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3'flourophemetrazine V Phenzacaine

Ive been up since half 4 blasting it and posting drivel

Looks like i have a drug problem. Must be the 4th or 5th one by now
drug problem. ive been treated for hyperthermia and stimulant overdose at a rave for doing too much ees and whizz, i had to stop smoking weed for nearly 2 years due to anxiety brought on by overuse, im a heroin addict whos so far survived one od, i use benzodiazepines far too much, and im the worlds most irresponsible drunk and a total tobacco addict. I have isolated problems with guest substances from time to time, but who doesnt so the last.

So yes, this could be the 5th at least 8(
I count myself lucky i dont have a current a/c or I probably would try some of the more interesting rc's but brown is my DOC with a stone or two every now and again
drug problem. ive been treated for hyperthermia and stimulant overdose at a rave for doing too much ees and whizz, i had to stop smoking weed for nearly 2 years due to anxiety brought on by overuse, im a heroin addict whos so far survived one od, i use benzodiazepines far too much, and im the worlds most irresponsible drunk and a total tobacco addict. I have isolated problems with guest substances from time to time, but who doesnt so the last.

So yes, this could be the 5th at least 8(
Yeh mate. Totally understand. I've had speed, heroin, methadone and crack addictions in the past - with nicotine being a constant throughout. I'm currently working on alcohol, benzos and 3fpm.. Some of us fuckers just never learn do we?
I count myself lucky i dont have a current a/c or I probably would try some of the more interesting rc's but brown is my DOC with a stone or two every now and again

Blondin, i know you like diazepam, in fact its my second favourite benzo after clonazepam.

The likes of flubromazepam and clonitrazolam (clonazolam) could stand toe to toe with either of those - trust - i know we have similar tastes. The only pharm grade benzos ive found more mashing are temazepam and midazolam, and i tend to avoid these as i prefer the long acting compounds

Im not into rc's in general tho, just the tranx and this phenmetrazine, flourinated of course.
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Well its morning coffee time again. Guess what else ive got on the go....

Despite only having 200mg yesterday morning, i just couldnt wind down all day. Ive been using far too many benzos recently so, following a small dose of diclazepam i got 8 bags of moderately good gear. Because of my early morning meth i left the gear alone untill about 7pm, but 2 bags later i was still wide awake with only a small buzz from the gear, so I ended up shooting the third chasing it down with the 4th. Did the trick, the gear was stronger than I thought, its ages since Ive HAD to sit down following an IV. Ended up ok and even managed to catch a couple of quick nods, but ive managed to avoid injecting since november, so im a bit worried that i enjoyed it so much - IV has never been my roa of choice, its fiddly, dangerous, and the bags gone in a second, where i generally prefer to savour the flavour over a nice plate...
Stee, obviously you don't need me to remind you to be careful, I'm sure you know that mixing Diclaz, 'Done, Smack and 3-FPM is a dangerous game to be playing.
Especially I.V., speedballing kills way too many people.
Stay safe. <3
Stee, obviously you don't need me to remind you to be careful, I'm sure you know that mixing Diclaz, 'Done, Smack and 3-FPM is a dangerous game to be playing.
Especially I.V., speedballing kills way too many people.
Stay safe. <3

I appreciate the comments and concern Sprout. Here are my pathetic excuses.

I dont do real speedballs , there was a 12 hour gap between my vaped 3fpm and my heroin shot. Ive never been tempted to inject cocaine, whizz or any other stimulant. I appreciate the silliness of my behaviour but all of these drugs were taken hours apart, i have massive tolerances to both opiods/opiates and benzodiazepines, and i am a useless fucking junky who all to often acts before thinking.

Cheers tho for your comments again, there always helpful as they at least remind me to check myself and objectify what is really greedy craven behaviour and /or recklessly excessive mood management

Just to echo Sprout's concern, the effects of 'real' speedballs are well known, whereas nobody knows how 3fpm interacts with anything - especially its seemingly active metabolites which last for days, according to anecdotal reports and personal experience. So take care mate.

Edit: 5g 3fpm received...

