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Using word "nigger" makes you racist?

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I like how it sounds. Simple as that. I used the word with an ill intent when I was 10 years younger, but I learned to know some black people etc.

Actually, they're not. Different spelling, same meaning, but again, it all comes back to the context.

Is that not racist in itself? Or doesn't it count as racism if directed at a white person?

Anyway, lots of people call me a cunt. It doesn't matter how they spell it, they're still correct... ;)

No; the meaning is very different.
I mean, I'm a cunt, too :)P) and can offend a lot of people because I a) don't give a fuck and b) am very hard to offend myself so often don't realize how easy others can be offended. But "nigger" is a no-no.
You are very right about context in most situations, though. I call my (gay) best friend "faggot" all the time (which is basically "nigger" for gay guys) but I use it as a term of endearment. I wouldn't if it bothered him, but it doesn't - in fact it makes him smile - because he knows I'm being affectionate rather than using it as in insult.
I like how it sounds. Simple as that. I used the word with an ill intent when I was 10 years younger, but I learned to know some black people etc.


Jesus o_0
Did you learn it from your parents or friends or something? Prejudice is learned, not natural.
That's weird because I like you and think you're a nice guy, but I wouldn't have 10 years ago by the sounds of it.
Black women are fine, some of them not really, but everything has an exception

I will give you yank and brit cunts 5 gypsi girls for 3 fine black ones and a g of #3.
Actually, they're not. Different spelling, same meaning, but again, it all comes back to the context.

Actually, in America anyway, "nigga" and "nigger" are worlds apart in meaning. The latter one was (and still is) used in a hateful, derogatory way. What black Americans did was make the word their own, but that word is "nigga". They do not mean the same thing even though obviously one is just a different way of saying the other. "What's up my nigga!" - that's like saying "what's up my brother". My friends and I say it to each other sometimes, of course depending on who else is around. But we mean it as a term of endearment. I got comfortable with it when a friend of mine, who is black, would say it to me, and I'd say it back. But I wouldn't use it with any black people where I didn't already know we were on that level because of the chance that it would cause them pain.

On the other hand, anyone who is saying "nigger", unless, like right now, it's to discuss this sort of topic, knows they are putting the "er" on the end... they know it changes the meaning. They use it to put black people down, they use it in the way it was used during slavery and since then, too. At least in America that's how it is.

So yeah, if you're going around referring to black people as the "er" version of that word, you're either racist, or you're just trying to shock people or something in which case, dick move bro. But using "nigga" isn't the same.
Actually, in America anyway, "nigga" and "nigger" are worlds apart in meaning. The latter one was (and still is) used in a hateful, derogatory way. What black Americans did was make the word their own, but that word is "nigga". They do not mean the same thing even though obviously one is just a different way of saying the other. "What's up my nigga!" - that's like saying "what's up my brother". My friends and I say it to each other sometimes, of course depending on who else is around. But we mean it as a term of endearment. I got comfortable with it when a friend of mine, who is black, would say it to me, and I'd say it back. But I wouldn't use it with any black people where I didn't already know we were on that level because of the chance that it would cause them pain.

On the other hand, anyone who is saying "nigger", unless, like right now, it's to discuss this sort of topic, knows they are putting the "er" on the end... they know it changes the meaning. They use it to put black people down, they use it in the way it was used during slavery and since then, too. At least in America that's how it is.

So yeah, if you're going around referring to black people as the "er" version of that word, you're either racist, or you're just trying to shock people or something in which case, dick move bro. But using "nigga" isn't the same.

I understand your point, but verbally the two spellings sound exactly the same. I dont think many people will quiz you on your spelling before deciding whether to get offended.

In reality, it plays out like this: white boy goes up to black boy and says "Yo nigg*". Black boy doesn't say " how are you spelling that?" It now tends to be assumed that if a black guy says it, then its spelt with an 'a'. Bur if a white guy says it then its spelt with an 'er'. That to me is racist in itself because it makes assumptions on the meaning (and spelling) of a word based solely upon a person's skin colour.
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They don't sound the same in America, we pronounce the "errrrrr", whereas the much less bad one the ending sounds like "uh". They're extremely easy to tell apart when spoken in American English. So in your scenario, the spelling is not at all in question. Black boy knows which one you said. He might not be cool with the "uh" version, or maybe he would, but in any case he'd be WAY less cool with the "errrr" version.

I can see how in a British accent the two would seem pretty much the same but we pronounce our ending Rs very hard over here across the pond. The two are clearly distinct, very clearly, to the ear.
I'm purple. I hate it when people call me "one of those violetasses" when they think I can't hear. Really hurts. ?

I'm whiter than white people

Do you happen to have all white hair and red eyes and can't go out in the sun?
nah, my hair is black, I'm not racist....

just kidding, blonde, white, green eyes, doesn't get more aryan than that, oh it gets, sometimes my eyes turn blue out of the blue

I can't get a tan, the sun just burns me, that white
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