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Shyness vs alpha behaviour (why don't people reflect themselves?)

I honestly wouldn’t consider your borderline and I’d definitely go back to a psychologist and get that checked. I’m not going to make any armchair diagnosis of you because I don’t think it would be healthy for you to know what I or anyone else thinks about your mental state. You are very introspective which can be both a good and a bad thing.

I guess I wanted to say that you’re using drugs to paper over a crack and the longer your use them that crack is just getting bigger and bigger. Eventually they won’t help anymore and you’re gonna have to deal with a very harsh reality. I’d advise you to go to a psychologist/your dr and be completely honest about your drug use. You need to stop using and strip it right back to the foundations, you will be able to build yourself up again it’s just gonna take time.

In regards to shy and alpha, it all depends on exposure. Those who are shy generally weren’t exposed to situations when they were young where they had to stand out or up, those who are alpha generally were put out there and into those situations. You see it all the time when observing kids, it’s easy to tell who the alphas and shy kids are.
The first part on this is 100% right.
Don't take too much weight from the diagnosis.
I got some pretty fucked up diagnosis by some corrupt fucking doctor. I really don't believe in my diagnosis and it's good for me. Take time to do the real inspection on yourself.
You have the power to change your situation and many problems in your life are probably your fault. If you blame something or someone else from your problems, you give up the power to solve them. Take responsibility and change the things you can. Start from small things and go further and further.
Think about things that could be better in your life and you could change them right now.
Have you made your bed? Are you interested in hobby, but are hesitant to start? Have you cleaned your house?
Soon after you get these things going you can expand the area. Soon you can be even leading something in your local community.
Find yourself meaning. Don't aim for happiness. Look for meaning and purpose, happiness will be byproduct of that.
Accept that life is suffering. If you think life is supposed to be just joy, you will start to think "What's wrong with me?"
But when you accept that life is suffering you will enjoy the small drops of joy you are given.
It's a rare delicacy, which is blessed only for the few and only for a while - so enjoy it when you get a taste.
However as some people here said before, you can be shy and "alpha".
Well, it really depends on what you mean by shyness. Social anxiety? Well, don't know then. Being introvert? Well, of course.
Princess spoke here great about how the crack might get bigger. It's good way of saying it.
I would say it that you might forget completely what's underneath the drugged you. You forget yourself.
Being a junkie at least gives you identity and purpose. It's shitty purpose, but at least you have one.
When you stop you haven't been sober in so long time. You think - "Who am i?"
This will be hard, but the thing that's left of sober you is the thing you need the most. You will build it up from there.
It will be pure you, no chemicals.
Good luck sir!
Best regards - DMW
Don't worry, can happen on message boards :)

Yeah I am avoiding, and this is a problem I know. Just that refusal hurts so bad and deep (somehow strange that you can feel empty and have this at the same time, sounds like opposites) and it's already in the nature of people that when you're alone and the others are many, you'll get more refusals than welcomes and now add being a freak and weird personality with strange interests on top. Probably I don't look too bad, not above average either and it needs some work - just that then again many say it isn't how you look and watching other people seems to confirm this. Feeling comfortable in your own skin, having a nice personality probably tops much physical superficiality and I guess heavily that I won't find the energy to make heavy work outs daily anytime soon..

No need for heavy work outs, 90% of people get wrapped up in this idea that if you can’t workout a solid hour it ain’t worth doing.

I make it a point to get some movement/lifting in daily, even if it’s only 5min or so. It’s about slow steady changes, and building the habit.

Plus working out too hard or long in the beginning can make it seem like a ton of work, it’s much easier to start off with small goals and go up from there.

When I first started it was maybe some push-ups anc maybe some sit-ups each day, then I added in hitting a heavy bag on occasion, then dumbbells, etc.

Also fuck running, stick to indoor work outs.

Trust me man, it ain’t even about looks. It’s about building up confidence via increased testosterone, dopamine, etc. Exercise for brain health is huge.

One more thing. I know you mess with dissociatives and opiates a lot but how do classic psychedelics typically treat you?