In the words of the mighty KLF - '3fpm eternal' (or summat) ;)
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My own 3.5 grams still hasn't turned up...
Damn you, FUBAR! ;)
Honestly how is the 3-fpm crystal for sexy time/ wankathons when taken nasally? Can't really be vaping in my house all the time.

Ethylphenidate was a huge huge love of me for this and it's ban has left my in tears, missed out on the fire sale.

I've read mostly that 3-fpm is really pretty bland in the libido department and does little to nothing? I love sniffing chems so this will be my ROA if I ever try some.
It'll be your ROA for all of 5 seconds - the burn is somewhere between dry, uncrushed EPD crystals and 2C-I. The tissue irritation will bring those tears back for sure!
3-FPM can actually be pretty damn libidinous, provided you keep the dose low, otherwise vasoconstriction 'takes hold' (fnarr...).
It'll be your ROA for all of 5 seconds - the burn is somewhere between dry, uncrushed EPD crystals and 2C-I. The tissue irritation will bring those tears back for sure!
3-FPM can actually be pretty damn libidinous, provided you keep the dose low, otherwise vasoconstriction 'takes hold' (fnarr...).

Lol I think my nose is made from steel.

First few grams of ethylphenidate did leave my nose in pieces for weeks after but that was before I was well versed with the chem and was doing 200mg lines every hour or so.

The 20-30grams I did after that never really bothered me, mixed doses between sublingual and insufflated and realized my dose could easy be half if not less of what I was using.

I'm pretty sure they cleaned up the synth toward the end as I used to get ulcers under my tongue from sublingual also but that completely stopped happening, so really not sure. The pain is sometimes a welcome addition because I know whats around the corner, that beautiful rush.

Vaso isn't a problem either as I have access to ED drugs.

I'm wondering if people don't get the libido from 3-fpm as many seem to use it as a functional drug at low dose, perhaps 100-200mg lines every few hours would usher in this horn and more euphoria and a greater rush on top.

MPA for me was a strange one, I insufflated 500mg within an hour or so and had very minor libido increase, no euphoria or rush, just unable to sleep for a day after even with plenty of clonazolam.... didn't touch it again except when mixing with ethylphenidate for some added speedyness... perhaps a bad synth?

Anyway I don't want to bother with the 3-fpm if it's another MPA, it was pretty worthless.

God I miss ethylphenidate.
Low and behold: WEDINOS samples W003462 and W003461.
3-FPM, Lidocaine and Isopropylphenidate.

Y'all already know which particularly shoddy vendor supplied this mix as pure 3-FPM.
Finally my suspicions have been confirmed - I was convinced the wildly different effects from consecutive orders wasn't just due to my tolerance! Unfortunately, I fear many vendors might be doing the same thing, which is why i keep changing. My first vendor went to shit soon after they started selling more than 500mg samples. The next one I tried also went to shit after several orders. Now it appears that my latest vendor is going the same way judging by the order i received yesterday. it kept me awake all night, and runs totally clear, but just tastes weak and quickly 'disappears' from the foil. i've had no euphoria, no tranquility, no rush, no hornyness - just jittery stimulation, feeling uncomfortable and even palpitations - which i've never had from 3-fpm before. The most telling sign however, is that i have very little compulsion to redose - i do keep having a bit more (naturally) but nowhere near as much as I normally would because it's not having the desired recreational effects. It's now about 30 hours since I had my first toot yesterday, and i've been feeling very fatigued since this morning - with decent stuff I can stay up all weekend without even trying. The one good point is that i've got loads of decorating done today :\

I'm now starting to doubt whether I've actually had any 'pure' 3-fpm since those first small samples last November - and I'm not even certain of those tbh, I'm just presuming they would have been genuine to attract customers.

Its now got to the point where I spend all my time whilst on it analysing the effects in comparison to previous batches. I've always said that if you have to think about whether a drug is working, it's a sure sign of crap drugs, so I may be coming to the end of the road with my research on this stuff (though I think I'll try one more vendor first - just in case ;) )
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