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As you get older does the lure of certian drugs become less?

Zopiclone bandit

Jan 25, 2018
A friend was chatting to me yesterday night & we were talking about some of our best trips on obscure RC's & looking back upon it we had fun but when I think on it now to take a load of 2C-E these days really doesn't appeal to me let alone necking loads of MDA, just the memory of the it now makes my stomach turn. These days I am much more happy smoking a decent blunt, a few cans of strong cider & smoke some heroin then have an early night. It has been some time now since I've been really fussed about tripping or getting off my nut on MDMA etc, as I've got older the desire & excitement over necking some obscure Shulgin product really doesn't hold the joy it used to for me. The only thing I'd get really excited about these days would be to smoke N,N-DMT again (you can keep that 5-MeO-DMT poision for yourself thanks)

Am I alone here, do other older BL users feel the same?.........

It seems to me as you get into your 30's your tastes change & drift more to downers, strong booze & opiates.
A friend was chatting to me yesterday night & we were talking about some of our best trips on obscure RC's & looking back upon it we had fun but when I think on it now to take a load of 2C-E these days really doesn't appeal to me let alone necking loads of MDA, just the memory of the it now makes my stomach turn. These days I am much more happy smoking a decent blunt, a few cans of strong cider & smoke some heroin then have an early night. It has been some time now since I've been really fussed about tripping or getting off my nut on MDMA etc, as I've got older the desire & excitement over necking some obscure Shulgin product really doesn't hold the joy it used to for me. The only thing I'd get really excited about these days would be to smoke N,N-DMT again (you can keep that 5-MeO-DMT poision for yourself thanks)

Am I alone here, do other older BL users feel the same?.........

It seems to me as you get into your 30's your tastes change & drift more to downers, strong booze & opiates.
i've tried stimulants when i was younger but apart from crack, i've never really been a fan of them. the comedown off phet is brutal, even with a load of weed/resin to get through. i've always been more into depressant's. my first d.o.c was resin or weed and alcohol, then i tried heroin and never looked back. as i mentioned, i do like a stone or 20 ! ha,ha but my main love is gear. i started using at 19, so to answer your question, no my drug preferences havn't really changed since being young.
i've tried stimulants when i was younger but apart from crack, i've never really been a fan of them. the comedown off phet is brutal, even with a load of weed/resin to get through. i've always been more into depressant's. my first d.o.c was resin or weed and alcohol, then i tried heroin and never looked back. as i mentioned, i do like a stone or 20 ! ha,ha but my main love is gear. i started using at 19, so to answer your question, no my drug preferences havn't really changed since being young.

I was never a fan of any stim till I smoked MDPV & it changed.
You ever got into RC's like 4-HO-MET, 4-AcO-DMT, 4-MeO-PCP etc?
Yeah I used to do a lot of RC's. aMT was the first psychedelic I tried and I did it relatively often since. I did a lot of RC benzos too.

These days I wouldn't touch aMT even though I have a few caps left because it's a dirty, very long lasting drug and truth be told I'd rather take the classics like LSD and MDMA.

As for the benzos, being able to buy hundreds of "pellets" dirt cheap on the clearnet was a curse for my younger self, whereas these days I am far more sensible with my benzo use and aside from taking a little more than usual on the weekend to chill I don't act stupid with them anymore it's basically just medical use now.

RC's I do still like are 4-MMC, 4-AcO-DMT, and etizolam if that counts (not really since it's a pharma but it was sold as an RC for like 10 years so meh). I also wouldn't say no to AL-LAD again that's for sure. Oh and 2C-B.

Something I wish I got to try was preban 4-MMC to see if there really is much of a difference, and of course MXE which I've heard so much hype about but seems to be gone forever now before I could even have so much as a single sniff.
Just a quick comment from a certifiable "old guy" and I'm talking in my 60's. Probably the biggest difference from young guy to old is the people you know and hang with. I always loved cannabis when I was younger but as I got older, I wouldn't know wbere to get it even if I'd have wanted to. Of course, I get it legally now but I didn't smoke again for almost 40 years. Again with anything else, I truly wouldn't begin to know how to obtain anything. I suppose your line of work may come into play. Personally, I was total white collar and that stuff was just never brought up or even talked about in the office.