Yeah you're right about diagnosis and how it can fuck people up - I had so many, partially conflicting diagnosis that after some years I gave up on them and somehow things got better but in retrospective I see it was luck and drugs. The luck moved on and the drugs, well here you're right too, in the long run they fuck you up. Also saw both with many other people, how you can get lost in diagnosis as well as in drugs. Maybe I just want to belief that drugs can offer a solution, at last psychiatry tells you the same about their big pharma drugs but it seems neither do. It's remarkable how much help dissos offer though, they really could and should be used in psychotherapy, specially with exposition therapy against anxiety, but when used alone they lose their benefits I guess.

Then bad luck came, I lost all my savings and the few friends I had, did some fucked up stuff when I was hypomanic (nothing too bad either, it all could have worked I guess but nothing did because the hypomania didn't last long enough and I'm an entirely different person when sober). Currently I'm somewhat too shy to go out to try for different pharmacies if they'd sell me DXM after the last three ones denied (in Europe they begin to crack down on OTC abuse).

I'm basically lost. Don't have a stable home situation and nobody who could or would help me. Crippling social anxiety and I see I was distracting myself by focusing on things like alpha behavior even if this are indeed things which annoy or worry me and keep me away from society and friends but guess it's more so that heavy shyness, and lack of energy which too makes me not do hobbies or work out..

Psychedelics are a double edged sword for me as you shouldn't do them alone for a reason. Had a nice experience with shrooms around 15 years ago in my adolescence and some bad ones, maybe overdosed as I didn't really know about dosage then. Avoided them for long time until recently had an interesting 1cP-LSD trip but that was with a girl I only knew from chatting and some phone calls, and her guy I didn't really know before. Both are good people, the trip was nice and triggered a hypomanic phase but it didn't last and I somehow crashed after I was alone again for multiple days ...

I know that message boards can't really help me in this situation, I need real life help from real life people but psychiatry let me down multiple times in past, I don't really have a health insurance left - it was health insurance that ruined my finances indeed. Rehab is a fucked up principle that focuses on substances being bad, users being bad etc. instead on the problems with led to problematic use. Also I don't get the costs covered (usually requires social support which I don't get either, they say I had too much savings in past and need to wait like 9 years). Don't have family left. The few buddies don't have the possibilities and/or will to help.
Guess I'm here to talk ... don't know. Sorry for that.
My natural sober self is just soo fucking unbelievably shy. Well, that doesn't fully match. Over-cautious. I'm not even sure if I fully match the average social anxiety because ... as long as I knew somebody for a while and believe to know that this individual is benevolent (just had to translate this, not completely sure - maybe kind would fit too but there's an awful lot of fake kindness and I tend to be not too bad at spotting this, it's really not primarily about avoiding conflicts as it might appear, it's that I hate it to hurt others and hate it to be hurt, I spent years in a 'home' for weird children where I experienced heavy negligence and violence as well as bullying which continued through the whole school and was the reason I dropped out despite having very good marks.

Yeah, never had real friends either. The type of friend who fully stands behind you and you can trust in (almost) anything. Only borderline fake friends who either were nice when I was alone with them but too weak about groups so they went bullying in public, or others who came and went.

Long time I blamed myself, but also had some weird conflict buried very deep in my soul probably coming both from my shizo mother who couldn't really express love and notoriously acted different than she spoke or than her body language, and the fact that she always told me that I was the best and the others were bad people etc.. this created my own split reality where I only felt safe in my own four walls and was free food for social anxiety to grow wild I guess.

In hypomania it seems clear that it was circumstances and acquired (the latter probably is true) but that it'd just be me to feel comfortable about myself and do things I like and I'd attract the right people - which, too, appeared to be somewhat confirmed. Well, these 'right' people tend to go away when I can't maintain hypomania so there's something weird. They also tend to not fully understand what I mean with social anxiety and feel awkward about my sober self, or not want to talk about this stuff at all - of course, it is awkward so I try not to speak too much about it but actions speak for themselves..

I don't have a problem with other cautious, anxious people as long as they aren't impulsive but I guess to have exactly this treat too. I try to cover it but the more sensible people will read my body language like an open bible. This is where the 'borderline' thingy comes in. Nobody likes this sort, especially not with men, and I was indeed raving about how much 'easier' girls have it etc.pp. but that's just ... no, it's not bullshit, but not the whole picture by far and especially it doesn't lead me to anywhere.

