• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Do LGBT inmates get treated terribly in prison?


Jun 29, 2017
I'm bisexual and as well as that, I'm going to get castrated soon for sterilization (yea I know, very weird but my parents want it done). There's a fear from my parents and psychiatrists that I might end up in prison.

I know prison is shit but I've heard that it's especially horrible for child molestors, rapists and LGBT people. The prisons here in Ireland/UK are notorious for violence. Is there any advice you'd give if I ever went there. I definitely would be fucked. My friend is 5ft 8in and he says that he was intimidated by a guy who got out of Mountjoy. I can't imagine how my 5ft 4in 60lbs ass would fare in prison..lol.
Hmmm... castrated? come on, man. You can be sterilized via vasectomy which is what any doctor would do.

Anyway just in case you're being serious, I'm guessing LGBT might face their own issues in men's prisons. So easy solution would be to maybe just not tell anyone? It's not like people can tell by looking.

This thread makes me think you're trolling because it doesn't quite add up which I would find pretty annoying since various people have put a good bit of thought and care into replying to some of your other threads, including myself. However I'm leaving it open as it's not a bad topic.
Trans people typically get the most amount of hate crimes/homicides/etc out of the LGBT people, largely because they have a difficult time hiding it.

Castration would definitely put you on that same level of discrimination.
Hmmm... castrated? come on, man. You can be sterilized via vasectomy which is what any doctor would do.

Anyway just in case you're being serious, I'm guessing LGBT might face their own issues in men's prisons. So easy solution would be to maybe just not tell anyone? It's not like people can tell by looking.

This thread makes me think you're trolling because it doesn't quite add up which I would find pretty annoying since various people have put a good bit of thought and care into replying to some of your other threads, including myself. However I'm leaving it open as it's not a bad topic.

I'm getting castrated in Kenya. There are more "unethical" doctors there (according to Western doctors). Could never get it here in Ireland, even vasectomies are elective and doctors won't do it until you have kids and are 25+

My threads may come across as trolling as I have Aspergers but trust me man, I'm being serious.

Anyway, I have gotten into serious issues with the law and it seems like a compulsion. Not blaming my autism or drug addiction but just want to know in case I end up there.
Yep! And doctors definitely DO castrate people upon request and you would totally still be alive if you were 5'4 and 60lbs.

Fuck...sorry.lol. I mean 60 kilogrammes. My apologies. I see why you thought I was trolling.

No, I'm 5ft 4in and 60 kgs. I know that's in the healthy range of male BMI.
What legal issues did you get yourself into?

Well ever since I got into benzos, I've been cautioned for forgery and during that time I pawned off my families stuff (TV) even pawned their friends DSLR camera. I'll stay away from that shit because although I didn't experience withdrawals per say (well in my other thread I did get agitation but thankfully no seizures), it lowered my judgement.

At the time, I thought very stupidly because my dad has said once in the past I could borrow his stuff, it would be okay to sell the printer, TV, and friends camera and then I'd get a job and pay it back. I literally didn't think of it as stealing and didn't see the flawed thinking.
My advice, if you end up in prison, you dont tell anyone shit, anything anyone knows will use it against you.
This is bullshit... As someone else stAted, I’d expect ALL metric measurements.

If your parents are demanding that you get castrated, that's straight up evil honestly. I'm honestly shocked that you're even considering it. Not only that, but you would definitely get a huge amount of shit for that if you end up in prison. Without a doubt.

You could simply not tell people about being bi in prison, and I would recommend not telling people there if you go. However, you wouldn't be able to hide having been castrated.
Being bi will be the least of your problems. You could hide that. You won’t be able to hide the fact that your a fuckin dickhead though.
Prepare to bullied on a level most wont comprehend.
My advice, Just do whatever you can to not go to prison.