So, sure that things do indeed change as you get older and wiser, hopefully.
@Wilson Wilson

MXE was a gift from God himself, I sadly burned myself out on it though & ended up taking huge amounts.
As much as I loved it to death back in the day I'd be 50/50 if I came across it today & that is even for pre-ban stuff too.
in reply to your question zopiclone bandit, i live in the uk, so we don't get a lot of the drugs that are available in the US, or at least they aren't as readily available here, so no, i havn't tried mescaline or pcp or anything like that. i've heard REALLY bad things about pcp and have a tenuous grasp on my mental health at best, so anything that could be a hallucinegyn (my spelling isn't that good) i steer clear of. i wouldn't mind trying demerol, but i think if it's anything like heroin i'd end up addicted to that too. anything opiate based is a real problem for me.
A friend was chatting to me yesterday night & we were talking about some of our best trips on obscure RC's & looking back upon it we had fun but when I think on it now to take a load of 2C-E these days really doesn't appeal to me let alone necking loads of MDA, just the memory of the it now makes my stomach turn. These days I am much more happy smoking a decent blunt, a few cans of strong cider & smoke some heroin then have an early night. It has been some time now since I've been really fussed about tripping or getting off my nut on MDMA etc, as I've got older the desire & excitement over necking some obscure Shulgin product really doesn't hold the joy it used to for me. The only thing I'd get really excited about these days would be to smoke N,N-DMT again (you can keep that 5-MeO-DMT poision for yourself thanks)

Am I alone here, do other older BL users feel the same?.........

It seems to me as you get into your 30's your tastes change & drift more to downers, strong booze & opiates.

Yeah honestly I hope to reach a point where I don't really fancy anything more than a few drinks regularly, and drugs only a handful of times a year with friends.
I think the lure of drugs has actually increased a lot for me, but I'm still in my 20's so maybe that isn't classed as "getting older" but I've been into drugs for 10 years and I've only found them more desirable over the years. Alcohol was my original DOC and I'm 3 years sober now and after the way it destroyed my life it now has zero appeal to me apart from the odd craving now and then.
I seem to be far, far less drawn to weed than I was when I was younger. I have been out of weed for weeks and haven't bothered trying to get more, I smoke from time to time when hanging out if it's present. Psychedelics, on the other hand, I am just as into. I find that I don't want to be high all the time anymore, and also that the marijuana high has a tendency to make me anxious unless it's at the right times. So I just don't do it very much anymore, whereas from age 17 through probably 30, I was an all-day-every-day smoker.
I loveddddd smoking weed in college. It was so much fun. It felt great and just loved everything about it. Fast forward several years later, now its just "meh" :/

Just lost interest in it, I guess.
2c-_ is one of those things I'd do and I'd always do it. Most other drugs (cannabis/shatter and perhaps sedatives like benzos excluded) have lost their allure over time to me.
I was a big time seeker when I was younger. I did all kinds of drugs because I thought that they were going to get me somewhere. Then I found out, there's nowhere to go. It's all right here. Since I figured out some crucial truths that put me on a better path, I no longer see drugs as a gateway to anything. They have therapeutic properties that I'm interested in. I don't find that they hold spiritual wisdom for me anymore. Anything resonant that I experience while on drugs is coming from me and not the drug. Once I figured out this misattribution, I lost a lot of interest in drugs. This was then reinforced by 4+ years of sobriety.

Now I'm dabbling with psychedelics again because I need some neuroplasticity, but I don't treat substances as a holy grail anymore. If anything, they are an enlightenment trap.
There are the issues of change over time of the neurological, psychological, endocrine and metabolic systems which can change the Liberation, Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism & Elimination profile to add in new side effects, intensify others, and subtract them out . . . having different expectations of the drugs, and so on can change things a lot. For example, elderly patients with various neurological conditions and/or terminal illness can get quite a bit out of psilocybin, mescaline, MDMA, MDA, LSD, and so on.

The impact of metabolism was always something I knew about -- I cannot take cyclobenzaprine (Cyclone) without having a hangover for several days, which was explained to me (then in my 30s) as having the metabolism of an 80-year old woman, and one from the other side of the Alps on account of beta thalassaemia and all that jazz . . .
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I would say, as you get older, the more one is attracted to less obvoius highs. For instance, less alcohol, more opiates, less blatent cannabis use, less use of more quality stuff. I don't know, just a thought.
I no longer have the urge to experiment with psychedelics;

and I've become more of a "picky" type when it comes to speed. I won't shoot up anything just to get high, but I'll kill for a hit of the very finest, on occasion.

Also I've become more and more fond of benzos, weed and wine. :)