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prescribed ADD meds in Canada, going back to UK - can't get in UK(NI)-tips and ideas?


Apr 12, 2016
Hey Forum,

I'm a longtime lurker, and really appreciate this source. Especially the more qualified opinions.

TL/DR: Finally prescribed Vyvance and Dexedrine for legitimate, debilitating ADD while on temp stay in Canada. Now faced with going back to the UK (Northern Ireland) where treatment really not available, even privately.What should I do? Horde and take home? somehow set up shipping? Dark web? This stuff saved my life.

PROFILE: Female, 28, PhD student, very very tall, ADD-inattentive, dyslexia, co-morbid chronic depression and anxiety. Very healthy lifestyle. Also on Sertraline SSRI 100mg.Current ADD scrip 40mg Vyvance, 1 or 2 10 mg Dexedrine Spanules as boosters.


Amps have saved my life. I'm me again. Depression that I'd gotten so used to that I forgot I even had gone, focus much improved (still titrating), and not tired and anxious 24/7. I've been diagnosed with ADD 3 times at 19,22 and 27, and had such bad dyslexia and ADD that I couldn't read till I was ten.IQ currently 130 and doing PhD, but was failing spectacularly due to serious mental unwellness, not lack of desire. THESE MEDS WORK SO WELL.

I am on a 4 month fellowship in Canada, with decent health insurance and UNI doc. Showed him my diagnosis, he immediately put me on vyvance. I seem to burn through it pretty fast, so I'm on dexedrine 10mg spanule boosters as well. Tried Concerta, made me tired, hungry and depressed. go figure. Doc seems to think ADD is a issue worthy of compassion and help, which is amazing. first time I've ever gotten help. AND IT WORKS.

The thing is, I'm leaving in 2 months, back to the UK. Northern Ireland specifically, where even the ONE private pdoc in the country who works with adult ADHD will only prescribe strattera. I went private to the tune of $500 (my food budget for 6 weeks) dollars just to get prescribed atomoxitine in N.Ireland. IT WAS HELLISH. It made me anxious, and kindof dead inside, woke up panicy in the night and had TOTAL anhedonia, despite wonderful life circumstances. Gave it a month. Never again. Interestingly, Methelphenidate had the same effect.He also told me to quit my antidepressents because 'you don't look depressed' - he actually said that. The National health service doesn't treat add in adults at all. I thought switching to an SNRI, rather than SS might make me less tired and help focus but the NHS in my area wants you to try at least 2 SSRIS for 4 months each before trying SNRI.

So, I NEED THESE MEDS. To be a functional human, and not feel trapped in the brain of a stupid miserable person. I'm not after a buzz, or upping my grade, I just want to have the energy and focus to do good work in the world. So I need to ensure, or at the very least get SOME supply home.

SO, IDEAS: your feedback much appreciated:

Current plan:

  • WORKING LIKE HELL - Make hay while the medical sun shines - basically living in my office, and working while I actually feel up to it for the first time in years (my thesis is 6 months past deadline)
  • CONSERVING,HORDING AND TAKING HOME: I'm telling doctor that im only feeling a little tiny effect, when in actual fact there clearly working, so that he will up my dose of both meds. I've bought gel caps, and was DEVIDING DOSE in half by breaking pills when I was on 50mg. Did have less effect, so now on 40mg no longer doing that.I'm telling doc I'm taking them consistently, but I'm actually not taking them on days that im not in the office (2 per weekish) and I'm not using the Dexidrine except on long days. Will have a little left over by the time I leave.
  • SEEING ABOUT TIMING LAST PERSCRIPTION FOR RIGHT BEFORE I GO - Doc doesn't know how long I'm here yet, might say I'm still going to be in Can, but traveling to see how much he'll prescribe me to take.
  • Just get another useful month on leftover drugs at home

  • WELLBUTRIN - apparently very very hard to get even privately in UK, except short course for quitting smoking. That said, Doc said I could try it, and might be easier to get hold of legit stuff ONLINE from uk and/or or get a long (3 month) supply before I leave.
  • ONLINE? - Tried once or twice to get ritalin or modafinal online, no dice (fake). Not to skilled at this, and dont use darknet, but would totally learn how if guaranteed decent meds that will make it to my door in the UK there. So, tips on DARKNET or ONLINE PERSCRIPTION? (As I actually do have a perscription, and could maybe see about getting it somehow written up remotely.
  • PRIVATE ARRANGEMENT WITH CANADIANS? Could I get someone to fake the condition, or someone WITH it who doesnt use the meds to ship them to me? Or someone to somehow use MY perscription to pick up stuff in my absence somehow??
  • FLYING TO CANADA ON A REGULAR BASIS - I make about $1000 a month across 3 or 4 irregular jobs, but this stuff affects my qaulity of life and productivity so much that I would somehow try to do that if I knew i could get at 3 month scrip, and take it home without getting in trouble at the boarder.

