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Benzos Help - Will I have another seizure? VERY scared!(HIGH dose Xanax)

What the fuck are you talking about? This drug carries one of the worst, if not THE worst withdrawals and life-ruining experience and typically lasts the longest [the w/d].

Had to object this post because I don't want someone to believe these drugs are safe.. and 'well-tolerant'.
Who do you think you're swearing at, you potty-mouthed lowlife??? It's not my fault that you don't know what the term "well tolerated" means.

BTW I did say "well-tolerated", not "well-tolerant"... if you're going to call someone out then the least you could do is quote them right. 8)

If benzos weren't well-tolerated and didn't have a good safety profile then why the FUCK have they replaced barbiturates, methaqualone, GHB etc.? Why are they readily dished out to children, the elderly, small animals and people with health problems? Why is lorazepam the drug of choice in hospitals for stimulant overdoses?

You obviously know nothing about medical terminology so it might be a good idea to do your homework before getting obnoxious and trying to discredit people who know more than you. A drug doesn't have to be non-addictive to be well-tolerated, and the term 'tolerability' in this context has nothing to do with 'tolerance'.

Try again. :p
How the FUCK is that an excellent safety profile?
If you knew what a fucking 'safety profile' was then you'd see why. Is anybody on here familiar with any medical terminology or must you interpret everything subjectively? A drug doesn't have to be non-addictive to have a good safety profile.
You obviously know nothing about medical terminology so it might be a good idea to do your homework before getting obnoxious and trying to discredit people who know more than you. A drug doesn't have to be non-addictive to be well-tolerated, and the term 'tolerability' in this context has nothing to do with 'tolerance'.

This guy's right, you know.
Hey guys,

Your concern nearly brings me to tears. It's funny (in a twisted way) that I made this almost SAME exact post 2 years ago! That was after being on over 18 months of 20-40mgs a day.

I looked through my phone to see when I saw my ex. As of today it has been exactly 5 weeks ago. I was messing with xanax every few days before that as well, but just to give an accurate time frame, I'd say the HEAVY use has been for about a month. Do you still think I will risk seizures if my heavy use has been for about a month. I picked up another 30 pack yesterday, but to be honest, they are the white 2090 with the V on the back and I personally think they are SEVERLY underdosed or fake (my normal guy wasn't around, and this bitch (she really is a BITCH) I pick up from said "I should have saved some of the 30 she gave me the previous day. Fuck her and her whiny voice and shit attitude. She has the nerve to tell me, someone who has been in this "game" for nearly 2 decades to have the money fully ready (I had to pull out a $20) from the stack I was giving her, when she is speeding through my neighborhood in a fucking drop top SL Mercedes with her and her friend (they are both honestly 10's though), and then she gives me the 30 in a fucking OPEN pill bottle with no cover and has the nerve to chastize me for taking a fucking second to pull a $20 bill from what I was giving her. Sorry for the rant. It just really annoyed me and makes me not even want to deal with her, but she picked up the operation when her boyfriend, my close friend, got sent up north.

I took 10 of the supposed "fakes" (I think they are fake or under-dosed) yesterday, so if they are fake, that would mean I hadn't taken any real ones in about 48 hours now.

I dunno...I'll keep the thread updated.

Thank you for the support my friends.
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I doubt if they were completely bunk... I think you'd be in serious w/ds already due to the short half-life. I've never w/d CT from Xanax so others will have to confirm that by day two you'd be one hurting mofo.

There's some benzo (probably alprazolam) or etizolam in those tablets is my guess. But we can't know, and there's no easy test that i know of... other than to have a benzo naive person try them, better someone who could judge of they're equivalent to say 1- or 2-mg tablets. I can't endorse that approach, but it's an option.
Benzodiazepines are extremely safe drugs, just not when they're abused (either short-term with black-outs or long term with withdrawals), or mixed with other certain other drugs. But I think that'd be obvious.

If someone has been on a regiment of them for years, though, even if that's medically-supervised...I'm not sure of how good an idea that is. And that's WITH medical supervision. The OP said that he went through 100 2 mg Klonopin in a week. To me that's pretty much unfathomable how someone could do that (or even why it would be desirable in any way! To me it just seems like a huge waste of what is probably my second favorite drug) but...
Benzodiazepines have an extremely high safety profile. When administered by an MD/APRN in a closely monitored relationship with the patient only. Just like Opioids. They are truly miracle drugs. They can ameliorate practically all physical and mental suffering. Sounds great "on paper", but what makes them so "miraculous" also renders them capable of complete and utter devastation.
That is the truth keif. I just left a detox facility yesterday coming off of Xanax and two weeks later and am still not feeling normal. If I do not take my detox meds I start to have muscle twitches and mild convulsions, and this really scares me. It sucks because I still have a ton of Xanax with plenty of refills and a doctor more then willing to keep prescribing me. My family wants me to throw them out and stop seeing the doctor, but I want to continue having them around. I have not taken any since returning home and I really just want to keep refilling them until my insurance runs out here in about six months, that way I will have a bunch for emergencies years down the road...but yeah I know what that may sound like, me coming off of a bad habit and all, and my mind has tricked itself plenty of times in the past *sigh*
Benzodiazepines have an extremely high safety profile. When administered by an MD/APRN in a closely monitored relationship with the patient only. Just like Opioids. They are truly miracle drugs. They can ameliorate practically all physical and mental suffering. Sounds great "on paper", but what makes them so "miraculous" also renders them capable of complete and utter devastation.

