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My Journey Treating Aspergers With MDMA (Video)

Lana Rain

Apr 22, 2020

In the video above I'm finally able to share my journey and experience in using MDMA to help attenuate my Asperger’s symptoms, something that I've waited almost five years to share now because of stigma and due to the culture of the industry I work on. Through the mechanics and elevated state MDMA offers, combined with the power of our brain’s natural mechanism, neuroplasticity, I was able to begin practicing social communication activities, including the practice of putting myself in other people’s shoes to practice empathy, I was able to conquer the multitude of obstacles that I was originally buried in for most of my life due to my Asperger's. While empathy may be something that comes natural to most people, it’s still a practice that needs to be trained, which I missed out on severely when I was still growing up due to the environment I was in (horrible school, abusive online friends, no authoritative mentorship in my life that I could believe in, abusive exes, and bad diets with too much sugar).

While MDMA’s breakthrough in treating PTSD may be well documented at this point, this video aims to address other potential that I have noticed is still completely unexplored. I’m hoping this video can be the start to help point those in charge of researching MDMA that there is at least one, while anecdotal and singular, had monumental and indismissible effects in changing something as neurophysiological as Asperger’s. The amount of change I went through because of this substance from where I started is, to say the least, not normal. Many have told me my changes over these years has been unheard of for them. It was to the point that close friends and family noted the drastic difference. They said it was like seeing a completely different person. Hopefully this also opens up more ideas into MDMA's potential in other benefits outside of what it's currently being studied for. As another example, I can tell you that for one, it also drastically changed one of the most stubborn and arrogant people I’ve ever known to the point that they too are now a completely different person. It has also stopped yet another friend from their potential cocaine and weed addiction, and those sessions with that person were done through long distance video chats because they lived far away. I have also witnessed first hand MDMA, coupled with psilocybin, being able to change a sociopath into one of the most empathetic people I've ever met. There are countless examples that I've witnessed first hand but perhaps the most important one to me is that it has brought a tightly knit group of friends that did not think they could get any closer, even closer.

Studies aside, even just taking all of the understanding of MDMA’s basic mechanisms on a person and it’s method of action (via serotonin discharge, your body’s natural neurotransmitter responsible for modulating several areas of your consciousness, such as mood, empathy, social behavior, and perhaps even more importantly, memory, which can play a role in trauma recall when the right triggers and setting are set), one can begin to piece together possible scenarios of potential inherent to these specific functions. Imagine a world where dysfunctional families have the opportunity to reconcile misunderstandings and lack of communication. Imagine a world where rocky friendships or romantic relationships can find peace in knowing they can finally actually talk without the burdens of each other’s predisposed notions and insecurities of each other. And finally, imagine a world where everyone has been offered a second perspective to be aware that there is not only appreciation to be experienced everywhere in the world, but that there is an entire dimension of empathy of one another that has gone completely undetected and unaccounted for. I can’t picture a world like that to have missiles erected from the ground aimed at each other. And I definitely can’t picture that world to dismiss the damages we are incurring onto this planet’s natural wildlife and overall health.

Hell, I can even imagine that world to have far more inspired scientists, engineers, and innovative inventors as their ambitions are burning from the need to make positive and helpful advancements. It could mean seeing what we would have normally seen in a year like 2200 instead in a year like 2150.

MDMA Supplementation Proposal (as mentioned in the video): http://beyondtheparallax.com/mdma-supplementation/

If it interests anyone, I also found this study that shows repeat intermittent exposure to MDMA provided neuroprotective effects against its own neurotoxicity. There are people better suited to this field than I am but this could explain why my friends and I no longer feel the “hangover” effect after using MDMA, meanwhile we still feel the full spectrum of the experience. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20169...
My friends and I are also really into a healthy diet and lifestyle so I’m not sure how much of it is from that as well. I wanted to share that study because no one has written an article on it that I’ve seen so this potential benefit doesn't seem to be getting any traction in popularity from what it seems. For my friends and I, "losing the magic" is not a thing that seems to exist That said, I am not here to crusade for substance use, rather, I am ecstatic to share what it has done for me and the deeply profound positive results I have witnessed it do to others that I have known in hopes that more eyes can be turned towards it's other potential uses.

