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[MEGA] Synthetic Cannabinoid Discussion - Take 5


Bluelight Crew
Aug 31, 2006
DISCLAIMER: Synthetic cannabinoids are research chemicals with short histories of usage and harsh known side-effects. All content in this thread should be considered experimental, please be aware and be safe by cross-referencing compound specifics and safe dosage amounts with as many sources as possible!

This is the latest iteration of the SynCan MEGA, and there's a link to the previous thread at the bottom of this post. Indexing will continue on the previous thread until all posts are accounted for but more focus will be given to this thread and on responses detailing experiences with newer compounds.


Questions You Should Not Ask:

1) What is in blend "XYZ".
-We don't know. Vendors will not give out this information as it opens them up to lawsuit. It is MUCH, MUCH, MUCH safer to use RCs when you know what fucking RC you are ingesting.
The distributor isn't going to tell you what's in it, and I'm not going to pay for GC/MS on a blend, I don't know about you. I don't think that there's an easy reagent test a la Marquis that could be used to differentiate cannabinoids easily (the existing reagents might be able to, but stoners are lazy so no-one's bothered to find out). What would be the real HR value anyway, given that all of the drugs in these blends are totally unresearched? There are also a huge number of these blends, if we were going to start somewhere it would be the various Spice and K2 blends, not some obscure blend you bought in your local area. If you really want to know what you're putting in your body, stay away from propietary blends and make your own from known amounts of cannabinoids and herbs that you acquire, pure, yourself, or, better yet, smoke cannabis.

2) "I am having XYZ side effects. What could this be caused by?
- Likely by ingesting an unknown chemical that we cannot possibly help you identify.

3) "Are these drugs safe?"
- We do not know. We will not know for some time. Perhaps we will never know for sure. There is very little information about the large majority of these RCs.

4) What color should XYZ be?

- Depends on variant. Pure JWH for most variants are going to be white to off white scale. There is a guide on how to clean your JWH if you think it is suspect in the previous thread. Use the Search Engine.

5) Is JWH water soluable?
- Only use pure, food grade acetone. PURE ACETONE.

6) Can I inhale JWH/powdered forms?
- Yes, but why you would do this is beyond me. First, it's a waste. Second, if you have pure form JWH, why the hell wouldn't you just eat it or smoke it. Don't bother blowing something that isn't water soluable. Waste. And stupid.

7) I bought a prepackaged blend - can I somehow cook with this?
- Shut up. I told you not to buy those pre-packed blends - they are robbery, dirty, and you don't know what they are putting into it. Some have been known to contain WASTE PRODUCTS from the process of making JWH that is TOXIC. If you are dead-set on this, you can try an acetone wash, though what these blends contain is a crap shoot.

8 ) is XZY more safe than XZY2?
- Some are less risky than others. You can do the research on this yourself. I suggest wiki, and bluelight's vast database of information. JWH 250's missing N-ring provides some evidence that it is less carcinogenic than others.

9) Just how unsafe are these?
- Get it through your head. We are the guinnee pigs for these new designer drugs. Use wisely, and with the acceptance that you may grow a third arm or your dick might fall off. Or it might get bigger. Who knows.

10 ) Can I eat this?
- In it's powdered form, yes, though some are more potent than others. Eating JWH will involve a solid 5-8 hours of being very high. Watch your dosages, you can always dose up but you can never dose down. Don't forget that. Also, don't try high dosages unless you can handle some extreme panic. If you can handle a bad LSD trip, you might have a grasp on what a high dose can do to you.

Warning: If you insist upon using synthetic cannaboids, use them in their pure form, and learn to make your own blends. I have posted a video guide on how to do this in the last edition of this thread. You can do the work finding it.

So, what can you ask?

Anything that has not been covered before. Any editions to the "don't bother asking" list, PM me and it will be considered.

Anything you think should be added to the FAQ? Post here or PM.

