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Bupe SUBOXONE "high" is gone. 😢


Jun 25, 2022
It's impossible to get high on Suboxone if you are using it as recommended. But there is slight taste of euphoria and relaxation when you just start using. Maybe some people who were on heavy drugs didn't feel it, but I did. It was just a little buzz somewhere in the background. Hardly noticeable. Unfortunately after 2 months it's gone. I am on 8mg (in the morning) and everything else is fine. No pain, no desire to get back to opioids and no major depression. Any chance that the good old feeling will come back, or that was it? Is that the only change or should I expect something else in the future? Answer to this question can give only somebody who's been on Subs for a long time.
It happens with all maintenance opioids, or perhaps all opioids in general. It just becomes one's normal state of being.

I never got much enjoyment out of buprenorphine, it has a sort of edgy buzz that takes getting used to. And once you start to be able to appreciate the buzz, it disappears.

I find methadone many, many times more pleasurable than buprenorphine, but even methadone loses much of its high. That said, when I was on 380mg/day of methadone, I would take 240mg in the morning and 140mg and night, and that morning dose would make me nod pretty consistently, so much so that, unless I was taking some kind of stimulant, I pretty much had to schedule a nap everyday in the early afternoon. Taking the whole dose at once would get me pretty high, and taking a double dose would knock me out cold.
Welcome to the world of tolerance. At first they get us high because we haven't taken buprenorphine before. Or methadone. But it doesn't last and it's not supposed to.

The whole idea of getting people stable is to get them away from the notion that they have to be high all the time. That's what they were designed to do. To maintain you but you aren't supposed to enjoy them. At least after the first few doses anyway.

That's why people still shoot fent even if they are on 100 mgs of methadone. They still want to get high. That's why people IV their suboxone. They just can't let loose of the notion that being high is where it's at and taking as prescribed doesn't rock their boat anymore.

Maintainence drugs are only as good as you want them to be. They can be abused like any other substance. Most people that are getting these kinds of drugs realize that their cravings are still there and try to push the envelope with their drug of choice. Kind of defeats the whole purpose of getting on them in the first place.
How are you taking it? The oral bioavailability for bupe is pretty bad compared to nasal/rectal. From my experience doses that high will only give you that euphoric feeling for a few days when you first start taking it. And that’s if you’re tolerance is low, which most peoples is not when they start Suboxone. The best advice I can give you if you are looking for a little warm opiate feeling from your subs is taper down to less than 3ish mgs a day. I take ~.5 - 1.5 mgs per dose, either sniffing or plugging, 2-3 times a day and get that little bit of a euphoria we all love. But if you are truly on maintenance to get clean and away from opiates, take it as prescribed. Chasing a little buzz will most likely result in reverting back to H/Fent/Pills or whatever your poison is. Good luck :)
Welcome to the world of tolerance. At first they get us high because we haven't taken buprenorphine before. Or methadone. But it doesn't last and it's not supposed to.

The whole idea of getting people stable is to get them away from the notion that they have to be high all the time. That's what they were designed to do. To maintain you but you aren't supposed to enjoy them. At least after the first few doses anyway.

That's why people still shoot fent even if they are on 100 mgs of methadone. They still want to get high. That's why people IV their suboxone. They just can't let loose of the notion that being high is where it's at and taking as prescribed doesn't rock their boat anymore.

