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What was your view on drugs before you ever took them?


Apr 29, 2018
Personally, I was always very anti-drug. I mean I hated drugs. I was never judgmental against addicts, quite the opposite, I had great empathy for them. But drugs themselves I hated.
Until I was prescribed diazepam and oxy..
I legit thought of never try any hard drug or become a regular weed smoker. Thought drugs were the devil and ruined lives. Not far off from what I still think about them.
Can't remember. Hooked on cough mix as s kid. Raided the meds cabinet not drinks cabinet as a teenager. Read everything I could. Moved to find them never looked back.
Not l much different I originally did drugs to fit in with the stoners but actually enjoyed it so carried on smokong
I think you should ask this question to mr. motherfucker ethanol. Worst shit on the market, it makes you make stupid choices + addictive personality for sure enhances your "i don't give a fuck" feeling.
The ticket has no comeback, one you have tried something you become able to recall it, 'cause you can't forget the feeling.
Not l much different I originally did drugs to fit in with the stoners but actually enjoyed it so carried on smokong

Same reason I started drinking. Due to severe depression/anxiety I was totally isolated. I eventually grew a pair of balls enough to see my GP and he started me on Sertraline and I felt a big improvement in just 2-3 days*. My brother is only 20 months younger than me so he started asking me to hang out with him and his friends, as I was starting to feel up to it.
I had a brilliant time and made so many friends but being teenagers (we were all 17-19) pretty much everything we did involved drinking. I just started drinking too to fit in and then I discovered I liked it (unfortunately way too much).
There was this insanely hot girl I started spending more time with. I never expected more than friendship because she was almost eerily beautiful, like a literal 10/10. Plus she was a double-threat because she was not only fit as fuck but she was also NICE and FUNNY.
Then one day, we happen to be alone in a bedroom in the house of a friend who's BBQ we were currently at. We're talking, laughing, and then lean in for a kiss at the exact same time, as though we'd psychically planned it. We climb under the covers and fool around for a bit and she asks me if I mind if she has a few tokes off this joint she had. I kinda minded a little but I was really into here so I shared the joint with her.
That was my first illegal drug. It was chill and fun. The only annoying thing was every time we'd start making out again, one or both of us were start laughing lmaoo

Ahhh, good times.

*I know they say SSRI's take up to 6 weeks to work, but this mostly is not true. They did a study of participants with moderate depression who had never been treated with medication before and put them on an SSRI. Using an MRI scan, they were able to show that in 1/3 of the participants there was a clinically significant increase in serotonin levels in the brain after a mere three hours. Furthermore, 1/3 of those people showed clinically relevant increases in serotonin in the brain in as little as 40 minutes.
What are they, and where can I get some? Not necessarily in that order. I was about 13-14 yo. By 15 everything went to shit permanently. I'm almost an official senior citizen now, professional, wife, kids, house, job, church, etc. Would definitely try again. Ymmv, dnttah, etc.
I was tempted by them. I thought about heroin and how I could kill myself with it, I even thought about using it to play a game with death. I wanted meth for it's benefits.
Never really been bothered by drugs to be fair. I was interested in cannabis way before I did my first drug apart from caffeine (which was alcohol at almost 19, quickly followed by cannabis). Up to that point I never thought much about serious drugs like heroin or stims. During that period I started researching the main drug classes by reading reports and their pharmacology, which allowed me to avoid the state of ignorant hatred toward drugs altogether that many find themselves in.
I personally couldn't have cared less if people used them. Its their body and their decision. Never in my wildest dreams thought I would be a heroin addict (clean though for 3 weeks), but hey... Nobody knows what the future holds. Legalize all drugs. The war on drugs is a complete and utter failure. Why waste billions each year?
Cant say I've ever had a bad view on drugs,
Started stealing amphetamine from my step mum at 12, she was always happy, never hooked, just generally a lovely person with a taste for phet, didn't see a bad side to it, only positives
Started smoking weed shortly after, the first time I heard of it I smoked it so no negative before taking it.

The only drug I've ever had a opinion on even though I haven't tried it is...............................Heroin, I've lost to many friends to it to even consider it anything else then trash (as i'm sure 90% of user would agree)
I personally couldn't have cared less if people used them. Its their body and their decision. Never in my wildest dreams thought I would be a heroin addict (clean though for 3 weeks), but hey... Nobody knows what the future holds. Legalize all drugs. The war on drugs is a complete and utter failure. Why waste billions each year?

Great job on 3 weeks clean! Keep it up! :)
I also agree with you that all drugs should be legalized and available OTC in Pharmacies (for over-18's, obviously).
I was raised pretty sheltered, the oldest, and my first experience with the concept of drugs was in 5th grade DARE class. I thought of drug users as almost a different breed, they were criminals. I was taught you could die the first time, and all that stuff. I thought drug users must be insane. I won an award in DARE for best anti-drug poem. 8) My friends and I never encountered drugs, we were kind of our own little dorky group. I didn't really think about drugs at all after that, until I was 16, I had been working at a grocery store for a while and made some friends who were a year older, and gradually found out that they liked to smoke weed and drink. I was like, hmmmmm... these people are cool, they're my friends, they don't seem like scary criminals. I decided it sounded fun and wanted to try.