Thank you all for watching my video and for taking the time to read what I have shared here. I plan on eventually opening up more about this in the future as well.
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I watched and read it all, glad it helped you, don't have much to contribute though, lol. There's some similar discussion in this thread.
Thanks for posting your video. It was interesting to watch, and to hear your perspective.

I was going to post the link that Blowmonkey did. Near the end of that thread I was trying a few things but petered out due to external life things that sucked me dry for a while. I will get back to it soon, I hope, and would be really happy for other autistic perspectives. I also struggle at times with putting words to thoughts, and sometimes have a "why even bother" shitty attitude about it, which does not help.

Anyway, welcome.
I'm glad you found something that worked for you & has improved your quality of life. I don't have the time at the moment but will do my best to check out the video as soon as time allows. I'm on the spectrum myself (Asperger's as well) & am interested in seeing what your post contains. I generally do much better with written as opposed to visual communication myself. Though it seems that visual / video has become a more prevalent format. I also was going to point you to the same thread as Blowmonkey did. Apparently great minds think alike? =D

Anyway all joking aside; I don't have time ATM to check the video but I wanted to post to regardless Welcome you to BlueLight! Excellent introductory post. Thanks for posting. :)
Thank you so much for sharing. I have a family member who is autistic, and several others who have not sought a diagnosis (but I suspect may be). One has never been able to express her feelings to anyone in the family. She has never told her mom "I love you." Your video really resonated and helped me to better imagine what her world might be like. I am glad you found a path to express yourself authentically.
Very good video. Mdma used in the correct way is a very good substance for therapy when sasha shuglin rediscovered mdma they treated alot of people for various things with it. Ann shuglin has had alot of clients since the 80's using mdma to treat trauma and in doing shadow work with her clients,

I always used MDMA as the ultimate crutch for my social anxiety but my use turned into massive abuse usually how the edm / rave scene turns out.

I believe when used in therapy the minimum amount between sessions using mdma was 1-3 months in the early 80's.

During my early years of use it allowed me to make friends and truly feel empathy and bring light and love to my heart though i lacked any self control i feel into abusing it regularly for the next decade.

Have you ever tried LSD or mushrooms?. I believe all three used in separate sessions allow the layers of our inner defense mechanisms to be peeled back and allow us to go deep to heal ourselves.
First of all I want to thank everyone who responded so far. I feel very welcomed by all of your responses ^_^.

I will add that my more permanent improvements after that first session was definitely a lot of hard work and I would even say grueling amounts of headache on the part of those involved in helping me, namely my best friend and myself, so it was no easy task. What made it difficult was that improvements were very incremental and in extremely tiny amounts over multiple sessions of MDMA across a long span of time. But we remained optimistic and positive about it because each time we did do it here we're obvious changes, both during the session and in the days and weeks that followed the afterglow. A huge part of this was that we believed in what we were experiencing initially, so even when we eventually long plateaus at some parts, the optimism and the sheer intense desire to fix my issue allowed us to ride through it all, even when we had our hard times as most people who get too close to each other will eventually go through. So I would say MDMA not only became a powerful medium for me to use to practice against my Asperger's symptoms but the emotional sessions on it also allowed us as people to grow in general. We grew in maturity, in empathy, and in being able to look past not just each other's but in other people's flaws, even people we hadn't met or only knew about. This offered a different perspective to everything and we started seeing the good side of everything. I think this sort of thinking allows people to better visualize winning scenarios rather than allowing one to feel powerless to the current status of something, which is a very powerful way to live because, in a way, it's a form of empowering your sense of self which in turn strengthens your ego. You become more stable and more resilient to strong obstacles that would normally crush you.

Have you ever tried LSD or mushrooms?. I believe all three used in separate sessions allow the layers of our inner defense mechanisms to be peeled back and allow us to go deep to heal ourselves.

