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Benzos Alprazolam.

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Nov 26, 2020
I'm using Alprazolam,very large dosage like 50 mg - 100 mg daily (Please don't ask me,"How it possible?").I start using it from 2017, the time first I entered my University. It’s already 4 1/2 y.But I realized,this chemical F* up my cognitive performance.But I hate Psychiatrist.And "Taper Down" tactics didn’t work on me.My study is trying to survive.What should I do now?
Only way I see out of this is tapering. Because range is 50-100, first you need to stabilise on some dosage. It would be best if you could do it on lower end of that spectrum. And than you know the drill - taper as much as you are able. It seems that you have access to large quantities but as life is unpredictable you should, if you can, get yourself down to some reasonable dosage so if your source dries out you have more options. I don't know is it legit alprazolam you are taking but will presume it is. If your connection dries out you have option to buy RC benzodiazepines, but that would complicate matters even worse. There is nothing revolutionary I can tell you. I believe that you have researched the subject and know all this but are afraid. Maybe if you have some connections which could prescribe barbiturates that would compensate for high alprazolam dosage, but to be honest I don't know much about equivalent dosages of barbiturates/benzodiazepines. Whatever you do I think first goal should be to make yourself stable on a legal supply of benzodiazepines. Or possibly combination of benzodiazepines, barbiturates and anticonvulsant. Safety and legality are your first goals in my opinion. I hope you figure this one out and accomplish that goal. Also some therapy that will address your addiction and underlying issues should be started. But I can not see this happening legally until you reduce your dosage to amout that is at least below 20mg of alprazolam daily. Hope someone can give you better info or plan, this is best I can do. Take care!
I'm using Alprazolam,very large dosage like 50 mg - 100 mg daily (Please don't ask me,"How it possible?").I start using it from 2017, the time first I entered my University. It’s already 4 1/2 y.But I realized,this chemical F* up my cognitive performance.But I hate Psychiatrist.And "Taper Down" tactics didn’t work on me.My study is trying to survive.What should I do now?

Your only option is to taper down because the dose is too high to attempt switching to something like diazepam.

Are you taking alprazolam powder or tablets?
no way - that's not possible
If one has an endless supply it is very possible. Our bodies adapt to benzos very fast and if you keep upping the dose 100mg is no different than 10mg. It just takes some time for tolerance to develop but it is certainly very possible. For instance , clonazepam has a therapeutic range all the way up to 20 mg for seizure disorders. So it is very unfortunate place to be but I don't see why somebody would lie. If I was offered huge amounts of money as a prize (and unlimited benzos) I could go to 100mg alprazolam daily in a matter of a month or two. Unfortunately again, because I am dependent on benzos for almost 20 years now. Even for a person (don't try this anybody), that is healthy, 50mg of alprazolam is not life-threatening by itself. Person can die from vomiting in comatose state and suffocating, or do something that would get her dead... But if taken to ambulance right away overdose on huge dose of benzodiazepines is, as a rule, not life-threatening. That is their biggest advantage compared to barbiturates and the reason why many people failed to kill themselves if they used benzos only. So I sympathise with OP as there are many very uncomfortable months/years ahead of him if he is to taper down and quit that amount of alprazolam.
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and when i say easy of course i dont mean easy as in kicking it but making a tapering plan should be fairly straight forward? like OP could start from say 80mg and taper say 0.5mg every day? i think you could get yourself down to almost normal levels fairly quickly?
OP how does say 80mg feel compared to say 70mg? is there a big difference? it seems like this sort of habit will not be "easy" as i put it but with a tapering plan and willpower you could get yourself from these really big doses to fairly smaller doses. it is a pain to kick, i had an etiz habit which got out of hand but with tapering and then going onto valium i managed to wean myself off it. goodluck
You know, I know the idea of Jesus is bullshit, but as far as the studies with say psilocybin and mystical experiences go, or even an analysis of the psychological model of Magick, there is something to be said about fooling yourself, and you might want to pray to Jesus.

Edit: im sorry, but can you afford a doctor? One experienced in addiction? Do you have insurance?

Seriously, you could die easily trying to do this on your own, go to the hospital if you can.

You said survival is your "game". This isn't a game anymore, I would seriously cash your chips in, humble yourself, and hopefully you have some access to Healthcare. Even in the USA, your situation would he considered an emergency and you wouldn't be denied treatment.
You know, I know the idea of Jesus is bullshit, but as far as the studies with say psilocybin and mystical experiences go, or even an analysis of the psychological model of Magick, there is something to be said about fooling yourself, and you might want to pray to Jesus.

Edit: im sorry, but can you afford a doctor? One experienced in addiction? Do you have insurance?

Seriously, you could die easily trying to do this on your own, go to the hospital if you can.

You said survival is your "game". This isn't a game anymore, I would seriously cash your chips in, humble yourself, and hopefully you have some access to Healthcare. Even in the USA, your situation would he considered an emergency and you wouldn't be denied treatment.

If this person really is taking 100mg/day of alprazolam they'd probably be best off avoiding medical treatment and try to taper themselves given how unusual it would be to come across a patient on such doses (and the associated lack of protocol)
I agree with @negrogesic . I would first try to get below 20mg. If one can stabilise on 50mg I don't see why by dropping 10% of the dose weekly or every two weeks person should be in a hurry. Game changer would be sudden lack off access to quantity needed for safe tapering. And OP, no, I don't see any way out of this situation other than tapering. It is your safest and as far as I know only way out.
Agreed on the DIY taper, but i wouldn't rely on anti-convulsant's as profilactic measure. Before literature, in other word's proof, confirm's that at your huge dosage they are effective in preventing insult's of the epileptic kind.