Yeah, again didn't really speak to/with anybody real now for a week or so, back then it was some girl in a smart shop, fuck that. Before it was a couple I knew from facebook, stayed with them for two and a half day and lost contact again cause the guy has no tolerance for my struggling, I didn't complain or cry about things but he himself has a past of struggling (she too but she, imo, does better at coping)..

I just don't know how to make friends, mean I get the concept, I see how others do it, but I fail because of crippling overwhelming anxiety. Plain anxiety, fear of refusal too but again I get the concept and I really don't expect anybody let alone all to like me, to be kind etc. or even less to like my personality treats but hell I manage to tell others in a friendly way if I need some time, want to be alone etc (at least I try it) and who likes rude behavior either?
I get it too that life is stressful and people aren't always chilled out or calm.

Anxiety's a bitch. Realize why so many people use ethanol for socializing but it doesn't work for me. Currently I'm out of dissociatives and this scares me, not that I'm out of them but how I am after just a few days without and that all attempts at therapy were catastrophic failures. I used to make friends with other people 'like me' and saw them moving on after some time but I failed. Then I got into DXM and things appeared to be fine, until I got other problems and/or run out.

Drugs aren't the solution for sure. They make a nice temporary fix that comes with an unknown price. Even now I am on a solid dose of kratom and some modafinil, need to get my ass up to buy more kratom later or I'm fucked. But really what's the solution if the anxiety and all is so bad that even the usual people in rehab or therapy write me off?

Online you don't see body language. Is it that? (Probably it is. I stay within my fucking comfort zone, and avoid the awkward stuff. This way it's easy. Indeed I dreamed about an avatar like world where I could hide my fucked up 'true' acquired self, not unlike dissos offer it - temporarily. But of course after some steps out of comfort zone I realize that I completely lack basic socialization skills. I'm basically an intelligent idiot.)

Sorry for wall of text :|
The primatologist Frans de Waal, who popularised the term “alpha male” in the 1980s, says that we’ve been using it all wrong and that the best leaders are both impressive and caring
As for BPD if you have a bad background and surround yourself with bad people it's easy to be it, I feel as I've decided to be a more respected community member and all round good guy and be around those kind of people it's become natural to make the right choices.
I use to love sarcasm but choose to despise it now, I can acknowledge when it's clever but usually there is a higher level communication that might occur to aim for
Being physically fit and healthy can also give a level of mental calmness and is definitely something to aim for.
Drug experiences I tend to draw from the better parts of myself that might be illuminated and try to draw it out, without the drug use.
Yeah you're right about diagnosis and how it can fuck people up - I had so many, partially conflicting diagnosis that after some years I gave up on them and somehow things got better but in retrospective I see it was luck and drugs. The luck moved on and the drugs, well here you're right too, in the long run they fuck you up. Also saw both with many other people, how you can get lost in diagnosis as well as in drugs. Maybe I just want to belief that drugs can offer a solution, at last psychiatry tells you the same about their big pharma drugs but it seems neither do. It's remarkable how much help dissos offer though, they really could and should be used in psychotherapy, specially with exposition therapy against anxiety, but when used alone they lose their benefits I guess.

Then bad luck came, I lost all my savings and the few friends I had, did some fucked up stuff when I was hypomanic (nothing too bad either, it all could have worked I guess but nothing did because the hypomania didn't last long enough and I'm an entirely different person when sober). Currently I'm somewhat too shy to go out to try for different pharmacies if they'd sell me DXM after the last three ones denied (in Europe they begin to crack down on OTC abuse).

I'm basically lost. Don't have a stable home situation and nobody who could or would help me. Crippling social anxiety and I see I was distracting myself by focusing on things like alpha behavior even if this are indeed things which annoy or worry me and keep me away from society and friends but guess it's more so that heavy shyness, and lack of energy which too makes me not do hobbies or work out..