-How to I talk my doc (and soon seeing psydoc) into giving me the most meds possible so I can hord them?
-Can't seem to find any clear info about UK CITIZANS flying into the uk with canadain perscribed listed meds
-Ideas for hiding meds to get them home if customs are likely to not play ball
-Wellbutrin perscription in the UK? Could go to england and register there if its better than NI
-GETTING SCRIPT TRANSFERED? Stims arnt illegal for adults in NI, they just wont perscribe them, though my awful private guy said he HAS put some people on them, and they do exist.
- WHERE THE HELL ARE ALL THESE STUDENTS GETTING STIMS FROM? - Lots of paper articles about use on UK campuses, I guess im a bit darkweb dumb, but I've asked my drug using friends and they have no idea how to get hold of any.

IM SO INFURIATED BY THE UK APPROACH TO ADD. I'd felt so guilty, and sneaky even trying to get diagnosed, let alone treated. This stuff make me better. I'd almost believed the whole - you just lack willpower, or ate too many additives as a kid. No, my brain is actually running on low juice and needs this stuff to just act like normal people. And its improved my mood so much. Is wanting to feel ok and happy and functional cheating?? I no longer think so. WE STILL HAVE SO FAR TO GO WITH MENTAL HEALTH STIGMA. IM OUTRAGED. UUUGHHH.

Sorry, this is kinda super self centered, but maybe advice could be useful to other people in a similar position.

Thanks so much for your time folks. Your contributing to other peoples (mine in this case) quality of life. Thats pretty awesome.
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Im from NI and it really varies from Dr to Dr private or not. I know for a fact that dexedrine is prescribed in NI as I have a friend who's brother gets them from his Dr for ADD or ADHD (cant remember which one). Ive also seen prescription Vyvance in NI but not sure where it was sourced. Sorry i'm not of much help to you but Id recommend being honest with your Dr and explaining your medical history including prescriptions, whats worked and what hasn't worked etc. Good luck!
I so feel your pain. Dexamphetamine changed my life when I finally got it prescribed in Australia. Career went exponential. Now relocated to europe for work and there is such a moral stigma around stimulants.I recommend resaerching a variety of EU countries it might be worth it to just hop on a flight to a doctor that will treat.
Surely with a legit prescription from a doctor you should be able to get some from an online pharmacy? Not sure about taking them in to Northern Ireland on a plane you should be alright if you have a prescription though. I would have thought the worst that would happen would be they were confiscated.
Yeah you can get Dexedrine in the UK even online. It is expensive though.

I'd say either send some back to yourself (small letters tend to go through less screening internationally, you will have to make it blend in like a regular spam letter or business envelope) or look into deep web options before you go find a seller and order some.

The treatment from UK doctors and specialists I've received in general has been poor and involved more waiting than you'd hope, sorry to hear your experience has been the same.
I'm from N.I and 2 immediate family (father and brother) are my brother (also doing a Phd) is prescribed Dexamphetamine my Dad ir Ritalin. My Dad is convinced I should be as well, but I self medicated with modafinial - poorly, ended up with a massive benzo addiction and spent 6 weeks in rehab. unfortunately it depends very much where you live - and Queens medical centre anecdotally incredibly tough to get to diagnose. But a hell of a lot of new research has emerged around adult ADD *snip*

I ordered a Mckinny's sugar bag of modafinial - it was legit I didn't go cheap. But I - I dunno, I fucked it up. The thought of the stuff makes me sick now.
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Just a reminder to all that whilst legitimate scripts are legitimate we get into murkier areas when things stray too close to "How can I do this without a prescription?" territory. There's a fine line between information about legalities and attitudes towards prescribing and "coaching," "doctor shopping" and the like.

And another reminder that importing prescription drugs without prescription is illegal and whilst discussion of illegal acts is not forbidden per se it's probably not in anybody's best interests to let things get overly detailed.

Other than the above housekeeping all I really have to add is that as part of the UK dexedrine can definitely be prescribed for ADD but it's not all that common - certainly compared to some countries. I'd presume an existing prescription would certainly be a big help though.