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LSD first time, tips?


Feb 5, 2016
So I have 5 blotters, apparently 110 ug each.
I have never had any psychedelic experience before and want to know what to expect basically?

I need tips to avoid bad trips and I am also stuck on dose.. how many ug do I take? Do I just take one blotter or go for 2?

Also I want to know, is lsd neuro toxic like mdma? How long breaks do I need to take?
So I have 5 blotters, apparently 110 ug each.
I have never had any psychedelic experience before and want to know what to expect basically?

Heavy mindfuck, moderate visuals.
You can find examples of the visuals (drifting, tracers...) on psychonautwiki, but the really interesting part is what goes on in your mind. Basically your novelty-detection system goes into overdrive; you start becoming much more mindful and *aware* of behaviors that have become automatic or ritualized for you, allowing you to re-evaluate and perhaps change them. You'll find words suddenly becoming inordinately heavy with *significance*, which can also be of tremendous value in identifying personal issues you might not be consciously aware of.

At heavier doses you might also experience thought-loops and memory suppression, up to the point of effectively losing your sense of self for a while. However, despite what the "heroic dose"-crowd may tell you, this is not necessary in order for you to benefit from a psychedelic experience. Atleast I don't think that going full McKenna and "breaking through" to realize that the world is really made up of "self-transforming machine-elves" is a particularly desirable scenario.

Oh, and as far as psychedelics go, LSD is also pretty stimulating. Not as stimulating as a DOx, but still more stimulating than shrooms.

Also, LSD lasts around twice as long as shrooms - even ignoring the pupil dilation, you probably won't be able to pass as sober until the 8-hour-mark, and there'll be residual stimulation and brain fog until the 12-hour-mark.

need tips to avoid bad trips and I am also stuck on dose.. how many ug do I take? Do I just take one blotter or go for 2?

Set and setting. The psychedelic experience can greatly amplify feelings about yourself and your surroundings. Are you in a good mood? Do you feel comfortable where you are, and about the people around you? If not, it's probably not a good idea to trip.

In general, it would be best to have an experienced trip sitter you feel like you can be completely open with. If not, you better have a benzo on hand. A low dose can help get an overly intense trip back under control before it goes completely off the rails; a high dose (preferably combined with a low dose of an antipsychotic) can just abort the trip full stop.

Oh, and guess what, when it comes to the psychedelic experience, all those anti-weed PSA's were right after all: THC on LSD usually won't calm you down, but rather make the whole trip even more anxiety-inducing. Seriously, read "bad" trip reports on Erowid and look at how many of them start going South following the words "...so we decided to smoke a bowl".

110 micrograms should be plenty for a first-timer. Taking 2x110 on your first trip might not be a good idea even with a sitter, and could be a recipe for disaster when you're tripping solo.

Also I want to know, is lsd neuro toxic like mdma? How long breaks do I need to take?

Not neurotoxic. MDMA causes the brain to release serotonin and dopamine, whereas LSD directly activates your 5HT2A receptors.

As a rule of thumb, LSD tolerance should be effectively back to baseline after 2 weeks, although if you want to preserve the "magic" it would be best not to take it more than once a month.
Commenting solely on dose...all else being wonderful..set, setting, sitter, etc.

So I have 5 blotters, apparently 110 ug each.
I have never had any psychedelic experience before and want to know what to expect basically?

I need tips to avoid bad trips and I am also stuck on dose.. how many ug do I take? Do I just take one blotter or go for 2?

Also I want to know, is lsd neuro toxic like mdma? How long breaks do I need to take?

Knowing what I know, about 40 yrs since first taking LSD, I would take them all.

Rita Prell
Knowing what I know, about 40 yrs since first taking LSD, I would take them all.
This is just terrible, dangerous and irresponsible advice for a first timer. OP, you have never taken any psychedelic before and thus have little to no idea how you will react. Take one or 2 maximum.
They're prob <110 mcg., but, even if they are, 550 mcg. would only be 50 more than...

This is just terrible, dangerous and irresponsible advice for a first timer. OP, you have never taken any psychedelic before and thus have little to no idea how you will react. Take one or 2 maximum.

...some famed Owsley hits.

I'm sorry, Rita, but I'm going to have to agree with Vastness and Hodor. One tab for the first time, two at most. Even Owsley admitted that those tabs were over the required dosage on an interview.
This is just terrible, dangerous and irresponsible advice for a first timer. OP, you have never taken any psychedelic before and thus have little to no idea how you will react. Take one or 2 maximum.

Exactly. There is such a thing as "survivorship bias".

There are plenty of people who've had absolutely terrifying trips that left them with symptoms of depersonalization/derealization for months (and turned them off psychedelics for life), but those people usually don't tend to frequent psychedelic-focused message boards.

OP, if the majority of people on a site whose users have probably had more positive experiences with psychedelics than the general population is telling you to start low, you might really want to take the aforementioned selection bias into account. You don't want to find out you're one of the people who are more prone to disturbing trips only after you dropped 550 mics.

Lastly, there is the possibility that what you have might not be real LSD. 5 strong hits of LSD can make for an absolutely terrifying trip, but they can't kill you. 5 hits of an NBOMe, however, can.
Keep in mind that I said that everything else, I assume, is just perfect...

... so, what are we now, the Partnership for a Drug-Free America?

Really, folks? Do we go from something that is fun, recreational, potentially life-changing, to something terrible and irresponsible, even dangerous, with the increase of a few hundred micrograms?

The existing religious groups that use psychedelics in their worship aren't trying to give people a little namby-pamby experience. If you want to talk about danger, consider Iboga.

