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Is accepting Jesus as messiah a sin?

Gnostic Bishop

Jun 23, 2014
Is accepting Jesus as messiah a sin?

It seems to me, that to accept Jesus as our messiah or scapegoat, means abdication our responsibility for our sins and placing it on the messiah or scapegoat.

I think that to use a scapegoat is a sin.

If you are religious, is this the sin that you think you did to deserve hell? If not, what is it that causes you to sin to be saved?

In Christian orthodoxy,to NOT accept Jesus as savior is a sin. The Muslims consider him a prophet but thats neither here nor there. If you are a true Christian, then you accept him. If you don't, either you don't believe or follow another religion and neither would be useful to what you are saying.
If you're not religious, there is no sin, i.e. no divine judgement, henceforth it doesn't matter.

All your questions are so leading, you're never neutral.
Not very scientific :/ You would suck as a lawyer, remind me if i'm in jeopardy.
We pretty much know that Jesus of Nazareth was a real person, and was actually crucified for his heresy. He preached love and understanding, and I don't think he preached for Jehova. It is theorized that he was a pupil of the original Siddharta(Buddha as a living man), because their lectures are so similar, and the geography would easily allow for it to be true.

Without truly knowing who or what he was, how can we say anything here.
This is just opinionated jibber-jabber if we get down to it.
Nobody knew him or collected much data, so there isn't even room to call it "educated guessing", it's just random guessing at this point.

The question sucks. There.
If you're not religious, there is no sin, i.e. no divine judgement, henceforth it doesn't matter.

All your questions are so leading, you're never neutral.
Not very scientific :/ You would suck as a lawyer, remind me if i'm in jeopardy.
We pretty much know that Jesus of Nazareth was a real person, and was actually crucified for his heresy. He preached love and understanding, and I don't think he preached for Jehova. It is theorized that he was a pupil of the original Siddharta(Buddha as a living man), because their lectures are so similar, and the geography would easily allow for it to be true.

Without truly knowing who or what he was, how can we say anything here.
This is just opinionated jibber-jabber if we get down to it.
Nobody knew him or collected much data, so there isn't even room to call it "educated guessing", it's just random guessing at this point.

The question sucks. There.
I just recently learned there is a Buddhist tradition in India I believe with quite a bit of writing about a man eerily similar to Jesus at about the time the Bible goes dark on his life. Whether it's really him or not, I cannot say, but interesting nonetheless.

And I agree with your statements on Gnostic Bishop. If I recall correctly, he is a pretty true believer in whatever his religion in called and he thinks he is helping but he doesn't really testify to that all that much, rather tries to disprove Christianity.
I just recently learned there is a Buddhist tradition in India I believe with quite a bit of writing about a man eerily similar to Jesus at about the time the Bible goes dark on his life. Whether it's really him or not, I cannot say, but interesting nonetheless.

And I agree with your statements on Gnostic Bishop. If I recall correctly, he is a pretty true believer in whatever his religion in called and he thinks he is helping but he doesn't really testify to that all that much, rather tries to disprove Christianity.
Yes, there is actually much evidence to support this theory.
I think he was a Buddhist monk, actually. Either he saw an opportunity and pretended to be the son of God, or he didn't and his followers made him one, so more people would gather to his preachings.

It also explains the rather serious cut from vengeful God to peaceful God between the Old and the New testament. There is no explanation for why God turned into such a loving being, when all the Old testament is about him destroying unbelievers, and testing his followers to the point of intense emotional and physical pain.

But, ofc this is all theory, I don't believe one way or the other.
Yeah OP just hates Christianity, it's kind of sad to watch, because Christianity has already lost its power. It's like telling people that wearing radioactive jackets is dangerous, dude you're about 100 years too late. I think people should be free to believe in whatever they want, and that right should be protected. It is an essential part for the populus to have free will, and it shouldn't be squashed by people who choose to not to believe. We all need to learn to respect others, or we're just going to end up how humanity always ends up, in war. If OP should take one lesson from Christianity, it's that persecution never leads anywhere good.
Yeah, I make no judgment on either this topic specifically or on religion in general. When I was a hard-core atheist, if you brought it up, I'd argue my side but it never really bothered me what anyone believes. Now, I don't know exactly what I believe just that there is something bigger than us out there.
Yeah, I make no judgment on either this topic specifically or on religion in general. When I was a hard-core atheist, if you brought it up, I'd argue my side but it never really bothered me what anyone believes. Now, I don't know exactly what I believe just that there is something bigger than us out there.
I agree. I think it's ridiculous to assume that our minds could comprehend a being like that, so I think all our attempts to do so have solely been in order to achieve some comfort about the ever-impending death that is waiting for us at the end.