Old thread located here

IF anyone knows....I am looking for 1-2 cannabinoids that mix well with ab chm and thj 018 so i can increase the quality of the high,plus i am getting bored heheh

In my opinion a psychedelic cannab would fit the best, I prefer orally active ones much more .
Hi there,

I mixed AB-FUBINACA with AB-CHMINACA and found it enjoyable. Higher dosages lead to psychedelic and visual experiences. AB-FUBINACA is orally active, I am pretty sensitive when it comes to noids and use about 0.5mg per serving. Can´t speak for THJ-018.
I'm curious if anybody has read spiceaddictionsupport, what your opinions are one it. The anecdotes are so extreme, it makes me wonder if they're fake. Also, heart attacks from withdrawals? I know synthetic cannabinoids are not considered safe or well researched, but I'm wondering if this reflects reality for some people, or if it's just scare mongering.
Id like to tell you about 2 cannabinoids what have very little info in internet. Got a holf of:
PX3: Vaped about 5mg, nothing. Orally 50mg, nothing. Inactive/bad as EG-018
NM-2201: Vaped dose 1-2mg for person with low tolerance. This vaped dose lasts max 1.5hrs, moreish, tolerance builds up fast. I accidentally vaped too much once, I think it was 3-4 mg. Had a nasty panicky bad trip, lasted 4 hours. Few times I seriously thought that I collapse and I end up in hospital. Orally not active.
Important correction: orally not active when eating pure powder. I have not tried to dissolve these in oil or alcohol.
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I'm curious if anybody has read spiceaddictionsupport, what your opinions are one it. The anecdotes are so extreme, it makes me wonder if they're fake. Also, heart attacks from withdrawals? I know synthetic cannabinoids are not considered safe or well researched, but I'm wondering if this reflects reality for some people, or if it's just scare mongering.

A lot of things on spiceaddictionsupport is bullshit, but that's true. I was a heavy Spice user for 6 months, now it's the second day I didn't use that shit, and my heart beats very-very fast, if I'm not layin in the bed. When I have to go to the toilet (wich is 5-6 steps away from my room) I feel like I ran a marathon, heavy breathing, racing heart, I even fainted one time. So I think if I would just go out for a little walk I could easily get a heart attack. (Once I checked my blood-pressure when I was so high on spice it was 177/110...)

But never take spiceaddictionsupport as a reliable source, it's just a propaganda site, just the same like the ones that sayin if you smoke meth once, you'll get addicted, or "weed is the basement of heroin".
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My experiences with Spice:

- in the beggining everything is beautiful, seriously like 0,01 of it can make you high a.f.
- tolerance builds up extremely fast (faster than with benzos for example)
- it'll change you. and you wont even notice. I talked to a lot of fellas who stopped with Spice, all of them said they biggest wish is to be the person they were before they started smoking spice. I'm only clean (from Spice) since two days, but I feel it too. The way I think, the way I talk, the way I do my things, it's like I'm not me anymore. (And some people say I never will.)
- I gotta stay true to y'all, those new Spice brands in the market makes you feel incredibly good. I could compare the feeling to morphine+weed. But as soon as it wears off, the horror begins. After couple of weeks of using you will need something (mostly Xanax or alcohol) to get up from the ground. That's why I always say Spice is not cheaper than weed. Because you buy your weed, smoke it, and that's it. If you smoke Spice you gotta pay for the pills/booze, plus the price of Spice.
- if you use it often you will become antisocial, violent, wont give a shit about others. No exception, in my country everyone smokes that shit, I've seen it with my own eyes.
- it hurts your kidneys so bad. (I was at the ER once because of this).
- if you use it for a long term, you will lose EVERYTHING. Job/school, friends, girlfriend, family, etc. (not counting the money and time you spend on getting/smoking spice).

Sadly I'm an expert of this poison, so I'll keep checking this thread, maybe I can do more for the community.

In a nutshell: STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM IT! ;)
i'm 29 years old. i was a daily synthetic cannabinoid smoker for 5 years. i was always mindful to keep my doses low, tho -- took me at least a month to go through a gram of aFB-48, the chemical that i was exclusively smoking for the last couple years of my run. my tolerance/habituation never rose high enough for me to get withdrawals... could quit cold turkey for a week or two at a time and be hunkey dorey.

my spice habit definitely caused me to become socially reclusive, tho. and it really messed with my motivation.

earlier this year i was diagnosed with testicular cancer. there is a correlative link between cannabis smokers and testicular cancer, moreso than with other kinds of cancer. i have no way of knowing for sure if the synthetic cannabinoids i was smoking caused my cancer, but i've got a feeling that they are the culprit.
sorry to hear that dude, i remember you were pretty active in the last megathread. can all these smokeable syncans also be vaped? what was the reason for using them regularly over ordinary herb?

talkin2myself that's quite an indictment. is there a safe level of usage in general or are the negative effects cumulative?
can all these smokeable syncans also be vaped? what was the reason for using them regularly over ordinary herb?