Yes to both. Those three are the only ones I'd personally stick with and for me it's been a combination of switching between MDMA and psilocybin. I'm actually going to go into detail very soon about what Psilocybin has done for me after my journey on MDMA with Asperger's, and I can tell you right now the effects are entirely different in what they do for a person in terms of what they can offer you. They definitely offer two entirely different parts of you and my friends and I are wholeheartedly believing that both are necessary in a human being's maximum growth in getting to really know themselves at the spiritual level, particularly if it's the kind of person who has certain issues, whether clinical or from nurture, that close off different parts of who they are.

And since we're talking about it, I may as well add that there were improvements and repairs to my issues that only psilocybin could have done for me that MDMA could no longer take me further past.
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Oh man, I wish I could get access to these drugs in a supportive and supervised environment. Right now the only way to do this is via means that may not really be supportive or helpful over the long term. I hope that the medical community start pestering the governments to handle this issue with a little more empathy and understanding, and focusing on science, rather than this superstition and prohibitionist nonsense.
Oh man, I wish I could get access to these drugs in a supportive and supervised environment. Right now the only way to do this is via means that may not really be supportive or helpful over the long term. I hope that the medical community start pestering the governments to handle this issue with a little more empathy and understanding, and focusing on science, rather than this superstition and prohibitionist nonsense.
depending on your country some psychologists do offer underground psychedelic therapy. I know it happens in america, europe australia and New zealand. Its good to have emotional support during rough periods of the trip who can help ground you and move through the pain and come out healed on the other side. During my darkest trips i was lucky to have my best friend there each time as i went to some dark psychedelic realms of the mind and be supported through it.

I find Mushrooms to be the best for revisiting very old early childhood memories and trauma. LSD is always a high altitude trip for myself so i use it more for exploration of other realms and breaking deep patterns in the brain. DMT is freaky but very good once you develop a proper realtionship with the other side for major learning and guidance. Oral DMT or ayahuasca or around these parts in NZ and aus we use syrian rue tea and swallow crystal dmt afterwards is the most intense deep healing in this world but it deals with alot of energies and would need a experienced shaman and multiple trip sitters or guides because things get really hard on it.

Mushrooms can be very brutal teachers aswell leaving me crying for no reason about things that happened 25 years ago that i thought i had moved on from.

Mushrooms also restored some chemical balance to my brain. Whatever intent you put into your trips before hand can be powerful tools for resolving that specific issue you want to confront. LSD studies are been run in my country to see how it effects people mental well being with take home microdoses in new zealand. America is going through FDA trials for mushrooms and MDMA.

I believe by 2040 these things will be available in clinical settings since these human trial processes are so slow but everything that they want to be used for it was already been used for it in the 1950's and 60's.

I want to go to a proper ayahuasca retreat before i get to old in deep jungle of peru with proper shamans who alot of people swear can heal anything.
I really appreciate your post, you really put yourself out there and it’s people like you that cause change.

I’ve made a thread on here in regards to your comments of use frequency. I’m tired and it’s late but here soon I can link that and talk more, but yes so long as you keep your dosage low and stick to one initial dose with maybe a booster, your risk of damage is minimal.

Most folks burnout from that one night they decided to go balls to the wall and eat a half g or whatever.

Also based on the adolescent rats studies that show neuroprotection later in life when given reasonable doses earlier in life, my theory is that we humans too become more tolerant to toxicity as we get older and IF (big if..) we keep our doses reasonable, no/low redosing, antioxidants, etc.

I notice now, 15+yrs later, my days after aren’t as bad even if I have multi day sessions. I can roll two days in a row and feel like a million bucks, when back in the day I would feel that a lot more. A lot of varying factors though, I’m a lot healthier now in many ways.

Which brings me to my next point, if rolling multiple days in a row was bad for you I’d be a fried egg sandwich by now. I keep my yearly average to 6-8 times but 4 of those times are akways back to back at festivals.

I find I get a better afterglow from a two night session over a 1 night session?...

There’s a lot we still need to learn about this drug but I feel we’ve made a lot of ground in the last ten years.

Yes to both. Those three are the only ones I'd personally stick with and for me it's been a combination of switching between MDMA and psilocybin.

And since we're talking about it, I may as well add that there were improvements and repairs to my issues that only psilocybin could have done for me that MDMA could no longer take me further past.