Psychedelics are a double edged sword for me as you shouldn't do them alone for a reason. Had a nice experience with shrooms around 15 years ago in my adolescence and some bad ones, maybe overdosed as I didn't really know about dosage then. Avoided them for long time until recently had an interesting 1cP-LSD trip but that was with a girl I only knew from chatting and some phone calls, and her guy I didn't really know before. Both are good people, the trip was nice and triggered a hypomanic phase but it didn't last and I somehow crashed after I was alone again for multiple days ...

I know that message boards can't really help me in this situation, I need real life help from real life people but psychiatry let me down multiple times in past, I don't really have a health insurance left - it was health insurance that ruined my finances indeed. Rehab is a fucked up principle that focuses on substances being bad, users being bad etc. instead on the problems with led to problematic use. Also I don't get the costs covered (usually requires social support which I don't get either, they say I had too much savings in past and need to wait like 9 years). Don't have family left. The few buddies don't have the possibilities and/or will to help.
Guess I'm here to talk ... don't know. Sorry for that.
Okay, your situation sounds bad.
What can you do? This is the thing you should be focusing on.
Do what you can. I'm sorry you lost your friends, but they would love to see you live your life to the fullest, not be depressed.
I know it's not easy to "just get over it", but as i said earlier - small things. Clean your home for start. It's good therapy, because it teaches responsibility and self care through physical actions.
You need to train. Go out, meet people and speak. You can start with small things. Go to street, walk, look people and give them little smile. Sometimes they smile back. Look in eyes, be nice in stores etc. Build it up.
Bars are good for this.
Solutions are simple you probably know them already but you're hesitant. Maybe you don't believe in yourself enough.
You have to accept that you're probably going to fail more than win. It's life. Gummy bears aren't distributed equally.
I can't say everything, but almost everything that disturbs you is something you can change. Many things which you see as problems are under your control and you can make them better.
Not the best, but just a little bit better. When time goes on you have improved your situation so much.
Stop doing decisions which make you in present happy, but hurt future you. Stuff like taking too much debt or doing drugs stupid.
Stop doing and saying things that make you feel miserable. Quitting a habit, stopping a relationship and things like that might be hard to do, but they're good for you in the long run.
Stop worrying about this theory shit about alphas and betas, rehabs and stuff. Focus on what you can do and what you can change.
Yeah, your mother was bad and stuff. We are result of our envirioment but we are the ones who choose it in the future, so choose smartly.
If you see shyness as negative, then train to be something else or learn to accept it.
When things happen to you life you have 2 things you can do. Deal with it or do something to it.
You make friends by forming relationship which is based on boundaries, trust and mutual respect. Don't try too much. It will come naturally as you find people.
Make long term plans too, but don't take it too fast. It might cause you to try something you're not ready to do and it will just push you back.
Best regards - DMW
Yeah, you're absolutely right. Thank you, it means something to me that just some people here bother with telling me this nicely instead of saying like, loser fuck off - I don't like it that fact as it makes me weak and while I'm not the guy at all to look down on others for 'weal' emotions, I do this with me, learnt early that this seems to be the way to go and indeed I tried to embrace my shyness etc but this seems to lead to this 'kindness' behaviour that was talked about earlier and is more awkward than does any good in most cases. Also it makes me sit on my ass and not trying to change I guess.

Have to admit here that I am too shy to just enter a random bar alone. In company of one or more people it's so much less of a problem. While high it would be less problematic too but things are that I don't change like some appear to do on just ethanol, turning from introverted to extroverted. I experienced this change on a few occasions, when I was new to the deschloro ket analoges and it was awesome yet felt awkward in retrospective and the self control freak I am, I actively fight what might be good for me in fear of doing socially awkward things.

Cause that's the core of my social anxiety probably. Fear of being let down, of behaving awkward. Know this is very dependent between individuals and in some rare, awesome cases somebody actually liked me for such behaviour. But the majority of experiences is the opposite, as you say @DeadManWalkin' gummy bears aren't distributed equally.

Some times I think they are a bit more than it appears to me but I am actively refusing to take them in situations that aren't overly clear or appear to me not to be.

