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January's Getting/Staying Clean/Sober Thread, v oh sh!t it's already January

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Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
Who needs New Years intentions when you can set them everyday (or whenever).

This thread is for anyone interested in improving their life this month.

Quitting drugs? Cutting back? Getting healthy? Wanting to improve your Life? Regret or have embarrassing stories about how people make fools of themselves during the holiday?

Do you even remember the holidaze?

Write it all down!

:) %) :| %) :D %) :( %) :eek: %)

December (and the beginning of January :\)'s thread is archived here.

10 months clean :)
my only resolution is exercising. going strong the first two weeks. farthest I've ever come with a resolution
Slightly better than December, still not great, but I'm breathing and not in prison so I'll take it.
Slightly better than December, still not great, but I'm breathing and not in prison so I'll take it.
The absolute best way to look at life in my opinion. Things can always be worse, I try to remind myself that as often as possible, although it's not always easy.

19 days sober for me. Overall I feel a lot better but I've definitely had moments where I craved a drink really bad. Not always easy chilling with friends while they're drinking and smoking and I'm just hanging out. Anxiety can be pretty bad at times, but I'm curious to see if I'll improve anymore after I get more time under my belt.
Congrats, nineteen days is something to be proud of. Keep on trucking.
Day 5 for me and struggling............on OxyContin for 6 1/2 years for failed spine surgery.
12 days of H , down to 1.5mg of sub daily . Hope to be completely off by the end of the month .
Just a small lapse.
Seems like I go a month or two. Think Im good to have just one and then something stressful happens and one turns to many...

So it started before the holidays, drinking a few drinks here or there. Then 15 here or there over Christmas.
But Ive went without since New Years.
Last week it was Wed/Thurs.

So Im not feeling particularly well today but my diet/routine has been crap for months so I supposed its to be expected.
Pot helps. And so does keeping busy. But there was no work today so I'm trying to keep busy around the house.
Went for a walk this morning but its frigid, its like -13C/8F and then some with the wind.
In my 6th week being benzo free. Think this is the 4th time in withdrawal, maybe I'll learn this time.
It is hard to accept that using a drug or a class of drugs again will undoubtedly lead to a relapse. I accepted that about me and heroin/bupe.
It really is, I'm in the same boat, except it's morphine instead of heroin. I was a high class junkie lol.
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Heroin is morphine. The two acetyl groups break off as the molecule passes into the BBB. It's just a highly efficient morphine delivery system.

I'm sure you knew that though, hence why the effects are so similar.
18 days sober, no cafeine, no chocolate, no cannabis, no benzos, no alcohol, nooooooooooooo
Trying to taper to decrease withdrawals. Went from 40 mg OC a day down to 20 mg a day (1/4 of pill in am and 1/4 around dinner ) . So ready to be done with them, I just want to feel normal again . I?m trying to keep my PMA (positive mind attitude) up and decide when to finally stop .
Heroin is morphine. The two acetyl groups break off as the molecule passes into the BBB. It's just a highly efficient morphine delivery system.

I'm sure you knew that though, hence why the effects are so similar.

Yeah, heroin just carries the stigma.
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