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December 2nd update on Candian legalization

Thomas Davie

Moderator: CD
Staff member
Feb 6, 2013
Leaked from the McClellan led task force, which is currently being translated into French before being released publicly.

The primary goal of legalization is to be eradication of the black market, and that everything else flows from that principle.

- minimum age of 18 in 6 provinces, 19 in the rest of Canada.

-that the price be set lower than the street price of (cough, cough 8-10$/g).

-the recommended method of distribution is suggested to be mail order (hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha), although every province and/or territory is going to be free to make their own distribution rules

That's it for the moment. I am pleasantly surprised by the appearance of such low minimum ages for purchase/use considering all of the reefer madness that has shown up in Canadian press in the last few years. Everyone with a brain knows that mail order won't work for recreational distribution (it already causes problems for medical distribution).

Honestly, I'm pleased to see them specifically point out pricing as a means to reduce the black market, even if I don't accept the task force's numbers.

Wait for the screwup though- when the report gets released I'm expecting low possession limits and no home growing.

You hockey pucks like to drink at age 18/19 so as an outsider it makes sense that you would do pot at the same age.

Good luck with the following regulations, hope it turns out in your favor!
Hah, mail order is going to make this interesting.
Good that they are going to set it cheap though.
Salutations Thomas,
Salutations everyone,

Leaked from the McClellan led task force, which is currently being translated into French...

Ha! Ha! For a split-second i thought i had read Maclean's instead (...) but yes, searching around it was possible to discover we'll have to wait a while longer for that report's details, while it's quite interesting to highlight such peculiar translation-related delay, considering in the English version of Trudeau's electoral platform it's clearly stating "INCIDENTAL POSSESSION" - and NOT in French where such qualificative word was mysteriously dropped into nothingness somehow:

« Nous retirerons la consommation et la possession de marijuana du Code criminel et élaborerons de nouvelles lois plus strictes. »

Which could mean it would be OKay to just plain possess & consume if one speaks French, while those Canadians who don't shall only be allowed to do it on some "incidental" basis, euh... :?


M'well, naturally i'm not gullible enough to believe this all resulted from yet another unexpected translator issue, on the contrary! 8) Now who's going to define "incidental" and when anyway?!...

Personally i think the Liberals must pick their side at last, as it turns out the "incidental" qualificative word makes quite a huge difference in terms of legal implications (which are impossible to ignore, depending on who's talking to who and about what), etc... Briefly put, this level of confusion certainly proves politically convenient as i'm convinced the English version was already chosen long ago, even before elections day: lets face it, Trudeau performed self-serving use of the language barrier in pretty much the same way his father did before him, that's all. Justin who admires aspects of Fidel Castro's legacy (...) will really need to spare the sympathy of those who voted Harper previously, hence so far i can only conclude his mind was set all along when he announced his 2017 reform. IMO the guy seems ready to play one more Joker card in preparation for 2019 at the United Nations.

Merry Christmass!!


I am pleasantly surprised...

At best i'd call this partial relief and i wouldn't spontaneously thank for it; perhaps some others but count me out as there's a much bigger picture behind which still requires critical scrutiny!!

M'well, who knows what more cruel surprizes this government keeps hidden in their pesky elite sleeves?? Getting tougher on 51 % semi-incidental possession or decriminalization for 49 % semi-incidental possession?!!


Oh my, who's head doesn't hurt now?!...

...considering all of the reefer madness that has shown up in Canadian press in the last few years.

This morning i happened to witness a passage of some previous "Marina Orsini" TV show on SRC and here's what the guest doctor Christiane Laberge insisted to broadcast at large via Canuck airwaves, on planet Itnoc:

Tou.TV: Marina Orsini - Saison 02 Épisode 26

« ...faut savoir que par rapport à '72 t'avais en général 1 % d'THC. Maintenant t'as toujours plus que 8 et y'a eu des saisies à 36 % d'THC. ... On va parler de l'autre effet qui est l'effet placébo... ...J'chus g'lé pis j'm'en sac'e... ... ...c'est moins addictif que l'alcool mais par contre y'a plus de goudron... »

My quick translation:

Let it be known that relatively to 1972 we generally had 1% THC, presently it's always above 8 % and there's been busts showing 36 %. ... Now lets talk about the other effect, the "placebo" effect, like "I'm stoned so i can't care less about pain"!...It's a lesser addictive than alcohol but on another hand there's more tar/cauldron.​


...I don't accept the task force's numbers. Wait for the screwup...