I used both of these to treat a different condition with absolutely magical results. Depression in my case. It was like a light switch. The MDMA turnt off the depression and later use of the mushrooms helped me integrate my new psychological reality into my life. It was....miraculous.

Anyway, I've started watching your video, but have to put it down for the night as I need to get some sleep. I will resume it tomorrow.

Thank you for posting this. I really appreciate your endeavour and wish you all the best. :)

Edit: Finished watching the vid. Glad you've found it has improved your life that much.

Also, welcome to BL!
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How frequently were you taking it and at what doses? In the video you mention 1 to 2 months between doses, was that consistent during the time period?
Sorry for taking so long to get back to this thread, I work pretty much every day of the week, an almost consistent 6 days a week. I do want to do my best in being as responsive on here as possible though because this is an exciting place to be to be able to share experiences like these with others who are in the know as well. My friends and I are very big on self improvement through the use of psychedelics and we were waiting so long to finally be able to share our thoughts and discoveries on MDMA and Psilocybin. It's refreshing to be in a community that doesn't jump on the (outdated) stigma of drugs and throws out outdated criticism towards me and the people I care about just to try to put me down in any way they can. I work in a competitive social platform that tends to do that even when you try your hardest to mind your own business and stay in your own lane so I'm really grateful forums like this exist and that there's some sort of movement in regards to scientific studies everywhere around the world. I am very thankful for these two substances and it's honestly why I 'm even able to communicate like I do right now in this thread.

I find Mushrooms to be the best for revisiting very old early childhood memories and trauma.
Mushrooms can be very brutal teachers aswell leaving me crying for no reason about things that happened 25 years ago that i thought i had moved on from.

I agree. I think MDMA is equally just as potent in terms of memory recall and particularly suppressed memory recall such as traumas, just it's method of action is different than psilocybin. And dude, yes. Shrooms can be very brutal when it comes to how it goes about showing you what it tries to show you. My best friend is currently in the middle of finishing up the last parts of her website dedicated to actually breaking down the shroom experience in a way that's understandable and applicable to every day life. Her hope is to change the way the shroom experience is understood because she believes wholeheartedly that it is something we as humans are meant to understand in logical ways and not to be left as a purely subjectively spiritual experience. I should try to convince her to join up on here so she can speak on this herself but she is not currently interested on message boards. The website is actually the one I used to plug the MDMA supplementation list (she let me borrow a page to house it in). It's beyondtheparallax.com and it's still in the process of new things being added in the next coming weeks but the main body is pretty much done if anyone wants to give it a read.

Mushrooms also restored some chemical balance to my brain. Whatever intent you put into your trips before hand can be powerful tools for resolving that specific issue you want to confront. LSD studies are been run in my country to see how it effects people mental well being with take home microdoses in new zealand. America is going through FDA trials for mushrooms and MDMA.

My friends and I have found that the intensity of your intent that goes as far back as 12 hours prior to your trip on shrooms can actually greatly paint your experience, that's why it's good practice to really tune yourself to the specific intent you desire in the hour prior and during the very moment you begin ingesting it to sort of "cleanse" your previous hours away. As far as your comment about it restoring chemical balance to your brain, I can definitely see that being easily a possibility. Over here, we tend to say shrooms can let the person know what their body needs. If you've been lacking sleep for a long period of time, like not having enough sleep accumulated over several weeks, and you take shrooms, I've seen two different friends explain that their shroom experience was making them want to go to bed lol. It also tends to "reset" your sense of hunger if you've lost it too, for example if you've lost it for the following day thanks to an MDMA session the day prior.

I want to go to a proper ayahuasca retreat before i get to old in deep jungle of peru with proper shamans who alot of people swear can heal anything.
I've heard that an extremely high level of yourself being in control of your shroom trip can be an overlap in terms of potential healing that an ayahuasca trip can offer.

I really appreciate your post, you really put yourself out there and it’s people like you that cause change.
Your words are very generous, thank you so much for such a supportive comment.

