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AUS: Four Jetstar crew are 'busted smuggling more than 3.5kg of illegal tobacco' into


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
Four Jetstar flight staff were caught attempting to smuggle illegal tobacco into the country in June.

The Australian Border Force caught the crew after they landed in Melbourne from Bali, with the 3.5kg of tobacco strapped to their bodies and hidden in their pants.

The flight attendants, believed to be one woman and three men, have since lost their jobs.


The 3.5kg of contraband was over the duty-free allowance of 25 cigarettes per person.

Melbourne airport has since been put on alert as this wasn't an isolated incident, the Herald Sun reported.

Airline workers who have special security clearances may be sought out by organised crime syndicates, experts are saying.

A source told the Herald Sun that airline staff now are subjected to stricter security screening.

'Flight attendants have always been seen as 'low risk' but that seems to be changing. They are obviously taking advantage of that,' the source said.

Criminologist James Martin said that the smuggling may be instigated by organised crime syndicates, as they hire anyone that has the ability to get drugs between countries.

'If screening procedures are too stringent, they will bribe people doing the procedures,' Mr Martin said.

'It doesn't matter how sophisticated screening becomes or how much money is put into it. If there's a huge demand for illicit drugs, there is always going to be someone to take the risk to try and access that market and profit available.'

Source: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/l...g/news-story/747167b657720f4c6c513f6faab72ad2
Ummm wtf??? I buy loose tobacco by the pound and its extremely cheap. 3.5 kg of just loose tobacco is barely worth anything why would you risk it???
Can you buy like a pound off the web of loose tobacco in Australia?
Doubtful - but there is apparently a black market of illegal home-grown tobacco. It is very heavily regulated here, and bootleg tobacco is illegal to sell.

Roll-your-own cigs are also pretty popular over here - i don't think any of my friends smoke tailors - i don't think rollies are that common in america, or other countries (don't know where you're from, sorry).
A pouch of 25g of tobacco costs $30+ afaik.
So yeah, its a lucrative market, and probably high demand for cheap ciggies.

But to answer your
Australia is fucked for tobacco. I quit smoking now almost 2 months ago and when I was it was $23 - $24 for a 20 pack of JPS Super King Gold. Get drunk with friends and you're buying another pack so that is roughly $37 US.

You used to be able to bring in a carton of cigarettes then they capped it at 50 cigarettes or 50 grams of cigars or tobacco products.

Alcohol prices here keep on going up as well. Overall it is not a good idea to be an addict in Australia as it is expensive as fuck to be one.
A black market can be the result of both prohibition and excessive taxation. I understand the drive to disincentivise the purchase of drugs through vice taxes but there has to be a balance, otherwise contraband will thrive.
It's true.

In some ways i think it's complicated, because we know smoking is devestating to human health, and in a place with government subsidised healthcare, it's in the country's best interest to bring the smoking rate down, which australia's hard line on tobacco regulation has actually achieved pretty well. Smoking rates dropped - especially in young people - for a couple of decades, but i think they're starting to level out.

The problem i have with the obscene taxation on cigarettes is that it really puts a lot of people into a position of hardship.
I mean, habitual smokers with a moderate sized ciggie habit would probably spend more than me, and i smoke cannabis, which is (essentially) totally illegal here. That seems kinda crazy to me - and i feel sorry for people who got hooked decades ago when smokes were cheap, and now they're like $1.20 per cigarette or something fucking nuts like that.

And obviously, black markets in things like drugs can create even worse health outcomes and funnel money into organised crime in some cases.
Personally i think there should be at least some kind of cheap option for smokers on really low incomes - otherwise, like all addicts - people will go without other necessities, or do shady things or steal in order to get their fix.
Or, y'know - shamelessly mooch off everyone around them
Can you buy nicotine gum patches and eliquid at normal prices ? Then maybe i could see it not being totally crazy.
No idea about the gum, but i think it is super pricey.

Nicotine eliquid is banned here, which is fucked and insane.:(
What do you mean eliquid is banned??? So noone is allowed to vape ? What is wrong with Australia? So they hate smoking but also want noone to vape. Why do they even care if you vape?
What do you mean eliquid is banned??? So noone is allowed to vape ? What is wrong with Australia? So they hate smoking but also want noone to vape. Why do they even care if you vape?

They think it can give you cancer or is more harmful than tobacco as not enough studies have been conducted to prove otherwise. To be fair it's because the Tobacco companies have been in the pockets of the government and no way can vape companies offer the same incentives that big Tobacco can.
What about internet porn? That was one of the only good things about highschool. Australia sounds like a place that i would not like to be makes you appreciate your country. Atleast when everything sucks u got nicotine and porn dirt cheap
Porn is a silly one; of course internet porn is everywhere.
We have reactionary laws made by old white men.

Yeah, it's shit - but at least over here if you need to go to the hospital, it's free. When you're a poor drug user (or whatever) that's good to know i reckon.

Universal healthcare is kind of the reason for the strictness on ciggies, cos tobacco causes major increases in medical costs.

Personally, i'm a massive fan of that. Better than cheap smokes imvho. I honestly don't want to live in the USA. Lots of my family do, but i prefer it here, for the most part. Cheap drugs are a double edged sword.
Criminologist James Martin said:
It doesn't matter how sophisticated screening becomes or how much money is put into it. If there's a huge demand for illicit drugs, there is always going to be someone to take the risk to try and access that market and profit available.