High dosage has its precedent in psychedelic therapy, going back to the protocols established in the 1950s and 1960s.

I hope this potential first-time tripper does have everything marvelously in place and just perfect. Even if that is not 100% so, I hope he or she takes it all.

Godspeed, all!

Of course, it's assuming a lot. That includes that it is truly and actually LSD...

Exactly. There is such a thing as "survivorship bias".

There are plenty of people who've had absolutely terrifying trips that left them with symptoms of depersonalization/derealization for months (and turned them off psychedelics for life), but those people usually don't tend to frequent psychedelic-focused message boards.

OP, if the majority of people on a site whose users have probably had more positive experiences with psychedelics than the general population is telling you to start low, you might really want to take the aforementioned selection bias into account. You don't want to find out you're one of the people who are more prone to disturbing trips only after you dropped 550 mics.

Lastly, there is the possibility that what you have might not be real LSD. 5 strong hits of LSD can make for an absolutely terrifying trip, but they can't kill you. 5 hits of an NBOMe, however, can.

Meanwhile, absolute terror, as you say, never killed anyone.

The balance of what you write is simply fear mongering.

It comes off as copy from a "Dangers of LSD" pamphlet.

Why do people neglect to describe their personality, age, weight, health, experience, family complex etc. and just presume there is a reasonable answer about bad trips and dosage.
Why do people offer advice with nothing to go on?
T.Leary: everyone who can hear my voice should take LSD, at least once

Why do people neglect to describe their personality, age, weight, health, experience, family complex etc. and just presume there is a reasonable answer about bad trips and dosage.
Why do people offer advice with nothing to go on?

Maybe people with schizophrenia should not take LSD. Or, maybe they really should, I'll be at under those mythological, perfect circumstances.
That is a quote, by the way, from Timothy Leary...

Why do people neglect to describe their personality, age, weight, health, experience, family complex etc. and just presume there is a reasonable answer about bad trips and dosage.
Why do people offer advice with nothing to go on?

I don't think he was able to get around to the millions of people who heard his voice, and do an actual intake, on each of them.

No matter what you think of Leary, and I have my judgments about his objectivity, particularly in later years, but he was a professor, had his doctorate, and was, by all accounts, a brilliant researcher.

Let's take it light, people, and withhold the judgments, to the degree that egos will allow... And, of course, I'm not discounting my own in this discussion...

Sorry. The word was"albeit," & don't know if I can edit...

Maybe people with schizophrenia should not take LSD. Or, maybe they really should, I'll be at under those mythological, perfect circumstances.

...once I've officially posted

Rita Prell
knowing nothing else about you,
I think your condition could be advantageous for a low to average dose (i.e. 50-125mics max), since, if you have been living and coping well with "schitz" qualities (quoted due to fact that many 'facts' about 'schitz' contradict other 'facts'), and if you have good control over your setting, and have made it neat, safe and natural.
You had me at "knowing nothing"

knowing nothing else about you,
I think your condition could be advantageous for a low to average dose (i.e. 50-125mics max), since, if you have been living and coping well with "schitz" qualities (quoted due to fact that many 'facts' about 'schitz' contradict other 'facts'), and if you have good control over your setting, and have made it neat, safe and natural.

I recommend you shun your penchant for to act like a nanny.

I'm sorry if you were referring to me so I'll give some background.

I'm in my 70's and have been taking LSD since 1965. I was part of the 60's West Coast scene during that time. I have taken LSD hundreds of times in my life in the past and am not afraid of LSD or bad trips. I am now retired but enjoyed a wonderful professional career and am considered well adjusted and average in build and health.


I have personally observed individuals who were oversensitive to LSD and have had very bad experiences and so I believe that testing for sensitivity to LSD is important, especially with street LSD with no know quantity, only someone's word.

He's a tenderfoot now, after his first trip he has the rest of his life to do whatever he or she feels. And he'll know where to start finding his personal "zone" with regards to dosage. This is site is not about fear mongering, however it is all about harm reduction. We prefer to give safe advice for those who choose to use LSD.
I recommend you shun your penchant for to act like a nanny.


that is a very interesting comment, in this chain, of loosely connected comments, questions, statements etc.

good reminder, the harm reduction underpinnings are what makes this place invaluable.
Thx,White, all that wonderful bit of background. No, wasn't referring to you.

I'm sorry if you were referring to me so I'll give some background.

I'm in my 70's and have been taking LSD since 1965. I was part of the 60's West Coast scene during that time. I have taken LSD hundreds of times in my life in the past and am not afraid of LSD or bad trips. I am now retired but enjoyed a wonderful professional career and am considered well adjusted and average in build and health.


I have personally observed individuals who were oversensitive to LSD and have had very bad experiences and so I believe that testing for sensitivity to LSD is important, especially with street LSD with no know quantity, only someone's word.

He's a tenderfoot now, after his first trip he has the rest of his life to do whatever he or she feels. And he'll know where to start finding his personal "zone" with regards to dosage. This is site is not about fear mongering, however it is all about harm reduction. We prefer to give safe advice for those who choose to use LSD.

You used no pejorative language at me, and I appreciate that.

I was a child, in the Bay Area, in '65. I knew that there was a cultural shift going on, all around me, but I knew that I also couldn't take part in it, though I wanted to, and it took me until the next decade to partake in LSD.

I, too, have taken it was the many hundreds of times, to the equivalent of thousands of doses. I also am not afraid of a bad trip or a particularly intense experience.

Naturally, I certainly do not object to notions of harm reduction.

I have enjoyed getting to know you, a little bit, and I appreciate your response.