Point is that I always was the lone freak, no chances to build up self esteem out of positive experiences if you always avoid them and people are wary about lone strangers for reasons especially those with awkward behaviour. It's hard to change that.

The therapy guys have some good starting points like to go out instead of locking myself into some room, to seek situations where I could talk with other people that aren't so challenging like e.g. on public transport or in the grocery store but I fail to spot them. Some years ago I was in evening school and while I made a friend there, she turned out to be an even more fucked up drug user, we somewhat crushed into each other what had bad consequences for my life.
The other people socialized with themselves and mostly ignored me for some reason. As usual in these moments when I was high, my short time success was amplified and this doesn't exactly increase self esteem. Another girl was attracted to me for some time, she was married and mother of two, I met her some time for learning together but it was strange that she wanted me sexually. Afterwards she took another guy as I didn't react to her flirting attempts.

Really seems like the reactions are all over negative with the exception of a rare girl being attracted to me every some years and a few (their concept of a bad guy, maybe? Never saw myself as one but it might be.)

I definitely need to get my things solved like a stable home, and find occasions to socialize on real life. I'm just sitting in a café for the maybe first time in months but of course alone. And it makes mixed feelings that the beer appears to help much, for the nervosity and anxiety yet would help nothing about socialization as these issues, im opposition to the former, arises from deep beliefs.
It is okay to be weak, but it's not okay to stay weak. It's a crime against yourself. It hurts you, your family and the world. Life is suffering, but you have the power to make it better and change it. That's the beaty of life.
Many people like to go to the conclusion that life's meaningless. That's because of it's the great alternative. If everything you do has meaning then what you do has real consequences and it can be huge burden to carry and many people can't take it.
You are setting these things that block you "I'm too shy to enter bar alone"
What i see here is your predetermined decisions about your own condition stopping you from bettering your own situation and working on things you don't like on yourself.
You have to leave your comfort zone to get better. Start with small things. My stuff are just examples and even if i gave you 10 step very specific guide you wouldn't probably do it. You wanna throw your own spice in.
Fear of being down and being let down comes from one thing i already said before. Like expecting life to be happiness is a mistake, so is expecting too much from people.
It's gonna be suffering man, so prepare for it. If it won't - well you have yourself a positive surprise.
The therapy advice you got is good one. Start with situations and don't have pressure.
One thing i have had success in life is making my intentions and boundaries clear with people. It's important and don't step out of your own boundaries you have made with people without thinking it clearly first. Don't just let it slip. Also, you should ask if you are not sure about someones intentions, boundaries or motives being with you.
"She was married and mother of two" Sounds like you dodged a bullet man. People who do this to their own fiancee will do it to you later. What makes you think you would be special?
One thing i would call beta, referring to the title of this thread is raising another mans children.
It's also huge risk from your part to date single mom, since you can end up forming a big bond with the children and then she gets bored to you.
Wont be so fun then. You also have to deal with you coming second to the children. That's just my view.
I get it's okay to maybe unify 2 families, but being financial support for some single mom who cheats on her man doesn't sound so great.
I had really fucked up childhood man. I think you never really just solve those things, you forget them or learn how to live with them. They don't just snap away from you.
Have you thought about starting a hobby? Maybe some martial arts, they help you to have confidence. They also teach you to be humble, because you don't need to prove yourself all the time - because you know you can take control of the situation if needed.
Biggest "big guys" who threaten and try to be gangsta are just like dogs in corner. Barking, but truly scared.
It's great to hear you're in cafee. Have fun!
Best regards - DMW
As far as I can tell, you are young, educated, and affluent. Those are all strengths. Your issues with drug addiction and relationships sound very normal for someone with your age and background. Right now you are struggling to develop emotional resilience. That's a common problem too. If you spend the time and money to develop yourself, you'll end up building a pretty good life as an adult. Good luck to you.
You can't 'reflect yourself, you can only project yourself. However, this projection can then be reflected back at you by others which can positively or negatively reinforce your projection.

A dominant person projects confidence. This elicits a submissive response from susceptible individuals who then reflect your dominance back at you thus reinforcing your position and making them weaker.

Conversely, a submissive person projects insecurities. This empowers the receiver who then becomes more dominant and reflects your insecurities back at you reinforcing your submissiveness.