Maintainence drugs are only as good as you want them to be. They can be abused like any other substance. Most people that are getting these kinds of drugs realize that their cravings are still there and try to push the envelope with their drug of choice. Kind of defeats the whole purpose of getting on them in the first place.
Thanks for your useful reply. I know world of tolerance very well, from my 10 years experience with painkillers. At the end even a 60 mg of oxy wasn't enough to feel anything. That and depression were the main reasons why I decided to get clean once forever. I really don't have any physical cravings and there is no way that I go back to opioids. Suboxone saved my life and if needed I will stay on it forever. That little extra buzz I was talking about was just an extra revard which I didn't expect. Everything is fine and I feel like a normal human being for the first time in the last 10-15 years. I just pray that it's gonna stay that way.
How are you taking it? The oral bioavailability for bupe is pretty bad compared to nasal/rectal. From my experience doses that high will only give you that euphoric feeling for a few days when you first start taking it. And that’s if you’re tolerance is low, which most peoples is not when they start Suboxone. The best advice I can give you if you are looking for a little warm opiate feeling from your subs is taper down to less than 3ish mgs a day. I take ~.5 - 1.5 mgs per dose, either sniffing or plugging, 2-3 times a day and get that little bit of a euphoria we all love. But if you are truly on maintenance to get clean and away from opiates, take it as prescribed. Chasing a little buzz will most likely result in reverting back to H/Fent/Pills or whatever your poison is. Good luck :)
Thanks for the advice mate, but I am not going back. I'm taking it orally (under my tongue) every day at the same time. That little euphoric feeling was a bonus which I didn't expect. It lasted almost 2 months and that's enough. Trust me, I really have no desire to feel high again or to abuse Subs. It's a miracle drug and I just hope that all other benefits won't disappear. I am not asking for much. Just to feel "normal" without depression and pain. That's all.
Thanks for the advice mate, but I am not going back. I'm taking it orally (under my tongue) every day at the same time. That little euphoric feeling was a bonus which I didn't expect. It lasted almost 2 months and that's enough. Trust me, I really have no desire to feel high again or to abuse Subs. It's a miracle drug and I just hope that all other benefits won't disappear. I am not asking for much. Just to feel "normal" without depression and pain. That's all.
You should not lose the mental health/craving killing effect if you keep taking regularly. The bupe will attach to your receptors the same! I’m so proud of and happy for you that it is helping the way it is! Sounds like you losing the bonus isn’t a big deal! Have good one and stay safe <3
There is a little high from this only in the beginning...far less recreational than methadone.Have pross&cons.It's a good substitution for me
You should not lose the mental health/craving killing effect if you keep taking regularly. The bupe will attach to your receptors the same! I’m so proud of and happy for you that it is helping the way it is! Sounds like you losing the bonus isn’t a big deal! Have good one and stay safe <3
Thanks mate! All the best. ✌️
For five years, I used 2 mg of buprenorphine intramuscularly daily and did not stop feeling euphoric. Everything changed when I started doing 2-3 injections a day. The euphoria went away for a few years. After I got on Opioid Replacement Therapy and started getting buprenorphine (without nalaxone) for free, I decided not to break the rules and started taking it sublingually (12mg). A few years later, I began to allow myself a 2mg injection, the result was successful. This went on for half a year, by that time I had reduced the sublingual dose to 4 mg, despite the fact that I received 160 mg on hand for ten days.
Over time, I accumulated a lot of pills and I started again switching to injections, increasing the dose and losing euphoria, since the larger the dose, the stronger the antagonistic effect on the mu-receptors. I had to switch back to sublingual use. Over the past 5 years, I have accumulated thousands of pills. A week ago, for the first time in a long time, I again did an IM injection. And what do you think? The euphoria is back.
Excuse my English, not enough practice does the trick.
I got high only the first day on maintenance. That was 5 years ago. It won't come back. And don't try to take higher doses to get high. Suboxone does not work like that. Good luck.
Thanks. I don't intend to increase the dose. No way. I will try to tapper it down to 4 very slowly. But not right now. I just don't have mental strength to do it.
Didn't think it was possible. But for the second evening in a row, after an i/v shot of 4 mg of Buprene (buprenorphine hydrochloride, Ukraine), I felt not a slight surge of positive emotions, but a noticeable euphoric sedation, which I was pleasantly surprised by. From tomorrow I will reduce the dose to 3 mg. Based on scientific articles, supported by observations of a friend who reduced his "diet" to 0.5m per 2 days, dosages up to 2 mg (0.5-1.5) have a significantly weaker antagonistic effect on the mu-opioid receptors.
In the presence of buprenorphine without nalaxone (this combination was invented by the devil), I would advise the following algorithm of actions:
1. reduce the sublingual dose to 6 mg. It's simple, I didn't feel the transition from 16 to 10 at all. Let's be honest, this is probably the most "friendly" opiate - the withdrawal syndrome will not come to visit you in a day, and most likely even in two. It happened that I, with a dosage of 12 mg, missed a couple of days without symptoms
2. After 3 months, try a 2mg injection. It happens that this is not enough. Then after 20-24 hours (not earlier) inject 4 mg. Studies (and I constantly read thematic scientific journals) say that the antagonistic action completely blocks our favorite mu receptors starting from a dose of 16-24 mg. I claim that this is a lie. This effect occurs at much lower doses. I think in the case of sublingual intake it is 12mg.
It doesn't matter if you do it intramuscularly or intravenously. real bioavailability does not differ dramatically, the difference is only temporary. You wait either a minute or 7.)

