Mental Health Can you take benzo's every day?

I can't stand them anymore, they made me depressed as fuck, lost weight which I've still not put on, I even told my doctor take them off my repeat prescription and flushed the 29 zopiclone pills I'd had left from buying to top up the 14 I'd get each month as I'd take a few a night, now I'm back on benzos fucksake

What did zopiclone do to you?
Made me put on weight like crazy for one thing, lol.

I've leaned out again since stopping.

Also cause it suppresses nerve firing it kind of turned me into a nancy.
Just made me feel weird and weak and lacking in self awareness and psychological acuity.
Made me put on weight like crazy for one thing, lol.

I've leaned out again since stopping.

Also cause it suppresses nerve firing it kind of turned me into a nancy.
Just made me feel weird and weak and lacking in self awareness and psychological acuity

Its a horrible drug, hence why I don't want it again

Not heard of your side effects though very strange, not all side effects are known, or mentioned in the info
Simple answer, Yes, you can.

But it’s the wrong question. There are numerous other ways of phrasing it. Is it a good idea? Is it wise? What will be the penalty, outcome?

Will it be worth it overall, in the long run?

Because you need to be looking ahead when you take on a mortgage. It’s a commitment.

The wise person would always heavily caution against using Benzodiazepines daily, especially for long periods, but even more than a few weeks really, unless absolutely vital, and at the same time, have a mental plan to not bite into your growing tolerance too much, with a view to taper off once the “medication” has served its purpose.

I went into it exactly that way. I had a plan in my mind. Except, I never factored in the unknown, aka- Covid. It came at a point where in a previous year I would have been very well stationed having used the benzo initially to literally save my life to stabilise an extreme OCD anxiety and panic disorder and resultant severe malnourishment, to start tapering rather than increasingly escalate, as it did and understandably I feel too.

Was a hard year, for me, everyone. It’s not easier this year, but I guess it’s becoming normal?!

Still, I don’t think I would have got so deep in the ditch, if I’d started the benzo late 2018, because by mid 2020 when I was mentally planning to taper, shit was really hitting fans everywhere, support was nonexistent for humans, coping mechanisms, distractions and opportunities removed, and anxiety, fear, uncertainty and stress pumped up maximum.

I’m speaking for everybody in general. So it’s easy to see how I took a left turn instead of right and just kept going until the road back seems so long.

If I did not have my insane allergies, restricting me to 5 psychoactives I know of, one being black tea or coffee, I would have easily easily found ways around not needing benzos.

Be imaginative, explore, research, just be informed, be sensible, respect your body, and care for your mind.

If you cured all my allergies now, I would be able to sort out all my addictions, as suddenly a million shut doors would be open.

We take much for granted, all of us.
Or are they more so for occasional use?

Noted as having addictive properties but I took zopiclone every day for years and had zero withdrawal.

For daytime anxiety.
Honestly, this is what you want I swear.

I’m on Xanax 0.5 and break them in half, 0.25. I use them very sparingly. CBD is my go to before my benzodiazepine. I echo what others have said regarding benzodiazepines, they’re a tool, not a permanent solution.
I can't bloody sleep as I'm trying to taper off vallies now, I orderd cbd to try it again to come off the vallies, but not sure it's arrived at the shop yet, I'll have to see if it's arrived when they open on Monday till then I've had to take another 5mg on top of the 15mg before bed I took ages ago and couldn't sleep, I think I'm getting a paradoxical reaction off vallies now like had on clonazepam how typical would that be, as I mainly use benzos for sleep although recently been taking them in the day too as wake up anxous

My eyes are burning I should get off my phone but laying here trying to sleep is boring and annoying
Well I’ve no idea now where I would stand in this relation, I average about 12 mg’s Etiz daily.

I certainly don’t promote them, nor profess to be any authority on it.

Super super wasted on acid atm just shaking Fijian Kava to see and calm down.
Well I’ve no idea now where I would stand in this relation, I average about 12 mg’s Etiz daily.

I certainly don’t promote them, nor profess to be any authority on it.

Super super wasted on acid atm just shaking Fijian Kava to see and calm down.

How can you feel the acid if you take 12mg etizolam a day
How can you feel the acid if you take 12mg etizolam a day
Well, do you believe in anomalies? I long have.

I’ve defied odds and expectations, logical predictions and past experiences…lost track. I’m seriously tripping nuts. No less than a thousand ug years fresh benzo free.

My consciousness is just stroked, not relinquished, by the amount of (thieno blah blah lol)

Easily the most intense LSD comeup I’ve had in 25 years- 1 mg plugged.
^That's tricky.

I ought to admit here that I tend to defend benzos when I'm taking them, and then am against them when I'm not. Probably fairly normal. If you're thinking long-term, it really does make sense to take less.