However, when you become aware of this, you can learn to control what you project. This gives you a certain power ove those that are unaware.

Life is basically a battle of wills between psychic vampires. Your only protection is to learn their game and to play for your life...
Just wanted to clarify that I didn't mess for sure with this married woman, I met her for doing homework together but didn't react to her flirting. I should have made things more clear for sure, and yeah it's obvious that people with such intents will do the same to me - have to admit that I experienced similar things on another fucked up occasion. My feelings was that I didn't want to hurt her husband which is kinda weird as I should primarily care about myself in such a situation.

Agree with you about making intentions clear, just my experience is that this isn't so easy. Sometimes people welcome when I openly ask like, hey I didn't want to bother you at first but would you like to chat a bit / have a coffee etc but often enough this alone makes some impression, or maybe it is my impression that it does? I had the best success on some weird coincidences when I happened to be just confident and didn't really think twice, in these rare situations I also wouldn't let a refusal to touch me too deeply but that's the past when dissos still worked and guess I can't remember when/if I ever managed this sober.

It needs the right context too, currently I struggle most with finding that, besides the general anxiety. I just don't have experiences with settings like bars, clubs etc. even less so alone, and to me crowds are highly overwhelming. I am much better at talking one to one but this of course doesn't happen by coincidence.

I'll write more later, need to relax a bit now ... of course I didn't talk to anybody in reality again today, besides the obligatory hi, thanks & bye in grocery market and to the cafe staff. Thank you all :)
Very poetic FUBAR and overall some great past few posts..

Dopamimetic you say you don’t have experience with bars, clubs, etc... But how about raves?

I think many of us can agree it’s the spot to be if your weird and don’t fit in with normal society, clubs are a similar concept but made for rich folks with nice clothes and “normies.”

I too can’t stand normal bars normal clubs, but soon as I get around a bunch of other weirdos like myself I feel at home.

Raves also keep centered around music and dance so when the conversation gets awkward or dies you just focus back into music or dancing.

I can relate a lot to you in some ways, I too also have major anxiety around embarrassing things I’ve done in the past but I’ve trained myself to remember that everyone else is also tied up on what others think and it lessens to anxiety a bit.

I’ve learned it’s better to say a few stupid things along the way and be social than over analyze to protect myself.

If you do fuck up and realize there and then, just
apologize. It shows humility and will make you even more likable.

The DXM and dissos do not help that over analytical self reflection that can happen post use. There are many reports of DXM use leading to self isolation. Maybe this is a good thing they’re refusing you?

Indeed I might feel a bit less awkward about raves specially since I recently fell in love with some styles of electronic music and could imagine to take the music as a primary reason to go there. Remember seeing a woman on a metal concert long ago who appeared to be there alone and just dancing her ass off and I really admired her spirit. When thinking about I realize that I changed too, I was there with two girls, one a friend of the other, both single and was too shy to ask for the number of the other.

Always think like nobody goes alone to a rave, I have been to goa parties maybe four times, twice outdoors and twice indoors - only on one of the indoor ones, where the girl who took me with her (and gave me my first dexamphetamine) I talked with some strangers, on one of the outdoor ones I was with a harm reduction organism (again, realize how much I changed, this time for the negative), this of course led to numerous occasions to talk but nobody had actual interest in me as a person, it was all about drugs. I was high all four times 'of course'.

My earlier attempts in teenage years to go to parties failed horribly, this was before I got into drugs and even then I didn't react well to alcohol, it's just too sedating and pro-depressive.

I know that dissociatives can and do lead to self isolation, I've experienced this too but it tends to be when you're going too high. Never had anything remotely as disinhibiting and socially lubricating as very low doses of dissociatives, specially the deschlorinated ketamine analogues. When I first tried them I was literally chatting up with strangers on train and similar stuff, strange enough that I didn't get any openly negative reaction and three numbers of girls out of maybe 6 or 7 people. Had no intent at all though and failed to continue when the effects had worn off.

