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How High Are You v. Not High Enough for this Life

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Argh I ran out of oxy earlier. Gotta wait until tmorrow ~12pm until I can fill a script for 40s. FML.. Will be in withdrawal pretty bad by then! :(

/e: LOL whosa!
Do you get OxyContin? I suppose it is since it's a 40mg tablet.

I used to get OxyContin 60s, the red ones..
When I got then Rx'd for a major surgery.. It was before they changed the form to the OP's.
The OC 60 was my all time favorite pill.. I liked it better than the OC 80s only because the 60s were smaller.. Same size as the 30 and 40mg.. The 80mg are a couple MM bigger.

For me, the smaller the pill, the better.
the OC 60s smoked AMAZINGGGGGGG. Better than the 80s. Because of the size.

Ever since they switched the formulation.. I switched to Roxicodone.. The OP's are pure garbage.

From OC 60s 2x daily, to Roxy 30s 4x daily.

The best type of Oxycodone was the old school OxyContin OC's..
Now the best are the Roxys IMO.


_120mg Oxycodone
_30mg Methadone
_30mg Duloxetine
_8mg Lorazepam
_150mg Promethazine
_550mg Naproxen sodium
_1800mg Ibuprofen
_DeCaf Coffee
I get the 80s and 40s, OxyContin yes. I get a shitload/month but still manage to run out on the regular. :)

Anyway I'm supplied again, with a box of 80s and 40s and have another script for 40s I can go fill whenever.

I was in horrible w/d by the time I could go pick up my script. I could barely stand up. Damn, that was shitty. I need to get my tolerance down ASAP. A habit this size isn't healthy!

OT: About Ehm.. 600mg oxy spread over the whole day, am on like 200mg right now. Thinking of adding some more. I wanna get really fucked up after being in w/d. Starting tomorrow my days will be filled (I will be doing a paint job) so hopefully it'll take my mind of using excessive amounts and allow me to finally succeed in tapering. =D

Peace! <3
^we similar in that respect. also waitin on a script and have got no better in managin my doses :/. as always let me know if u find any miracle way to take a lot less. they needa make our ocs abuse proof i r8 like the ops the muhricans get

i'm substituting with this here dope until i can get me script:


it's incredibly strong

like puts me TO SLEEEEEEEEEP. functioning on a big line of this is severely impaired, its just nod-sleepin.
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Whosey, have you ever had bad dope? You may have been spoiled and now any other supply won't be able to measure up! 8o

I'm smokin weed and drinkin beer, I should clean the house and vacuum my car but l'll probably just accomplish one of the two, knowing me. My knee isn't healing well from a bogus mystery injury which has me grouchy and I also ran out of coffee.
^we similar in that respect. also waitin on a script and have got no better in managin my doses :/. as always let me know if u find any miracle way to take a lot less.

I don't think there's really any other way than to somehow muster up the personal willpower to take less.

If you don't plan on stopping then I imagine it's probably a lot more difficult. Chronic pain sucks and I understand why pain management patients would rather be dependent on opiates than be sober, if those are the only two options they feel like they have.
:\ Options for chronic pain relief would be nice. I have Oxycodone through pain management, but my gut doesn't tolerate it. I want to try CBD:THC (no smoke) products for pain/depression/bowel pain. Alas, I don't have the "option".

I don't get "high". I need to just get "up" without primal screams of pain and nights spent crying in the floor, taking enemas. FML
Un-high. Had some coffee though. The weather is shitty, so I'm going to just stay home and do some writing. Got some O-PCE arriving, today probably. Apart from being a big fan of diethyl ether, never done any other dissociatives. Going to be fun, hopefully.
Found some very old nabilone (Cesemet) capsules , approx 8 years old . they still work but this stuff is very ... odd . a touch of codiene as well . not quite sure what to make of it yet but i think it has potential .

As for the age its approximated , they had save for a rainy day written on them. just didnt plan on it being this long ..
Actually nicely toasted for a change. Got some decent weed that I can continuously get for free (well, as a swap for a few 8mg subs, I have plenty to spare always) and a few days a worth of valium (around 70mg i think but im going to pay for it for the rest of the week as my dose is so low now I don't have too much left, will have to skip some days to make it last, only picked up today so another whole week?). and my suboxone dose and nodding off and waking up now and then saying weird things on the couch. Relaxed
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Slightly stoned. Took 5 mg O-PCE a couple of hours ago. Interesting substance, pretty much what I imagined PCP-esque substances to be.
Just to let every Mod, and members know.. Ativanage2mg is my older brother. :)

_120mg Methadone
_100mg Promethazine
_40mg Diazepam
_2mg Alprazolam
_1800mg Gabapentin
_250mg Hydroxyzine
_25mg Sertraline
_DeCaf coffee
_Winston 100s
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^^How is it? Does it resemble ketamine? Don't know if you've tried ket but i guess PCP analogues are more stimulating and longer lasting. I honestly prefer nitrous to ketamine but those are the only dissociatives i've tried.

