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Convinced my mate to pin his calf for the first, and subsequently ONLY time haha. He always gave the tongue-in-cheek response that he's afraid his calves would pop if he touched them with a needle....well they didn't pop, but he nearly died, figuratively haha

Would YOU pin these bad boys? (his, not mine....I think we ALL wish they were our own lol...he's probably like 5'8" MAX)

I have never tried a I.M shot in my calves. Would I do it in the gastrocnemius? I have frequently used my veins for I.V use.

Only places I pin are my hamstrings and glutes for I.M. I've done the superior region of my trapezius muscle on a few occasions, but that hurt a little.

My Sub-q locations are my stomach or quadriceps. Usually my stomach though because I can roll the tissue easier.
Convinced my mate to pin his calf for the first, and subsequently ONLY time haha. He always gave the tongue-in-cheek response that he's afraid his calves would pop if he touched them with a needle....well they didn't pop, but he nearly died, figuratively haha

Would YOU pin these bad boys? (his, not mine....I think we ALL wish they were our own lol...he's probably like 5'8" MAX)


fuck no lol
ive hit every muscle you can possibly hit
and i could deal with all of them but the calfs, it was unbearable to me
I've always entertained the idea of going to prison only to produce those penitentiary gains. Everyone of my friends that gets out from doing an extended bid gains 25-50 lbs inside. They definitely increase their muscle size, but also put on some unwanted fat.

Biggest guy I ever met just got out of prison after going in around 1987. This was back in 2011. He was about 55 years old, but he had at least 20'' arms and a 55'' chest. I watched him do a 1000 push ups one morning in under 10 sets and then he decided to jog to his work site besides ride the bus. (the warehouse was a good 5-6 miles away)

He even had monster leg development and he told me the only thing he did was plyometrics and calisthenics. He said occasionally he would use a water bag, but the best training was just your own weight doing overwhelmingly excessive amounts of reps throughout your daily activities.

yeah ive run into a few guys like that
absolute monsters, result of having nothing better to do for the most part then to work out everyday for 10-20 years
you notice that a lot of guys do plyo stuff and a lot of HIT to keep lean - no please beside the penitentiary really offer weights to use

i definitely gained a lot of unwanted weight, you cat exactly see yourself all the time so i didnt realize how bad it got, i looked at myself in the mirror when i came home and i was like what the fuck
I took pictures day 1 of me working out i just havent taken an recent ones to compare myself to, im so impatient that im unhappy with the way i look even thought i look worlds better then i did
im buying an elliptical here pretty soon i should be able to make some serious headway with that...ive been doing a lot of yoga to try to help elongate the muscles so i can try to have a better look this time as opposed to the blocky one i normallyhave
^^ I'd highly recommend getting MFR therapy for increased muscle functionality. MFR is myofascial release and it helps improve the elasticity and functionality of your muscle's fascia.

Helps improve blood flow for increased nutrient transportation, improves the osmoregulatory/liquid regulation from your lymphatic system, and allows the fascia to be more relaxed which can help ease the practice of elongating the muscle bellies to increase the room for hypertrophy/hyperplasia within the muscle group.

CFC pointed out to me my nature of hypermobility so I'm sure you could probably give yourself an improved benefit in comparison to my results. It really helped with the musculature of my trapezius muscles as well as the lateral protrusion of my quadriceps.
^^ I'd highly recommend getting MFR therapy for increased muscle functionality. MFR is myofascial release and it helps improve the elasticity and functionality of your muscle's fascia.

Helps improve blood flow for increased nutrient transportation, improves the osmoregulatory/liquid regulation from your lymphatic system, and allows the fascia to be more relaxed which can help ease the practice of elongating the muscle bellies to increase the room for hypertrophy/hyperplasia within the muscle group.

CFC pointed out to me my nature of hypermobility so I'm sure you could probably give yourself an improved benefit in comparison to my results. It really helped with the musculature of my trapezius muscles as well as the lateral protrusion of my quadriceps.

i definitely notice all of that
it sucks to think of how drastic i notices the changes when ive always been a person who NEVER stretched, not during boxing wrestling hockey nothing, never did i toe touch, it just sit off to the side until it was practice time or time to compete
so it sucks to think how much better athletic performance i could have had if i would have been stretching the entire time
i also notice i can breath better too
Dynamic and isometric stretching did a massive number on my max vertical jump. I did high jump and I remember doing a no warm up vertical jump for the test I got about 19'', but once I was adequately stretched I hit 28'' on my vertical.

I'm also white so that is a big number for me. I am someone who can dunk and actually make it look slightly cool. (i can do 2-handed or behind the head/180 that's about it. No tomahawk/360/ or off the backboard)
I have a 1 inch vertical youre doing good, no amount of stretching is gonna help me with that lol
im good at everything that involves athletic except jumping, i can actually long jump, but i cant jump high i the air

on a regular size basketball goal i can barley touch the bottom of the net :(
Well at the end of the day I'm a goofy white kid and I am terrible at basketball!

My high jump record in 8th grade was 6' 2'' and I was 6' 0'' at that time. I wasn't too bad at long jump. I got close to 22 feet at a meet one time.

I loved doing the 1500M run because I knew how to appropriately lengthen my stride without causing an overstride and forcing myself to work harder in the end without an increase in speed like so many others.

I basically ran barefoot.
Well at the end of the day I'm a goofy white kid and I am terrible at basketball!

My high jump record in 8th grade was 6' 2'' and I was 6' 0'' at that time. I wasn't too bad at long jump. I got close to 22 feet at a meet one time.

I loved doing the 1500M run because I knew how to appropriately lengthen my stride without causing an overstride and forcing myself to work harder in the end without an increase in speed like so many others.

