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  • EADD Moderators: axe battler | Pissed_and_messed

Updated Forum Guidelines - Have a read

It's tinternt Eve - you could shit a gold brick and somebody would complain as they wanted two.

hahahahahahaha that's true :) xxxx

:)sure. go participate in grindfactor.....


I'm perma-banned from GrindFactor thank goodness :D Best news I had all year :)

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It's tinternt Eve - you could shit a gold brick and somebody would complain as they wanted two.

That's funny my darling Bear. Except, as the one 'Euro' moderator who stood up for me and tried to help in my travails with CEP, aren't you going to acknowledge at least some complaints are worthy?

Nobody has addressed mine (save for Raas and Vurtual).

One day I am receiving a PM from Alasdair respecting my good levels of debate, the next I am being called a cunt, told to get fucked, by a moderator and being told by another moderator that this is my own fault.

Can someone add that fucking sentence up for me because I'm struggling a little with it here?

I'll tell you what else I missed off my boring post number 26. When I was getting banned for saying "Don't make me laugh" other people in that forum were denying the holocaust (What 23 and RW&T who was an alt of MSB). Now MSB got banned. For the alt bit. Not for the holocaust denial. What 23 didn't get a ban for the holocaust denial. I got a ban for saying "Don't make me laugh".

Now, as part of my conversation about this with Cashflow Donkey, we talked about what I got the original warning for. Which was...calling a racists views "abominable". CD said this stifled debate, I couldn't say "abominable".

I asked him if, if Adolf Hitler was posting, I could call his views, "abominable".

I was told I couldn't. This formed part of the basis for my ban. That I stifled debate by calling fascist views a moral outrage.

What I should have said of course was fuck off you cunt. Because that, apparently, is allowed. If you're a mod.

Forums gone to shit. One too many times now.

Forgive me for being confused.

(And before anyone starts with "why are you still here then?" I am awaiting a reply from Private 20, trying to help the guy who is in trouble for taking drugs into prison. Because I still use this site as a HR site, not some private fucking moderator/admin fiefdom. I am glad I never became one)
Thanks shamz think tried fixing same time n you beat me to it. Hah.

Because that, apparently, is allowed. If you're a mod.
that's incorrect, shm. the moderator in question received an infraction for that comment, as would any bluelighter under the same circumstances. and, again per s.o.p., the post in question was edited and the problemtic content removed.

and none of that is related to - or mutually exclusive of - my generally respecting your 'good levels of debate'.

that's incorrect, shm. the moderator in question received an infraction for that comment, as would any bluelighter under the same circumstances.

Well that's terribly unfair on Thujone as, per Cashflow Donkeys PM to me (which I can publish here if you like?) the whole situation was down to me and my terrible starting of flame wars.

Can I have a screenshot of the infraction btw? It's just that nobody told me that he was infracted, just edited, until you just did. Screenshot just for old times sake??

I can't know something is incorrect if nobody tells me. I have noticed nobody has challenged the 'incorrectness' of anything else I said.

That's because it's all provably true by posts and PMs.

Don't make me laugh.
with respect, when i complain about a waiter at a restaurant (for example) i don't get to sit in on the meeting where the manager talks to the waiter about what happened. frankly, it's none of my business and i take the manager's word that something has or will be done. the matter is closed after being handled the same way it would have been had it been a regular bluelighter.

if you continue to have issues with how the situation was handled, raise it with the staff in question or the smods who oversee.

with respect, when i complain about a waiter at a restaurant (for example) i don't get to sit in on the meeting where the manager talks to the waiter about what happened. frankly, it's none of my business and i take the manager's word that something has or will be done. the matter is closed after being handled the same way it would have been had it been a regular bluelighter.

if you continue to have issues with how the situation was handled, raise it with the staff in question or the smods who oversee.


Oh come on, you're meant to be "Director of Public Relations", help the guy out! You know full well that he can't take it up with the mods concerned as they're the ones he has the issues with.

Stand up for what's right, even if it means ruffling a few feathers. These people need to answer to someone.
Well I see these changes have gone down at least twice as well as expected. And this is why I have always and will always love EADD over and above all sub-fora in the BL realm <3

Having said that, if I'm totally honest I'm a little disappointed at the ratio of 8)::?::D:8:)legitimate concerns this time around. If the sky actually starts falling in then the exits are here --> there <-- and everywhere. Short of that y'all may want to wait and see what difference the updated rules do or do not make. Mods are just members same as everybody else. If any of you feel you could do better then please apply next time we have a position going cos we would love to hear from you.