OT: The very last of my kratom (around 2g) and some hash.
Yes, Methacodone is indeed my younger brother.. Confirmed!

Got my Klonopin (Clonazepam) today 2mg tablets, 2x daily, 60/month super stoked!

_30mg Methadone
_120mg Oxycodone
_150mg Promethazine
_4mg Clonazepam
_30mg Duloxetine
_1800mg Ibuprofen
_1000mg Naproxen
_DeCaf coffee
_Marlboro 100s
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^^How is it? Does it resemble ketamine? Don't know if you've tried ket but i guess PCP analogues are more stimulating and longer lasting. I honestly prefer nitrous to ketamine but those are the only dissociatives i've tried.

OT: The very last of my kratom (around 2g) and some hash.

No, I haven't done any classical dissociatives. This class of compounds somehow had evaded me for quite some time. I've done a lot of different solvents though, like ether and toluene. And well, I guess it's alright. The one thing I'm somewhat puzzled by is it doesn't seem to last long at all. 2 hours in I'm practically back to baseline, or at least it feels so. Just somewhat stoned. But then again I guess I didn't take a lot to test the waters! All in all, it does seem to minimize the opioid withdrawal, which is a good thing. Basically the reason I decided to try it in the first place.
No, I haven't done any classical dissociatives. This class of compounds somehow had evaded me for quite some time.

You're not missing much ;)

Some people go through those kinds of drugs like it's catnip but I've never gotten the appeal, personally.
Not high. I've been fucking up lately with too much weed smoking. I know I won't be able to stop myself when I get home, sadly

Happy bicycle day to everyone who knows what bicycle day is.
Whosey, have you ever had bad dope? You may have been spoiled and now any other supply won't be able to measure up! 8o

I'm smokin weed and drinkin beer, I should clean the house and vacuum my car but l'll probably just accomplish one of the two, knowing me. My knee isn't healing well from a bogus mystery injury which has me grouchy and I also ran out of coffee.

yeah when i couldn't afford to pay for grams and was also curious about street quality dope from open air markets - i bought would u would muhricans would probably call (stamp) bags, it came as pure white powder no chunks at all, and was like i'd say half as strong as the dope i post pics of. is def better to get dope with chunks in it than straight smooth powder ime.

gonna do a line of shit in the pic, it real fire. like knock a nigger out fire.

had a nice shift, but gonna have to borrow more money i reckon tomorrow (gambling problem has been bad this month) so i can pay for my oxys. the script is waiting for me to pick it up and fill it but im on a self payment gap with insurance and cant afford it. how sad is that.

My optiions are A: continue gettin dope like the pic on credit(dope in the pic was on credit too) and have to pay that back. B. borrow money from a reasonable lender (10 points interested - heavily compounded if payment is missed tho and all the rest of the jazz if u cant make payments) and buy oxy and have to pay that back ofc. and option C. take my last 80 usd's to the bookies and attempt to spin it up into what i need for my meds on good horse bets - historically i dont do amazingly at the bookies - understatement. D. do tiny bumps of dope and stretch it out while i work enough shifts to cover my meds and not borrow anything more (will take id say four days maybe 5).
You're not missing much ;)

Some people go through those kinds of drugs like it's catnip but I've never gotten the appeal, personally.
I disagree, strongly. Ketamine is one of my favorite drugs. It's my third favorite drug. First and second are opiates and weed, respectively. :)

OT: a boatload of oxy. Slipping into a nod as I type this message. I didn't use very much during the day because I was painting the house, though still plenty to hold me and enough to kill most opiate naive people. =D

Gonna be painting all day tomorrow instead of just a few hours (had to go to the dentist today), so today I still had quite a lot of free time during which i didn't have much to do save for using and Netflix'ing. =D

Goodnight sweethearts. <3

Ps; @whosey : I'll let you know if I find a way. Please lmk as well if you happen to find one. ;) Although I very much doubt there is or ever will be such a thing/method aside from someone else holding on to your meds and distributing them to you as prescribed. I tried that and it was very frustrating and I was often in wd when I tried that method, haha. I need a time locked safe! That would be useful AF! Also, be careful what you wish for. I wouldn't trade my old school oc's for those US oxyneo's for the life of me! But thats probably because I am an IV user and those new formula oxies are IV-proof. No me gusta!..

Anyway, again; Good night BL! <3 typing is becoming too hard anyway! <3
3 heart emoji's in the same set of text .. a future sign that you probably text just a little too much , or your a girl ..

place your bets , place your bets here 3-1 odds for the latter .. oh look some dope . brb .

:{P .. thats a mustache . :D
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