They should use dissos as chemical aid combined with exposure therapy, guess this could work. It's a double edged sword and later attempts lead more to euphoria and myself being confident with myself but avoiding people as they would just put me off the euphoria. Together with some concept it feels like having more chance for success than plain sobriety but I have no choice.

Realize that legislation is cracking down around me and I'll be left without supply sooner than later. Money has become an issue, not cause I spent shitloads on drugs but because health insurance decided to ruin my life. This will not get better anytime soon and at the moment I just lack a reliable P.O. box to order some RCs. Might be good for me but I have to want it, otherwise it feels just bad.

Guess you're right about that it's better to try and risk something awkward than to avoid altogether but I really struggle with being overly sensible. If somebody puts me off I'll leave.. unfortunately. And people don't exactly motivate me, many do criticize this and tell me how awkward this and that might be and to think twice etc.pp. :/
Guess you're right about that it's better to try and risk something awkward than to avoid altogether but I really struggle with being overly sensible. If somebody puts me off I'll leave.. unfortunately. And people don't exactly motivate me, many do criticize this and tell me how awkward this and that might be and to think twice etc.pp. :/
This! Ask yourself what is the worst thing that can happen here.
I actually respect you for not going for the cheater skank. You also protected your own interests there by accident.
I know how hard it's sometimes to get stuff done. You know what you need to do, but you just can't get it done. But once you do it, you will feel good about yourself. If you succeed, even better. Then you have the motivation. You just need a lil kick to get rolling.
Alpha, beta, etc. is all part of the social hierarchy. Many people dismiss these classifications because they have been taught to believe that beta is synonymous with spineless or supplicating behaviour, but the classification is really just identifying your role within a peer group and doesn't necessarily encompass who you are as a person.

I've been in groups where I've played the alpha and others where I've played the beta. Sometimes people switch roles over time within the same group. Often the alpha title simply belongs to whomever has invested the most time/effort in capturing the leadership role within the group. Often a person's life circumstances will prevent them from fitting into a role they would otherwise excel in. So the alpha, beta, etc. classifications are useful to describe roles but have been tainted by people using them commonly as pejoratives in describing personality.

On the topic of making a connection socially, I've found it most helpful to know how to read the atmosphere, as the Japanese say (kuuki wo yomu). Going to events with friends is much more fruitful than going alone. Just having someone to converse with in public says a great deal more about you than being alone. Few people really want to approach or be approached by someone on their own outside a very limited set of venues where going stag is the norm (e.g. at the gym, at a dive bar). It is more successful to start from the understanding that certain unwritten social norms should be observed and advice to "just be confident" can be unhelpful if they are not.

I also think people often misinterpret what confidence means. Confidence can help a person capitalize on opportunities that are in reach but it doesn't necessarily mean you can create opportunities out of nothing. That is more charisma. You can be confident but not charismatic and vice versa as well. When a person has both those traits that's when their peer group tends to identify them as a "natural alpha". When a person is just confident with low charisma it makes them appear more as "sleazy", as a pretender. A charismatic person is someone you want to be around. You don't want to be around car salesmen or pick-up artists.

Personally I think healthy social life is simply a bottom-up process that takes time. It's very difficult to bullshit or cut corners on the time it takes to grow some roots and cultivate some solid friendships but those are foundational to moving up into other types of healthy relationships.
Alpha, beta, etc. is all part of the social hierarchy. Many people dismiss these classifications because they have been taught to believe that beta is synonymous with spineless or supplicating behaviour, but the classification is really just identifying your role within a peer group and doesn't necessarily encompass who you are as a person.

I've been in groups where I've played the alpha and others where I've played the beta. Sometimes people switch roles over time within the same group. Often the alpha title simply belongs to whomever has invested the most time/effort in capturing the leadership role within the group. Often a person's life circumstances will prevent them from fitting into a role they would otherwise excel in. So the alpha, beta, etc. classifications are useful to describe roles but have been tainted by people using them commonly as pejoratives in describing personality.

On the topic of making a connection socially, I've found it most helpful to know how to read the atmosphere, as the Japanese say (kuuki wo yomu). Going to events with friends is much more fruitful than going alone. Just having someone to converse with in public says a great deal more about you than being alone. Few people really want to approach or be approached by someone on their own outside a very limited set of venues where going stag is the norm (e.g. at the gym, at a dive bar). It is more successful to start from the understanding that certain unwritten social norms should be observed and advice to "just be confident" can be unhelpful if they are not.