I’ve made a thread on here in regards to your comments of use frequency. I’m tired and it’s late but here soon I can link that and talk more, but yes so long as you keep your dosage low and stick to one initial dose with maybe a booster, your risk of damage is minimal.
I find I get a better afterglow from a two night session over a 1 night session?...
In regards to that study stating that intermittent use of MDMA caused neuroprotection against MDMA, all I can say is that my experience, not just with myself but from several friends at this point, at least 5 out of 5, have exhibited that neuroprotective mechanic with their use over the years. All of them use it for therapeutic purposes which involves only sitting down and talking among close friends to hash out issues, disagreements, or for multiple close friends to help a mutual friend get through a trauma or a relationship problem with someone else. These sessions have worked wonders in that regard. Words cannot express enough how helpful this substance can potentially be when it's even more commonly understood.

I used both of these to treat a different condition with absolutely magical results. Depression in my case. It was like a light switch. The MDMA turnt off the depression and later use of the mushrooms helped me integrate my new psychological reality into my life. It was....miraculous.

Anyway, I've started watching your video, but have to put it down for the night as I need to get some sleep. I will resume it tomorrow.

Thank you for posting this. I really appreciate your endeavour and wish you all the best. :)

Edit: Finished watching the vid. Glad you've found it has improved your life that much.

Also, welcome to BL!
Wow you are absolutely correct, it IS like a light switch isn't it? That's very similar to how I would describe it like how I described it in my video. It's a little bit almost indescribable and one would have to be in it and around the right friends and setting to really understand it. Also yes, the two substances attack two entirely different dimensions for a person, it's almost too perfect it's like two pieces of the same puzzle. It's SO interesting. My friends and I have also discovered that there's an entirely different effect when the two are combined. The friend I mentioned above who's finishing up her paper on psilocybin actually added a page going into detail about that if you're interested (https://beyondtheparallax.com/ and click on the page titled "MDMA & It's Effects on Psilocybin".

How frequently were you taking it and at what doses? In the video you mention 1 to 2 months between doses, was that consistent during the time period?
Admittedly I did not want to get into it on my video right away because as you know, there's still a lot of stigma around this substance and even those who are aware of it's benefits many of them also tend to say the same things when it comes to frequency and safety, but for the sake of transparency because I do want to be in a place like this and for the sake of the future reputation of the substance itself if it's going to change at all, I'd have to say yes the frequency did begin to become more frequent as we became more confident in our understanding of it and how our bodies were reacting to it.

The positives we were experiencing and improvements to our daily lives, and the repairs it was doing to our issues were too rapid and pronounced to ignore, so when her and I started gauging our body's reaction to it and developing proper protocols such as eating a lot more healthier, gauging the length of time in between the last meal and the planned session, sleeping at the right times, and not redosing past the booster dose as well as not dosing too far past the first dose since we've found that dosing too many hours past the first dose increases it's potential negative effects and that the best time to boost would actually be within the first 2 hours and no later, there's basically a window there that we believe can put you in a window that makes the potential for neurotoxicity unavoidable. We also made sure the AC was on so that our body temperatures never got too warm. Physically taxing activities were also totally out of the question because it would introduce an increase in body temperature.

Anyway, it went from 2 months to 1 month, and then down to every two weeks. We were able to maintain that with no fatigue and experiencing only an afterglow the day after. We were able to get right back to our separate lives and work right away. To be honest, no one wants to be the one to say it because it would seem really irresponsible and a lot of less disciplined and less responsible viewers would end up abusing it if they ever heard anyone who was only experiencing positives and zero diminished health was going around saying it's okay to take it every two weeks for a prolonged period of time. I still don't think anyone should jump into that kind of frequency at all, and our gradual way of increasing ours was probably what allowed us to take advantage of that mechanism that causes MDMA to potentially become neuroprotective against itself, and also more importantly some people can react totally differently. It's always better to take things with a protective mindset first. At the end of the day, what I CAN say is that the substance is not yet fully understood and a lot of the wisdom that goes around popular message boards when the issue of it's safety and protocols are discussed, much of it is based around the incidents involving the rave and party culture which are settings with variables that are entirely different than an obsessively controlled environment like the one my friend and I create for our private therapy sessions. What I can also say is that these protocols have been repeated with 100% success rate in other people as well. Lastly, I will add that if you feel the need to take 5-htp in between sessions then you're taking it too often for your specific biological status.