Previously to drugs I always was kind of obsessive/addicted to something, video games, Magic: The Gathering (which made me a lot of money later on actually), and AD&D. I waited until my 17th birthday because I knew I was going to get a yearly physical from the doctor and I always had to pee in a cup, which was just checking for kidney problems but I was scared they'd see weed in there. So on my 17th birthday I smoked and drank. Got drunk but didn't feel weed until the 4th time and OH MAN did I get high, it was wild, and I fucking loved it, and almost immediately started smoking every day. From there, after I graduated high school, I started using Coricidin sometimes, didn't even know what it was but some girl we all thought was super hot and cool was always telling us how great it was. I had fun with that but then had a bad experience, which got me into actually reading about what I was going to take, which got me into Erowid, which got me super interested in psychedelics.

In college I tried MDMA, then mushrooms, had a life-changing experience. Then after college I discovered the world of Internet RCs, started writing trip reports, joined Bluelight and gradually realized that a lot of drug users really are pretty crazy and self-destructive, myself included. :rolleyes::geek: DARE is the wrong approach but I do think it's pretty important to wait as long as possible before starting using drugs. Starting them without being an adult can easily establish negative patterns.

I'd say it's was worth it, but just barely. Sometimes I wish I could just be back in the matrix as an unknowing, care-free cog. But I can't do that any longer, and it was probably inevitable anyway. I would say that psychedelics to me are totally worth it and have been good for my life. All the other drugs have had a net negative on my life (I include weed in psychedelics). I started using drugs out of curiosity, not because of wanting to mask problems. And in the process I created a lot of problems for myself. I almost lost myself in opiate addiction for a decade, and I still struggle to maintain a balance, especially with stimulants which I think are really not a good thing (although I enjoy them a lot).

Didn't mean to turn that into such a long story. =D

I saw a recovery worksheet online to help analyze drug and alcohol use:

Short term benefits/ Long term benefits
(fill in)/ (fill in)

Short term costs/ Long term costs
(fill in)/ (fill in)

I filled out the whole matrix (alcoholism) and then found a note at the bottom of the instructions that said don't fill in long term benefits because there are no long term benefits to alcoholism. Woops, erase, erase........
My view was "drugs sound like the tits, I want some".

I wasn't wrong...
My view was "drugs sound like the tits, I want some".

I wasn't wrong...

That is exactly what I remember thinking.

All of the anti-drug presentations and videos they showed us in primary school had the extreme opposite effect. I mean, it was going straight to "What the hell?! That looks interesting! Must learn more."

I remember seeing weird cartoons about psychedelics that just made psychedelics look amazing. Why the hell wouldn't I want to see rainbows everywhere I looked?

That being said, I went all "safety first" on the whole thing and didn't touch anything, really until I was 19. All's well that ends well though, innit?
I used to think drugs were for people who were broken and needed relief from their misery.

Now I understand that, while that may be true, they are also for people who want exciting experiences and a break from monotony.
That is exactly what I remember thinking.

All of the anti-drug presentations and videos they showed us in primary school had the extreme opposite effect. I mean, it was going straight to "What the hell?! That looks interesting! Must learn more."

I remember seeing weird cartoons about psychedelics that just made psychedelics look amazing. Why the hell wouldn't I want to see rainbows everywhere I looked?

That being said, I went all "safety first" on the whole thing and didn't touch anything, really until I was 19. All's well that ends well though, innit?

Definitely! I was born in 1964 so I remember hearing a lot of stuff on the news when i was a kid about marijuana and LSD. My older brother also used to buy all the Oz magazines which included articles on drugs (though he was a fuckin plastic hippy and never partook) so I thought "I want some of this". I never perceived it as anything negative, but I've certainly learned the hard way since...

Still hasn't put me off though ;)
Definitely! I was born in 1964 so I remember hearing a lot of stuff on the news when i was a kid about marijuana and LSD. My older brother also used to buy all the Oz magazines which included articles on drugs (though he was a fuckin plastic hippy and never partook) so I thought "I want some of this".

hahahaa...."fuckin plastic hippy"...have never heard that one before.
You've got some years on me. I'm guessing you guys didn't have school presentations about the dangers of drugs, complete with police constable, daft videos, frying eggs in a pan (a perfect metaphor for excitotoxicity such as caused by alcohol withdrawal....just saying), etc?
Was that all a product of the hyper war on drugs that went mental with the Reagans? I was in primary in the 90s. All the videos they showed us were from the 80s though and foooookin weird. Like, there was always a guy wearing shades and a leather jacket leaning up against the schoolyard fence, offering random pills to 8 year olds in these videos, for example.

Equally bizarre was the fact that I don't remember having an anti-drug presentation past 4th year...so, like, 1994 and age nine. I guess they reckoned older kids would straight see through the horseshit.

I never perceived it as anything negative, but I've certainly learned the hard way since...

Deffo, though, oddly enough, my fuck ups were brought about by alcohol and meth....two drugs I didn't ever imagine (back when) would do it. I always thought, if anything, I'd end up stitched up by coke.

Still hasn't put me off though ;)

Oh, hell no....it's just making me want to go back to university to study chemistry so I can better contribute.