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We have been together about a year. We don't have any animals to have sex with and he says he just watches it.

Obviously there are some extreme on either side. One zoo many know as Fausty believed that zoophilia was a legit form of sexuality like gay, straight, or trans. He advocated for universal acceptance of zoophilia and added another letter to LGBT making it a combined LGBTZ movement. Others think it's a mental illness while ot hers believe it is pure evil.

This is the other thing - there is a difference between zoophilia and beastality (from my understanding), Zoos think they have an intimate attraction with an animal or animals and can have a relationship with them (some states allow marriage, I think). Beastality is people who just want to have sex with animals (no emotional connection) and this is the stuff often depicted in the vile porn.

It is fucked up but how does it make you feel about him? Has it changed how much you love him?

How often is he watching this stuff ? What is his interest in the scenario? Some have a morbid fascination and like to push that part of them that makes them uncomfortable some may be getting off on the sex act or some like the depravity of it all? Is he watching men with animals or women with animals ?

Strange topic and one I'm actually struggling with on how I would feel

Honestly, as long as he's not doing it... I think it'll be okay. I would be worried that he would do something.. if you get some type of animal ya know? Definitely tell him know NOT to act on it because then, it's a whole nother story.
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This is the other thing - there is a difference between zoophilia and beastality (from my understanding), Zoos think they have an intimate attraction with an animal or animals and can have a relationship with them (some states allow marriage, I think). Beastality is people who just want to have sex with animals (no emotional connection) and this is the stuff often depicted in the vile porn.

It is fucked up but how does it make you feel about him? Has it changed how much you love him?

How often is he watching this stuff ? What is his interest in the scenario? Some have a morbid fascination and like to push that part of them that makes them uncomfortable some may be getting off on the sex act or some like the depravity of it all? Is he watching men with animals or women with animals ?

Strange topic and one I'm actually struggling with on how I would feel

Well I don't know those kinds of details after the discovery I just kind of left it at that. Has it changed how I love him....I still love him to death I'm really just...I guess concerned. How I found out was he had an old HTC cell phone that I wanted to use for music. I forget what I needed to do it for but I got a program that would bring all of the old memory on the phone. This included web history, texts, pictures...those kinds of things. When he was informed of all of that he freaked out and begged me not to do it. I immediately assumed he was a cheater so I told him I was doing it anyways. He just blurted it all out. Said he didn't want me to see it because it was messed up.
Sorry I was asking too many details, not really sure why to be honest or what difference it made I was just going over what I would be thinking in the circumstance and how, if at all, those details would change my thoughts.

I honestly don't think that I would be overly concerned about it - I know I will probably get grief for saying that because its perverted etc but I personally could live with it. Mind you if they were watching it constantly or taking their fascination any further than watching porn then that would be a different thing all together.

He knows its messed up though, once things have settled why not ask him a bit more on the whys, when it started etc?

I think that as long as I never saw it, he never mentions it and it does not go further than watching the odd movie (and doesn't all of a sudden want to buy a sheep) then I would be fine.

I think 8(

Honestly, as long as he's not doing it... I think it'll be okay. I would be worried that he would do something.. if you get some type of animal ya know? Definitely tell him know NOT to act on it because then, it's a whole nother story.

It seems pretty messed up to think things like , damn, I can never have a pet now because my husband may want to do this to it, or literally fall in love with it. See him looking at an animal and automatically assume that he is fantasizing...sorry but this is other levels weird to me. As an animal enthusiast it sickens me. Not something I could ever look passed or learn to accept.

Also anyone that links the same sickness as homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality is a straight up jackass. There isn't anything sick at all about homosexuality, as that ideally consists of consensual same-sexual relationships or sex. Animals and children are incapable of making those decisions on any real basis.

Call me close-minded :p
It seems pretty messed up to think things like , damn, I can never have a pet now because my husband may want to do this to it, or literally fall in love with it. See him looking at an animal and automatically assume that he is fantasizing...sorry but this is other levels weird to me. As an animal enthusiast it sickens me. Not something I could ever look passed or learn to accept.

Also anyone that links the same sickness as homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality is a straight up jackass. There isn't anything sick at all about homosexuality, as that ideally consists of consensual same-sexual relationships or sex. Animals and children are incapable of making those decisions on any real basis.

