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On the Demonisation of Methamphetamine on Bluelight

well you're a raging lunatic at times...it's all good tho - i think you're alright.....you didn't have to meltdown over :gaydance: did ya?

im flippin ya shit obviously but you asked me 3 times "what do you mean by that?!?!?? that's homophobic! raaahhh!!!"
Still no valid points on the topic, bro… Haha, I guess if you’ve been on the site for 16 years you just kinda get to do and say whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Re: gaydance.gif – still have no idea how that response to voir dire (the examination of jurors prior to a trial) makes any sense. I have theories, and none of them speak well of you, but it hardly matters. The bigger point was that mods coming down on me are hypocrites if they allow homophobic slurs.
tell me that wasn't you :)
I’m still waiting to hear what you did when you worked at a prison. The sleuth emoji was your animation choice this time. What were you brought in as special investigative services for some state prison or perhaps the federal bureau of prisons? Is that it? So are you law enforcement, then? I figure it’s either that or you worked in medical, dental, possibly the admin office… I guess you would’ve told us by now if you wanted to share.

seriously, you’re L.E., aren’t you?

tell me that isn’t you :)
Meth does exist and it is strong, but imho it's its duration which wrecks people.
This is from a post very early in this thread and I think it's an important point. When I was first introduced to meth I was doing way too much and the results were indeed problematic.

These days I dabble infrequently and when I do it's a tiny amount early in the day and that's that until the next morning. I'll use it for 4 to 5 days, tops. No sleepless nights; no hitting the pipe for hours on end. That nonsense will make anybody crazy.
I have done RCs which at least in theory are harder than meth and at least on par in regards to causticity. I guess I'm lucky that my nervous system triggers a migraine whenever I'm excessively stimmed (even from caffeine or nicotine) and that I never picked up the needle.

Also both meth and MDMA are out of place in Eastern Europe, the usual drug of abuse being alcohol, followed by weed, inhalants and heroin.
Also both meth and MDMA are out of place in Eastern Europe

traditionally there comes much meth out of the czech republic or isnt this the case anymore? ive just heard that more and more meth comes out of the netherlands nowadays which has always been a big producer of mdma and amphetamine.
Maybe. All I know is that growing up, getting shitfaced was the name of the game and there was a little bit of weed and a little bit of dxm and a little bit of grandma's pills chased with vodka, not much else. At least that went on here in Romania.
Still no valid points on the topic, bro… Haha, I guess if you’ve been on the site for 16 years you just kinda get to do and say whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Re: gaydance.gif – still have no idea how that response to voir dire (the examination of jurors prior to a trial) makes any sense. I have theories, and none of them speak well of you, but it hardly matters. The bigger point was that mods coming down on me are hypocrites if they allow homophobic slurs.

I’m still waiting to hear what you did when you worked at a prison. The sleuth emoji was your animation choice this time. What were you brought in as special investigative services for some state prison or perhaps the federal bureau of prisons? Is that it? So are you law enforcement, then? I figure it’s either that or you worked in medical, dental, possibly the admin office… I guess you would’ve told us by now if you wanted to share.

seriously, you’re L.E., aren’t you?

tell me that isn’t you :)

well you never asked me what i did when i worked there....you just assumed i was a guard.....and i wasn't....so idk what you're STILL waiting for if you never asked

so yea dude - im a cop....that's why im here....just to make you and the rest of the tweeks a little nervous :limp:

i do think it's pretty funny tho that you're still coming up with theories over :gaydance: from 4 pages ago ....are you still thinking about it today?

you're also quite obsessed with my 2005 join date....that seems to bother you for some reason....and you're also obsessed with talking about how you're treated unfairly by the mods....