Ukrainian Bupe

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Thanks. I don't intend to increase the dose. No way. I will try to tapper it down to 4 very slowly. But not right now. I just don't have mental strength to do it.
You'd be surprised how easy it is to taper down to 2 mg. You can taper by 0.5 to 1mg every few weeks I did 2 mg at times with almost no withdrawal. It's under 2 mg a day that it becomes harder. But take your time as long as you're not using that's all that matter.
For five years, I used 2 mg of buprenorphine intramuscularly daily and did not stop feeling euphoric. Everything changed when I started doing 2-3 injections a day. The euphoria went away for a few years. After I got on Opioid Replacement Therapy and started getting buprenorphine (without nalaxone) for free, I decided not to break the rules and started taking it sublingually (12mg). A few years later, I began to allow myself a 2mg injection, the result was successful. This went on for half a year, by that time I had reduced the sublingual dose to 4 mg, despite the fact that I received 160 mg on hand for ten days.
Over time, I accumulated a lot of pills and I started again switching to injections, increasing the dose and losing euphoria, since the larger the dose, the stronger the antagonistic effect on the mu-receptors. I had to switch back to sublingual use. Over the past 5 years, I have accumulated thousands of pills. A week ago, for the first time in a long time, I again did an IM injection. And what do you think? The euphoria is back.
Excuse my English, not enough practice does the trick.
Amazing story. We don't have pills in Australia, only Suboxone film. It helps a lot at the moment, so I don't want to play with it. Yet. ✌️
You'd be surprised how easy it is to taper down to 2 mg. You can lower by 0.5 to 1mg I did 2 mg at times with almost no withdrawal. It's under 2 mg a day that it becomes harder. But take your time as long as you're not using that's all that matter.
Thanks for your support. I will follow your advice when I decide to tapper down. ✌️
You'd be surprised how easy it is to taper down to 2 mg. You can taper by 0.5 to 1mg every few weeks I did 2 mg at times with almost no withdrawal. It's under 2 mg a day that it becomes harder. But take your time as long as you're not using that's all that matter.
Oh, they got ahead of me. I even started editing the post when I saw the new post about dose reduction. The truth is, the difficulties begin with 2 mg. If there is no prior experience, stay with sublingual application.
I called subuxon the invention of the devil, since the additional antagonist is clearly superfluous. Buprenorphine itself is hard to die of, even in theory. Like it or not, but we are looking for at least a minimal hint of euphoria, albeit a weak one. I remember the days when it was possible to come for intramuscular injections of buprenorphine solution instead of pills. Very ethereal effect. If desired, diazepam could be added. So, those who received these injections (both with and without diazepam) were much less likely to relapse into using street opiates. Personally, I consider it too much to offer diazepam, but I don’t see a sin in the fact that a person experiences a tangible high while remaining in a clear mind.
By the way, here's what I understood. Increasing the usual dosage almost always results in a loss of euphoria. And the most insidious is the attempt to take the second dose within 12 hours. Many then brought themselves to acute withdrawal, hoping to return the euphoria. Buprenorphine sits on the receptors stronger than other opiates, which is why, it seems to me, he likes to mock us 😈
I hear you but for me all I wanted when I got on Suboxone was get my life back in order. That's all that mattered to me I didn't need it to get me high. What I needed was go back to the gym get a job be part of my community and stop being a selfish prick to everyone I loved. And it did all that and more! It saved me from dying on a bench somewhere. So he might be mocking us if we want to get high but otherwise he's helping us stay sober 😇
For five years, I used 2 mg of buprenorphine intramuscularly daily and did not stop feeling euphoric. Everything changed when I started doing 2-3 injections a day. The euphoria went away for a few years. After I got on Opioid Replacement Therapy and started getting buprenorphine (without nalaxone) for free, I decided not to break the rules and started taking it sublingually (12mg). A few years later, I began to allow myself a 2mg injection, the result was successful. This went on for half a year, by that time I had reduced the sublingual dose to 4 mg, despite the fact that I received 160 mg on hand for ten days.
Over time, I accumulated a lot of pills and I started again switching to injections, increasing the dose and losing euphoria, since the larger the dose, the stronger the antagonistic effect on the mu-receptors. I had to switch back to sublingual use. Over the past 5 years, I have accumulated thousands of pills. A week ago, for the first time in a long time, I again did an IM injection. And what do you think? The euphoria is back.
Excuse my English, not enough practice does the trick.
You said you’re English isn’t the best so maybe you are misspeaking when you say intramuscular, or maybe i don’t know about the Suboxone pills you have in your country, but I hope you are micron filtering your shots if you are doing injecting, wether it is intramuscular or intravenous. The fillers and gross things in those pills have horror stories of people losing limbs after missing an intravenous shot. Be safe!