Personally I hope testing surrounding MDMA continues to flourish and we can better understand the ins and outs of it's actions on the body in terms of medical safety.
I'm going to take some real time to read your friend's website in full...soon. It seems like my jam and is very interesting from the wee bits I've gleaned.

In my case--and as trite as this sounds--MDMA and mushrooms saved my life. I know this sounds dumb even to people who kind of know how I feel, but it's a fact in my case.

Even after I managed to fuck it up again with subsequent use of meth and alcohol, I was able to retain the things I gained then to help me through and have been able to return to the place where I came to with the initial MDMA and mushroom use.

This is highly subjective stuff, of course, but, for me, MDMA and psilocybin mushrooms are to this day my favourite drugs.
Thanks for getting this in the open. I respect the openness, takes some guts to do that. And you do it in a way it hopefully will get some attention. You're pink hair does help.

You have giving me a good insight in Asperger. You explained it very well. Recently saw a vid about Asperger and Alzheimer and the relation to Aluminium, which left me thinking. So it's good to read good news.

My son is Asperger and I am pretty close on the scale.
@Lana Rain , I started reading your friend's website a bit more and I like what you guys have done with the MDMA and psilocybin combinations in various ways.

I never actually combined the two, either subsequently or in conjunction.

Back in the day when I first used both (2004), I would do the two on entirely seperate weekends.

I've combined LSD and MDMA a couple of times (that was greaaaaat) but never with mushrooms.

I now have both at once again and will do some experimentation as I have like 35g of mushrooms and 1.2g of MDMA.

I'm still waiting to get my MDMA GCMS/LCMS tested and hope it's legit.
U desribed aspergers very well considering i always find it hard to explain what its like. I must say i was against hard drugs as a younger lad. My first experience was cannabis at around 12. I found it helped me focus on homework and even school. At 17 i read about mushrooms and how they can be as much fun as ecstasy. I know all my friends had taken e and loved it but i was rather scared of pills. The experience with psilocybin was something else. I felt alive. I felt one with the world.

Then obviously weeks later i was ecstatic. The trip gave me an insight into the world and how beautiful it was.

Then my curiosity with mdma come about. I first sourced some with a friend and came about bluelight where i found the best advice for harm reduction.

It was my 2nd time with mdma (120mg of mdma) that i found how much empathy i had for others. I feel these two drugs along with alphamethyltryptamine helped me understand somethings which i dnt think i would still.understand like empathy and love that these chemicals teached me.

I was later diagnosed with aspergers by a psychiatrist at around age 27 im 32 now and i wnt lie it feels strange looking back . My brother has aspergers but he is slightly more affected than me with his social restraints
Admittedly I did not want to get into it on my video right away because as you know, there's still a lot of stigma around this substance and even those who are aware of it's benefits many of them also tend to say the same things when it comes to frequency and safety, but for the sake of transparency because I do want to be in a place like this and for the sake of the future reputation of the substance itself if it's going to change at all, I'd have to say yes the frequency did begin to become more frequent as we became more confident in our understanding of it and how our bodies were reacting to it.

The positives we were experiencing and improvements to our daily lives, and the repairs it was doing to our issues were too rapid and pronounced to ignore, so when her and I started gauging our body's reaction to it and developing proper protocols such as eating a lot more healthier, gauging the length of time in between the last meal and the planned session, sleeping at the right times, and not redosing past the booster dose as well as not dosing too far past the first dose since we've found that dosing too many hours past the first dose increases it's potential negative effects and that the best time to boost would actually be within the first 2 hours and no later, there's basically a window there that we believe can put you in a window that makes the potential for neurotoxicity unavoidable. We also made sure the AC was on so that our body temperatures never got too warm. Physically taxing activities were also totally out of the question because it would introduce an increase in body temperature.

