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Stimulants Does Meth destroy your face ? Pls read


May 9, 2020
First of all, its not just Imagination - i think it has to do with cuts, neurotoxic stress and so on.

I have pics before and after and so on - and the main thing which makes me crazy is the loss of fat in the face.

My question is - how can i restore it ? with vitamines ?
You can restore it by not using meth and eating healthy. Meth has a way of continuously eating away at your appearance over time as long as youre using it.

at the very least take the vitamins, eat more, and DRINK WATER. Its dehydrating too and that effects your skin.
Use less meth, eat more and more often, get proper sleep, proper hygiene, etc. vitamins can help but if you're eating well you may not need them so much.

Ive found that I quickly loose a substantial amount of weight that is quite noticeable to friends/family anytime I start using stims. Especially in my face. I force myself to stick to as small as doses as possible: functional dosing instead of recreational.

After awhile, if using sensibly like I suggested above, my body adapts and I am able to put some of the weight back on. Key is to not keep increasing doses, not to chase recreational effects, and to take care of myself as best as possible.
I did meth just from the 6th of january till 13 so just one week and of course not eeverday.

even my rommate say: what happened to you your face got so kinny.
but i havent eaten everything so maybe thats wh y

I think it wont come back
last time i did it in march for one week and it still ddi dnot come back hm
i still hVE CRAMPS in the jav on the right side and red eyes what can i do
Hey @Byzek I cam see from your several posts now and a few months back that you are interested in 5-HTP and Meth and maybe having a few problems or worries with Meth.

I’d really like to help you out. I’ve been addicted to Meth twice. Once for 6 months and once for 12 months. I injected it, ate it, smoked it, and shoved it up my ass at different times.

For most people a period of short term use does no lasting damage. However, even short term use can bring on psychosis, paranoia and anxiety that can last a few weeks or months. For most people this goes away and they recover fine.

The feelings you are having about your face are a kind of anxiety or paranoia that is really common. Meth can make your eyes and cheeks look sunken - especially if you miss a lot of sleep. If you stop meth, get good sleep, and eat healthy you’ll find you look like your old self really quickly. Usually when I quit meth I put on weight - including on my face.

From what you have posted about your usage you might be one of the unlucky people who get distorted thinking really quickly on meth. This means you are at greater risk of serious psychosis if you keep taking it.

You have also posted that you do not really appreciate the effects of meth. Even if you don’t get a strong enjoyable high from meth you can still get all the negative effects from neurotoxicity, to cardiovascular problems, to psychological issues.

I would suggest that you be clear about why you want to take meth. There may be a better drug or drug combination that will help you get what you want to experience more safely.

As for 5-HTP. It is a supplement that is not well scientifically validated and it’s benefits are primarily anecdotal or hypothetical. There is some evidence that it should not be taken alone but only in a slow-release stack with certain dopamine or serotonin amino acid precursors in order to minimize side effects, prevent neurotransmitter depletion, and to get the most efficacy from the 5-HTP itself.

A more immediately effective supplement for meth users is Magnesium and a complex multivitamin. These will help with the cramps you mention.

Please feel free to hit me up directly if you have more problems with meth or don’t get amswers to your questions.
After one week of meth i still dont feel normal.
Its not so sramatic and i hace to consider that i also took for 2 weeks benzos.
In the moment i dont feel so energetic.
After one week of meth i still dont feel normal.
Its not so sramatic and i hace to consider that i also took for 2 weeks benzos.
In the moment i dont feel so energetic.
That’s pretty normal. Get some exercise and your energy will come back. Just start with a short walk if that’s all you can manage.
Lack of nutrition where you haven't been eating well in proportion to your increased metabolism probably caused the sunken face. No worries it's temporary, meth ain't no permanent weight loss abracadabra. Otherwise there would be no obese people anymore. You might in fact become slightly fatter upon sobriety than you first were as the lack of dopamine after use causes you to eat more and/or a slower metabolism than you first begin as your body adapts and stores food after days of starvation.

Give yourself the same amount of days high equal or more to the amount of days to recuperate. You can also prevent this sunken face by living as you do while you're sober during meth use. It get easier with time.
Chelated magnesium and zinc glycinate. These will prevent health problems by restoring your body. It doesn't help with shrinking cheeks; I know what that is too through experience. For your brain, it's good to take a B-complex in methylcobalamin form; cyanocobalamin is useless. You may also want L-Theanine for sleep and mood in between use. That's one supplement I really like. It has a calming effect
Give it time you will recover. Stay hydrated and eat some food to get your weight back.
Christ. 300 more days.
Hahahaha well maybe a week or two depending on severity would help threadstarter return to pre meth face. It's just calories in calories out.

I think I was referring to like stable mood and focus and feeling like a normal person would require equal time maybe not equal to if you have more than 6 months in.. I randomly guess it has significant diminishing returns after 2 months of sobriety to feel like a normal person.

Can't remember how long my friend took to be normal after 6 months use but she do remember she still craved for it occasionally after 4 years. And after 8 years still suffers from mild depression, no motivation, often just not being sharp and stoning though shes about to get a decent grade for her degree.

Though it could due to her having 1 or 2 friends and just a handful of acquitances with minimal social activities or one's thats fun without drugs. Hope youre taking better care of your body than she did and would not suffer the same predicament as her when you're finally ready to quit. 😔
Hahahaha well maybe a week or two depending on severity would help threadstarter return to pre meth face. It's just calories in calories out.

I think I was referring to like stable mood and focus and feeling like a normal person would require equal time maybe not equal to if you have more than 6 months in.. I randomly guess it has significant diminishing returns after 2 months of sobriety to feel like a normal person.

Can't remember how long my friend took to be normal after 6 months use but she do remember she still craved for it occasionally after 4 years. And after 8 years still suffers from mild depression, no motivation, often just not being sharp and stoning though shes about to get a decent grade for her degree.

Though it could due to her having 1 or 2 friends and just a handful of acquitances with minimal social activities or one's thats fun without drugs. Hope youre taking better care of your body than she did and would not suffer the same predicament as her when you're finally ready to quit. 😔
Yep. I’ve been through this before. I can’t remember exactly but with healthy diet and exercise I think it’s really only about 1-2 months to get back to feeling pretty normal after a 6-12 month binge. But cravings can come back anytime. I relapsed after 4 years clean, even though my life was going pretty good. One day, the idea of taking meth again just turned up in my head and would not go away no matter what I did.
You're probably more accurate than she was. As she was a young ignorant degenerate who didn't knew a thing about harm reduction and were having all warning signs like never happened before 2 sleep paralysis, and all the negative effects that comes with binge use. She didn't exercise and came up with the equal time theory based on her current moderate use where 2-3 of high would get her sleeping one whole day waking up for meals and another another day just laying in bed all day.
One day, the idea of taking meth again just turned up in my head and would not go away no matter what I did.
That's exactly what happened when I relapsed this last time.
Doesnt matter how long you're away from it, it's a very patient addiction. Very sneaky too.
I think I drank pretty regularly the few years leading up to it but for whatever reason, that day was different. After 6 beers, (way more than usual) I was on a mission and failure was not an option.
First of all, its not just Imagination - i think it has to do with cuts, neurotoxic stress and so on.

I have pics before and after and so on - and the main thing which makes me crazy is the loss of fat in the face.

My question is - how can i restore it ? with vitamines ?
All lies.. Look at me, and my face. I do not look decrypted,or any of that garbage. Drink water, take a multivitamin, and sleep. Be happy! As with life, it's all in moderation!