i feel for ya :spinning:
To me Meth like trying to Sprint all day instead of just being in a 10K run.
Sounds shitty. I’m sorry that it’s like that for you. I have a different experience and use meth responsibly, taking breaks and time-off to enjoy a variety of other drugs as well. Been doing this for decades. I’m not saying it’s like this for everyone, obviously, and the drug isn’t for everyone, such as yourself, but I just like to offer a counterpoint example.
You burn out all the Dopamine in your Brain and then expect to get
good feeling again the next day and it's impossible .
When you say “you” there, who do you mean? You who? This isn’t universal. Also, it’s definitely possible to get high multiple days in a row on meth. That tends to make it problematic for people with compulsive behavior pattern disorders.
Sorry I learned to the EXACT how to really enjoy getting BLISS and not wasting the Brain and Body. My suggestion leave that stuff alone and learn how to recharge and enjoy the right things.
So you don’t feel the drug is demonized then I can presume? Two types opposed to any drug: 1.) those who have never used it, 2.) those who used it poorly and had bad experiences.
Not something Germans invented to keep what was left of their soldiers trying to fight a fruitless battle.
Not something Germans invented at all. Methamphetamine was first synthesized by a Japanese chemist named Nagai by reducing the extract of ephedra with HI acid and the route was named after him.
Alexander Shulgin was my savior ......YEAH! And then 1990s they created Techno to really add spice to Rolling!
Yes, Sasha was a legend. And 90s Techno was the shit; can’t argue with you there.
well you never asked me what i did when i worked there....you just assumed i was a guard.....and i wasn't....so idk what you're STILL waiting for if you never asked

so yea dude - im a cop....

Do you remember the Ickey Shuffle?

Lol, I always loved that. I’m just giving you a hard time, though.
that's why im here....just to make you and the rest of the tweeks a little nervous :limp:
Hey man, be nice. I don’t appreciate you calling me a “tweek” (I think it’s spelled “tweak” btw, not that it matters much), and there isn’t jack shit about you being a cop that makes me the slightest bit nervous. Personally, I tend to support the police and am grateful for their service, not much different from how I feel about fire fighters. At least 90% of the time, cops are there to help citizens out, as its their neighbors and shit, and they themselves are citizens, too.

I just disagree with drug prohibition and the related legislation, but my issue isn’t with L.E. (although I have contempt for the ones who commit victim-bearing felonies), my issue is with legislators and the general public perception that drugs are inherently, themselves, “bad”. That‘s like blaming Zyklon B for the Holocaust.

Thanks for having the courage to come out, so to speak.
i do think it's pretty funny tho that you're still coming up with theories over :gaydance: from 4 pages ago ....are you still thinking about it today?
Yes, of course I am. You brought the subject up again, and after finally actually reviewing the list of animated gifs, and considering how you know the legal system the way you do as a law enforcement officer, your response to “voir dire” makes a lot more sense, and no I don’t consider it homophobic (those animated emoji are a bit… outdated though, shall we say?). That’s odd it’s called “gaydance.gif”, lol. Sorry I got so salty about it back there.
you're also quite obsessed with my 2005 join date....
I’ve mentioned it twice. Pump your brakes, guy.
that seems to bother you for some reason....
Not at all.
and you're also obsessed with talking about how you're treated unfairly by the mods....
You have a loose definition for the word “obsessed” perhaps.
i feel for ya :spinning:
Nah, I’m fine. I appreciate the sympathy all the same, but seriously, I’m lucky and grateful for my life and the many wonderful people who are in it, and the various things I’ve been blessed with. Honestly, brother, I feel for you – seems like it’s a rough time to be a cop in the U.S. in 2021. I’m sure it depends largely on where you live and the community you serve, but with all the bad press police departments received throughout the George Floyd / Derek Chauvin trial, gotDAYYEM I imagine it’s uncomfortable sometimes. I don’t know though; just please know that I mean these words sincerely.

So then, if I may take your above comments as indication I can ask you questions:

1. So were you called in to investigate corrupt guards or something in a prison? State or federal level? (It’s ok if you don’t or can’t tell us; I understand).
2. Do you think possibly your view of a drug like meth might be unduly negative given your profession? I mean, it isn’t like you typically come across a person like me or most functional users who know how to use drugs without fucking shit up and being a criminal asshole. Which makes sense, right? No one calls the cops just to point out how responsibly they’re using, lol.