I wish you the best, taper taper and taper. slow but steady!
It's not impossible. I knew a guy at the psych ward who was known to eat upwards of 100mg per day, every day. Felt bad for the dude, not sure how long he was on that dose but it was obvious it did a number on his brain. I felt bad for him. This was also in the days where oxycodone and alp were being handed out like candy in the US.

With that said, I cannot see any real advice in this situation other than to go to a hospital or doctor IMMEDIATELY and let them handle the situation. That is the only reasonable and safe way to handle this IMO.

I don't think it's "possible" OP may have a seizure. I think it's extremely likely at this dose.

Good luck OP.
If this person really is taking 100mg/day of alprazolam they'd probably be best off avoiding medical treatment and try to taper themselves given how unusual it would be to come across a patient on such doses (and the associated lack of protocol)
No medical treatment yet? I totally and fully agree. We did cach some crap for suggesting that in another thread but I agree. :D I think it was they guy on 100mgs of clonazolam thread. At some point medical attention should be sought. But if a person takes thatmuch, gets cut off then they have no choice. But tapering down first is prudent.

The whole medical attention probably is the wisest. But when someone can aquire such doses of a benzo that means they have to use that same ingenuity and street smarts to taper down to an acceptabe level and then go to a doctor. Be wise like an owl and sly like a fox (the same way we know how to aquire these drugs). There are plenty of tapering threads at BL and ma success stories.

One take away for me is about 1/2 of the posters that got to such high amounts claim that the tolerance takes forever to go back down so not sure 1 mg of alprazolam would ever work the way it did again. Others said the tolerance does go down, but not for long.
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Must admit I’m interested to know if, once you’re way over a certain dose, especially to this level, there is a difference between 50mg and 100mg?

Not as dumb a question as it sounds. And it’s not like I don’t know what I’m talking about when it comes to benzodiazepines. Just not something that’s ever occurred to me.

Little secret. As some will know I started on legit prescribed Alprazolam around the end of April last year (previous physical dependence many years ago of 12mg per day and tapering off successfully irrelevant but just mentioning). Prescription is for 2mg per day. In this past year or so I have never exceeded 2mg ever. Mostly only been taking 1mg per day (nightly). For no good reason really though I’ve put upping to 2mg now and then (for a little while) and then cutting down to the test (just of late oddly enough). And I can tell you I definitely feel withdrawal coming on whether it be from 2mg to 1mg or from 1mg to 0.5mg. Usually takes two days or so to come on full tilt. Nothing really uncomfortable and not something that concerns me (this time around more of a proof of concept and a fuck around if anything). Symptoms last a week max.

But that’s (the above) why I’m just wondering. Never thought about it until now. Is it a linear scale? Let’s say the OP has been on 100mg per day for an extended period and then goes to 50mg per day suddenly. Is that the same thing as going from 2mg per day to 1mg per day? Or do you get past a certain fucked up limit where you wouldn’t feel a sudden 50% reduction (insofar as withdrawal symptoms are concerned)?

Only thing that comes to mind: at such high dosages maybe it would take longer for withdrawal to start, in spite of Alprazolam’s short half live, due to an accumulation? Possible?

Just curious. Always figured I’d done my time in researching benzodiazepines due to my fascination with them after my 12mg per day stint (over zealous GP prescription back then by the way i.e. intention was never recreational use). Never thought about this though until today.
If you have chance to go to some detox facility that would admit you and would know what they are doing I would say that that would be your best bet. As I said, barbiturates and antisiezure medicines could be used in this kind of situations. But that would need very good knowledge, application of knowledge, very careful titration and observation. I doubt that you have access to that kind of services based on your opening post. I agree with @emkee_reinvented that you should get some antiepileptic/anticonvulsant. There is some literature on effectiveness of gabapentin in benzodiazepine taper. But because of your dose this is all very risky and unpredictable. Stack on with tegretol (watch your liver) and gabapentin. Next thing is to stabilise on some dosage. Than taper as slow as you can afford.

I know you know all this and you are scared. I would be scared also. But you are in situation that you are and your first goal is the right one - to stay alive. So get some anticonvulsant and try to stay within legal domain. Last thing you need is to be thrown in the prison. I don't think prisons are great places for tapering. I don't know Bangladesh but I would bet that outcome of a prison detox wouldn't be pretty.
I have never taken more than 2 mgs of Xanax at a time and that was years ago. Fuck me runnin'.....I was astounded when I read what OP was taking. I actually didn't believe the thread until I started reading the responses that it was indeed doable and he wasn't the only one.

Good God. How does one even come back from something like that?
I have never taken more than 2 mgs of Xanax at a time and that was years ago. Fuck me runnin'.....I was astounded when I read what OP was taking. I actually didn't believe the thread until I started reading the responses that it was indeed doable and he wasn't the only one.

Good God. How does one even come back from something like that?
Gotta admit that was my first reaction too.

Even after my 12mg stint: 10 years (maybe 11 years now) since I can tell you that 2mg knocks me.

Not the first time I’ve seen this (here) though. When I first signed up here I thought 12mg earned you bragging rights. Not a fuck! 🤣
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