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What was your morning fix? v. waking and baking

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I got about half a gram of Tar left, I'm saving that half for a rainy day, this dope I got is extremely potent.
Went on a 4 day binge, I'm stopping there.
At the clinic, when you skip dosing 3 days ina row, you gotta see the doctor, they also cut 30% of you original dose, due to tolerance drop that might make the patient possibly OD.
But I dosed my full 80, cuz I woke up today in SEVERE withdrawal. 4 days without Methadone, and count the Heroin comedown with that, I felt horrible !
After I dosed my 'done, an hour later, I felt the relief. My GOD, to me, the best feeling in the WORLD is when you're dopesick, and take your opiate of choice to feel well, feels incredible!
From shaking in cold sweats, to a warm and fuzzy euphoria state of mind. God it feels AMAZING. I love when the opiate peaks and you get the goosebumps, haha

--80mg Methadone
--2mg Clonazepam
--30mg Diazepam
--1800mg Gabapentin
--100mg Hydroxyzine
--125mg Promethazine
--Winston gold pack 100s

Feeling GEWD MAYNE !
Cheers BL!
^ It seems like a 'big account'.
Some tolerance you've been developing.
Anyways, keep it safe.

Cup of coffee
1.5mg clonazepam

Back to work I go. Eagerly awaiting the next few weeks, hoping for a promotion.
I can't recall the last time I slept more than 6 hours.
Even when I wasn't sober, I'd always wake up every 3 hours or so.

1.5 mg sub
later dosed 4mg more
Just IV'd .5mg.

I didnt realize i took as much as i did. It was my 'day 1' on sub so i felt REALLY shitty all day. I finally feel kinda ok. Tomor morning i decide to jump back on the d train or keep riding the sub.
I was dopesick last night, even when I dosed my 80mg of Methadone in the morning.
Couldn't seep, was in pain, cold sweats, hot flashes, and nausea. I smoked 2 lines of my black tar H, and I immediately felt the relief.
After that, I got a beautiful 8 hour sleep.

But I'm extremely happy that I managed to save and extra 320mg of Methadone, which is AWESOME.
I took a big dose of Methadone today, along with some Benzodiazepines and other comfort meds.

-120mg Methadone
-3mg Clonazepam
-40mg Diazepam
-1200mg Gabapentin
-100mg Hydroxyzine
-150mg Promethazine

I honestly truly believe that Methadone with strong Benzodiazepines mixed is the most euphoric combination of drugs. Esp in higher doses, the nod is Beautifully euphoric.

***CAUTION *** Mixing CNS depressants is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS.
Especially strong CNS depressant drugs like Methadone, Oxycodone, Klonopin, Valium, and of course Xanax.
I have a VERY high tolerance to opiates, and a high Benzodiazepine tolerance.
Without a tolerance to BOTH, DON'T try it at home.
Just out of curiosity, Methacodone, are you planning on quitting drugs at some point? Asking because what you're taking is pretty heroic and I don't even want to imagine what the withdrawals would be like. Enjoy your nods.
I wonder the same thing. Specially about methadone.
Some people plan to use it for life. But you can't increase your tolerance for ever.
That same tolerance used to block H totally when I used Methadone.
We are all different. But at the same time we can often relate.
5g kratom
5mg oxycodone
220mcg clonazolam
350mg soma
75mg lyrica

Couple of 20mg dab hits of some bomb ass shatter that's been lasting me a while :D
Took my first hit of medicinal weed today, Pineapple Express, left me high for a good two hours and it wasn't even a giant hit at that. Very good.
^Ah yes... potent cannabis is in a league of its own. The effects are different due to being able to take in all the cannabinoids you need quickly in just a few hits, and the side effects are diminished both physically and mentally from having to smoke such small amounts.

When I only smoke and don't dab, 0.05-7g (1-2 pipe hits) of top-shelf gives me a mild high, 0.1g (3 pipe hits) gets me pretty high, while 0.15-0.2g gets me high af, and I've been smoking daily since 2007 with about 6 months off throughout.

God, I <3 weed. :D
The medicinal and recreational effects are sustainable for years on end for some folks since short-term tolerance drops so fast (hours).
^Ah yes... potent cannabis is in a league of its own. The effects are different due to being able to take in all the cannabinoids you need quickly in just a few hits, and the side effects are diminished both physically and mentally from having to smoke such small amounts.

When I only smoke and don't dab, 0.05-7g (1-2 pipe hits) of top-shelf gives me a mild high, 0.1g (3 pipe hits) gets me pretty high, while 0.15-0.2g gets me high af, and I've been smoking daily since 2007 with about 6 months off throughout.

God, I <3 weed. :D
The medicinal and recreational effects are sustainable for years on end for some folks since short-term tolerance drops so fast (hours).

I have a whole new perspective towards weed now. I've been smoking for years, mostly some pretty decent chronic, but I've never been able to come across anything imported from a dispensary. It had actually come from Colorado itself, or so I've been told.

I took a hit, walked upstairs to my bedroom, and sat there making my bed. I legit asked my guy, why am I high? It usually takes me at least a bong pack of dank (around 0.1g) to feel relatively good with my tolerance. I definitely underestimated the power of more potent strains. I could physically feel the high and euphoria, something that hasn't happened in a while for me. I'm so glad I'll be able to get medicinal from now on.
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