Call me close-minded :p

You speak volumes of truth.
We had a talk last night about all of this. I asked why and he said regular porn is just getting boring. He said he has watched or looked at photos of other stuff trying to get something out of it. This is still a lot to consume but I know people that like to use foreign objects to get themself off so its hard for me to determine what is to much and what can be dealt with. This is pretty new to me
My question is does he like gay animal porn. Does he watch male animal on male human?
We had a talk last night about all of this. I asked why and he said regular porn is just getting boring. He said he has watched or looked at photos of other stuff trying to get something out of it. This is still a lot to consume but I know people that like to use foreign objects to get themself off so its hard for me to determine what is to much and what can be dealt with. This is pretty new to me

Then he is become desensitized to sex in general. I'm willing to bet her has a hard time getting it up in bed due to lack of sexual arousal. I'm willing to bet your nights in bed are long and few in between. He needs to lay off the porn, his brain is on overload and it is taking more and more for him to become sexually aroused. Only cure for that is to stop watching porn all together.
I have a boyfriend that recently sat me down and told me he was into zoophila. I had never heard of it so of course I did some google searching and oh my god animal porn...
This kind of bothers me. He told you he was into zoophilia and then what...? You whipped out your laptop right then and there and googled "zoophilia"? If this was a true story, I'm pretty sure the most logical thing to do would have been to ask your boyfriend, "What is zoophilia?"
If he would do an animal, he would probably do your children too. Run, run for your life.

If i go out and shoot a deer that means i'm probably willing to shoot a person right? Yeah, you are quite the philosophical guy aren't you?

Logic just hurts my brain so bad
Once upon a time, I was a grad student in a disease ecology lab - we studied diseases in animal populations, where you don't have to intervene like you do with humans. We had lab meetings every week and took turns presenting papers we'd discuss. I was very new, this was before I got into the program, I was still tech support. The topic was the occurrence of human strains of syphilis in baboons. About 15 minutes were spent discussing how baboons scavenge in dumps, where needles used by people with syphilis might occur. I waited as long as I could, then said, tentatively, "Are we just ruling out direct transmission as a matter of course?" They all just looked at me. I said, "Like, uh, yeah, people fucking baboons. It happens." The dam broke.....these are scary smart people, they hit JSTOR like a pack of jackals, and in 30 minutes we all learned that zoophilia is FAR FAR more common than anyone thinks. Not just unreported crime, but unreportable.

DOVER-FOXCROFT – A Parkman man will be sentenced today for trying to murder his son, an admitted zoophile, or person who has a sexual attraction to animals.

Frank Buble, 71, pleaded guilty last December in Piscataquis County Superior Court to attempted murder and elevated aggravated assault. He is accused of trying to kill his 44-year-old son, Phillip Buble, by striking him several times with a crowbar on Sept. 13, 1999.

The elder Buble reportedly attacked his son, intending to kill him, because of the son’s attraction to a dog, among other reasons.

In the September assault, the younger Buble received a broken arm and several lacerations and required medical treatment at Mayo Regional Hospital in Dover-Foxcroft.

In anticipation of today’s sentencing, Phillip Buble submitted a written request to the court asking that his “significant other,” a short-legged, mixed-breed dog named Lady, be allowed in the courtroom for the sentencing.

The request was denied.

In his written request addressed to Justice Andrew Mead, presiding this week in Piscataquis County Superior Court, Buble stated that he would be exercising his right to speak at the sentencing.

“I’d like my significant other to attend by my side if possible as she was present in the house during the attack, though not an eyewitness to it, thank goodness,” Buble wrote.

“I’ve been informed your personal permission is needed given that my wife is not human, being a dog of about 36 pounds weight and very well behaved,” he added.

The letter carried Buble’s signature and a hand-drawn paw print. Typed below Buble’s written signature were the words “Phillip and Lady Buble.”

Justice Mead denied the request Tuesday, noting that no animals are permitted in the courthouse unless it is a guide dog in the company of a visually impaired person.

Frank Buble could face a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison on each count.

The case has brought national attention to Phillip Buble, who actively promotes his unusual lifestyle. After the incident gained notoriety, he was featured on a Boston radio talk show.

Last December during Frank Buble’s plea hearing, Piscataquis County District Attorney R. Christopher Almy said that had the case gone to trial, the evidence would have shown that Frank and Phillip Buble lived together in Parkman. The prosecutor said Phillip Buble had finished taking a shower that September day when his father attacked him with a crowbar.

“The beating was rather savage at the time,” Almy said in court. The younger Buble fled to a neighbor’s house and was taken later to the hospital, where he remained overnight, according to Almy.

Frank Buble told police that he had intended to kill his son because he was upset with his son’s lifestyle and because of a dispute regarding the care and upkeep of the house, the prosecutor said.

After his father pleaded guilty to the charges, Phillip Buble said in an interview that he did not want his father to spend time in jail or prison.

Rather, he said, “he needs serious therapy.”

Since the case was publicized, the Maine Animal Control Association has filed a legislative act to amend animal welfare criminal laws to make bestiality a Class C crime, unless minors are involved either as participants or witnesses; then it shall be one class higher.

There are no laws against bestiality in Maine.

The state association introduced the amendment because Maine had six cases of animal sexual abuse last year, according to Donald E. Harper, state director of the Maine Animal Control Association.

Harper said the cases involved two dogs, two horses and two cows. In addition, there are now investigations into similar cases, he said Tuesday.

The proposed legislation, which has not yet been printed, is being sponsored by Sen. Lloyd LaFountain III, D-Biddeford, and co-sponsored by Sen. Michael McAlevey, R-Waterboro. McAlevey is chairman of the Legislative Criminal Justice Committee.