Same here, so lets wait together! Perhaps our patience will multiply instead of only add up...


Good luck with the following regulations, hope it turns out in your favor!

As far as i'm concerned Trudeau has lost the little credibility he might have felt he had the day he chose Hillary Geller to organize UNGASS 2016 (and manipulate public opinion in the process).

...they are going to set it cheap...

Hummm... Maybe 5 ~ 8 $/g sounds "cheap" for LPs, including their DIRECT competitors the so-called "organized crime"... But i still consider 10 ~ 50 ¢/g as a basic floor level and it's nowhere to be found on any Liberal radar, not even for the sake of vulnerable suffering medical patients.

Good day, have fun!! =D

The Toronto Star: Trudeau urges police to ‘enforce the law’ on marijuana (2016-Dec-3)

« A “frustrated” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wants police to enforce the law and criminally charge illegal marijuana dispensaries. »


« ...the current prohibition stands. ... ...we're not legalizing marijuana to please recreational users... »

Translation: « Merry Christmass, "stoners"/"droÿés"!! » :p


Good day, have fun!! =D
What do you think of pushing the conservative government to argue from the perspective of reducing the cost of legalization by simply decriminalization and age restriction? They are a scuttled boat of a party but could be used as a makeshift ram for one last kick at unclogging the potential red tape. Tbh I haven't looked to see if they still exist or what platform they are swinging from today.

I hear them saying lower cost compared to black market but 8-10/gr. Is not on the same planet. Medically I will need a part time job to cover the cost. Yay big pharma. Do you think they will attempt a full on buy out of the Canadian industry?
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Salutations YourBaker,

What do you think of pushing the conservative government to argue...

Considering both Harper *AND* Trudeau voted for mandatory prison sentences [ * ] i'd just expect them to prove equivalent on the long run anyway, not to mention the sequence of events which took place after Trudeau admitted having a "puff".


Lets consider both parties simply try to keep seducing a same type of voters who happen to be hostile to any respectful/progressist reform, essentially. So it's not as much a matter of party as it is about gaining political support thanks to bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionism: the fear of fear works wonders in the hands of such con actors and the drive to hate can be a powerful lever for numerous sub-groups in need of easy targets to blame, instead of seeking durable solutions via democratic/mature debate in Ottawa's federal parliament.

So far the Liberals kept focussing on adults instead of developing real help that would be adapted for children; worse, i'm expecting many more waves of young persons will pay the price after being permanently prejudiced by an unjust magic-thinking "legaleezed" system, still supported by the United Nations at UNGASS 2016 earlier this year. To top it all it's not ordinary citizens who will "push" the predators around: the later carefully reserved those self-serving bullying jobs to themselves IMO; which is only representative of what they are, of how they keep draping themselves with "champion" morality while being (ir-)responsible for HOMICIDE by POLICE over 235 g of CANNABIS, in Montréal/Québec... Etc., etc.


An insider named Joy Davies made an attempt pushing around until 7 ~ 10 days before elections day as i recall, then she "resigned" as candidate (read she was actually "rejected", if not ejected by force!)... But journalists couldn't accept the truth as it is today, most unfortunately for us decent pro-cannabic Canadian citizens and sympathizers. Briefly put it's not just the politicians who must face criticism, there's the "scientifics" starting with Marc Garneau who also voted with Harper, etc. Then traditional media thriving on controversy & sensationalism, police who KILLs over "weed", specialists/activists in "rehab" centers holding "doctor" titles and many more... E.G. all those anonymous individuals who don't consume and yet they'll align for their own socio-toxic benefit - and respond absent when real humans suffer.

...from the perspective of reducing the cost of legalization by simply decriminalization and age restriction?