Anyway, it went from 2 months to 1 month, and then down to every two weeks. We were able to maintain that with no fatigue and experiencing only an afterglow the day after. We were able to get right back to our separate lives and work right away. To be honest, no one wants to be the one to say it because it would seem really irresponsible and a lot of less disciplined and less responsible viewers would end up abusing it if they ever heard anyone who was only experiencing positives and zero diminished health was going around saying it's okay to take it every two weeks for a prolonged period of time. I still don't think anyone should jump into that kind of frequency at all, and our gradual way of increasing ours was probably what allowed us to take advantage of that mechanism that causes MDMA to potentially become neuroprotective against itself, and also more importantly some people can react totally differently. It's always better to take things with a protective mindset first. At the end of the day, what I CAN say is that the substance is not yet fully understood and a lot of the wisdom that goes around popular message boards when the issue of it's safety and protocols are discussed, much of it is based around the incidents involving the rave and party culture which are settings with variables that are entirely different than an obsessively controlled environment like the one my friend and I create for our private therapy sessions. What I can also say is that these protocols have been repeated with 100% success rate in other people as well. Lastly, I will add that if you feel the need to take 5-htp in between sessions then you're taking it too often for your specific biological status.

Personally I hope testing surrounding MDMA continues to flourish and we can better understand the ins and outs of it's actions on the body in terms of medical safety.

Well said @Lana Rain . While I don't use MDMA for therapy purposes, I fully agree with your view that safe frequency of use depends upon many factors.
I feel that the '3 month rule' is fairly arbitrary (but sensible for many people) after reading up on the subject and doing personal experiments.

I am finding that my sweet spot is also around 2 weeks between uses. I do agree that a person needs to have great awareness about what is happening to ones body, mind, emotions, etc.
My safety protocol is similar to yours:
- take all of the recommended anti-oxidant supplements before, during, after MDMA use, including the days in between rolls.
- I take the same dose (100 mg with 50 mg booster) every time. If it feels that I need to escalate my dosage, then I know that I have not waited long enough since the last roll.
- do only one redose 1-1.5 hours after the first dose
- keep the body temperature cool. I don't use MDMA in social settings anymore, so I don't dance. I may do some yoga-type stretching though.
- get lots of sleep.
- good nutrition
- regular exercise
- if there were signs of bad mood, depression or fatigue in the days after a roll, then I knew something was wrong and made adjustments to my protocol

There are so many factors at play that can affect how each individual responds to MDMA usage. I would suggest that people know what they want to gain from the MDMA experience, and then personalize their usage protocol based upon the feedback that their body, mind, emotions are giving them.
I'm going to take some real time to read your friend's website in full...soon. It seems like my jam and is very interesting from the wee bits I've gleaned.

In my case--and as trite as this sounds--MDMA and mushrooms saved my life. I know this sounds dumb even to people who kind of know how I feel, but it's a fact in my case.

Even after I managed to fuck it up again with subsequent use of meth and alcohol, I was able to retain the things I gained then to help me through and have been able to return to the place where I came to with the initial MDMA and mushroom use.

This is highly subjective stuff, of course, but, for me, MDMA and psilocybin mushrooms are to this day my favourite drugs.
I agree, that same friend has continued to state since five years ago that MDMA and magic mushrooms are the two most important substances in the world when it comes to looking at a potential fix to humanity's core problems, which is a problem with the human ego/sense of self.

Thanks for getting this in the open. I respect the openness, takes some guts to do that. And you do it in a way it hopefully will get some attention. You're pink hair does help.

You have giving me a good insight in Asperger. You explained it very well. Recently saw a vid about Asperger and Alzheimer and the relation to Aluminium, which left me thinking. So it's good to read good news.

My son is Asperger and I am pretty close on the scale.
Are you referring to the possible link between Asperger's being a potential buffer against Alzheimer's? If so, that's a pretty cool coincidence because I just found out about it only a week ago myself. Also I'm glad you liked the video ^^

@Lana Rain , I started reading your friend's website a bit more and I like what you guys have done with the MDMA and psilocybin combinations in various ways.

I never actually combined the two, either subsequently or in conjunction.

Back in the day when I first used both (2004), I would do the two on entirely seperate weekends.

I've combined LSD and MDMA a couple of times (that was greaaaaat) but never with mushrooms.

I now have both at once again and will do some experimentation as I have like 35g of mushrooms and 1.2g of MDMA.

