a little child like it says in the Bible.

And the reason I am confident about inter-dimensional beings guiding us towards utopia is because the Christian’s interpreted it as the Holy Spirit. Because the Holy Spirit always pushes you towards love and unity and free will and god. It is the ultimate plan which will usher in the kingdom of heaven as they say or the kingdom of god. That is the terms they use for it. But the new age people will call it the new earth or the 5th dimension. But what it really is is just an energy that pushes you to do the things that you have been avoiding to do your whole life. They encourage you to improve your life and your circumstances the same way that a parent helps a child. It’s easier to recognize those moral validations when you make a conscious effort to become more aware of what true love and unity is.
The fact that you do not know how I can be so certain about it shows that you are insecure about your own ability to determine reality. Not to be harsh or cold or anything. I have not personally seen or encounter these entities in the same way that a human encounters another human for example but I have good reason to believe that they exist and they are constantly helping us and guiding us towards salvation like it says in the Bible. Many religions have perceived them and have tried to persevere their teachings but they always get hijacked by the archons and use it to control people instead and make them fearful and un enlightened

And just to be clear I have not been able to percieve them fully whether I was on a substance or not. I mostly receive validation or assurance whenever I desire something and ask it to be so, or for them to help me in some way in a particular area of my life. You will also experience signs and synchronicities that remind you that the only thing that exists is love and unity and that satan is an illusion. Nevertheless, I believe psychedelics are interdimensional devices that can help us tune into these frequencies and communicate with these various entities but the results are dependent on your current state of mind and how much free will you have. If you have lack of free will and love then you will have a bad trip and be tormented by these entities in a variety of different ways. If you are confident about your existence and go in the direction of nature and authenticity, you will most likely have a very pleasurable trip and you will encounter the higher entities which have good intentions and not dehumanizing ones.

Satanism is not limited to individual organizations or ideologies or movements. It is consciousness that is activated whenever someone decides to go against the true authentic nature of reality and choose to go against love and unity and connection. That can happen in any organization or movement even doctors and scientists. In a way you can say that almost every single thing about physical existence and the way our physical society operates today is mostly satanic. Nationalism is a fear structure and would not exist if we knew how to genuinely connect with eachother and to understand each other’s differences. The borders on states and countries do not exist. They are only thought forms in our mind that we pretend like they exist and create wars based on those pretend borders. That is why it is a mass illusion on the people to self destruct for no reason.

Religions and new age movements have the same characteristic to them in a way. So I agree with you on that point. However it seems that you single out certain organizations or movements as being satanic and are not entirely aware of the fact that any community or organization can be infiltrated or corrupted in some way. Even the ones that we think are wholesome. A lot of times these religions and modern movements will promote something that might actually be true in a spiritual way but because they are people who lack true love and free will, they will use these ideas and universal truths to confuse people about reality and make themselves appear like a god to people. There’s many ways of doing it and it can get pretty sophisticated and detrimental if you find yourself tangle up in a situation like that. That is what happens in most cults.

But anyways what I’m trying to convey is that you shouldn’t judge reality based on the various movements which are 3 dimensional and non objective and vulnerable to people hijacking and taking advantage of it to further their own desires and needs. There is higher truths that can obtained in these theologies and movements but we just need to be aware of the fact that making it into a individual movement or religion is in and of itself satanic and will inevitably cause problems and disagreements and conflicts. And we also need to be aware of the fact that both the ancient religions and the new age modern religions possess a very limited and rudimentary explanation about our universe and reality. Keep in mind that every movement that has become commercialized is a kindergarten version of reality. And the misunderstandings that arise from this undeveloped understanding about the universe is what causes all of the wars and the genocide and the many conflicts and discrepancies in todays world.

Yes. They can change the vibe or the energy in the room to make you feel more comfortable and to avoid agitation and potential conflict, they prevent murders from happening and car crashes and stuff like that. If you do something that goes against love and unity they will let you know in some way and they will give you signs. If you are in an urgent situation where your health or life is at risk and you cannot see it, they will give you many signs and it will be obvious. As opposed to the fleeting moments you get when things are leveled out and nothings really going on.

On a grand scale they prevent nuclear war and they are the reason why we haven’t reached the tipping point of civilization yet. They know how to level out things so that things happen the way they should.

That is beneficial, plants and animals are more in the will of god than humans are and there is much to be learned by them. However I don’t agree that simply just being around plants and animals is sufficient enough to experience the true potential of this particular energy or force. The only way we can truly experience it is if we embody true love and true free will and use it in our everyday lives. And that is a process that requires inner work and a lot of deprogramming and self awareness. I understand your feeling of humans being impure but you are a human yourself and cannot isolate yourself from yourself. The only solution is to go in the direction of true love and unity, then you will truly be like a plant or an animal or even a little child like it says in the Bible.

And the reason I am confident about inter-dimensional beings guiding us towards utopia is because the Christian’s interpreted it as the Holy Spirit. Because the Holy Spirit always pushes you towards love and unity and free will and god. It is the ultimate plan which will usher in the kingdom of heaven as they say or the kingdom of god. That is the terms they use for it. But the new age people will call it the new earth or the 5th dimension. But what it really is is just an energy that pushes you to do the things that you have been avoiding to do your whole life. They encourage you to improve your life and your circumstances the same way that a parent helps a child. It’s easier to recognize those moral validations when you make a conscious effort to become more aware of what true love and unity is.
You are too young to be gracious and able to have a discussion without being rude, delusional in your own thoughts, intolerant to anyone else's, and contradicting everything you write every other sentence. And, excuse my French, you seem to be full of shit.