I don't think there is nothing, I just think we're too smallminded to understand it/her/him, whatever may be the true nature of "God", if that is even a concept, so I don't think there is much of a point of discussing this shit over and over and over, we just don't know, and anyone pretending to know is even dumber than I am.
We might just be cells inside a larger organism, and that organism we call the universe. Who knows, really?
Scientifically, no one. But faith is a different ballgame. I do think however that in Christianity, Jesus came exactly so our lesser minds can know or understand God to some extent. Again, I make no call on whether this is the truth but pretty sure it's maybe not exactly foundational to Christianity but pretty damn close.
We might just be cells inside a larger organism, and that organism we call the universe. Who knows, really?

This is pretty similar to my view, or it is my view, depending on how you mean it. I think we're all the universe, that the universe itself is what is aware, and we're experiencing ourselves subjectively in various frames of reference, as all of the things that live.
This is pretty similar to my view, or it is my view, depending on how you mean it. I think we're all the universe, that the universe itself is what is aware, and we're experiencing ourselves subjectively in various frames of reference, as all of the things that live.
...every possible scenario methinks

Edit @Gnostic Bishop you make me feel sad, you're completely obsessed and lost brother

I sincerely hope you have some other interests beyond going round and round and round with all this, must be completely exhausting
If you're not religious, there is no sin, i.e. no divine judgement, henceforth it doesn't matter.

All your questions are so leading, you're never neutral.
Not very scientific :/ You would suck as a lawyer, remind me if i'm in jeopardy.
We pretty much know that Jesus of Nazareth was a real person, and was actually crucified for his heresy. He preached love and understanding, and I don't think he preached for Jehova. It is theorized that he was a pupil of the original Siddharta(Buddha as a living man), because their lectures are so similar, and the geography would easily allow for it to be true.

Without truly knowing who or what he was, how can we say anything here.
This is just opinionated jibber-jabber if we get down to it.
Nobody knew him or collected much data, so there isn't even room to call it "educated guessing", it's just random guessing at this point.

The question sucks. There.
Perhaps you did not notice that I asked for a moral judgement.

Care to give one?

I just recently learned there is a Buddhist tradition in India I believe with quite a bit of writing about a man eerily similar to Jesus at about the time the Bible goes dark on his life. Whether it's really him or not, I cannot say, but interesting nonetheless.

And I agree with your statements on Gnostic Bishop. If I recall correctly, he is a pretty true believer in whatever his religion in called and he thinks he is helping but he doesn't really testify to that all that much, rather tries to disprove Christianity.
I am always here to show my beliefs, but my gain of a convert is not as important as trying to reduce the harm the homophobic and misogynous religions are doing.


It also explains the rather serious cut from vengeful God to peaceful God between the Old and the New testament. There is no explanation for why God turned into such a loving being, when all the Old testament is about him destroying unbelievers, and testing his followers to the point of intense emotional and physical pain.
Peaceful god??????

How do you not get a genocidal Jesus and evil Jesus, given his Armageddon and mass murders promised?

Yeah OP just hates Christianity,

All moral people will hate homophobic and misogynous religions and all who claim that a genocidal prick like Yahweh is a good god.

If you cannot hate evil, then you are not a moral person.


...every possible scenario methinks

Edit @Gnostic Bishop you make me feel sad, you're completely obsessed and lost brother

I sincerely hope you have some other interests beyond going round and round and round with all this, must be completely exhausting

Is living by the Golden Rule exhausting for you?

You fell sad for me, while ignoring the religious creating so many that need, not your sadness but your fighting evil.

Insert gays and women harmed by homophobic and misogynous religions to this quote. You should get an idea of what you should be doing with the homophobic and misogynous mainstream religions if you live by the golden rule.

Please get back to me with your conclusion.

Martin Niemöller
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

yes. no. both. neither.

So you would abdicate your responsibilities and use a scapegoat.

Nice honesty. Not. Coward.

Do you beat your innocent child instead of the guilty one too?

Do you teach your children to step back instead of stepping up?