I basically ran barefoot.

i hate running long distances, i dont mind doing it on an elliptical or something but i hate actually running
i used to run a 4.6 back in the day so i was pretty quick, overall good in any athletics but like i say i cant jump
i was like 5'7 in 3rd grade and i never grew another inch, i had a beard by the time i was in 5th grade, now when i shave my beard is back the next day
I have no idea why I have such a high vertical jump. It just comes naturally to me I guess. I did get up to 315 lbs on the clean and jerk so that could aid in the functional muscles associated with explosive jumping.

I know a lot of people don't know how to jump properly and that is the big factor to it. I haven't done a vertical test in a while, but I feel like it has gotten higher because my legs have developed more since high school.

I wonder if that also contributed to my stupid high ability to ollie in skateboarding. I used to ollie picnic tables, traffic cones, handrails, trash cans etc.. all the time. I was the first person who would try to throw a kickflip up a 5 stair besides trying to do a kickflip down it.
I'm doing a presentation in AP about the majoring factors involved with energy regulation and expenditure and overall energy homeostasis/metabolic equilibrium.

I'll make sure I post my stuff after I turn it in and its graded. I'm sure some of you wouldn't mind reading it. I can't post it know because of turnit.com could find my post and flag my work as plagerism.

I'm covering glucose vs. fructose cellular response/glycogen;glycogenin relationship/glycolysis vs. glycogenolysis/insulin and glucagons' involvement/allosteric regulatory mechanics/physiological activities with anabolism/catabolism environments/keto-adaptation and the alterations to natural energy distribution during glucose/glycogen depleted states and insulin hypersensitivity. I'm not really going to touch into leptin/ghrelin/adiponectin and adipose tissue's hormonal role because that would over complicate my already proposed discussion about molecular biomechanical activities and cellular pathways.
I have no idea why I have such a high vertical jump. It just comes naturally to me I guess. I did get up to 315 lbs on the clean and jerk so that could aid in the functional muscles associated with explosive jumping.

I know a lot of people don't know how to jump properly and that is the big factor to it. I haven't done a vertical test in a while, but I feel like it has gotten higher because my legs have developed more since high school.

I wonder if that also contributed to my stupid high ability to ollie in skateboarding. I used to ollie picnic tables, traffic cones, handrails, trash cans etc.. all the time. I was the first person who would try to throw a kickflip up a 5 stair besides trying to do a kickflip down it.

No idea man...i can do the rack on quad extension machines, squat alot, do 2000+ on leg press depending on how much weight is available, i can lung a good amount. Im a strong dude just nothing ever helped my vertical

jew man cant jump :(
I try to avoid the leg extension for quads like its HIV!!! So much unwanted stress on the cartilage in the knee. If I do use it I rotate my knees in a lateral motion to help emphasize the medialis aka teardrop part of the quad.

Lunges are superior to anything I believe if you are trying to really cause some separation in the development of your legs. I will occasionally put the foward lunging foot on a few boxes to elevate the knee's relation to my foot impact and increase the range of motion and stretch I can create in my quadriceps and hamstrings while really activating that hip adductor. I've also used jefferson deadlift to increase the hip's natural flexibility.
I try to avoid the leg extension for quads like its HIV!!! So much unwanted stress on the cartilage in the knee. If I do use it I rotate my knees in a lateral motion to help emphasize the medialis aka teardrop part of the quad.

Lunges are superior to anything I believe if you are trying to really cause some separation in the development of your legs. I will occasionally put the foward lunging foot on a few boxes to elevate the knee's relation to my foot impact and increase the range of motion and stretch I can create in my quadriceps and hamstrings while really activating that hip adductor. I've also used jefferson deadlift to increase the hip's natural flexibility.

I've definitely come to love lunges myself recently. I do them stationary stepping forward, and my god does it burn and exhaust like nothing else. I need to work on higher rep ranges rather than trying to build strength; my legs are scrawny by comparison to yours in the pic Grym, yet I manage decent enough weights on most things. Like 60-70kg BB lunges 10 per foot, 350kg x8 incline leg press (the one on rollers), and 130kg x8 squat (squat's shit, I know, but given commercial gym and scrawny :p)

I really need to slam reps on the leg extension, but for the exact reasons you mention above Grym I really don't like using it sometimes. Just doesn't feel right in the knee, ligaments included. I actually prefer to do it single leg at a time, allows you to sit in a less stressful position and twist through the movement more freely.
I don't know how much this alters my development, but I almost always do my leg day with the ideology of using isolating movements to bring about that feeling of pre-exhaustion to my muscles and then destroy the foundation by using the compound lifts last.

I don't work to failure that often with my legs, but it doesn't hurt to switch it up and do 100 reps of 225 or switch the location of the bar's resting point on your traps to engage the posterior chain more or try to allocate the workload on the quadriceps. My number one quad activity is them lunges or the front squat with an object to place under your heels to exacerbate the degree of arch in my plantar. The more I raise the positioning of my heels in reference to the floor, the more I can focus on the eccentric portion of the lift without worrying too much about anterior/posterior pelvic tilt. Too far forward causes flexion of the spinae erector and loss of neutrality while too much anterior tilt can lead to your lumbar compensating for the poor degree of pelvic rotation and terrible body approximation.

My exaggerated range of motion could be why my legs developed at a far superior rate than everything else on my body. I don't go heavy on leg day I think. I just really focus on time under tension. I'll mix it up with isometric pauses at the bottom of the stretch or half reps at the start to fatigue the group then perform the whole movement at the end.

Same way I got my calves to show some size. Make them think they aren't even calve muscles and they'll adapt and grow.
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I wish I had some delts and chest development like you though trozzle.

Mine is shameful.
I think I'm going to try to reduce my sets, but instead incorporate drop sets to failure on every set. If that doesn't conjure Type II muscle growth then I'm going to retire.