It is one thing to showcase how creative you are -- which I give you credit for that -- and perhaps even be admired for some original thought, but the way you go about insisting that everyone is wrong and you attack other's opinion, coming up with a four paragraph conclusion of a person you probably have never met in your life, let alone know, that is insulting and comes across as being reprimanded.

I would respect you and your ideals -- your truths -- but after reading your reaction to every individual you felt the temerity to drown in your intolerant bullshit, it is obvious that your lack of any education, formal or life experience, has done nothing to enlighten you in the least. You are only around to let the world know that you are above it all and only you have the answer to this mystery.

You spew out your opinions -- not facts -- opinions, like they are able to substantiated by a source that is respected or has done some type of formal or informal research so at least there is some evidence that wherever thoughts, etc., are shoved down throats of others by others knowing what they are talking about, or a pure, armchair philosopher like yourself, who needs to work on their grammar before they so full of personal authority and know it all grand remarks slams into people who were respectful to you by trying to honestly have a productive meeting of the minds with you. But you cannot do so.

If you knew that all of the oxymoronic sentences thrown on this thread were indeed the love and unity answer for the ages, then your stance and approach would not be one of "you are all wrong, you do not know anything" bantering and telling others what they thought about something and others just from two or three sentences that no one with a humble and open mind would consider saying to another.

The Bible teaches us to be humble. I guess your alien buddies missed that chapter. It is obvious you did.

You have a great mind, but you are stuck in the trap you think everyone is stuck in. Typical.

Now come at me, if you wish. But make some sense and do not assume. Ask me. I will be honest with you, but I will not go back and forth with you if you only are going to present me with unsubstantiated information. Everything I just wrote to you are my personal feelings and opinions, and observations about how you came across to me in how you communicated with others. Please know the difference.


And I love everyone, but I cannot stand insufferable arrogance.
What makes you say that suffering is at a minimum when there is hospitals of people dying and children getting kidnapped for sex slavery?? There are many people in the world who have to deal with perpetual non stop misery because of either physical medical distress or because there are people in their lives who do terrible things to them on a daily basis. I don’t think it’s wise to assume that things are generally okay. There is political and social turmoil that causes many disturbances and conflicts which can lead to disastrous results and there is school shooters and terrorists and satanists who are not just sitting around in their house playing video games but planning to cause misery and chaos because they do not like the world that they live in.

I don’t know what country you live in but to say that times are good and suffering is at a minimal tells me that you yourself are disconnected and unaware of our state as a species and you are stuck in your own bubble of personality and ego and only choose to project your own reality unto the rest of the world. And you say that if you were an honest person then most people would say that there lives have gone good. Are you sure about that? Many people in our society do not want to acknowledge hurt feelings and traumatic experiences. So when you ask someone if their life has gone alright, how can you be so sure that that person is vulnerable or willing enough to admit certain things that happened in their life that might not be so socially acceptable? Doesn’t seem very honest to me. People deny themselves all the time and try to maintain this image of tough guy or someone who has it all together and doesn’t let anything phase him or her. So when they encounter something in their life that makes them feel emasculated or inadequate, they will just outright pretend that that incident did not occur, and they will act like they still have everything all together when really they are being tormented by the suppressed feelings and emotions that they felt when that embarrassing thing happened.

Sure there is people who have had good lives and if you would ask people then I would agree there’s probably a significant amount of people in the world who have got to experience certain things like love and family and being healthy and being able to go out to fancy restaurants and vacations and stuff like that but to say that you are generally a dishonest person because you are “whining” about your life tells me that you have no connection to the world outside and don’t care to have compassion for the people who’s lives aren’t going as well as yours. If you are really in search for truth, then I suggest you take in other peoples perspectives and try to see life through their eyes instead of judging them as whiners. That is an example of staying in your personality bubble and rejecting life.
Always been suffering & always will be.
On the flipside of the coin things have also been good too, you can't have Joy without Suffering.

I'm pretty sure that what you call "satanic aliens" do exist and in fact they act into you through holes in auric field, (i've experienced it)
Hail Black Trigag
We are life and life is all around us. Intertwined and interconnected. Through our conditioning as humans we believe we are separate.

Life is an endless mystery, where the deeper you dig to find answers the more mind blown and lost you become.

Life is a rollercoaster you never know what your going to get and what comes next.

The mysteries of consciousness and creation are a deep rabbit hole.

What do you believe life is all about?

In my own experinces and view I believe life is like a movie written directed and played by God. All things are god playing a game of hide and seek. This does not alleviate suffering though. Reality is infinite.

Overall I believe life is the ultimate masterpiece of ART. Beautiful dramatic high stakes. Its one unique ride and journey through life.
The world is like a ride at an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it, you think it's real, cause that's how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and round and round; it has thrills and chills and it's very brightly colored and it's very loud and it's fun... for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time, and they begin to question: "Is this real, or is this just a ride?" And other people have remembered, and they come back to us, and they say, "Hey - don't worry, don't be afraid - EVER - because... this is just a ride." And we... KILL those people. "Shut him up! We have a lot invested in this ride - SHUT HIM UP! Look at my furrows of worry! Look at my big bank account, and my family! This just HAS to be real!" It's just a ride. And we always kill those good guys who try and tell us that, you ever notice that? And let the demons run amok. But it doesn't matter because... it's just a ride. And we can change it anytime we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings of money. A choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your door, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love, instead, see all of us as one.