It makes me wonder how an experience like working for a police department or in corrections might’ve influenced the way I see drugs. Who knows? Maybe in some multiverse reality, I became a cop. It’s hard to imagine though. The first time a D.A.R.E. cop told us about LSD in the 3rd grade, I was instantly interested. Then I saw this after-school, anti-drug special in which Cobra Commander had dosed some G.I. Joes with acid, and I just could not believe there exists a drug that they called a “hallucinogen”. Lol, I was about drugs, especially psychedelics, the moment I knew of them…

Whoa. This gif is disturbing:
:evil hump:

And that’s not the only one. Dafuq? Sorry, Krinkle, I guess I did sorta overreact back there. My bad. Sends a weird, mixed message the way the site is moderated, yet has these lovely little relics…
This is from a post very early in this thread and I think it's an important point. When I was first introduced to meth I was doing way too much and the results were indeed problematic.
Like virtually any drug, there is a window in which it’s good. Too little and you’re wasting your time (and drugs); too much and things can get fucked quickly. That’s why it’s important to learn, practice, and preach harm reduction techniques.
These days I dabble infrequently and when I do it's a tiny amount early in the day and that's that until the next morning. I'll use it for 4 to 5 days, tops. No sleepless nights; no hitting the pipe for hours on end.
Good man.
That nonsense will make anybody crazy.
Or just tweaked out and weird. Personally, I think there’s nothing particularly wrong with binging recreationally once in a while; it’s just important to realize that it’s recreational use and has to be done at the proper times. Virtually impossible to function or be productive when one uses too much meth, and this is generally neurotoxic and cardiotoxic to boot. But it’s great for freaky sex sessions though and can be useful for creative sessions if you’re an artist, musician, etc.

Do you remember the Ickey Shuffle?

Lol, I always loved that. I’m just giving you a hard time, though.

Hey man, be nice. I don’t appreciate you calling me a “tweek” (I think it’s spelled “tweak” btw, not that it matters much),

of course! i kinda have a soft spot for the Bengals

but im glad you brought that spelling issue up....because im pretty sure you guys all have it wrong - it's tweekers with 2 Es

those damned blued collared tweekers

look it up

and sorry i offended youz
well you never asked me what i did when i worked there....you just assumed i was a guard.....and i wasn't....so idk what you're STILL waiting for if you never asked

so yea dude - im a cop....that's why im here....just to make you and the rest of the tweeks a little nervous :limp:

i do think it's pretty funny tho that you're still coming up with theories over :gaydance: from 4 pages ago ....are you still thinking about it today?

you're also quite obsessed with my 2005 join date....that seems to bother you for some reason....and you're also obsessed with talking about how you're treated unfairly by the mods....

i feel for ya :spinning:
I knew some alright guards in jail, just because someones a cop doesen't mean they care if you get high.
I'm trying to defend you btw lol
I knew some alright guards in jail, just because someones a cop doesen't mean they care if you get high.
I'm trying to defend you btw lol
He wasn’t a guard, but yeah there were some okay c.o.’s, and also some assholes. Like every profession. And he’s not under attack, for the record. I‘m okay with law enforcement officers. My problem is with drug demonization, not cops.

See, some are actually really good people. Sure, there are crooked cops who hypocritically bust people and on the sly steal evidence and put it right back on the street for profit. Sure, the two agents who busted Ross Ulbricht ended up catching charges for trying to steal millions in Bitcoin from The Silk Road. Here’s a thought: usually in most police stations there’s a gym, a shower room, and a locker room, right? And all the lockers have locks on them. But if it’s a police stations, filled with policemen, why are they locking up their things in the locker room, unless some cops are also thieves?

But then there are plenty of good cops who are fair and who don’t abuse their power. These are the people you want when you need to call the cops because something shitty & fucked-up crazy is going down and, well, you need the fuckin’ cops to show up. So it depends on the individual in question. Same as when people say, “Support the troops!” Some troops are assholes, and they can fuck off. Others are good people, and I’ll party with them any time. I’ll support those troops, but otherwise I won’t blanket statement blindly support any group and I try to resist stereotyping.

All I ask is others try to do the same with drug users. Not every meth user is a fucked-up, violent, criminal jackass. Some of them are criminal fucking assholes who live in filth and lead gross lives governed by despicable habits and patterns of self-destructive abuse. I’ve seen it, and it’s sad not to mention alarming… but it doesn’t have to be that way. We’ve all seen an alcoholic who resembles the village drunk from some early Irish novel, but that doesn’t mean all who drink are lushes or something. Everyone has seen a so-called “crack head” (I hate stigmatizing terms like this, but for brevity’s sake…) and/or someone with a real cocaine-use disorder… but I know so many motherfucking people who use coke now that I think coke’s finally outgrown its 1980s stigma. The soda I mean, not the drug. Just kidding; I mean the drug.