I also think people often misinterpret what confidence means. Confidence can help a person capitalize on opportunities that are in reach but it doesn't necessarily mean you can create opportunities out of nothing. That is more charisma. You can be confident but not charismatic and vice versa as well. When a person has both those traits that's when their peer group tends to identify them as a "natural alpha". When a person is just confident with low charisma it makes them appear more as "sleazy", as a pretender. A charismatic person is someone you want to be around. You don't want to be around car salesmen or pick-up artists.

Personally I think healthy social life is simply a bottom-up process that takes time. It's very difficult to bullshit or cut corners on the time it takes to grow some roots and cultivate some solid friendships but those are foundational to moving up into other types of healthy relationships.
This is true that social hierarchies form fast. They form almost instantly. I have noticed this when doing group works.
Having charisma and being the one who says "Okay, so let's do X. You do Y, I write, you do Z and you google this" establishes you as a leader. However people will challenge this and if you can't show leadership the hierarchy will change.
Super well written comment!
Best regards - DMW
Thanks man :) Agreed that hierarchies can form almost instantly, sometimes the alpha of the group is just the person most prepared to set the tone first
Alpha, beta, etc. is all part of the social hierarchy. Many people dismiss these classifications because they have been taught to believe that beta is synonymous with spineless or supplicating behaviour, but the classification is really just identifying your role within a peer group and doesn't necessarily encompass who you are as a person.

I've been in groups where I've played the alpha and others where I've played the beta. Sometimes people switch roles over time within the same group. Often the alpha title simply belongs to whomever has invested the most time/effort in capturing the leadership role within the group. Often a person's life circumstances will prevent them from fitting into a role they would otherwise excel in. So the alpha, beta, etc. classifications are useful to describe roles but have been tainted by people using them commonly as pejoratives in describing personality.

On the topic of making a connection socially, I've found it most helpful to know how to read the atmosphere, as the Japanese say (kuuki wo yomu). Going to events with friends is much more fruitful than going alone. Just having someone to converse with in public says a great deal more about you than being alone. Few people really want to approach or be approached by someone on their own outside a very limited set of venues where going stag is the norm (e.g. at the gym, at a dive bar). It is more successful to start from the understanding that certain unwritten social norms should be observed and advice to "just be confident" can be unhelpful if they are not.

I also think people often misinterpret what confidence means. Confidence can help a person capitalize on opportunities that are in reach but it doesn't necessarily mean you can create opportunities out of nothing. That is more charisma. You can be confident but not charismatic and vice versa as well. When a person has both those traits that's when their peer group tends to identify them as a "natural alpha". When a person is just confident with low charisma it makes them appear more as "sleazy", as a pretender. A charismatic person is someone you want to be around. You don't want to be around car salesmen or pick-up artists.

Personally I think healthy social life is simply a bottom-up process that takes time. It's very difficult to bullshit or cut corners on the time it takes to grow some roots and cultivate some solid friendships but those are foundational to moving up into other types of healthy relationships.

I agree with all of it except the going alone thing. What if you don’t know anyone? For a bit I didn’t so I went events alone until I finally started to meet people.

In fact one of my best friends now, really amazing dude, I met when I decided to go alone to a little camping festival in middle of nowhere. Turned out to be a shit show of a fest but goddamn we turned it into one hell of a party after all..

I’ll never forget the early morning of the last night I brought 8 people I had met down to the lake and lit up a fatty deems joint amongst us all. Then we all sat there and watched as UFO’s filled the sky.

Indeed people will want to talk a lot about drugs but hey what’s wrong with that? Plus you can’t expect the deep level of conversation you want too early with anyone, I know small talk can be excruciating but it’s the only way. You know a lot about drugs so that can help.

Imagine if you volunteer for the harm reduction organization think of how many people you get to meet. There’s a general purpose to your interactions and if something builds off that then it does. You know a ton about substances so you’d fit right in.