I'm still waiting to get my MDMA GCMS/LCMS tested and hope it's legit.
I think one of the key things to have at your disposal when you're really serious about using either, or both, for self therapy or for improving yourself as a person in general, is to have a friend or two who are very close to you and know you very well to be around during the session to help you discuss and analyze the psychological breakdown of your mind. You can get a whole lot more out of it if your friends really know you and especially if you yourself have become very good at breaking down your own thoughts and knowing where each thought comes from during the shroom experience.

U desribed aspergers very well considering i always find it hard to explain what its like. I must say i was against hard drugs as a younger lad. My first experience was cannabis at around 12. I found it helped me focus on homework and even school. At 17 i read about mushrooms and how they can be as much fun as ecstasy. I know all my friends had taken e and loved it but i was rather scared of pills. The experience with psilocybin was something else. I felt alive. I felt one with the world.

Then obviously weeks later i was ecstatic. The trip gave me an insight into the world and how beautiful it was.

Then my curiosity with mdma come about. I first sourced some with a friend and came about bluelight where i found the best advice for harm reduction.

It was my 2nd time with mdma (120mg of mdma) that i found how much empathy i had for others. I feel these two drugs along with alphamethyltryptamine helped me understand somethings which i dnt think i would still.understand like empathy and love that these chemicals teached me.

I was later diagnosed with aspergers by a psychiatrist at around age 27 im 32 now and i wnt lie it feels strange looking back . My brother has aspergers but he is slightly more affected than me with his social restraints
As someone who struggled with this my whole life until MDMA, and then later on shrooms, helped attenuate over what I would say is 95% of my symptoms, it always makes me really happy to read that someone else received help from either in a very similar way. I hope you continue to get to know yourself through those substances and I hope these two become decriminalized sooner than later as it's not doing any good remaining Schedule IV like it is right now. MAPS.org is currently doing their best to prove it's efficacy in medical potential for PTSD in hopes of decriminalizing it but I feel like if they never had to do that we'd be studying MDMA for other issues, such as Asperger's, for a long time by now.

Well said @Lana Rain . While I don't use MDMA for therapy purposes, I fully agree with your view that safe frequency of use depends upon many factors.
I feel that the '3 month rule' is fairly arbitrary (but sensible for many people) after reading up on the subject and doing personal experiments.

I am finding that my sweet spot is also around 2 weeks between uses. I do agree that a person needs to have great awareness about what is happening to ones body, mind, emotions, etc.
My safety protocol is similar to yours:
- take all of the recommended anti-oxidant supplements before, during, after MDMA use, including the days in between rolls.
- I take the same dose (100 mg with 50 mg booster) every time. If it feels that I need to escalate my dosage, then I know that I have not waited long enough since the last roll.
- do only one redose 1-1.5 hours after the first dose
- keep the body temperature cool. I don't use MDMA in social settings anymore, so I don't dance. I may do some yoga-type stretching though.
- get lots of sleep.
- good nutrition
- regular exercise
- if there were signs of bad mood, depression or fatigue in the days after a roll, then I knew something was wrong and made adjustments to my protocol

There are so many factors at play that can affect how each individual responds to MDMA usage. I would suggest that people know what they want to gain from the MDMA experience, and then personalize their usage protocol based upon the feedback that their body, mind, emotions are giving them.
I think the last bullet point you wrote is a good benchmark for people to follow really. If you're feeling at all moody, depressed or down in any kind of way then you either did it too close or you missed a few protocols such as body heat, hydration, or stayed up too long and redosed too far apart from the first dose.
Thank you for taking the time and especially for finding the courage to make and post this content, it's not easy putting yourself out there like that. I showed this to a friend of mine with Aspergers, who is by the way a beautiful person because of this, I seem to vibe really well with people that have Aspergers and she said it was very enlightening and that she could relate to everything you said in the video. She also rolls from time to time and she experiences the same benefits from it as you talk about. She asked me to relay her thanks as well. I found it to be a really interesting and refreshing perspective too, I've watched it twice already. This has also sparked some interesting conversation in the replies, I've been reading it with a lot of interest
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