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Lyrica has a commericla, why cant Percot!?

Those are great T. Calderone. I posted in a different thread, but how about some throat lozenges with heroin and cocaine? I will repost the pic if anyone wants.
If you think you get drugs advertised to you a lot on tv, just think about what you get bombarded with at a doctors office. Generally every pen you touch, every clipboard you use, everywhere you look there is a pamphlet for some drug...all the posters of hearts and livers and whatnot are all branded with drugs...basically a sales rep comes from a company to "court" doctors into prescribing new meds for you...Chances are you wouldn't be on the meds you are now if it wasn't for some sales rep giving a doctor free office supplies and a classy dinner.

LOL my psych doctor is super into this and polypharmacy. Whenever I walk into the waiting room it is half beautiful women (drug reps) and half folks on various levels of crazy/medicated. It seems like every visit I have he's trying to script me something new. Most recently it was Rexulti (brexpiprazole), some kind of Abilify analogue with some novel actions, I took a sample pack because why not, I'm a bluelighter, who am I to pass up a novel drug? But yeah, I think I'm on enough psych meds. More isn't always better.

I also have an original OxyContin pen.

Here's another good one: Meet Jan ...


The coke/smack drops


Also found this gem. Love how it says Milltown isnt better than a week in Bermuda.
How about the qualuude adds. Had a hard day at the office, take a qualuude and have a refreshing sleep.
The Librium adds were cool. Basically the 50's through 60's. This is all my opinion. I'm more into mothers little helper kind of drugs.?
An old ad for Thorazine


Given that I use this drug pretty much every day at work for these very indications ... plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose ...
This is probably my favorite pharmaceutical ad:


Look at the expression on the patient's face...it looks like he's plotting to dismember that nurse lol
Nembutal, when gentleness is important ...

Or ... convenient to use for adults and children!

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That's it. I'm inventing a time machine right now. I'll bring back all the Blue Cheer and various barbs and qualuude's I can carry.
As far as stimulants go, IMO we have it just as good today as they had it back then (well, except for the fact that our cocaine is crappier and we don't have some certain ones like phenmetrazine anymore). There's plenty of meth and Dexedrine around, though.

But they really did have a plethora of depressants that are sadly no longer with us...stuff like methaquaalone, meprobamate and amobarbital just isn't found on the market here in the USA that often, it seems.
Who put the Nembutal in Mr Murphy's overalls?

I find it interesting that the USA has prescription medication advertisements in tv and other media.
Pretty fucked up if you ask me.
Political adds are even worse....during the primaries and the general elections you see so many adds. Not to mention all our news sources are biased towards one group or the other.

Back on topic. I think we don't have these drugs because we live in a very less than libertarian society. Our founding fathers would be puking in their graves.
The Benzedrine one is good. I have a couple of them saved on my ipad from the 50s that were directly advertising to the US military for easy and effective relief of nasal congestion. It is almost like they knew no one gave a shit about a stuffy nose and just wanted the "other" effects.

At least the Navy tells their pilots these days they are giving them pills to keep them awake, but I guess not much has really changed.
There's no law against it explicitly, but pharmacists knows better than to directly hawk Percocet to consumers. ADHD drugs marketed to parents were the first to partially break this taboo. Lyrica is only like Schedule V or something, so it's only lightly controlled. I'm talking recent history. In the old days, they advertised heroin even.
^ "direct to consumer" prescription drug advertisements are banned in every Western country except for the US and New Zealand.
It seems really odd to me when i see ads for pharmaceuticals in American media. I find it creepy enough that most GPs stationary, etc is Big Pharma branded in my country.
And so you should feel creeped out by all the branded advertising dumped on your country's doctors! It's that bad and worse here. Yesterday I saw an ad on TV for a new lung cancer drug, most of which cost about as much as a new 2 or 3 bedroom house for enough to last a year, said to increase lifespan in lung cancer patients by some trivial length of time. As if the average lung cancer patient is in any shape to scientifically much less emotionally select their own chemotherapy drugs now!! All this "free market healthcare" (because, for one thing, what we have now is a FAR cry from a free market) bullshit has gone too far and it is past time governmental price controls were placed on drug prices, such as the 84 day, one pill a day, $1000 per/pill HCV cure that is bankrupting Medicare/Medicaid drug budgets and encouraging little "entrepreneurs" such as that little shit who just managed to raise the price of an HIV opportunistic infection (for toxoplasmosis) drug from $13.50 to $750 per pill OVERNIGHT.
^ "direct to consumer" prescription drug advertisements are banned in every Western country except for the US and New Zealand.
It seems really odd to me when i see ads for pharmaceuticals in American media. I find it creepy enough that most GPs stationary, etc is Big Pharma branded in my country.

They kind of stopped the stationary, pens, clipboards etc. here in the US. The trade association for big pharma set a new code of conduct a few years back that states even these knick-knacks can be seen as fostering an unhealthy relationship between drug reps and prescribers. And they actually have stuck to it. They are only allowed to bring educational materials.

But the doctors are still getting money from them. Free samples are still allowed, the pharmaceutical company can host in-services where they bring food and they hire doctors to give talks at conferences and continuing educational lectures. It is quite lucrative if you can get the gig and even perhaps more pernicious as it is doctors talking to their colleagues which gives it more credibility to the audience.