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Poppys indoor

Very nice grow, those whit n purple look just like mine…you get them from some pods you ordered ? If not what strain ?

No, the white and purple were just some leftover seeds from some poppy seed tea. They are Tasmanians (UK blue seeds, the kind that are commonly used for PST).

The second batch I grew (which is the first picture, the one without flowers) are Izmir Afghan poppies. I think I actually like the high of the Tasmanian poppies more. The Tasmanian poppies are much more stimulating, which I like. They seem to have higher thebaine and codeine content. The Izmir Galania Afghan poppies are much more sedating and feel very morphine dominant, which is cool, but it is so sedating that I can't really function well during the day. I guess it makes sense since those are the poppies they use to make heroin out of. The Tasmanian's on the other hand are what they use to make pharmaceuticals out of. The Tasmanians have a more oxycodone like high, whereas the Afghans have more of a morphine like high.

I haven't tried smoking the latex from the Afghans yet, only the Tasmanians. I bet the Afghan latex smokes better 🤔
No, the white and purple were just some leftover seeds from some poppy seed tea. They are Tasmanians (UK blue seeds, the kind that are commonly used for PST).

The second batch I grew (which is the first picture, the one without flowers) are Izmir Afghan poppies. I think I actually like the high of the Tasmanian poppies more. The Tasmanian poppies are much more stimulating, which I like. They seem to have higher thebaine and codeine content. The Izmir Galania Afghan poppies are much more sedating and feel very morphine dominant, which is cool, but it is so sedating that I can't really function well during the day. I guess it makes sense since those are the poppies they use to make heroin out of. The Tasmanian's on the other hand are what they use to make pharmaceuticals out of. The Tasmanians have a more oxycodone like high, whereas the Afghans have more of a morphine like high.

I haven't tried smoking the latex from the Afghans yet, only the Tasmanians. I bet the Afghan latex smokes better 🤔
Well very impressive grow none the less. Making me want to pull my tent out of storage and just say fuck outdoor I’m goin back inside !
Ok, ok...here is a glimpse of one of them

And yes, opium is very dense, so a little chunk weighs alot.

I smoked a few grams but found it wasn't worth it. You have to smoke alot of it in order to get high (like nodding high). So unless you have a large supply, smoking it is very wasteful. Plus, I find the high from eating it to be far more enjoyable and satisfying.

There isn't much of a rush to smoking it. The high sort of creeps on slowly. Whats interesting is that after you finish smoking it, the high continues getting stronger. And it lasts a very long time. I've noticed the same thing from smoking tar heroin, a long lasting high that keeps on getting stronger even after you are done smoking it. Difference being that tar heroin does have a bit of a rush when you smoke it. Smoked opium tastes alot like tar heroin smoke, in fact it tastes exactly the same, minus the vinegar taste from the acetic anhydride. The plants themselves smell like tar heroin (minus the vinegar).

But I'm never growing these again. Was alot of fun though. I just don't need a constant supply of this stuff, because if I have it around I'll find excuses to take them. It was really a crazy feeling to get high off of narcotics that I grew myself from a little seed. And it wasn't a subtle high, it was full blown pinned pupils, face scratching, dropping my phone on the floor while nodding on the toilet, type of high.
When you say “eating it is far more enjoyable “ do you mean literally eat the latex or to consume the tea? I recall in another thread that you believe unscored pods make the best tea so did you leave some unscored ,you still get to make tea out of the scored pods but their probably just weaker cause you been draining them for a week,,is thinking correct?
When you say “eating it is far more enjoyable “ do you mean literally eat the latex or to consume the tea? I recall in another thread that you believe unscored pods make the best tea so did you leave some unscored ,you still get to make tea out of the scored pods but their probably just weaker cause you been draining them for a week,,is thinking correct?

Either of those (eating the latex or drinking the tea, both work).

And yeah, I left most of the pods unscored. I only collected a few grams of opium for smoking purposes just for the experience of smoking my own home grown opium. I smoked it out of an oil burner. I mean smoking it does work but since alot of gets inevitably damaged in the process and its a slow developing high (ie, no rush), it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to smoke it if you have limited quantities. But I felt like I had to try it.

I have also made putty out of it as well. Keep in mind only half of that plant's total morphine is in the pod, the rest is in the stems and roots.
Ok, ok...here is a glimpse of one of them

And yes, opium is very dense, so a little chunk weighs alot.

I smoked a few grams but found it wasn't worth it. You have to smoke alot of it in order to get high (like nodding high). So unless you have a large supply, smoking it is very wasteful. Plus, I find the high from eating it to be far more enjoyable and satisfying.

There isn't much of a rush to smoking it. The high sort of creeps on slowly. Whats interesting is that after you finish smoking it, the high continues getting stronger. And it lasts a very long time. I've noticed the same thing from smoking tar heroin, a long lasting high that keeps on getting stronger even after you are done smoking it. Difference being that tar heroin does have a bit of a rush when you smoke it. Smoked opium tastes alot like tar heroin smoke, in fact it tastes exactly the same, minus the vinegar taste from the acetic anhydride. The plants themselves smell like tar heroin (minus the vinegar).

