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Opioids Kratom Mega Thread V.4

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Yes, I would be interested in that also.

Look guys, this is all great info. I'm looking into the Kava and also as my first day not drinking is today, I can report so far so good, have no urge to drink right now and I am waiting for comedown between doses.

I take it 5htp is also to be included in the ban, so will look into that also.

Thanks again.


5-htp won't be banned, but it's also not abusable like kratom is.
Looks like i will need to pick 3 or 4 of the BEST STRAINS and buy in bulk pounds at a time then vacuum seal in the next few weeks to be safe lol Complete BULL, they will ban this then legallize it once the government can control it like what they did with weed....ugh
I actually went ahead and ordered red vein borneo and red vein bali just to help get off my oxy scripts plus kept a few subs incase i need um but i hope not to....I was reading that almost everyone love Green Malay for Euphoria and sedation so i think i def need to order that next but i need to decide on an EVERYDAY OPTION for Pain, Mood, Sedation AND i need an everyday option for Clean Energy, Mood, Pain as like a morning option.....Then i was trying to decide on either an MD strain OR a boosted Extract to take ONCE IN A WHILE when i wanted a more "narcotic" feeling for pain, euphoria, mood boosting and relaxation....If anyone wants to give me suggestions for OPTION 1, OPTION 2 AND OPTION 3! :)
How much did you drink per day?
Because it seems you kind of quit cold turkey?
Kratom will not prevent delirium and seizures.

Good questions !!

I was a 20 to 30 unit a day man for many years, having started drinking 30 plus years ago, but those levels were lower when I was working. Made redundant some 18 months ago and drinking went back through the roof and had a 2 week binge on about 40 units a day before seeking help.
Over 12 months tapered down to 6 units a day then had 5 days in hospital (unrelated to drink) where they fortunately gave me a detox.

From there I was more or less sober for 100 or so days but relapsed 3 or 4 weeks ago and slowly built it back to 20 - 30 units a day.

Saw the error of my ways, did a quick taper down to say 12 units a day then stopped altogether again 2 days ago, using the krat to assist with the anxiety etc I knew I would get.

I understand your concern but feel my current circumstances give me little to worry about regarding DT's and seizures.

Oh, yeah, I should've mentioned kava as well. That's a pretty good alternative.
Can I ask which strains lasted longer? I found my favorite pretty early on and just stuck with it, but it was one that primarily caused stimulation and euphoria (white vein indo) so maybe that had something to do with it? I would looooove a strain that can provide pain relief for longer than 2-3 hours!
Can't speak to the pain relief side of it very much as I don't usually deal with that. That being said, I think a few of the strains that lasted a pretty long time might've been elephant leaf, green sumatra/borneo, and red borneo. (Can't quite remember, as I've been trying out a lot of different strains recently.) It will probably vary a good deal between vendors and freshness, but those have worked pretty good for me.
Towards the end it there isn't so much euphoria or energy, it mostly mellows down to a state of relaxation and slight body high.
(Sorry for the late response, btw.)

(Also, keep in mind that when I take kratom, it's in the ~5 gram dose range, so effects will be far more noticeable than with 1-2 grams.)
(Also, keep in mind that when I take kratom, it's in the ~5 gram dose range, so effects will be far more noticeable than with 1-2 grams.)


In your experience which have you found helped more with perhaps anxiety due to alcohol withdrawal? I fully understand it is only your view and not a recommendation etc.

My thinking being instead of a gram at (example) 2pm, 4pm, 6pm, 8pm, and 10pm = 5 grams, perhaps trying 5 grams at 4pm?

Just wanting a view if you have one.

Regarding the 5-htp I'm finding a little conflicting advice regarding dosages, some saying it is only helpful for depression at high dose (150 increased to 3000 mg daily over a 2 to 6 week period) and on the same site possible dangers if dosages are over 400 mg daily.

I can't find any advice on dosages for anxiety and/or depression due to stopping drinking.

Edit : From what I have further read a dosage of 300 - 500 mg daily produces serotonin to levels where it would be 'felt' via increased happiness/ euphoria, taken either as one dose or split during day.

Certainly one for the medicine cabinet.
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i get a strong vibe Clutching is just going to replace his drinking with 24/7 kratom use..i just see the writing on the wall..i mean, when u quit alcohol and start using kratom, you still get a strong mood boost(anti anxiety relief) so in actuality you still arent sober..you know what i mean?you would have to not use kratom for 3-4 days an see where you are at mentally to see if you can do it sober..
i get a strong vibe Clutching is just going to replace his drinking with 24/7 kratom use..i just see the writing on the wall..i mean, when u quit alcohol and start using kratom, you still get a strong mood boost(anti anxiety relief) so in actuality you still arent sober..you know what i mean?you would have to not use kratom for 3-4 days an see where you are at mentally to see if you can do it sober..

Yeah, kratom is even more addicting for me than booze, albeit a more functional addiction. Kratom w.d.'s really suck as well.
Thanks for your concern, seriously.