I've smoked JWH crystals out of a glass oil burner pipe and also dissolved it in PG for use in an ecig. Why use over ordinary herb? A big one is that they stay in the body for less time and are less often tested for than herb. They are/were legal to purchase, so that may be a factor depending on where you live and what your values are. Buying a "spice" packet from a gas station isn't particularly cheap, but if you buy the raw material, it can be way cheaper than weed. Also, smoking it doesn't have the telltale smell that weed does, though there are weed products these days with no odor these days.
I started as the occasional user with my husband because he was on probation. It was all fun, ordering online, and 5 grams would sometimes last 2 weeks. Then an associate who was making it started fronting us ungodly amounts to profit. We would still only smoke 2 to 3 times a day. It was like after a year my body didn't know what to do with the chems. A week before the worst month of my life I was irritable, no appetite, paranoid, and I had not change my smoking habits. Within hours of the last bit I was sweating profusely and uncontrollably vommiting everywhere, pissing myself, running a temp of 104, hallucinations, extreme dehydration, paranoia, and it felt like time was in slow motion. My potassium dropped so low I should have been in a come, my husband had a mild heart attack. It took over a month to even remotely begin to feel normal. And now after 9 months I still don't feel like myself. It was the worst feeling ever. I've never felt so close to death. And the crazy thing is. We would stop for weeks at a time and never had these consequences , it's as if my brain just couldn't handle anymore.
i'm 29 years old. i was a daily synthetic cannabinoid smoker for 5 years. i was always mindful to keep my doses low, tho -- took me at least a month to go through a gram of aFB-48, the chemical that i was exclusively smoking for the last couple years of my run. my tolerance/habituation never rose high enough for me to get withdrawals... could quit cold turkey for a week or two at a time and be hunkey dorey.

my spice habit definitely caused me to become socially reclusive, tho. and it really messed with my motivation.

earlier this year i was diagnosed with testicular cancer. there is a correlative link between cannabis smokers and testicular cancer, moreso than with other kinds of cancer. i have no way of knowing for sure if the synthetic cannabinoids i was smoking caused my cancer, but i've got a feeling that they are the culprit.

I am so sorry to hear that man.
Not much info about FUB-PB22, I bought 1g pure powder and I can tell few thing about it.
This is strongest synthetic noid what I have tried... Stronger than AB-Fubinaca, NM-2201, THJ-2201
I have always been much more sensitive to cannabinoids than people who I know. I vaped 1mg from foil sucked it in with straw and that was bit too much.
With this one it's really easy to do too much and have a really bad experience. When I ordered it, I hoped that it is orally active like AB-fubinaca is, so it comes on slowly and not hit me like a rock when vaped. I tried to make 40% vodka solution 1mg to 1ml but it didnt work. Swallowed 4ml-4mg, nothing at all. Good-Bad limit with it is really thin when vaping it pure. If you have it, then start with less than 1mg. Do not redose in few minutes if you don't feel it, full effects become apparent in 5 min. Peak is around 1.5hrs then subsides with 1 hour.
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Plus which cans. are the best for oral use? saying that, cause i need at least 30mg oral of anything i have tried so far[ab chm , ab fub , ab pinaca,thj 018 , akb 48] to feel mildly to highly stoned for 6-8 hrs.

I was mostly taking them with fats , but still needed much. Shit.[any other better absorb way?]
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What's the word on JWH-210?

I tried THJ-2201 and the smoke was yellow (I put a piece of rolling paper in the bowl dumped a little on top,) flushed it.
JWH-210 has been illegal in the US for a long time, but it was pretty great stuff.
I've been spending some time researching newer blends, as I used spice back in the day when it was legal, before we knew what was in it. I avoid the chemicals used in the blends back then, which I think was primarily the original JWH's and AM-2201. A lot of states, mine included, have passed laws that ban existing and future analogs with a blanket effect, but there are still blends out there sold as 50 state legal, what kind of things can be in these? I know we don't know what is in each brand, but I've been having a terribly hard time finding information on what possibly can be in these to give a cannabinoid effect, while still getting around the laws? I remember a LONG time ago hearing about a product with a VERY mild effect, that more or less inhibited the reuptake of your endocannabinoids, but haven't been able to find anything on that now.

I enjoy experimenting, but always try to do so within the realm of the laws, I'm a huge ethnobotanical fan as well because of this.
I tried about 20 of the synthetics, none of the newer ones though. JWH-018 was my favorite by far. It still is. I stocked up before the ban went into effect.

I've only tried synthetic cannabinoids in ethanol tinctures. JWH-018 dissolves in Everclear 190 at 2 mg/ml with a little warming and encouragement. Every cannabinoid I've tried has been soluble in Everclear 190 and active orally.