But I'm never growing these again. Was alot of fun though. I just don't need a constant supply of this stuff, because if I have it around I'll find excuses to take them. It was really a crazy feeling to get high off of narcotics that I grew myself from a little seed. And it wasn't a subtle high, it was full blown pinned pupils, face scratching, dropping my phone on the floor while nodding on the toilet, type of high.
Since the pods only grow on top and the lower leaves ain’t dying off there’s not really a need to mount a light on the sides but it might help them swell up a little more,

Bravo 👍👍👍
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Either of those (eating the latex or drinking the tea, both work).

And yeah, I left most of the pods unscored. I only collected a few grams of opium for smoking purposes just for the experience of smoking my own home grown opium. I smoked it out of an oil burner. I mean smoking it does work but since alot of gets inevitably damaged in the process and its a slow developing high (ie, no rush), it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to smoke it if you have limited quantities. But I felt like I had to try it.

I have also made putty out of it as well. Keep in mind only half of that plant's total morphine is in the pod, the rest is in the stems and roots.
Wow that’s fantastic you can make tea out of the entire plant,, you’ll easily grow enough to hold you over till the next crop, if you decide to do another,,,is the 2month lifespan accurate that I found online..
Since the pods only grow on top and the lower leaves ain’t dying off there’s not really a need to mount a light on the sides but it might help them swell up a little more,

Bravo 👍👍👍

I did have some LED's on the sides when I grew the first batch during the winter, but I took them off when it started getting too hot.

It was a bunch of these daisy chained together:

Wow that’s fantastic you can make tea out of the entire plant,, you’ll easily grow enough to hold you over till the next crop, if you decide to do another,,,is the 2month lifespan accurate that I found online..

They take longer than 2 months because they seem to grow in two waves. The first produces the bigger pods. Then eventually I cut those and increase watering and fertilizer, then a second wave of smaller pods start growing.

But yeah it produced way more than I expected, and these pods are much, much stronger by weight than any outdoor pods I've ever had.

Yesterday at 1:30pm I drank tea that I made from just 10 grams of the dried Tasmanians. I was nodding pretty hard by that afternoon. It comes in waves, with bursts of energy and then nodding. It has been 24 hours and I'm still high, pinned pupils, scratching my face, was even nodding a bit a few hours ago. I just tried to take a piss and it took forever due to the urinary retention from all the morphine.

At that was from just 10 grams. I've have gone through many pounds of outdoor pods and have never come across pods that would do anything near this from 10 grams. Indoor pods are strong as hell, although I bet a large part of it is all the nitrogen and l-tyrosine I've been feeding it (l-tyrosine is the precursor to morphine during it's biosynthesis in p. soms).
Cool thread guys. Aren't poppy plants beautiful?

Glad I happened to click on this when it was in BDD and move it here. Would have been a shame to keep it closed.

Yeah not sure why so many mods here are so gung-ho about closing threads. Provided it isn't in direct violation of the BLUA, threads should remain open. Perhaps moved, but not closed.

Keep in mind, nowhere in the BLUA does it say threads in BDD/OD must be harm reduction focused. As the only surviving OD/BDD moderator from that era, this new idea of, "this isn't harm reduction so it needs to be closed" isn't based on some precedent we set back then (nor is it written somewhere).

Much of the harm reduction that goes on here occurs in the periphery of threads, so even if the subject of a thread isn't explicitly harm reduction oriented, harm reduction still often occurs incidentally. And often times it isn't the OP that is the recipient of harm reduction. For instance say someone starts a thread about what strain of kratom is the most euphoric (clearly not harm reduction related). Someone who responds to that post might give a cautionary tale of kratom addiction, and in turn, years later some random person searching the internet about kratom might come across that cautionary tale and take that advice to heart (thus avoiding a similar fate).

So again not sure where the, "this isn't harm reduction so I'm going to close it" concept started but it was never an original guiding principle of OD/BDD. Beyond that, traffic here is so slow, closing things unnecessarily only turns this into more of a graveyard. Even worse is when the thread that is shutdown belongs to a new greenlighter. Imagine registering here and posting your first thread only for it to be shutdown (despite not being against the rules). I'm sure they're like, "Well fuck these guys, i'm never posting here again" 🤣
^ well said. And I agree. Sometimes the comments a thread gets is where the real HR comes in. The original question may be vague but then others come along and can really add perspective.
Are there stats kept on the mods actions , a tally of any and all interactions with forum membrts, bans, closing threads, moving threads..?
Cool thread guys. Aren't poppy plants beautiful?

Glad I happened to click on this when it was in BDD and move it here. Would have been a shame to keep it closed.
Yes I totally agree tons of good information in this thread,I wish they had a “Bookmark” option so you can easily save a thread that you’d like to go back too at a later date ,Im on a photography forum that has it and its just a click of the mouse …
dude ur shitty indoor opium isn't even helping you spell a word right.
Come on..... That's a very weak comeback. We all know spell check inserts an apostrophe in well when typing in a lot of platforms. Stop being a pedant and add something constructive.
ok, my plan for this season is to get the biggest fuck off pots i can find.

fill it with 95% sand 5% clay, transplant my young poppies onto it.

then i place them outside on the north facing side of my house (i live in the southern hem)

and then i watch all my neighbours exclaim how nice my marigolds are looking. (yeah they are idiots)

what do you have to add cuntface