Kratom is soon to be made illegal in my country (may 28th to my knowledge) so unless I win the lottery I don't see myself getting a Krat addiction.

I am at this very moment studying other options, 5-htp being one, Kava (also soon to be made illegal, and currently already illegal to import in any form other than it's natural form, I believe powdered root is ok atm).

I am then looking towards other natural remedies that are not to be banned, but have not got to that point yet.

Yes I like the Krat, it is currently fulfilling my needs and I dose it as needed, not when I wake up for example.

I gave the booze up, with some benzo help and counselling, (2mg valium per day) and then gave up all drugs except my Amitriptyline as I struggle to sleep.

I did falter, hence I'm here.

Someone made a good comment about sugar which rings bells with me as right before I relapsed I had started a LCHF (Low carb high fat) diet to lose the drink related weight I have got (I need to lose about 4 stone) and I think that diet triggered my total relapse as I couldn't handle no carbs at that stage (this is all just my opinion based on hindsight).

So, I'm not drinking, I'm not eating 20 grams of Krat a day, I soon won't be able to buy Krat and I am building a plan for the future.

I really do hope the writing is on the wall for me, just not in the way you envisage.

To round it off I can contact my local mental health service in 5 days and talk to them also.

I seriously understand your comments, but please don't underestimate how much I want/ need to do this (get off the drink) because my children are reaching an age now where they are becoming aware of what I do/ have done, and I don't want to be that Dad.

I believe kratom is a mild SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) and St. John's Wort is an MAOI (monoamine oxidase inhibitor). I would strongly advise you not taking those together.

5-HTP is a precursor to serotnin synthesis - the body needs tryptophan to make serotonin, which 5-htp provides. I have taken kratom during the day and 100mg of 5-htp at night during early recovery from alcohol and have found the combination quite nice in reducing anxiety and depression that is amplified from alcohol cessation. I currently take 200mg of 5-htp before bed, and while I don't think it helps me to fall asleep, I think it does keep my mood up.

The significance of kratom and 5-htp together is that as a mild SSRI, kratom will allow the serotonin to be available longer, thus resulting in a mild mood lift.

ETA: Correction: So I've searched around the net look for verification that kratom is a mild SSRI, and could find validation of that. Apparently kratom has helped people who were discontinuing sertraline, and that's how the SSRI association was formed, that and it does lift moods. Kratom acts on the mu receptors.

So this tidbit invalidates most of what I have written, with exception of the fact that St. John's Wort is a MAOI. I still would not mix it with kratom or anything that is an SSRI, or 5-htp. MAOI have a lot of negative interactions, so anyone taking one needs to do due diligence before mixing it with other substances.
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In your experience which have you found helped more with perhaps anxiety due to alcohol withdrawal? I fully understand it is only your view and not a recommendation etc.
My thinking being instead of a gram at (example) 2pm, 4pm, 6pm, 8pm, and 10pm = 5 grams, perhaps trying 5 grams at 4pm?
Just wanting a view if you have one.
I don't have any experience using kratom for getting off alcohol, jsyk. That being said, a red strain of kratom would probably best for relieving anxiety and helping you relax. (Some green strains might work too, but I've found there to be more anxiety potential in more energizing strains.) Kava would probably be better from an anxiolytic point of view, though. Kava is also a muscle relaxant, so it might help prevent any possible delerium tremens.
imo, five grams once a day might serve you better relief than one gram every two to three hours, however, I think it would be somewhat easier to get addicted (at least psychologically) and grow tolerance in that case. The key thing is to make sure you don't start increasing your daily doses.
As RDP89 says, kratom is probably easier to get addicted to (I got mildly addicted to it accidentally soon after getting it originally), and withdrawals can suck, but at least they aren't near as dangerous as those of alcohol. It also has far, far less innate health dangers than alcohol.
One of my friends was hospitalized and literally almost died while WDing from alcohol. So yeah, compared to that I'd say that a Kratom addiction is preferable, especially compared to severe alcoholism...

Of course "no addiction" is the best solution but if you need a psychoactive substance in your life, I can think of a lot worse
Oh, OP, another small thing that could help with anxiety would be kanna. Thing is, that's an SSRI (in part), so you might want to be careful with combinations.
Does the taste of kratom change or is it not as bitter by strain or am i strange...i just dumped 2 teaspoons in my mouth, 1 at a time and although the nasty dirt feeling and need to swish liquids around was there, i didnt taste bitterness, although i eat tons of sour candy and like the taste of oxycodone chewed up, so my taste buds may be strange lol....anyways, this was 2 teaspoons of red bormeo, i have another thing of red bali also....but i was just curious if anyone else doesnt really understand the taste complaints....i dumped thebfirst teaspoon in my mouth washed it down with milk then swished the remainder with orange juice then the 2nd i filled my mouth partly with milk ans dumped the 2nd teaspoon into that and swallowed that down super easy and then followed with more oj....i never tasted the kratom just felt the nasty clumpy texture....i saw someone say he thought better kratom had less bitter taste but i dont know if it based on strain or effectiveness....any thoughts?
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