Harper said that while there is much support for the proposed amendments, there also is much opposition to the changes from those who prefer sex with animals, known nationally as “zoos.”

“There’s an organized effort to fight this,” Harper said.

Under the proposed act, a person is guilty of bestiality if that person commits any of the following: engages in any sexual activity with an animal with the intent of sexual gratification of the individual; coerces anyone to have sex with animals; enters into sexual acts with animals in the presence of a minor; uses any part of their body or an object to sexually abuse or stimulate an animal; videotapes sexual animal abuse, or kills, abuses or uses any part of their body on an animal for sexual gratification.

The proposed changes in the animal welfare criminal laws do not prohibit normal and accepted practices of animal husbandry.

A violation under the proposed changes would carry a fine of up to $10,000.
You won't be able to make a pond in your garden either.. toads are like the fleshlight of the animal kingdom.
I picture baboons and other non-human primates as being too vicious to bugger. They are so strong they could literally rip a human apart. Some believe that AIDS originated in chimps and that it came from humans having coitus with chimps. Is it really possible?

Has anybody ever heard of Mexican Donkey Shows? Is that real?

You won't be able to make a pond in your garden either.. toads are like the fleshlight of the animal kingdom.
Maybe it could work if you wrapped them up in duck tape so they don't explode? Speaking of ducks, you would have to keep them out of the pond too.
Well there isn't any animals to have sex with here. I'm pretty sure he really just watches it and from what I understand there is no law against that. I've heard some of the animal stuff is legal in like 13 states or something like that. In other countries its legal there to
This kind of bothers me. He told you he was into zoophilia and then what...? You whipped out your laptop right then and there and googled "zoophilia"? If this was a true story, I'm pretty sure the most logical thing to do would have been to ask your boyfriend, "What is zoophilia?"
This was all very new and odd to me and for me to even talk about. A few days later it bothered me so bad that I finally did some research. As much as I should ask him about it its just makes me feel weird and even awkward to talk about. Its just hard
Well, true - but beaten and tied? Okay...

Scenario 1)Someone kills a chimp and manages to get SIV into his system while butchering it..... SIV isn't a robust virus, we know this.
Scenario 2)Somebody fucked a monkey.... Have you actually met the human race?

Am I cynical?
Once upon a time, I was a grad student in a disease ecology lab - we studied diseases in animal populations, where you don't have to intervene like you do with humans. We had lab meetings every week and took turns presenting papers we'd discuss. I was very new, this was before I got into the program, I was still tech support. The topic was the occurrence of human strains of syphilis in baboons. About 15 minutes were spent discussing how baboons scavenge in dumps, where needles used by people with syphilis might occur. I waited as long as I could, then said, tentatively, "Are we just ruling out direct transmission as a matter of course?" They all just looked at me. I said, "Like, uh, yeah, people fucking baboons. It happens." The dam broke.....these are scary smart people, they hit JSTOR like a pack of jackals, and in 30 minutes we all learned that zoophilia is FAR FAR more common than anyone thinks. Not just unreported crime, but unreportable.
Scary smart people? What do you mean by that and what are you trying to say with this lengthy post? It just confused me a lot because it was a lot to read.
hmm, scary smart, how to explain....consider, this is the woman i'm talking about:

Urban Dictionary's version:

A demonstrated level of superior mental intelligence, accompanied by a high I.Q., beyond that which people of "average" intelligence find comfortable or can understand, often to such a greater degree that it leaves them feeling intimidated or even somewhat frightened.
There is "smart," there is "really smart," and there is "scary smart"—so smart that you are glad the person uses their mind for good and not to rule the planet for their own enrichment. ~Professor David Tulloch, Rutgers University

i know her IQ is over 170, but more than that, she has this incredible ability to process data and understand its implications. I'm the same way, but I'm not close to her level. And by 'data' I mean people - looking at a person and seeing clothing, posture, facial expression, thousands of clues and seeing through the person....does this make any sense?Sometimes people who are very intelligent, observant and inquisitive become intrusive, not deliberately, but just part of their nature - they figure things out....and that includes you.

It just confused me a lot because it was a lot to read.

I was relating an anecdote, just telling a story. Basically for entertainment.
hmm, scary smart, how to explain....consider, this is the woman i'm talking about:

Urban Dictionary's version:

i know her IQ is over 170, but more than that, she has this incredible ability to process data and understand its implications. I'm the same way, but I'm not close to her level. And by 'data' I mean people - looking at a person and seeing clothing, posture, facial expression, thousands of clues and seeing through the person....does this make any sense?Sometimes people who are very intelligent, observant and inquisitive become intrusive, not deliberately, but just part of their nature - they figure things out....and that includes you.

I was relating an anecdote, just telling a story. Basically for entertainment.
I understand that part but are you saying that zoos are scary smart or him? I'm just trying to figure out what the reply intended really sorry for the inconvenience haha