12mg is a lot though. I can't imagine that does much good. Good thing is that I'd imagine that you could reduce your LSD use if you reduce your etizolam use. Good for the pocketbook, if nothing else, and probably your peace of mind. Bonus. Both of those can't be cheap habits at those doses. Probably better than a bunch of other habits you could have, at least, but not known to be health food.

If people were more responsible, don't know how that would actually work, but if they were, it would make sense to keep a few around for emergency reasons. Can actually keep people from using them if they're there. The mind is yet a mess.
Well, do you believe in anomalies? I long

Yeah that's true I've just got a benzo habit and want to take some 2cb but know I'll waste it but then when I'm off benzo I'm probably not going to be in the right frame of mind for a while to take it, bloody benzos, fucking hell I'm such a fucking pill head, I don't even want high off them I want to be fucking normal, no anxiety no depression and be able to sleep, gawd mental illness sucks ass
Yeah that's true I've just got a benzo habit and want to take some 2cb but know I'll waste it but then when I'm off benzo I'm probably not going to be in the right frame of mind for a while to take it, bloody benzos, fucking hell I'm such a fucking pill head, I don't even want high off them I want to be fucking normal, no anxiety no depression and be able to sleep, gawd mental illness sucks ass
I haven’t taken any Etiz since before the 1 mg of acid 5.5 hours ago.

I would need maybe 25 mg’s to nullify the trip. I used all my credits yesterday though. I have a bottle full, an arm’s length away, but I’m trying to resolve stuff lol, before I can allow myself a conscious retreat and space of comfort,

Have you tried Kava? I think we must have talked about or mentioned it, I do have major amnesia lol.

Kava helps. You just need best product, or legit, and use it right.

I ever sleep. I dream. Sleep when you’re dead they say right?

Sorry this is uninspiring. I stitched myself up on a bad trip that literally, at 5.53 am hasn’t seen the light of day yet.

When reality is too much, I’ll dose at least 2.5 mg’s but who knows, not beyond 10 and unlikely above 5 possibly 3 or 3.33 mg’s ans aim to just about average out at 12 mg’s daily over a week.

It’s very very flexible as you can see.
Good thing is that I'd imagine that you could reduce your LSD use if you reduce your etizolam use
The Chicken and the egg? I’ve long felt reducing my LSD usage should help with psychological benzo dependance. I only see benzos as the problem as such. The acid just doesn’t make things easy and it’s a viscous circle.
Have you tried Kava? I think we must have talked about or mentioned it, I do have major amnesia lol

I think I spoke to you on my old profile about kratom and tried two different red strains and just felt like I'd had loads off coffee, then you might of mentioned kava but that is illegal in UK so is kratom and apparently kava is bad for the liver
I think I spoke to you on my old profile about kratom and tried two different red strains and just felt like I'd had loads off coffee, then you might of mentioned kava but that is illegal in UK so is kratom and apparently kava is bad for the liver
Hi. Kava, I’m in UK, not illegal, just not legal for human consumption.

I have stacks of kava. Was I going to send you some to try I think? Except I didn’t have a spare strainer bag.

I’ll acquire some spares, if you like, health, energy, and just life forwards permitting we can still do that I hope.

I can link you to enough top Kava vendors. Also great guy in UK, online friend of mine, imports and sells kava here.

Next day delivery. Instant kava is naturally a good place to start. Please just shout me anytime, I really think it could help you in harmless ways you didn’t realise were there.

Kava is really really not bad for your liver at all I promise you, massive misinformation based on fully flawed old studies using the totally wrong type of kava and different Kavalactones that are known to be toxic that way.

Kava just can’t be mixed with alcohol ever, ever, really is the only golden rule.

Kratom is dirty, I love it, very allergic, but it messed my brain chemistry, and is addictive, WD’s.

Kava non addictive no WD’s and healthy for brain chemistry.

So please just don’t be put off at least by the liver toxicity myths we, in the kava educated community have long been dispelling.

It’s like this. Imagine 10% at most, heard of kava. Maybe 75% tried, usually dud capsules or fake extracts on Amazon or Etsy.

But everyone unknowing or deterred says almost exactly usually, “kava? Isn’t that meant to be bad for your liver?

So it has remained largely undiscovered, imagine the same injustice to cannabis, like, “cannabis? Isn’t that meant to be bad for your lungs?

The world would miss out on cannabis so unnecessary as it has with kava.
I'll need to re Google what kava actually does as I've forgot lol
I’ll get you some easy, useful links. Just so wasted still.

I took 5 mg’s Etiz to stave off dawn panic attack, little kava, now attempting weed vaporisation and black coffee.

This is useful for start. Kava is nature’s benzo, and the alcoholics harmless non addictive replacement. I’m just an extreme case. Taking both at highest doses, so I’m a poor advert for it that way.
