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do you tell your new lover your job or do you lie in case he doesn't like it?

If you get paid by someone else to have sex with them or another girl while that person is watching then you are an escort(whore for money) regardless of how you justify your means of what you do! I'm sorry but you need to except what you are and what you do! If i was dating you I would expect you to tell me exactly who you are and what you do so that I can trust you as you would want from me correct? So how can you possibly expect someone to be honest with you if you have no intention of telling them who you really are? You say that you have quit your "JOB" right? You do understand that you are living a lie if you do not disclose what you really are to your current bf you are deceiving him and taking advantage of what he does not know! He would leave you and you know it and honestly you should let him because you are a liar and he deserves to be with someone who is not you! That is my honest opinion and if you stood before god what do you think he would think of what you are? It does not matter if you are religious or not THINK ABOUT IT REALLY FUCKING HARD!!!!
its hard to know whether god is good or bad or honest or not, so i can't say for sure if he'll agree with my lie or not. and obviously some lies are the right thing to do and some are the wrong thing to do (or wrong thing according to some and right according to some). one thing i'd never do is hurt a person's feelings :)
All these other people will tell you "oh you have a chance at a normal relationship" or "Don't tell him because it will all be for nothing if he leaves you" these people are deceivers and are enabling you to be one as well! Do what is right and tell this man what you are or what you "were". The reason for doing this is because you need to be honest with yourself because this will help you become a better person and will set your soul free from lies. If this man really wants to be with you then he will accept what you once were and love you none the less! You need to accept whatever happens! I don't care if anyone else agrees with me on this forum this is the truth and you all know it! THIS MIGHT BE HARSH TO SOME BUT IT IS THE ONLY WAY SOME PEOPLE WILL COME TO TERMS WITH THE RIGHT THING TO DO!!!
i think when our soul leaves out bodies we'll be free of everything that our brains did anyway, so i'll for sure be free of my lies eventually! that's ok, there is no right or wrong answer, so i like all opinions :D
Fine. this is the last time I'm posting to you. We discussed BF and chance for you to have children. I thought that was case closed, end of. You have had a straightforward suggestion to your self made dilemma. I feel this post should be ended because you have the answers you originally required. I and many other folk here (apart from poss pervs) should not be wasting any more time on you're 'situation'. Final resting pace for this is, how would you like your own children doing what you're doing?...This thread needs to be ended.
yep it was closed, cos i quit my job! i wish i had children so i could answer that :(
Sex work is not an inherently negative thing. If you are fine with it, if you can live with it, if you enjoy it than it's completely fine to do you are an adult and it's your body. It is highly stigmatized and as you know it makes it hard to find and keep relationships. It's you living your life and doing things that you are comfortable with but it presents a massive barrier for most people, especially when they expect a monogamous relationship. I can definitely empathize with your position but also his as well. The way it is, you don't know whether or not he would have had a huge problem with it. If you quit and sacrificed a huge source of income, aspiring to do what you believe is best for him and yourself and your relationship I guess that shows you love him. I would have wanted to know, I still don't think it's right not to tell him but it's your life and if you love him and want the best for him and your relationship you can definitely make the choice not to tell him.
ok i'll tell him. if he leaves me it proves i'll never be able to marry :(
you just disregarded all the information I gave you. You are delusional and a terrible person I feel bad for the person you are with he deserves way better than you. :) NOBODY CONTINUE TO POST ON THIS SUBJECT SHE IS OBVIOUSLY DELUSIONAL AS FUCK AND DECEIVES PEOPLE DO NOT ENTERTAIN THIS PERSON ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRUST ME YOUR ADVICE IS GOING STRAIT IN AND OUT OF HER EYES!!!!!!!!!
There is nothing immoral or wrong with using your body to make money. Some people model, some people lift furniture and some people have sex.

Puritan ideas that sex is dirty are nothing more than a throw back to church bound repression of the Middle Ages. Not every sex worker is working a cold street corner in fear of a beating from their pimp. Many are successful business women who enjoy sex and simply use their God given talents to entertain and please men willing to pay for such privilege.

There are many more house bound wives who no longer love their husbands who stay in their marriages for no other reason than their rich husbands provide financial security. Are these women any more or less immoral than a women who is up front about the terms of her contract involving money and sex?

So long as she feels safe and feels secure why shouldn't she get paid to have sex? if she has walked away from this life and is now committed to loving her boyfriend what is their to gain by telling him of her past? Trust is one thing, but so is protecting someone you love from the truth because it may hurt them.

I say move on and keep your old job secret.
Something about the whole thing just seems off to me. OP is an escort in this thread, a professional, yet asks what is playing hard to get on another thread. The whole thing just seems strange. Both questions are pretty much common knowledge for people over the age of 18. We all know what the right thing to do is and who doesn't know what playing hard to get is? I am kinda thinking OP is a kid or troll. Just doesn't add up. No one is that blonde. It was awfully easy to quit too. No notice or discussion? Very strange arrangement. I dont know.... i feel bad for the teacher if he actually exists.
Yeah BIG IF...this is attention seeking and a pile of crap....I don't think any of this is REAL.
This person has mentioned the teacher in this thread and the "playing games" thread. If it's real, it's a fucked up situation on many levels because the teacher is having sex with an underage student, plus she's having sex for money on the side!

This is too much drama and I'm kinda hoping it's a troll, but it sounds like a young and very confused girl, probably strung out on drugs too.