Nah! Depending on who's speaking to who the price-tag is already over-estimated at 5 $/g while anyone could grow their own for 10 ~ 50 ¢/g and still feel plain satisfied - especially for having 100 % confidence in the producer, etc... Decriminalization was announced relatively to "INCIDENTAL" possession only, those who try to follow the news must be aware by now that the Liberals are delaying their release of a long awaited report claiming it's due to the language barrier, essentially, after dropping that very significant qualificative - and now the choice for 1 definitive version has been made it appears: prohibition stands he said.

The rules have tightened further for "medical" users after their constitutional rights were challenged extensively; so i can spontaneously imagine what's yet to come when they finally start to deal with "recreative" ("stoners"/"droÿés") users!... Now with COP6 in mind i can't but observe a strong constant determination to vilify the noble molecules in any manner possible, to "deter" children, hence high cost + taxes seems a perfect strategy for an evasive enemy claiming to protect them as a convenient self-serving cover up.

So, no i don't see the price going down, not even below the 2.50 $/g threshold ever!... No more than there will be Harm Reduction measures with ZERO prejudice for those predator's most vulnerable victims - and soon enough the unborn foetus shall serve as their ultimate Troy Horse i believe.


But that's me, YMMV.

...could be used as a makeshift ram for one last kick at unclogging the potential red tape.

The one person i heard on TV that made some sense was Elizabeth May and she's nowhere on the political agenda judging by TV coverage alone. As a citizen of Québec i've indirectly witnessed Thomas Mulcair in action plenty of times, doing the right things, but he wasn't trusted in western Canuck land and now i fear the opportunity window has effectively closed.

To top it all i consider these "elite" politicians get their power from international treaties nonetheless, so that's were progress could still come from, but not via the United Nations as it exists today. In other words we're doomed, price and taxes will be instrumentalized as iconic symbols on planet Itnoc, suggesting something was done to "save" our children somehow... While champions of political correctness insist in leaving no alternatives for kids other than long-term exposure to SMOKED paper + glue, possibly mixed with psycho-active/addictive tobacco/nicotine, etc. Lets face it, anything else would be a paradoxal impossibility so that's why the pro-cannabic culture itself is now under sustained attack, starting with public visibility and so on.

Euh... IMO we'll be lucky if we they don't try to tatoo us!


Do you think they will attempt a full on buy out of the Canadian industry?

It seems to me they got all the tools to perform a prohibitionist take-over already.

Patient's rights were never high-priority to say the least and i didn't forget that while Cpl. Ronald J. Francis pleaded for help over PTSD on a national scale there was ZERO sympathy coming from Trudeau's side (in the opposition) before this fine officer was was found dead (...); at the time Trudeau kept surprizingly silent IMHO, but this only makes sense now, in retrospective.

Quite too many decent Cannabians are about to get tagged/listed like some hazardous wild animals only to provide an "industry" with captive client$. Those who didn't qualify can be expected to fall into the "criminalized" category, so i'd comment the take-over process was patiently launched long ago, through Harper's conservatives actually... The thing is each of us has only 1 life, THEY can count on multiple successive generations, on another hand, and "scientific truth" is NOT going to stop them the least bit i'm sorry to conclude.

Good day, have fun!! =D
Yeah we need to flip our government to being run by people, not run by prison guards trying to control us. I feel bad that I actually have trusted government and even corporations to a small degree in the past. Now I just feel so played by the mass of lies that have left me a slave, working for someone else and barely having a minute of control in my own life.

We need a visionary leader who fears nothing and loves this country. Maybe someone first nation that can make it legal on native land and just thumb their nose at big pharma and the greedy government that isn't for the people anyway.

Yes legalization of weed will kill most pharmaceutical companies and knowing that, they do not have our best interests in mind, they have money and greed in mind, our government is about to sell out the population.
Hi again YourBaker,

Yeah we need to flip our government to being run by people...

...and then get rid of UN's bigot prohibitionist legacy, or it will repeat endlessly. :|

Now I just feel so played by the mass of lies that have left me a slave...

