💀 The Abyss 💀 (Open 24hrs)

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Wait the FBI also fucked up Waco.

I might have done some stupid shit in my life, and I'm mostly sorry but murdering innocent woman and children on your own soil is a special type of character defect.
Lol, I mean if you knew exactly who was in charge, and what they will do to stay in charge.. you’d never understand what they did but you’d understand that they been murdering children and women for years.
I don't go to work fucked up. Only in high school when id smoke weed in the super market freezer.
it made me sleep last night. i think. i don't know, whatt i would know.
it is intense i trip from it.
yea remember those days weed in the freeezer 😁😭
So my landlord propably heard about my sleepwalking and thinks it was because of drugs cause he just canceled my apartment lease. Luckily for me thats totally illegal and Im gonna go to the middleman shop who showed me the apartment. I dont want this to become a court battle but I dont fucking know the landlord being a senile powertripper and all. Too much drama tbh.

Wow that's fucked. Cancel your lease because of sleepwalking? Sounds totally illegal, I bet it'll be fine.
Wow that's fucked. Cancel your lease because of sleepwalking? Sounds totally illegal, I bet it'll be fine.
He might have heard something about me. I dont know. He cancelled the lease because "the apartment was dirty" which it fucking isnt.
Im guessing that every lawyer would love to have this case. He has checked this apartment 3 times now in 7 weeks. Thats basically a harassment. He also didnt do as the law says and inform me 2 weeks earlier about it.
He might have heard something about me. I dont know. He cancelled the lease because "the apartment was dirty" which it fucking isnt.
Im guessing that every lawyer would love to have this case. He has checked this apartment 3 times now in 7 weeks. Thats basically a harassment. He also didnt do as the law says and inform me 2 weeks earlier about it.
I asked how he could kick me when the law says 1 month notice. He said "you wouldnt understand". Im gonna laugh at him next time I see him. Some senile bastard wont disrespect me and win.

That sucks man. Court is a hassle. Hope you win. Don't do anything stupid to the old man. If you do, make sure to PCP first so that you can maintain plausible deniability. Just don't get hit in cctv

Why even wait 30 minutes? Just keep chomping em, or whatever your ROA is.

When I was in the habit I would wake up and pop an 80 in my mouth and suck the coating off, spit that out. Pop another 80 in and swallow this one while busting the uncoated one to a fine, beautiful, powder. Split that into quarters and insufflate to get going.

Now I can't barely stomach 5 mg percs :shudders:
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