Anyhoo, as the saner folk out there have no doubt spotted, the main changes are ones of clarification. I fully accept there are still vagueries aplenty to be had but anybody who knows both versions of the rules would be well aware that although the update is far from watertight it is considerably more specific than the version it replaces. Yes certain behaviours have now been specified - and no we have not given clear definitions of those terms. The latter was always true but now the former has been pinned down a little so everybody is more aware of where we all stand. The presumption was common sense but it does seem abundantly clear such sense is very far from common ;)

To be fair it is always legitimate to be suspicious of any rules that are imposed on us and genuine questions and concerns would be well received and (hopefully) well answered. If we have nothing but North Korea and Chicken Licken to respond to there's nothing needing responding to. You can do better than this at holding staff to account, please do so so we have something to work with <3
Oh come on, you're meant to be "Director of Public Relations", help the guy out! You know full well that he can't take it up with the mods concerned as they're the ones he has the issues with.

Stand up for what's right, even if it means ruffling a few feathers. These people need to answer to someone.

In this situation the person to answer to the concerns raised would be the senior mod of CE&P. I must confess I don't really know the details of the 'Director of Public Relations' role but it seems to be mostly in regards to external PR. I may well be wrong on that though and perhaps some clarity on the matter would be good.

I can say that EADD staff have nothing to do with the CE&P section of the forum. We have very different ways of dealing with things - this is true of every subfora tbh. Personally I see this as a strength of BL but some would prefer a more monolithic approach. I think that would be dangerous myself which is why myself and all EADD staff I can think of past and present fight hard for EADD's corner in the wider arena of BL politics.

You can only shovel shit uphill for so long before it get's boring.

You couldn't be more right if you tried :D
Oh come on, you're meant to be "Director of Public Relations", help the guy out! You know full well that he can't take it up with the mods concerned as they're the ones he has the issues with.

Stand up for what's right, even if it means ruffling a few feathers. These people need to answer to someone.
perhaps you missed: "...or the smods who oversee"?

there's a process and, generally speaking, it works well when people use it. i'd draw attention to the section entitled "what if my problem is with the moderators? who do I contact?"

Tell me about it. A politics section of a drugs forum?!? Couldn't pay me to moderate such a thing - let alone post in it 8(
See enough of that shit on Facebook. When i see somebody share a Britain first post i think ffs here we go again.
Deano, you need to calm it. Stop saying everyone is going to be banned. It's a rule change not a giant mod stick shoved up your ass, unless that what you're asking for. There really isn't a big deal about it. The rules were already there but simply need to be clarified it would seem.
Deano, you need to calm it. Stop saying everyone is going to be banned. It's a rule change not a giant mod stick shoved up your ass, unless that what you're asking for. There really isn't a big deal about it. The rules were already there but simply need to be clarified it would seem.

Easy tiger I've already forgotten about it. I'm very fickle like that you see especially on tinternet. ;)
That's funny my darling Bear. Except, as the one 'Euro' moderator who stood up for me and tried to help in my travails with CEP, aren't you going to acknowledge at least some complaints are worthy?

Not sure if your being serious ? Do I need to acknowledge something I would do naturally ? I never read your previous post as I dip in and out of posts (as you know from my posting style around the site).

Your previous infraction leading to your ban was discussed in full in the appropriate thread (I know the outcome wasn't what you wanted) - you will simply have to believe me when I say it went much further than the two or three posts you saw. Do I as a member of the site think it was justified - not at all, Honestly SHM I read the full thing (from start to finish) again you will have to believe me that my opinion on the matter was made very clear.

The 'fuck you cunt' comment from a moderator was dealt with exactly the same way that it would have been dealt with from a non mod.

As I said to you in that section - Please do not let that instance put you off from posting.

Hugs n stuff

(I think talking about infractions etc in an open thread is frowned upon and depending on the mods mood could be warning infraction worthy)

Not sure if your being serious ? Do I need to acknowledge something I would do naturally ? I never read your previous post as I dip in and out of posts (as you know from my posting style around the site).

Your previous infraction leading to your ban was discussed in full in the appropriate thread (I know the outcome wasn't what you wanted) - you will simply have to believe me when I say it went much further than the two or three posts you saw. Do I as a member of the site think it was justified - not at all, Honestly SHM I read the full thing (from start to finish) again you will have to believe me that my opinion on the matter was made very clear.

The 'fuck you cunt' comment from a moderator was dealt with exactly the same way that it would have been dealt with from a non mod.

As I said to you in that section - Please do not let that instance put you off from posting.

Hugs n stuff

(I think talking about infractions etc in an open thread is frowned upon and depending on the mods mood could be warning infraction worthy)

This. I was lurking at the time :)

Why don't we all have a group hug staff included?