Sometimes it’s quite sensational to demonize certain drugs (meth, diacetylmorphine, and especially PCP, come to mind) and this is thrilling to journalists who infrequently consider the long-term ramifications of pushing sensationalist garbage instead of seeking the truth. Not all journalists are this way though. Same as with cops, troops, and journalists, drug users too have shitty people in their numbers and good people among them as well, plus everything in between.

Have you ever heard of LEAP (@Mr. Krinkle)? —> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_Enforcement_Action_Partnership
of course! i kinda have a soft spot for the Bengals
Yes! *High five!*
but im glad you brought that spelling issue up....because im pretty sure you guys all have it wrong - it's tweekers with 2 Es
Shit dude, you’re totally right about this. Goddamn. I mean I generally avoid the term anyway, but according to Urban Dictionary the term comes from an association with people abusing meth and staying up for two weeks, thus they were called “two-weekers” which became the portmanteau, “tweekers”. Thanks for that tidbit of etymological history!
those damned blued collared tweekers
Also, on this point: Bravo, well played, sir. Well played.
look it up
I did. You’re right and I’m now a convert to this spelling.
and sorry i offended youz
Yeah I could’ve been a little less sensitivo, but I’m human. I appreciate you saying this. Bygones, baby, bygones.
Meth hampers your ability to communicate, over time it hampers your ability to do everything.

Perhaps it's status reflects the quality of contribution from users.
That's actually very interesting
I wonder if – and to what extent – this is hyperbole… staying awake for two weeks straight? I mean, I’ve binged before and, for me, four days awake brings on sleep deprivation and it’s honestly awful. But two weeks, as in 14 days? That’s absurd; I’m not even sure that‘s but so possible. I mean, sleep begins forcing itself on me no matter how much re-dosing I might try, and I no longer pursue these use patterns. I have a hard time believing anyone can stay 100% awake without, like, involuntary micronaps and/or narcolepsy. I wonder if this is more myth than fact…
Meth hampers your ability to communicate, over time it hampers your ability to do everything.

Perhaps it's status reflects the quality of contribution from users.
*its – I feel that was fairly ironic, speaking of ability to communicate 😉

EDIT: I know this is petty and moreover it makes a straw man of your argument. Taking it a bit more seriously, I disagree with your assertion that meth hampers one’s ability to communicate. It’s frequently the opposite. Stimulants and verbose authors have a long history, for example. Consider: Jack Kerouac, Don DeLillo, Thomas Pynchon, William Gaddis, Richard Powers, David Foster Wallace, etc. All verbose genius authors (several literally being recipients of the MacArthur Genius Grant like Powers and Wallace), all reputed stimulant users… Also, Stephen King, Robert Louis Stevenson, Philip K. Dick, Hunter S. Thompson, Ken Kesey, William Burroughs and Charles Dickens variously used stimulants and cocaine among other drugs…

Mind you I’m not advocating drug use as a particularly healthy lifestyle choice. There are, of course, various toxicities and dangers that come from recreational drug use, and that includes tobacco and alcohol use/abuse as well. That’s all the more reason society should remove the stigma of recreational drug use and we should permit it in society while taking other approaches to reducing harmful use while accepting and tolerating its use as valuable in many ways, from recreational use, to spiritual growth, to personal insights, the list goes on.

There is no need in making absolute statements, and no need to hit users with criminal penalties. Vices and poor use / abuse of any drug comes with its own baked-in punishments; there’s no need to add to it with criminal penalties that tend to kick people with enough problems right in the face with even more problems and legal expenses to boot.

EDIT 2: But on further consideration, verbosity is not synonymous with “ability to communicate.” Interesting to ponder. Still disagree with you, but nice contribution, @GZero. I appreciate the perspective.
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I know this is really the all about @unodelacosa thread, but I’d like to talk briefly about myself for a moment if we can squeeze it in.

I quit meth (hopefully permanently) just on 5 weeks ago. Prior to that, for the last 18 months at least 90 % of my posting on Bluelight was while high on meth.

At the beginning it was mainly during super intense 48-72 hour IV binges but since about 9 months ago (when Atelier3 was retired) it became primarily during all day and half the night sit on the sofa smoke-a-thons.

Has anybody noticed the difference! Has beeing meth free made me a better mod or contributor? Or is it still just same ole same ole.