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Misc Personal hygiene and drugs


Oct 29, 2018
I've noticed a few druggies sometimes let their hygiene standards slip. BO, bad breath and a sweaty arse. Its as if its too much effort to take a bar of soap to your behind. Particularly with certain uppers - there were times when I noticed myself smelling like a witchdoctors armpit.. And, of course, when you do mephedrone you smell like cat piss (*)Trouble is you tend to be the last to notice.

(*These days sticking to psychedelics Im fresh as a daisy)
Yes, the drug lifestyle often goes hand in hand with depression and the combination is a hygiene nightmare for some people.

Some drugs also cause increased perspiration and other bodily changes which increases odor.

Alcoholism, for example, causes people to sweat in bed and actually leaves a grotesque brown stain on the mattress. In an eerie way, it somehow resembles the outline a dead body would leave.

Contrary to popular belief drugs do not come out of the skin and cause odor. It's the result of other bodily changes and organ damage which causes other endogenous chemicals/toxins such as acetone to start coming out or the skin.
No idea. A little gift of scented soap, maybe -? Though no guarantees...

"They always gives me bath salts", complained Nobby. "And bath soap and bubble bath and tons of bath stuff and I can't think why, 'cos it's not as if I hardly ever HAS a bath. You'd think they'd take the hint, wouldn't you?"
- Terry Pratchett
No idea. A little gift of scented soap, maybe -? Though no guarantees...

"They always gives me bath salts", complained Nobby. "And bath soap and bubble bath and tons of bath stuff and I can't think why, 'cos it's not as if I hardly ever HAS a bath. You'd think they'd take the hint, wouldn't you?"
- Terry Pratchett
Loved those books as an adolescent. My favorite is probably "night watch".

But on topic , especially daily opiate use seems to negatively affect the frequency and amount of time I spend in the shower. Its like im either too high to bother or too depressed to make the effort.

So now that im clean im also really cleaner in a literal sense.
Loved those books as an adolescent. My favorite is probably "night watch".
I get even more enjoyment out of them now than I did when I first read them, because there's some perspectives to his writing that tend to go right past you when you're younger.
But on topic , especially daily opiate use seems to negatively affect the frequency and amount of time I spend in the shower. Its like im either too high to bother or too depressed to make the effort.
Yeah you're either too busy chasing the stuff and when you've got it, you don't really give a fuck. So I got a bit whiffy at times, but not as a rule. It was a matter of self-respect to try and keep clean. I was like, 'ok people can call me a junkie all they like, but I'm damned if anyone gets to call me a dirty one'.
I was also obsessive about remembering to brush my teeth twice a day even if I skipped a wash, because I was so paranoid about ending up like one of those buggers that are toothless by the time they're thirty.
Well, I've been on morphine for the past few weeks, because of having to have a septic abscess surgically cleaned (thank you, one of the cats!). The house is starting to look fucking really untidy. I mean, I'm still coming to terms with the death of my wife, but morphine means all I am doing is watching shite on the telly and drinking coffee (the only thing that I'm motivated about, is the care of the two fatrats (my wife called them furbabies. I call them fatrats, but I still love them as much - they nearly killed me, by giving me a septic wound, but I still put them top of my priority list!).
So, morphine: great for first few days, but now just a pain in the arse...
I’ve always been a sweaty bastard. Gift from my father. I drink heavily, and I sweat like Jimmy Savile in a playground, at break time.

Can’t say my mattress is anything other than clean though. No stains here. Do change the sheets 2/3 times a week though depending on level of sweat/sex.

I had the wet patch yesterday, ‘coz I’m a fucking gentleman.
I’ve always been a sweaty bastard. Gift from my father. I drink heavily, and I sweat like Jimmy Savile in a playground, at break time.

Can’t say my mattress is anything other than clean though. No stains here. Do change the sheets 2/3 times a week though depending on level of sweat/sex.

I had the wet patch yesterday, ‘coz I’m a fucking gentleman.

i change the bedding every time I start to scratch.
Daily showering habits can easily fall by the wayside during many types of drug habits that a user has lost control of. Daily showers just don't seem to fit into the schedule.

I've thought to myself on at least one occasion - Stinkhorn isn't only a type of mushroom.
Daily showering habits can easily fall by the wayside during many types of drug habits that a user has lost control of. Daily showers just don't seem to fit into the schedule.

I've thought to myself on at least one occasion - Stinkhorn isn't only a type of mushroom.
I would shower, as it would make me feel lots better, but I have a dressing over this fucking horrible hole in my left thigh, that I cannot get wet. Makes me remember an episode of the Simpsons, where Homer puts on extra weight, for work disability. The phrase that set me of laughing "I was myself with a rag on a stick". Slightly less funny, at the moment...
I noticed that kratom would increase my odors when on it no matter how much I washed my ass.
And night sweats were way out of control.
This all stopped when I gave it up a coupa three months ago.
I am now fresh as a daisy.
I agree with other posts above about opiates
I think when high, you can the too blissed out to bother washing, combined with not noticing or caring about your smell. When rattling you're too depressed and anxious to notice. And the excessive sweating makes it feel like there's no point anyway, I'll just need to wash again in an hour.

I also think there's something unpleasant about being wet, or the feeling of water on my skin when I'm fucking with opiates too.

Fairly ironic that "bath salts" can potentially make you smell like cat pish. When I could go into headshots and buy em OTC the vendors must have thought "fuck me, they're not doing him any good!"
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Yes that is the "junk" life.

I honestly wish you the best with it, that stuff is the worst drug to get off ever I promise you that much.
I've had to do it before and I have a tried & tested method for reducing the dose, with the minimum discomfort. Like I said, first few days were nice, but after three weeks, it has become tedious. I have an addictive personality, but never really succumbed to opiates (probably because early on, I sussed they were a seductive downfall, just waiting to happen); stimulants -yes, dissociatives - I've had some seriously silly bouts with them (it cost me a 12 year relationship - like I had a mistress called ketamine), depressants - some are very nice ( barbitone and methaqualone were sooo tempting), but I had read too many nightmarish reports of what happens when they are abruptly stopped to make them a weekend
I was brief about stimulants because (as would be instantly confirmed by anyone who knows me!) there are simply too many examples of ways I can become slightly unhinged, to recount!
Another point I just thought of... When it's raining heavily, we shove an umbrella up... If your so drugged up that "everything's cushty", why expose yourself to such annoyance? Unless you've been in such a mindset it's hard to understand, but you detach from reality when on hard drugs.