^ wowa you guys just showed that the world is just as mean online as offline :/
and i never said i was at school now silly.
in fact my profile even says i graduated in 2014!
and i've never been an 'escort' because 99% of time was in his home, so we only went out really rarely.
and i've never played hard to get either, so its impossible to know what you do if you wanna play that game.

I'm curious, was your boyfriend ever your teacher at high school?

when i was 15 but only that year + but i knew he lived on my street anyway and i saw him walk a doggy. he was married till last year so i never thought of him possible fun till now :)

Depends on the context - who it is, how you met him, where this playing will take place, what it is you want to play with... More information please?

who = my new bf. how met = teacher at my school. playing take place = couch or picnic. play with = chest/knee/lap.

There is nothing immoral or wrong with using your body to make money. Some people model, some people lift furniture and some people have sex.

Puritan ideas that sex is dirty are nothing more than a throw back to church bound repression of the Middle Ages. Not every sex worker is working a cold street corner in fear of a beating from their pimp. Many are successful business women who enjoy sex and simply use their God given talents to entertain and please men willing to pay for such privilege.

There are many more house bound wives who no longer love their husbands who stay in their marriages for no other reason than their rich husbands provide financial security. Are these women any more or less immoral than a women who is up front about the terms of her contract involving money and sex?

So long as she feels safe and feels secure why shouldn't she get paid to have sex? if she has walked away from this life and is now committed to loving her boyfriend what is their to gain by telling him of her past? Trust is one thing, but so is protecting someone you love from the truth because it may hurt them.

I say move on and keep your old job secret.

thanks i agree! that's what my friends said during high school, they said not to get a breast reduction because you can earn huge ca$h with your body :8
i was a stripper for a month before i met the man that kept me, so last night i decided to tell my boyfriend that i was a stripper in the past. so i didn't tell him about the man that kept me but i said i stripped at the club and i also said i stripped privately for a man at his house regularly. so i almost said the full truth but still kept the sex secret ;) and so far he said strippers are cool so its ok i think :)
I didn't mean to come off mean. I'm sorry if it did. I'm more concerned than anything. You did say your teacher had sex with you at the age of 15. That is beyond wrong. So you are of legal age now? I still think you need to talk to a therapist to help you sort out your life.
I didn't mean to come off mean. I'm sorry if it did. I'm more concerned than anything. You did say your teacher had sex with you at the age of 15. That is beyond wrong. So you are of legal age now? I still think you need to talk to a therapist to help you sort out your life.

no i didn't, because if i did you'd have quoted it (which you can't because it doesn't exist!).
so stop lying....
I don't understand why everyone is fighting. OP took everyone's advice and quit her job. I think she's going to talk to him and tell him the truth so good for her! Lol, proud of you OP. GL finding another job now. :/ I think that's going to be the tough part.
when i was 15 but only that year + but i knew he lived on my street anyway and i saw him walk a doggy. he was married but didn't think about him
till possible fun now.
no i didn't, because if i did you'd have quoted it (which you can't because it doesn't exist!).
so stop lying....

Not trying to lie, just trying to understand. You said above he was your high school teacher at 15. So there was nothing between you too then? He waited till you graduated? If that's the case, I apologise. So now I'm done with this. Take care. Too much drama to keep up with.
Then I clearly misunderstood, but I wasn't trying to paint her as a liar and this and that. Her stories are all over the place. Anyway, good luck. I'll leave it alone.
Her situation is not that rare. I knew a girl in college doing something similar. I was too jealous to get involved with her. Even I had a couple of offers to be gay with rich old dudes.
I don't understand why everyone is fighting. OP took everyone's advice and quit her job. I think she's going to talk to him and tell him the truth so good for her! Lol, proud of you OP. GL finding another job now. :/ I think that's going to be the tough part.

thanks he seems pretty layback about what i've done, he's made it really easy for me :D i'll be a massage therapist for sure :)

Not trying to lie, just trying to understand. You said above he was your high school teacher at 15. So there was nothing between you too then? He waited till you graduated? If that's the case, I apologise. So now I'm done with this. Take care. Too much drama to keep up with.

i think you should have posted the question that i was asked before the "when i was 15 but only that year" post, because i was asked if he was my teacher ever at high school....
he was never interested in me romantically during high school as far as i know.

Her situation is not that rare. I knew a girl in college doing something similar. I was too jealous to get involved with her. Even I had a couple of offers to be gay with rich old dudes.

yup plus i've heard of a teacher that got fired for being intimate with a student!
its ultra easy to flirt with teachers in your summer uniform especially if you grow and don't buy a bigger size so i'm not surprised.
I would've quoted that other one if I could. You're better at quoting. lol My Geography teacher in high school was so HOT! I wouldn't have minded dating him after I graduated.
I would've quoted that other one if I could. You're better at quoting. lol My Geography teacher in high school was so HOT! I wouldn't have minded dating him after I graduated.

plus i think geography is the most useful subject for life after high school, so your teacher is convenient that way too if you marry him :D
Yeah, I wish....In high school a friend and I even wrote a letter about how we wanted to do him in the class room when no one was there. Thank God we didn't give him that! Would've been an embarrassing disaster!

Anyway, I wish you well with what you do. Seems like you quit seeing people on the side which is really good.
You did leave out the part about having sex for money and how this just ended very recently though. Don't fool yourself. Leaving out information like that on purpose is essentially lying.

that's ok today i told him about my job of being "kept". he said he was disappointed that i took money for sex but that its ok as long as i never do it again.
i didn't tell him the full story at first because i just wanted to tell him the stripping part first so it wasn't like "too much all at once".
we are going along well and i'm happy with my choice :)