It's simply all too easy to seduce hate-lovers/love-haters via a TV screen or internet display, those predators who dare exploit archaïc Victorian-age ignorance + preconceptions should face severe legal consequences for such instrumentalized hate-speech disseminated on Canuck land, using diverted public resources to top it all!... Not to mention more children will be condemned to suffer because of arogant monsters pretending they can "save" them precisely!!


Now I just feel so played by the mass of lies that have left me a slave...

Welcome to the club, take a seat as it could be a long while. :(

We need a visionary leader who fears nothing and loves this country.

I'm afraid it happens Thomas Mulcair proved he was quite ready for the job as he chose to defy his own party line when this meant being on the population's side. Actually he did it 4 times as i recall and yet he ended up being totally rejected by his peers à la Jean Charest in Québec, then Canadian voters rejected him again in Ottawa, possibly because of trivial factors which have little to do with these twisted politic issues.

Well, lets appreciate the result. We've all been submitted to manipulation at some degree, pure and simple!


Maybe someone first nation that can make it legal on native land...

Yes, although i don't trust privilege structures as a desirable progressist force it would at least put some sand in the prohibitionist engine i figure... ;)

Personally i like the idea of a truly collective effort where shamans can sit besides "experts" who don't even consume, for starters! In any case i must agree that Big Cannabis is NOT in our best interest whatsoever: we're just a hurd of sheeps ready to be sacrificed for the benefit of a wealthy elite in deny of any democratic debate - and their legacy goes back to 1923 with senator/doctor Henri-Sévérin Béland, a LIBERAL supposedly fit for "scientific" aproaches!!


But there's hope when i read articles as follows, maybe you'll like that too! %)

Toronto Telegraph: Cronos Launches Industry Leading JV With First Nations (2016-Dec-7)

« PharmaCan Capital Corp., doing business as Cronos Group (TSX VENTURE: MJN) ("Cronos" or "the Company"), is pleased to announce the launch of Indigenous Roots, a first-of-its-kind joint venture led by Phil Fontaine, former National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations. Indigenous Roots is a medicinal cannabis company that will work cooperatively with Canadian First Nations towards building and operating licensed facilities and providing medical cannabis to First Nations patients. »

By the way, notice the picture's host: FondationTrudeau dot Ca - so can we really trust him?... Somehow i feel like i got to wonder. Any impressions on that? :?

Good day, have fun!! =D
Go Canada. Just do it. South African government wringing its hands worrying if medical marijuana is going to make cannabis more socially acceptable, Duh.
Salutations YendisReyem,

Just in case you didn't have a chance to get the late news:

Globe & Mail:
Canadians not told about banned pesticide found in medical pot supply (2016-Dec-29)

« Myclobutanil... ...found in product recently recalled by Mettrum Ltd... »
« ...known to emit hydrogen cyanide when heated. »
« ...pyrethrin was used by mistake... »
« ...neither Health Canada nor Mettrum announced the findings to the public. »
« ...dispensaries in Vancouver had sold products containing dodemorp... »

Briefly put i gathered this means the government-endorsed Mettrum Ltd. "LP" appears to have secretly engaged into CRIMINAL activities since we now learn they actually kept "banned" pesticides around, euh... Go wonder, doesn't this make MiniPET's "legaleezation" team guilty as criminals too?!... Starting with those brave "drug" warriors at Health Canada who failed the Canadian People so miserably. A pity!


Also, while the public eye was being re-focussed elsewhere by contemplative traditional media (...), Trudeau's "Task Force" happened to modify the CDSA 6 times in 2016 alone - without bragging much about it, i shall add... They must have thought we're all very gullible and it would never matter anyway.

M'well, it's the same old story repeating itself ad nauseam: once again we have yet another striking illustration of the so-called "good" apples routinely protecting/supporting bad (read "toxic"!) ones and hence that's how hate-inducing propaganda ends up continuously broadcasted via national TV with no counter-part to bring balance relatively to some omnipresent bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionist voice that just won't die; e.g. i'm afraid there's no stopping hate-lovers/love-haters from multiplying on planet Itnoc! Beyond generations, causing the real "harm" by imposing 3rd-party self-serving socio-toxic interference and whatnot, etc...

Good day, have fun!! =D