Yep. They are handed out like candy, and yet there isn't even very much literature on how completely fucked the withdrawals from them are, not to mention the possibility of death, or permanently experiencing some sense of PAWS.
Dude it sounds like you just need to go to a detox facility for a week and they will help you get off. Honestly medical help is the only way you'll be able to get off xanax without horrible with draws. I know people who've thought they can do it themselves by taking less and less and they do for a while then one day they go back to taking a whole fuck bunch. A detox facility is going to be your safest bet to get out of this situation.
I agree that you'd be in BAD physical shape if they're fake. Weak? Possible. But they must contain.some benzo.

Honey, if time, money, thoughts/feelings, etc, weren't an issue....what would your plan be to save your life?

We are all very concerned about you.

You know what you need to do. And you know you need help for reasons like seizures. If you refuse, you have to do a safe taper and use something like valium (someone correct me if I'm wrong), if you absolutely won't get medical help. Which I pray you do. I pray and hope you wontrisk your life and seizures, and that you don't try to do this alone. It's not safe.

I know how hard life can be. I really do. It breaks my heart to know you're suffering.

You are not alone.

There is help for you.

You matter.

You are important.

You have a purpose, a mission...even if you don't know what it is yet. I promise you, I PROMISE YOU, there is a purpose. A mission to accomplish.

We have all felt and been lost. Some of us, severely so.



Please...get help to stay safe, and reclaim your life, your mind, and let the good things into your heart again.

You can be OK. You just need to be determined, and stay safe.

You have tons of support here in BL.

Be kind to yourself. Love yourself.

Please, my friend.

Go to the hospital... Be patient with them. It's better than dealing with them sloppy people bound to mess up, get caught up, and leave you in a position with nothing.
Hi, Mankind.

How are you?

Let us know. We really are worried about you, you know.

Thank you again to everyone for their concern. It means the world to me.

Well today is my last day I have access to xanax. I only have 6 left. I then have around 15 5mg valium left after that. I truly can not risk coming clean and going to detox AGAIN (for the 8th time). I have to cold turkey this. I know you all will think I am a fool but I really do not value my life. I have an education that I was blessed with that landed me jobs to earn considerably large amounts of money, plus I have a side venture going. Anyway, in the end, I always screw EVERYTHING up. It's been a non-stop pattern pretty much since I was 18. I'm too sick and tired of it. I'm over it. I always mess every opportunity up. Now I am a laid off junkie with nothing. I have not only drained my bank accounts, but am in debt tens of thousands of dollars. It is sad to say but I really do not care if I die. I felt like I was given every opportunity in this world and I fucked it up EVERY time.

So today before I go to work I will take my 6 xanax (coming down from my normal 40mg a day). Then tomorrow I will eat the remaining valium and roll the dice. Roll the dice. A perfect way to end this reply for a degenerate gambling loser such as myself. I hate to be morbid, but if you do not see me post here in a few days, it probably means I am either in the hospital after having a seizure or I died. My only hope is that someone can read through the posts I've made on this and various boards and learn from my mistakes, as I should have done when I was an impressionable teenager. Now over a decade later, I'm too tired of running in the spinning hamster wheel that is my life of using dope and xanax, getting clean, relapsing, jail, rehab, therapists, medications, fortunes of money gone, etc.

Please keep me in your thoughts. Hopefully third time WON'T be the charm because I've already had 4 grand mal seizures coming off xanax on two seperate occasions (2 each time). This will be my third time trying to stop.

I'm scared.
Don't be down on yourself for goofing up..... It will only make the anxiety and stress worse. Your only human as all of us and xanax is a tempting choice for us all... I mean it's spelled the same forward and backwords how much easier can it get. Seriously though you shouldn't feel bad to ask for help. Your life does have value. As does everyone.
pm me bro for price bro and if needed,many other chemicals, sleeping pills, anti anxiety, depressant, natural weeds
This guy's right, you know.

Yerp... The OP was just waaay over doing it... Sorry Mankind, but your intake was/is way too high, buddy. You need medical supervision, where they give you what you need for the day and that's it. You've shown that you have no self-control (specifically when it comes to benzo's, I mean), and that is OK.. Nothing to be ashamed of, you just need other people's help, professional help. They will use diazepam or clonazepam to get you off the alprazolam, then they may even have you on a low dose barbiturate for a couple weeks and then taper you off. This is from my experience with the medical assistance programs in this part of the country. It is highly effective (during treatment), but once you are released from your 30-90 day detox facility, if you don't have a strong support group and other options in life, and if you put yourself right back into that toxic environment (girlfriend???), then your chances of staying clean are going to plummet dramatically.

Seek help. Give your life over to the medical professionals for a bit. Stay clean. Have fun. Good luck.

Peace out.
